People and things Magda Ericson - Humboldt Award Don Perkins - Holweck Prize On people Magda Ericson of the Universite de Lyon I receives the Alexander von Humboldt award for her outstanding contributions to intermediate energy physics. Don Perkins of Oxford, and a former Chairman of CERN's Scientific Policy Committee, receives the Holweck Prize awarded jointly by the UK Insti­ tute of Physics and the Societe frangaise de physique. It recognizes his many important contributions, no­ tably the earliest (1947) sighting of a cosmic ray pion interaction, and, much later, his incisive contributions to the interpretation of high energy neutrino scattering data. collider in the existing 2.2 kilometre Gell-Mann gives a lunchtime diver­ PEP tunnel. sion with 'Recording Bird Songs in the Himalayas'. US B factory plans Chalk River superconducting cyclotron fully commissioned Plans for high intensity electron-posi­ Emilio Zavattini 65 tron collider rings to manufacture B The TASCC superconducting cyclo­ particles at the Stanford Linear Ac­ Now passing a long career milestone tron at the Canadian Chalk River celerator Center (SLAC - June 1991, is imaginative CERN experimentalist Laboratory, which supplied its first page 8) and Cornell (July 1991, Emilio Zavattini. After studies in beams back in 1985, has now accel­ page 8) have encountered budget Rome and initial research work in erated uranium-238 ions to 3 MeV restrictions from the respective US cosmic rays at Testa Grigia, he came per nucleon. Eventually these ions funding agencies (Department of to CERN in 1955, joining the cosmic will be taken to 10 MeV per nucleon. Energy and the National Science ray cloud chamber project before TASCC beams now cover almost the Foundation). moving to early accelerator experi­ whole Periodic Table, from carbon to Meanwhile Cornell's CESR elec­ ments. After two years working at uranium. tron-positron ring continues to push Columbia's Nevis synchro-cyclotron for high luminosity (collision rate) and with Leon Lederman on muon cap­ could eventually allow a glimpse of ture and muonic atoms, he returned CP violation with B particle decays, 46-46 to CERN to help initiate a long and although not nearly as much as the remarkable series of such experi­ full CESR-B proposal with its asym­ The Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ ments using characteristically ingen­ metric (unequal energy) storage nology (MIT) Laboratory for Nuclear ious instrumentation and techniques. rings. Science celebrates in May its 46th Several times this has resulted in If no new money is available, the anniversary. Why 46? Founded in valuable new limits of precision. idea at SLAC is to go for a 'zero- 1946, this gives a symmetric 46-46 He has also contributed to several budget' B physics solution, slicing event. The programme extends from major hadronic physics experiments, money CERN-style from the normal The Beginnings' (Victor Weisskopf) and worked with Lederman in muon operating budget to build a twin ring to The Future' (Steven Weinberg pair studies at Brookhaven. Recently asymmetric energy electron-positron and Jerome Friedman), while Murray he has turned his attention to preci- CERN Courier, May 1992 19 RADIATION SHIELDING The features that make WOLFMET Materials the ideal choice for efficient radiation protection. • 50% more effective than the equivalent thickness of lead - ideal for application where space is at a premium. • Non-toxic, non-pyrophoric. • Low fire risk - Dimensionally stable at temperatures up to 1000°C • Tungsten based. • Ideal for collimator blocks, isotope containers, syringe shields and radiographic equipment. • Supplied in blanks or fully machined to your requirements. T GEC ALSTHOM P.O. BOX 136, Trafford Park, Manchester, M60 IAN Telephone (0)61-875 2235 Telex 667152 Facsimile (0)61-875 2695 73 Circle advertisement number on reader service form • SPECTROPHOTOMETRY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY • W M 13 Essential reading when H H 3 you need a high voltage M H power supply P s 0 H 0 s CURRENT H w TRANSFORMER 0 u BERGOZ makes w Oh 'ter Current Transformers 03 ^monitor particle beams or 75 0> 'currents at high voltage «! When you need a high voltage power engineering expertise^ s supply, there's only one place to look; our 1 this backed up levels. Faster transformers new shortform catalogue contains our range by the renowned are made by BERGOZ using 75 of custom and off the shelf standard products w quality and reliability of specially annealed Cobalt Oh and accessories ranging from 100V to 300kV the Brandenburg range of 0 at up to 60kW, more than enough for most power supplies and accessories. alloys. Standard models have 178mm inner diameter, u applications. And standard products can be Call us now for further details or i copy of 75 > risetime-falltime < 1 ns and 1.25 V/A sensitivity. Special delivered within a week! our new catalogue. 0 models can be as large as 300 mm, or very small. Other u Custom configured PSUs in weeks. If a 2 M standard product won't do, we'll deliver Astec High Voltage models can integrate picosecond risetime primary pulses H modified standard products in around half A Division of Astec Europe Limited c! u the time you'd usually expect through the use High Street, Stourbridge, with less than 1 % ratio error. M of modular design and our adaptive West Midlands DY8 4PG England. 3 w 0 Tel: 0384 393737 Fax: 0384 373511 BERGOZ Crozet, France, Fax • Tel H > U REPIC Tokyo, Japan, Fax 03-3918-5741 • Tel 03-3918-5110 ASTEC the source for brandenburg M H 0 GMW Redwood City, CA, Fax 415-368-0816*Tel 415-368-4884 W Distributors: UK: 0246 455946 GERMANY: 089/14 90 02-20 FRANCE: 1 45 47 15 95 US: 508-881-8407 17d Circle advertisement number on reader service form FIELD EMISSION GUNS • PROJECTION DISPLAYS 20 81 Circle advertisement number on reader service form CERN Courier, May 1992 Horst Nesemann of DESY in front of a new wiggler magnet at the DORIS III electron-posi­ At the 'Finland at CERN' industry exhibition on tron ring at the Hamburg Laboratory, now very 30 March, left to right; CERN's Communication much oriented towards synchrotron radiation and Public Education Group Leader Hannu I. research (July/August 1991, page 10). The Miettinen, Finnish Ambassador Antti Hynninen, new Wiggler Lab' was officially inaugurated on and Juha Nummela from Tumo of Turku. Be­ 6 February. hind them is CERN's flowering magnolia with a dusting of unseasonal late spring snow. (Photo Petra Harms) meson factories, understood as high sion quantum electrodynamics, using intensity proton machines in the Meetings a clever method to look for vacuum 0.5-1 GeV range producing a wide birefringence in a magnetic field, and range of secondary beams. to particle searches by looking for The III International Conference on As well as physics, these machines their effect on light in a magnetic Calorimetry in High Energy Physics have made a significant impact in field. will be held from 29 September-2 Oc­ other areas, notably beam therapy tober in Corpus Christi, Texas. Fur­ for cancer. The side-coupled tech­ ther information from: INTERCAL nique developed at Los Alamos is 1992 SLAC Summer Institute @SSCVX1 now used in about 2000 specially- The 13th International Magnet Tech­ built clinical machine worldwide, a The twentieth annual SLAC Summer nology Conference will be held from market valued at a billion dollars and Institute will be held from 13-24 July 20-24 September 1993 in Victoria, estimated to have handled 10 million at the Stanford Linear Accelerator British Columbia, Canada, hosted by cancer cases. Similar machines are Center. This year's topic, The Third TRIUMF. Further information from also used for non-destructive testing Family and the Physics of Flavour, P.A. Reeve, phone (604) 721-7725, of rocket and jet motor components. covers the experimental problems in fax (604) 721-7715, e-mail reeve at identifying and studying the heavy uvphys.bitnet quarks, the phenomenology of CP violation, and the possible origin of CERN Courier index flavor. The Institute is arranged in Meson factories two separate sessions - a seven-day The index for Volume 31 (1991) of school followed by a three-day topi­ A new book The Meson Factories' the CERN Courier is now avail­ cal conference. The final day of the by Torleif Ericson (CERN), Vernon able from Petra Pamblanco, DG topical conference includes a sympo­ Hughes (Yale) and Darragh Nagle Division, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, sium on the tau particle and its im­ (Los Alamos) in the Los Alamos Se­ Switzerland, fax +4122 782 1906, pact on high energy physics. Regis­ ries in Basic and Applied Sciences e-mail petra_pamblanco at tration requests to Jane Hawthorne, published by the University of Califor­ macmail.cern.ch. Please specify SSI Coordinator, SLAC, PO Box nia Press (ISBN 0-520-07549-8) is a whether you require an English or 4349, MS 62, Stanford, California suitably introduced collection of re­ French index. 94309; e-mail (bitnet) SSI at prints on the physics, accelerators, SLACVM; fax (415) 926-3587. instrumentation and applications of CERN Courier, May 1992 21 P.K. Malhotra (front row, left), with colleagues Atul Gurtu (centre) and Tariq Aziz from Bom­ bay's Tata Institute, at the opening of the 'To­ wards the LHC Experimental Programme' meeting at Evian, France, on 5 March. He died two days later. Satio Hayakawa 1923-92 (Photo CERN H112.3.92) tually became the University's Presi­ est example of his continual activity Satio Hayakawa 1923-92 dent. was to push for more research on While working on cosmic rays, gravitational waves, where he did not Doyen of Japanese physics Satio meson theory and nuclear reactions live to see the outcome.
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