KC Water Blue River Wastewater Treatment Plant Biosolids Facility BASIS OF DESIGN REPORT FINAL | January 2020 This document is released to the City of Kansas City, Missouri and Shortlisted Respondents as part of the Request for Proposals Package issued January 24, 2020, Project No. 81000821 – Contract Number 1595. This report does not incorporate any modifications made by subsequent addenda since this report was initially issued to Shortlisted Respondents. KC Water Blue River Wastewater Treatment Plant Biosolids Facility BASIS OF DESIGN REPORT FINAL | January 2020 CERTIFICATION PAGE Project/Contract Number __081000821/1595______ Project Title _Blue River Biosolids Facility Project_______ I am responsible for the following sections of the Basis of Design Report: Structural (SEAL) 00005 Construction Certification Page 050113 Modified For WSD 072916 Contract Central BASIS OF DESIGN REPORT | BLUE RIVER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT BIOSOLIDS FACILITY | KC WATER Contents Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Purpose of Design Criteria Documents 1-1 1.1.1 Basis of Design Report Organization 1-1 1.2 Design Criteria for the Representative Project 1-2 1.2.1 Fixed Design Criteria 1-2 1.2.2 Indicative Design Criteria 1-2 1.2.3 Indicative-Preferred Design Criteria 1-2 1.3 Project Overview 1-2 Chapter 2: Performance Requirements 2.1 Introduction 2-1 2.2 Influent Flows and Loads 2-1 2.3 Process Modeling Conditions and Results 2-3 Chapter 3: Project Siting & Existing Facilities 3.1 Existing Site Conditions 3-1 3.1.1 Site Survey & Potholing Data 3-1 3.1.2 LIDAR Information 3-1 3.1.3 Geotechnical Report 3-2 Chapter 4: Treatment Process Design Criteria 4.1 Introduction 4-1 4.2 Drawings and Informational Design Documents 4-1 4.2.1 Drawings 4-1 4.2.2 Informational Only (BIM and Sketchup) 4-2 4.3 General Treatment Equipment Procurement Requirements 4-2 4.4 Sludge Screening 4-2 4.4.1 Process Description 4-2 4.4.2 Basis of Design 4-3 4.4.3 Sludge Screens 4-3 4.4.4 Sludge Pumps 4-4 4.4.5 Support Equipment 4-4 4.4.6 Sludge Screening Building 4-4 FINAL | JANUARY 2020 | i pw://Carollo/Documents/Client/MO/Kansas City/11168A60/Deliverables/_Basis of Design/BRBF Final BODR 20200124 KC WATER | BLUE RIVER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT BIOSOLIDS FACILITY | BASIS OF DESIGN REPORT 4.4.7 Control Narrative 4-5 4.5 East Holding Tank 4-6 4.5.1 Process Description 4-6 4.5.2 Basis of Design 4-6 4.5.3 Tank Mixing Improvements 4-6 4.5.4 Pre-THP Sludge Supply Loop 4-7 4.5.5 Structural Modifications 4-9 4.5.6 Control Narrative 4-9 4.6 Pre-THP Dewatering and Cake Storage 4-10 4.6.1 Process Description 4-10 4.6.2 Basis of Design 4-10 4.6.3 Pre-THP Centrifuge Feed Pumping 4-11 4.6.4 Pre-THP Dewatering Centrifuges 4-12 4.6.5 Pre-THP Cake Conveyance 4-12 4.6.6 Pre-THP Cake Silos 4-13 4.6.7 Pre-THP Cake Pumping 4-14 4.6.8 Control Narrative 4-14 4.7 Thermal Hydrolysis Process and Steam Generation 4-15 4.7.1 Process Description 4-15 4.7.2 Basis of Design 4-16 4.7.3 Control Narrative 4-21 4.8 Digester Improvements 4-23 4.8.1 Process Description 4-23 4.8.2 Basis of Design 4-24 4.8.3 Sludge Stabilization 4-25 4.8.4 Digester Mixing 4-26 4.8.5 Sludge Heating and Cooling 4-27 4.8.6 Sludge Inlet Piping and Digested Sludge Transfer 4-27 4.8.7 Digester Biogas Collection 4-29 4.8.8 Additional Considerations 4-31 4.8.9 Control Narrative 4-32 4.9 West Holding Tank Improvements 4-33 4.9.1 Process Description 4-33 ii | JANUARY 2020 | FINAL BASIS OF DESIGN REPORT | BLUE RIVER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT BIOSOLIDS FACILITY | KC WATER 4.9.2 Basis of Design 4-33 4.9.3 Tank Mixing Improvements 4-33 4.9.4 Digester Biogas Storage 4-34 4.9.5 West Holding Tank Supply Loop 4-37 4.9.6 Digester Sludge Recirculation Pumps 4-38 4.9.7 Additional Considerations 4-39 4.9.8 Structural Modifications 4-40 4.9.9 Control Narrative 4-40 4.10 Post-THP Dewatering and Cake Storage 4-44 4.10.1 Process Description 4-44 4.10.2 Basis of Design 4-45 4.10.3 Post-THP Centrifuge Feed Pumping 4-45 4.10.4 Post-THP Dewatering Centrifuges 4-45 4.10.5 Post-THP Cake Conveyance 4-46 4.10.6 Post-THP Cake Silo 4-47 4.10.7 Cake Loadout 4-48 4.10.8 Control Narrative 4-48 4.11 Biogas Processing 4-49 4.11.1 Process Description 4-49 4.11.2 Basis of Design 4-49 4.11.3 Control Narrative 4-50 4.12 Sidestream Treatment 4-51 4.12.1 Process Description 4-51 4.12.2 Basis of Design 4-51 4.12.3 ANITATM Mox 4-52 4.12.4 Additional Considerations 4-55 4.12.5 HVAC/Odor Control Requirements 4-56 4.13 Polymer Storage and Feed Facilities 4-56 4.13.1 Process Description 4-56 4.13.2 Basis of Design 4-56 4.13.3 Pre-THP Polymer Storage Tank and Polymer Recirculation Pumps 4-57 4.13.4 Pre-THP Polymer Blending Units 4-57 4.13.5 Pre-THP Polymer Aging Tanks 4-58 FINAL | JANUARY 2020 | iii KC WATER | BLUE RIVER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT BIOSOLIDS FACILITY | BASIS OF DESIGN REPORT 4.13.6 Pre-THP Centrifuge Polymer Solution Feed Pumps 4-59 4.13.7 Polymer Slip Injection Pumps 4-59 4.13.8 Post-THP Polymer 4-60 4.13.9 Control Narrative 4-60 4.14 Odor Control Systems 4-63 4.14.1 Process Description 4-63 4.14.2 Basis of Design 4-63 4.14.3 Pre-THP Area Odor Control 4-64 4.14.4 Post-THP Area Odor Control 4-65 4.14.5 Additional Considerations 4-67 4.15 Trickling Filter Snails Removal 4-68 4.16 Deductive Work Items 4-69 4.16.1 Replacement of Solids Building Elevator (Deductive Work Item No. 1) 4-69 4.16.2 Exhaust Stack Demolition (Deductive Work Item No. 2) 4-69 4.16.3 Radio Relocation or Replacement (Deductive Work Item No. 3) 4-69 4.16.4 Trickling Filter Snail Removal System (Deductive Work Item No. 4) 4-69 4.16.5 Second Flare (Deductive Work Item No. 5) 4-69 Chapter 5: Discipline Design Criteria 5.1 Civil 5-1 5.1.1 Codes and Standards 5-1 5.1.2 Survey 5-5 5.1.3 Geotechnical Requirements 5-6 5.1.4 Environmental Requirements 5-6 5.1.5 Demolition 5-7 5.2 Structural 5-7 5.2.1 Basis of Design 5-7 5.2.2 Facilities Requirements 5-11 5.2.3 Codes and Standards 5-13 5.2.4 Structural Design References 5-13 5.2.5 Structural Materials and Specifications 5-14 5.3 Architectural 5-27 5.3.1 Basis of Design 5-27 iv | JANUARY 2020 | FINAL BASIS OF DESIGN REPORT | BLUE RIVER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT BIOSOLIDS FACILITY | KC WATER 5.3.2 Facilities Requirements 5-27 5.3.3 Codes and Standards 5-35 5.3.4 Materials and Specifications 5-36 5.4 Electrical 5-60 5.4.1 Basis of Design 5-60 5.4.2 Codes and Standards 5-76 5.4.3 Electrical Design References 5-76 5.5 SCADA, Instrumentation & Controls 5-76 5.5.1 Basis of Design 5-76 5.5.2 Codes and Standards 5-77 5.5.3 Control System Design Requirements 5-77 5.5.4 Instrumentation Design Requirements 5-87 5.5.5 SCADA System Application Programming Design Requirements 5-92 5.6 Building Mechanical (HVAC, Plumbing and Fire Protection) 5-93 5.6.1 Basis of Design 5-93 5.6.2 Facilities Requirements 5-96 5.6.3 Codes and Standards 5-99 5.6.4 Mechanical Design References 5-99 5.6.5 Mechanical Piping and Ductwork Materials 5-99 5.7 Mechanical Piping and Valves 5-100 5.7.1 Basis of Design 5-100 5.7.2 Codes and Standards 5-101 5.7.3 Pipe Material Design Requirements 5-102 5.7.4 Valve Design Requirements 5-108 5.7.5 Pipe System Design Requirements 5-113 5.8 Security (Physical and System) 5-114 Chapter 6: Permitting Responsibility Tables Table 2.1 Blue River WWTP Forecasted Population and TSS and BOD5 Loadings 2-1 Table 2.2 Birmingham WWTP Forecasted Population and TSS and BOD5 Loadings 2-2 Table 2.3 Westside WWTP Forecasted Population and TSS and BOD5 Loadings 2-2 FINAL | JANUARY 2020 | v KC WATER | BLUE RIVER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT BIOSOLIDS FACILITY | BASIS OF DESIGN REPORT Table 2.4 Forecasted Nutrient Load for Blue River WWTP, Birmingham WWTP and Westside WWTP 2-3 Table 2.5 Raw Sludge Production 2-5 Table 2.6 Anaerobic Digestion 2-7 Table 2.7 Dewatering Sidestream 2-9 Table 4.1 Sludge Screening Flows and Loading Design Criteria 4-3 Table 4.2 Sludge Screen Design Criteria 4-3 Table 4.3 Sludge Pump Design Criteria 4-4 Table 4.4 Sludge Screening Support Equipment Design Criteria 4-4 Table 4.5 Sludge Screening Building Design Criteria 4-5 Table 4.6 Existing East Holding Tank Parameters 4-6 Table 4.7 East Holding Tank Mixing Pumps Design Criteria 4-7 Table 4.8 Design Criteria for Pre-THP Sludge Supply Loop Pumps 4-8 Table 4.9 Pre-THP Sludge Supply Loop Pumps Operational Points 4-8 Table 4.10 Pre-THP Sludge Supply Loop Pumps Design Criteria 4-8 Table 4.11 Basis of Design for Pre-THP Dewatering and Cake Storage 4-10 Table 4.12 Design Criteria for Pre-THP Inline Grinders 4-11 Table 4.13 Design Criteria for Pre-THP Centrifuge Feed Pumps 4-11 Table 4.14 Design Criteria for Pre-THP Centrifuges 4-12 Table 4.15 Design Criteria for Reversible Screw Conveyors 4-13 Table 4.16 Design Criteria for Pre-THP Cake Silos 4-13 Table 4.17 Design Criteria for Pre-THP Cake Pumps 4-14 Table 4.18 THP System Design Criteria 4-17 Table 4.19 Design Criteria for Thermally Hydrolyzed Sludge to Digestion 4-24 Table 4.20 Existing Digester Tank Parameters 4-24 Table 4.21 Future Operational Parameters of Blue River WWTP Anaerobic Digesters 4-25 Table 4.22 Design Criteria for the Existing Digester Mixing System 4-26 Table 4.23 Sludge Surface Elevations 4-28 Table 4.24 Sludge Transfer Design Criteria 4-28 Table 4.25 Digester Gas Production 4-30 Table 4.26 Digester Biogas Collection System Capacity 4-31 Table 4.27 West Holding Tank Geometry 4-33 Table 4.28 Design Criteria for West Holding Tank Mixing System 4-34 vi | JANUARY 2020 | FINAL BASIS OF DESIGN REPORT | BLUE RIVER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT BIOSOLIDS FACILITY | KC WATER Table 4.29 Digester Biogas Storage Membrane Design Criteria 4-35 Table 4.30 Design
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