Springfield, NJ • (973) 258-9009 «• »«» B 888 ||| ^

Springfield, NJ • (973) 258-9009 «• »«» B 888 ||| ^

Cranford Chronicle March 1,2i Moving & Painting & Plumbing 1085II Autos for Sale 1385 Autos for Sale 1385 Autos for Sale 13851 Autos for Sale 1385 Autos for Sale 1385 I Autos for Sale 1385 Antique & VOLVO V70 OT Storage 107011 Paperhanging 1075 NATALE PLUMBING/HTG BUICK CENTURV •m- 100k, CHEVY CAVALIER 224 •»•' RMD MUSTANO OT CONV MTSUMM PONTUC 60001906. Classic Autos 1394 3000 am. w Wagon, loaded, like new No jdb too Big or Small 4dr, PW..PL, look» & runs Red W Uacfc InL, 62K, orte. •91- Vortech, Spr chargs, 4dr,53K,a» power, AC, red, fully loaded, leather, cond, 27K ml.. Asking SCHAEFER MOVINO 908-322-4298 Dennis Natale great, hew brakes/tires, owner, ps, pb, AC, CC, mo*i 0T40 Eng., loaded In/out, 97,500 ml., $9,000 Call exc cond, $3,000 ' I280C80-6 roof/ exc. cond., .have 'all , $22.000. 79^967-1737 4«pd.4OR.iunrbof,1S aMBMIUMO Plumbing lie + run *V? •SSSXVoba 906-490.1890 $11000. 908-2764964 908-241-5730 738O82-3991 2hr mln. Low Rates. Ins. Ue. Dedcpmsertatfcn- AUrspelra paperwork, asking $7000 Good run'r some n .. MUSTANO .'95 - 3.8 liter VW JETTA VBr 57k,: AT, PM00561.908/964-1216 9OB-429-2095 w/ stock stereo Cass. or FORD THUNDERBIRD LX PONTUC ONAND AM W $2800/Cba S084894790 CADILLAC *91 SEDAN manual, red,' PW, dual AC, winroof, green, exc. Wallpaper 1173 SEVILLE-121K hi. ml. $8000 w/ custom ttereo *93- Sunroof 4 extras, 112k Drift, 2 door, blue, arbgs, PS, cd am/fm, 47K, cond, $8900. PONTIAC 1958 StarJj equip. 908-624-0999 clean, 98k, $4000 obo. runs but needs trans., *«XV 5ALACKI PAINTIHQ Black. $6400. Will consider perfect BO 732488-7768 008-847-2937 Chief, 4 dr, A-1 cond.,; Painting & WALLPAPERINQ BY trade. 908-322-6607 . 90846S-0227 obo. 908-92S4287 Wallpaper, IntJExt. FEMININE TOUCH - DATSUN '83- 28OZX 2+2, $12,000. Possible swap,'! TOYOTA 4 RUNNER <99< WE BUY CARS. HIQH- Paperhanging 1075 diitftty work SI OOhn, SffltoH all pwr, t-top», runs well, HONDA ACCORD EX *99- • MUSTSKUl* for convertible. Call > Reasonable rates. CADILLAC FLEETWOOD fully loaded, 23K, Ask- EST .PRICES I>AID, Why pay more? 73^564-1319 needs body work, $1000. 4pr, all pwr, CO, sunroof, MUSTANO OT CONV. 732488-3142 ; Prompt service. Free es- •83 - Fully Id,, very gd ing $24,000/bo, MARANO & IONS ' 908-8B9-474e 4cyl,27k,$18,0D0, "95 - 5 spd wW.Wtai »», A1 Richard'* painting timates. Mo Job Too cond, hew trans, 79K , 7324024222 AUTO SALES, INC. DODOE '77 WON - 1 908-486-1600 kadfet gmoToond 5BK. Experienced. Int./ext. SfEUMAN & DAUGHTER Small! 908/231-0282 ml,, new battery & muf- $11#ntob908337Z101 507-13 South Av»., 160 Four Wheel Owner, PB, PS, Air, NeW TOYOTA 4 RUNNER SR5 Very, reasonable. Free . Painting, Window Wash & fler. $1500 pbd. LINCOLN TOWN CAH '93- South Av».,Qaiwood : tires. $1^00.908*87-5897 •92- V8, &0L 5 spd,,4WD, Drive Est. Fully Ins, 24 hr. Repair, Putty & Caulk, Transportation •-...• 732/721-7351. Signature, good cond., ga- NISSAN MAXIMA QXE -96 125K, toaosd, well main- HONDA ACCORD LX '98- answering serv. .'.' Paper hanging. 32yr& exp. DODOE: QRAND CARA- raged, family car, New WB,auto, ABS, air, snrf, fuqy tained, • many new parts, Greon, 90k highway ml., 732-499-9234 Insured- (908)526-3382 VAN *90- 12SK, new bat- tires & battl $600Q/obo. loaded, anVfm cast, T9JBO0 $8400/000. 906473-2898 4dr, AT, all pwr, mint, FORD EXPLORER XLT •94 - 4 WD, slick, A/C, Autos for Sale 1385 57K brig, mllM, Vary tery, brakes, etc. Asking 908-832-9402 ml. $10,900 908418-0583 Days or 9084324039 8Jfl.Boo.73fraae.iBi4 OLD QUY PAINTINQ. cond, Uaiher Inter. $2400. 009-273-5694 . Eves atk for Steve. loaded, clean, Must Selll MERCURY COUOAR -91- NISSAN MAXIMA SB -96 • HYUNDAI EXCEL -94- Gold, Need Interior painting? WEEKEND PAINTINQ AUDI "93 • SERIES 90 - A ,50a 908-654*586 $8,400 908-233-9017 Since 1893 DODOE INTREPID "94- V6, Exc. cond., leather, moon- TOYOTA CAMRV LE '90- w Call the Old Guy dr., auto., . 72K, ' pearl, 97K, V8, fully loaded, Hatchback, We, 4 speaker Small Jobs welcome • exa cond, 77.500 ml., nily . roof, BOM audto, ABS, SOK, 4dr, V6, 71k, ATjABS, Vol.113. No. 10 908/769-8971 p/everythlng, cass., snrf., great cond., Asking S2600. Alpine cass., manual, B3K, Call Tom 732-968-49^4 CHEVY ASTRO VAN <93- loaded, trailer Wtdv $6500/ $1230 908-277-1138 leather, hewtlrea, loaded, Trucks & well malnt., many new OBO. 908489-0266 $1500. 908-769-6914 AWD Every avail, option. obo. 8am 908-277-1132 OLDS CUTLASS '89- 140k, $4250. 908-2774388 I CRANFORD • GARWOOD * KENILWORTH Thursday. March 8. 2001 50 cents: parts, mint cond,, $8500 MAZDA 626 ZX '91-great Trailers Super clean, 178K, $339S/bba FOHD EXPLORER SPORT MERCURY MOUNTAINEER 4dr, AT, Reliable Oldie but 908-273-2858 days, VOLVO 740 OLE '90 - cohd., head* »ome work, 732-3B25474 after 43d •98t. All pwr,, 68k, «te- WrAWD, loaded tac. Goodie. $950. WHEELS TO GO 908-8324039 eves. cond, all pwr., Khr. IrtL, 105K,. gd. cond., exc. $1700/bl)O. 732-968-4790 •94 FORD RANOER recVcass, CC, Mlt, ABS, exc. 908-464-3072 maintenance, $S,000/obo | AUDI. A4 '98/ Qtro, 1.BT, CHEVY BERETTA '95 - moonroof, CO, new Ures, MERCUHV SABLE LS'97 SPLASH- 62k, Clean, A/C, AUTO CREDIT HOTLINE d$1i^n 7^2-3964382 ; OLDS, CUTLASS SUPREME 908-322-9276 , • red, 5 Bpd, snrf, peri, end, black cherry, 2 dr, exc. orig. - owner, 67,900' ml., ftd,B1K,leatt,, P/S.CD $5#M. (908) Ml- FORD EXPLORER XLT FE *89- loaded runs/look* SPECIAL FINANCING FOR EVERYONE goigtl warranty, Ik new, 7400 c6rtd.,40K,. $15,500. VOLVO 850. OLT-94 - 4 dr. waning, me cond, bdfl owner, 3840 ask lor Mka '96- 54K, CD, sunroof, . great! DepandabM $2300 fkm Around tnL$22,90P 917-282-0240 908-209-5779 sedan. Blue/gre«n metallic $9800. 073-543.24S4 F2S0 ptESEL «6- Good wok BAD CREDIT IS GOOD CREDIT HERE leather, • exc/ cond, MERCURY SABLE '93- Chuck 908434-6507 Area cops not concerned by closing of Elizabeth jail ton leatharlnter;, auto, AC, CHEVY CELEBRITY '86- MSSAN SENIRA WimrW truck, nxl mechanic owned BMW3251'&B- sunroof, $15,500 973^13^3342 Fully loaded, leather IhL, OLDS. SILHOUETTE "96 - SB, CO, cold weather pkg., 4 Call Mr. Jay for Models & Prices edWon. Loaded, am*n atoreo, $180090S637«004 By GREG MARX '. am/fm CDJ exc. cond., 4DR, blue, 70K, run* ISUZU RODEO •«• Good auto., 3.8L eng., 4 dr.,Uka Naw, dfcgnv auto, V6, •now Ures, 50K, exc. cond, good. $500. 908-964- remote koytoak. 40K rr«i CCKimCIDRS THU« 8OQ-615-6312 asking $5,000/obo cond, AC, :am/(m cess, lOfiKi digital dash, $3800. 83K, fully loaded, AC, alrbags, Askingf16,S99 . Town THE CHRONICLE ~ officers. Tl 8291' .,' • ••••.'• ••••.• •-•• $11,500 732-80&5683 . fire, rescue) generator ' 908-9184496 1V: $4900. 908-3894180 908-931-9441 lug. rack, $R20O*o90M786358 '.'•. 908-7894424 .' •-.-. Union corrections officers livid, but local police stay neutral Plymouth Co|t '94-Uue, yy/elec. outlett, aulo., to the new County Jail, rower eng. & trans. Shelve UNION COUNTY - County : 2dr, 89K hwy ml., auto.AC, While the closing has caused Captain Clifford Auchter of located in Elizabeth, and a pr> AM/FM Cam.; spoiler, tOHO El 50 <94- 53K orig., CHS boosters accepting corrections officers are furious ment, noting the controversy • alarm/ great pond., $2800 «tort nap., Imtd. slip rear, much commotion for county offi- the Westfield Police Department involves another law enforce- vately run Community OBO. 732-560-1348. at.WMnao*,*jpBunp scholarship applications about Union County Manager cers, area police departments Education Center facility in* auto daft ndo, put/ agt. said the closing would have "no ment agency, SAAB • 9008 '98-5 dr., 5 Michael Lapolla's decision to S7500obo.90M37.1229 seem unfafeed. Some local police Newark began last week. 7 MARANO & SONS «pd., black tan Int.,: pwr, CRANFORD—Applications impact" on local police because Lapolla originally announced close the old Union County Jail officials expressed neutrality on • exc • cond.' • 39K' fnKi are now being accepted for col- "we have extremely minimal con- his decision to close the older of County corrections, officer^ •: $16,500. 732471-7092 Vans & Jeeps 1410 in Elizabeth, but local police offi- the issue this week, while some www.maranosonsauto.com lege scholarships sponsored by tact with county police officials." Union County's two public! jails have been trying to stir up oppo- TOYOTA COROLLA CC >97 • cials are remaining quiet on the DODOE ORAND CARAVAN the Cranford High School noted they did not believe the Lieutenant Stephen Wilde of 4dr, auto, a/c, all pwr., ES '94- UmHed edition, fully issue, saying it will not have closing of the jail would affect in a Jan. 11 press release. Since sition to the jail closing. T^e am/fm 'cass.,' 51,000^ ml, loaded,' exc cond, G9k, Booster Club. the Cranford Police Department then, the county has sent out lay- •members of PBA Local #199, exc. cond., Atklng 47,700. '$6950. 732-6690978 much effect on their work. them professionally. said he preferred not to com- \]TtWffriiYtn r1 ffr i Tlji Tr rfiTr ^^1 • iVfi n IIWTCIII 1 HMWHWJHSVaHHUvHHMHHHHHHBkEiiHHeSilBBwWi . 908-7654672 \ Scholarships are awarded to off notices to over 1Q0 corrections ISUZU AMIQO *92- Auto, (Continued on page A-8) . 1998 NISSAN PATHFWDE8 SE 2000 MAZDA PROTOGEIX 1997 POBO EXPLORER XLt VW PASSAT '92- auto, [ 1998 mram wo- ac, soft top, exc. cond, CHS student-athletes in their \i dr, 4x4,-auto, air, t^s, |Vb, rA>4 (Ir,autc hillocks, till 2 dr, 4x4 auto; air, p/s,'p/b, p/w, 4 dr, 4x4, auto, air, p/s, p/fa, p\v; blk., new tires, runs great, $5200.

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