Coast Guard, DHS § 10.109 Undocumented vessel means a vessel (7) Mate (pilot) of towing vessel; not required to have a certificate of (8) Apprentice mate (Steersman); documentation issued under the laws of (9) Offshore installation manager the United States. (OIM); Upper level is used as a category of (10) Barge supervisor (BS); deck and engineer officer endorsements (11) Ballast control operator (BCO); established for assessment of fees. (12) Operator of uninspected pas- Upper-level endorsements are those for senger vessels (OUPV); which the requirements are listed in (13) Master of uninspected fishing in- §§ 11.404 to 11.407 of this subchapter and dustry vessels; §§ 11.510, 11.512, 11.514, and 11.516 of this (14) Mate of uninspected fishing in- subchapter. dustry vessels; Vessel Security Officer (VSO) means a (15) Master of offshore supply vessels; person onboard the vessel accountable (16) Chief mate of offshore supply to the Master, designated by the Com- vessels; pany as responsible for security of the (17) Mate of offshore supply vessels; vessel, including implementation and (18) Chief engineer; maintenance of the Vessels Security (19) Chief engineer (limited); Plan, and for liaison with the Facility (20) Chief engineer (limited-ocean); Security Officer and the vessel’s Com- (21) Chief engineer (limited-near- pany Security Officer. coastal); Western rivers means the Mississippi (22) First assistant engineer; River, its tributaries, South Pass, and (23) Second assistant engineer; Southwest Pass, to the navigational (24) Third assistant engineer; demarcation lines dividing the high (25) Assistant engineer (limited); seas from harbors, rivers, and other in- (26) Designated duty engineer (DDE); land waters of the United States, and (27) Chief engineer offshore supply the Port Allen-Morgan City Alternate vessel; Route, and that part of the (28) Engineer offshore supply vessel; Atchafalaya River above its junction (29) Chief engineer MODU; with the Port Allen-Morgan City Alter- (30) Assistant engineer MODU; nate Route including the Old River and (31) Chief engineer uninspected fish- the Red River, and those waters speci- ing industry vessels; fied in 33 CFR 89.25. (32) Assistant engineer uninspected Year means 360 days for the purpose fishing industry vessels; of complying with the service require- (33) Radio officer; ments of this subchapter. (34) First class pilot [USCG–2006–24371, 74 FR 11216, Mar. 16, 2009, (35) Chief purser; as amended by USCG–2004–17455, 77 FR 31517, (36) Purser; May 29, 2012; USCG–2012–0832, 77 FR 59774, (37) Senior assistant purser; Oct. 1, 2012] (38) Junior assistant purser; (39) Medical doctor; § 10.109 Classification of endorse- (40) Professional nurse; ments. (41) Marine physician assistant; (a) The following officer endorse- (42) Hospital corpsman; and ments are established in part 11 of this (43) Radar observer. subchapter. The endorsements indicate (b) The following rating endorse- that an individual holding a valid MMC ments are established in part 12 of this with this endorsement is qualified to subchapter. The endorsements indicate serve in that capacity and the endorse- that an individual holding a valid MMC ment has been issued under the re- with this endorsement is qualified to quirements contained in part 11 of this serve in that capacity and the endorse- subchapter: ment has been issued under the re- (1) Master; quirements contained in part 12 of this (2) Chief mate; subchapter: (3) Second mate; (1) Able seaman: (4) Third mate; (i) Any waters, unlimited; (5) Mate; (ii) Limited; (6) Master of towing vessel; (iii) Special; and 107 VerDate Mar<15>2010 19:35 Nov 06, 2012 Jkt 226196 PO 00000 Frm 00117 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\46\46V1.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 10.201 46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–12 Edition) (iv) Special (OSV). (7) Rating forming part of a naviga- (2) Ordinary seaman. tional watch (RFPNW). (3) Qualified member of the engine (8) Rating forming part of a watch in department (QMED): a manned engineroom or designated to (i) Refrigerating engineer; perform duties in a periodically un- (ii) Oiler; manned engineroom (RFPEW). (iii) Deck engineer; (9) Proficiency in survival craft and (iv) Fireman/Watertender; (v) Junior engineer; rescue boats other than fast rescue (vi) Electrician; boats (PSC). (vii) Machinist; (10) Proficiency in fast rescue boats. (viii) Pumpman; (11) Person in charge of medical care. (ix) Deck engine mechanic; and (12) Medical first aid provider. (x) Engineman. (13) GMDSS at-sea maintainer. (4) Lifeboatman. (14) GMDSS operator. (5) Wiper. (15) Tankerman PIC. (6) Steward’s department (16) Tankerman assistant. (7) Steward’s department (F.H.). (17) Tankerman engineer. (8) Cadet. (9) Student observer. [USCG–2006–24371, 74 FR 11216, Mar. 16, 2009, (10) Apprentice engineer. as amended by USCG–2006–24371, 74 FR 39218, (11) Apprentice mate. Aug. 6, 2009] (c) The following ratings are estab- lished in part 13 of this subchapter. The Subpart B—General Requirements endorsements indicate that an indi- vidual holding a valid MMC with this for All Merchant Mariner Cre- endorsement is qualified to serve in dentials that capacity and the endorsement has been issued under the requirements § 10.201 General characteristics of the contained in part 13 of this subchapter: merchant mariner credential. (1) Tankerman PIC. (a) A merchant mariner credential (2) Tankerman PIC (Barge). (MMC) (Coast Guard Form CG–4610), is (3) Restricted tankerman PIC. a credential combining the elements of (4) Restricted tankerman PIC the merchant mariner’s document (Barge). (MMD), merchant mariner’s license (li- (5) Tankerman assistant. cense), and certificate of registry (6) Tankerman engineer. (COR) enumerated in 46 U.S.C. subtitle (d) The following STCW endorse- II part E as well as the STCW endorse- ments are established by STCW and ment issued pursuant to the STCW issued according to the STCW Code, Convention and STCW Code incor- STCW Convention and parts 11 and 12 of this subchapter. The endorsements porated by reference in § 10.103. MMDs, indicate that an individual holding a licenses, STCW endorsements and valid MMC with this endorsement is CORs are no longer issued as separate qualified to serve in that capacity and documents and all qualifications for- the endorsement has been issued under merly entered on those separate docu- the requirements contained in parts 11 ments appear in the form of an en- or 12 of this subchapter as well as the dorsement(s) on an MMC. STCW Code and STCW Convention (in- (b) An MMC authorizes the holder to corporated by reference see § 10.103): serve in any capacity endorsed thereon, (1) Master. or in any lower capacity in the same (2) Chief mate. department, or in any capacity covered (3) Officer in charge of a navigational by a general endorsement. watch (OICNW). (c) An MMC may be issued to quali- (4) Chief engineer. fied applicants by the National Mari- (5) Second engineer officer. time Center or at any Regional Exam- (6) Officer in charge of an engineering watch in a manned engineroom or des- ination Center during usual business ignated duty engineer in a periodically hours, or through the mail. unmanned engineroom (OICEW). 108 VerDate Mar<15>2010 19:35 Nov 06, 2012 Jkt 226196 PO 00000 Frm 00118 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\46\46V1.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150.
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