-HYDRAULIC RESEARCH in the UNITED STATES St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory, University of Minnesota U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS WASHINGTON, D. C. VOLUME XI U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS W. Averell Harriman, Secretary E. U. Condon, Director National Hydraulic Laboratory of the National Bureau of Standards HYDRAULIC RESEARCH IN THE UNITED STATES Edited by Florence L. Bain Volume XI * April 1947 CONTENTS Foreword . 4 Translations . 142 Key to projects 4 Committees ..... 145 Current projects . 5 Laboratory notes . .... 147 Completed projects 95 Subject index of projects .... 155 HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES Alaska, University of . 152 Arkansas, University of . 1^7 Armour Research Foundation . 5 Baldwin Locomotive Works . 5 Bonneville Hydraulic Laboratory . 64, 130, 152 Brooklyn, Polytechnic Institute of . 147 Buoknell University . 6 Byron Jackson Company.147 California Institute of Technology . 6, 95 California, University of College of Agriculture, Davis . 11 College of Agriculture, Los Angeles . l4 C lege of Engineering, Berkeley.15, 96 College of Engineering, Los Angeles...20, 147 California, University of Southern . 20 Carnegie Institute of Technology . 21, 9S Catholic University of America . 147 Clemson Agricultural College . l4g Colorado A & M College.21, 99* l4g Colorado, University of . 23 2 Columbia University Department of Civil Engineering . .... 24 Department of Mechanical Engineering . ... lk8 Cornell University . .... 99 Dartmouth College ..... .... 152 Florida, University of . l4g George Washington University . .... 152 Idaho, University of . 25, Iks Illinois, University of . 26, 100 Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Researoh . 26, 100 Iowa, State University of . 26, 100 Lafayette College . .... 152 Leffel & Company, The James . l4g Lehigh University . 32, 103 Louisiana State University and A & M College . 104, l4g Maine, University of . l4g Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Civil and Sanitary Engineering . l4g Department of Mechanical Engineering . .... 33 Michigan, University of .... • 34, ik$ Minnesota, University of . 35, 104 Missouri, University of . .... 39 National Hydraulic Laboratory . 53, 116, 152 New Jersey, State of . .... 149 Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company . 39, 105 New York University . .... 152 North Carolina, University of . .... 4i Northwestern University . 4l, 149 Ohio State University . 42, 107 Oklahoma A & M College . .... 152 Oklahoma, The University of . .... 149 Oregon State College . .... 149 Felton Water Wheel Company . .... 149 Pennsylvania State College . .... 42 Pennsylvania, University of . .... 44 Pennsylvania Water & Power Company . 44, log Princeton University . .... 46 Purdue University . .... log Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute . .... 150 Researoh Foundation for Cross-Connection Control .... 20 Rochester, University of . .... 152 Rocky Mountain Hydraulic Laboratory . .... 150 St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory . 35, 52, 104 S. Morgan Smith Company . 46, 109 Southern Methodist University . 4g Stanford University . .... 110 Stevens Institute of Technology . 49, 150 3 Syracuse University.,.151 Taylor Model Basin..58, 127 Tennessee, The University of.151 Texas A & M College.151 Union College.152 U. S. Waterways Experiment Station.68, 132, 142 Utah State Agricultural College. 49 Washington, The State College of . 151 Washington, University of . Ill Wayne University. 151 Wisconsin, University of.1+5 , 111 Worcester Polyteohnlo Institute . II5 Yale University.152 U. S. GOVERNMENT LABORATORIES Department of Agriculture Forest 3ervioe, California Forest & Range Experiment Station ... 90, 116 Soil Conservation Service, Coshocton, Ohio . 50 Soil Conservation Servioe, Division of Drainage and Water Control .. 152 Soli Conservation Servioe, Logan, Utah . 52 Soli Conservation Service, Minneapolis, Minn. 52 Soil Conservation Service, Stillwater, Ofcla. 52 Department of Commerce National Bureau of Standards.53 • 116» 152 National Hydraulio Laboratory . 53, 116, 152 Weather Bureau . 56 Department of the Interior Geological Survey . 57 Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Col.57, 118, 14-2, 152 Bureau of Reclamation, El Paso, Tex.„.127 Navy Department David Taylor Model Basin.58, 127 U. S. Naval Engineering Experiment Station . 61 Panama Canal Hydraulic Laboratory . 6l, 127 Tennessee Valley Authority . 152 War Department, Corps of Engineers, Beach Erosion Board . .. 6l Los Angeles District.63* 130 Portland District.64, 130, I52 St. Paul Dlstrlot.65, 131, 142 U. S. Waterways Experiment Station ..68, 132, 142 FOREIGN LABORATORIES European and Aslatlo laboratories . 153 MoGill university . 153 Montreal, Ecole Polyteohnlque de . 94, 141 Shawlnigan Water and Power Company . 153 Toronto, University of . 95 FOREWORD This bulletin, Volume XI, Hydraulic Research in the United States, is the first edition to be published sinoe 19^2, when Volume X appeared. The first volume was issued by the National Bureau of Standards In 1933; and other volume® annually thereafter until 1942, when publication was discontinued because of the war. It Is expected that in the future it will be issued annually. As heretofore, the information contained in this bulletin is compiled with the cooperation of the various hydraulic and hydrologic laboratories in the United States. It contains, so far as it has been possible to collect it, a summary of research now in progress in these laboratories, as well as research which has been completed sinoe the last bulletin was Issued. Because of the lapse of time sinoe the last issue and the great amount of material received for this edition, it has seemed desirable to classify informa¬ tion somewhat differently than previously. The first section of the bulletin 18 devoted, as usual, to reports on ourrent projeots. Following that, the section dealing with abstracts of completed projects and references to publica¬ tions has been enlarged and now Includes full reports, where available, of projects which have been completed during the past five years. A new section. Laboratory Notes, has been added, in order to present up-to-date information about laboratory activities. A new numbering system has been started, and in this edition the new project number is given first, followed by the project number formerly assigned in the case of old projects. This old number will be dropped in subsequent Issues and only the new number will appear. In the section devoted to reports on completed projects, no new numbers have been assigned, but the old number, when one has previously been assigned, is given for purposes of identification. It is emphasised again that the National Bureau of Standards does not have in its files reports or detailed information regarding the research projects reported by other organizations. Suoh information may be obtained from the correspondent listed under (d) or immediately following the title of the organiza¬ tion. Copies of this bulletin are supplied to interested persons and organizations without charge and may be obtained by writing to the Chief, National Hydraulic Laboratory, National Bureau of Standards, Washington 25» D. C. A mailing list is maintained which includes the names of persons who have requested this service in writing. Because of the disruption of laboratory work generally during the war, the mailing list needs oomplete revision, and changes, corrections, and additions are solicited. The supply of earlier bulletins is exhausted and there are no more copies for general distribution. A few copies are available to libraries only. KEY TO PROJECT8 (a) Title of project. (d) Correspondent. (g) Scope and method. (b) Project conducted for. (e) Nature of project (h) Present status. (c) Investigators. (f) Purpose. (i) Remarks. 5 CURRENT PROJECT3 ARMOUR RESEARCH FOUNDATION, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chioago 16, Ill. (1) FLUID FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER IN ARTIFICIALLY ROUGHENED PIPES. (b) Research Corporation, Manitowoc Shipbuilding Corporation, Armour Research Foundation, and Illinois Institute of Technology. (o) V. L. Streeter, R. G. Owens, R. A. Budenholzer, 0. E. Telchmann. (d) Prof. V. L. Streeter, 35 West 33rd Street, Chioago 16, Ill. (e) Experimental for general information. (f) To confirm the Prandtl-von KirmAn velocity distribution and resistance laws in geometrically roughened pipes, and to obtain heat transfer data. (g) Three geometrically similar roughnesses are maohlned into 5-inoh aluminum tubing. Velocity distributions, pressure drops, and turbulence measurements are to be taken. (h) Pipes now being roughened, instruments under construction. (I) Progress reports issued quarterly. THE BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, I. P. Morris Department, Eddystone, Pa. (2) EFFICIENCY, HORSEPOWER AND CAVITATION TESTS - ADJUSTABLE BLADE, PROPELLER TYPE TURBINE MODELS. (b) The Baldwin Locomotive Works, I. P. Morris Department. (c) R. B„ Willi, Supervising Engineer; H. J. Davis, Supervisor of Hydraullo Laboratory. (d) H. J. Davis, Supervisor of Hydraulic Laboratory, I. P. Morris Dept., The Baldwin Locomotive Works, Eddystone, Pa. (e) Experimental research in connection with future design of product. (f) To improve upon turbine performance. (g) Runners of various designs in combination with different turbine settings are being tested in a closed flume, the hydraulic gradient of which may be raised or lowered to simulate the operating conditions of a commercial prototype. (h) Tests are in progress. (3) EFFICIENCY, HORSEPOWER AND CAVITATION TESTS - FRANCIS TYPE TURBINE MODELS. (b) The Baldwin
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