/Users/giovanni/Documents/Gen/WashingtonGen19.rtf 19th Generation 19>262144. 16ggs of William de Washington/William FitzPatric de Hertburn (son of Patrick Fitz Dolfin & Derdere/Deirdre???) b: c. 1180 d: after 1220 [http://thepeerage.com/ p32196.htm#i321952][http://fabpedigree.com/s088/f126074.htm] & 262145. Margaret Huntington countess of Richmond (d of Henry Huntington earl of Northumberland & Ada de Warenne) b: c. 1154 in Hereford, HerefordShire d: c. 1201 [http:// fabpedigree.com/s088/f126074.htm] () 19>262146. sir Richard de Lexington? (son of Robert de Lexington of Tuxford & ?? ) b: 1165 in Tuxford, East Retford, NottinghamShire [http:// freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/%7Ejatree/Your%20Ancestor%27s%20Tree/ people/p000007m.htm#I7028][http://hartgen.renderplus.com/htm/de- lexington.htm#name3031] () & 262147. ?Matilda de Cauz?/?Maud de Caux? (d of Roger de Cauz & Agnes; gd of Robert de Caux & Sibyl Basset) b: c. 1170 at Shelford, NottinghamShire d: c. 1224 May [http:// freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/%7Ejatree/Your%20Ancestor%27s%20Tree/ people/p0000012.htm#I7029][http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi? op=GET&db=tmebl&id=I34122][http://www.barnum.org/fam07421.htm][http:// freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~hwbradley/aqwg1821.htm][http:// wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=randyj2222&id=I92842] () 19>262148. 19>262150. king William i of Scotland the lion & Isabel Avenal William ii de Albini & Maud fitz Robert William de Vaux king Henry ii of England curt-mantle/Henry d'Anjou & Eleanor d'Aquitaine Aymer Taillefer comte d'Angouleme & Alice de Courtenay Alfonso ii comte de Provence & Gersend de Sabran comtesse de Forcalquier Tomaso i conte di Savoia/Savoy & Marguerite de Geneve 19>263000. 19>264000. 19>265000. 19>266000. 19>267000. 19>268000. ... 19>268416. Maurice the resolute de Berkeley (s of Thomas de Berkeley & Joan de Somery) b: 1218-04-14 in GloucesterShire d: 1281-04-04 in GloucesterShire [http:// gw.geneanet.org/tdowling?lang=en;pz=timothy+michael;nz=dowling;ocz=0;p=maurice; n=de+berkeley;oc=4] () & 268417. Isabella de Chilham de Lusignan/Isabella Fitz Roy () [] () 19>268418. William Ferrers ii (s of William de Ferrers & Agnes de Meschines) b: c. 1193 in DerbyShire d: 1253/4-03-12 in Evington, LeicesterShire [http://gw.geneanet.org/ tdowling?lang=en;pz=timothy+michael;nz=dowling;ocz=0;p=william;n=de+ferrers;oc=4] () & {m: before 1219-05-14 in Pembroke, PembrokeShire to} 268419. Sibilla Marshall/Sybil Marshall (s of William Marshall & Isabel de Clare) b: c. 1191 d: 1245-04-27 [http://gw.geneanet.org/tdowling?lang=en;pz=timothy+michael;nz=dowling; Printed: 2015/03/18 22:29 Page 1 /Users/giovanni/Documents/Gen/WashingtonGen19.rtf ocz=0;p=sibyl;n=marshall] () or {m: c. 1174 in Winchester, HampShire to} Margaret de Quincy (d of Roger de Quincy & Helen of Galloway) b: c. 1218 in Winchester d: before 1284-03-12 [http://gw.geneanet.org/tdowling?lang=en;pz=timothy+michael; nz=dowling;ocz=0;p=margaret;n=de+quincy;oc=1] () [parents of Joan de Ferrers/ Margaret Joan de Ferrers b: c. 1240] 19>268420. ?? [parents of sir John Hamelin of Wymondham] 19>268422. Henry de Erdington (s of Giles Erdington/Giles Erdyngton & Margery Ireland) b: c. 1235 in Erdington, WarwickShire d: 1282-03-26 [http:// freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~hwbradley/aqwg761.htm#12372][http:// www.wikitree.com/wiki/Erdyngton-2][http://familypedia.wikia.com/wiki/ Henry_de_Erdington_(c1235-1282)][http://famouskin.com/ahnentafel.php? name=4640+robert+e+lee][http://gw.geneanet.org/tdowling?lang=en; pz=timothy+michael;nz=dowling;ocz=0;p=henry;n=de+erdington] () & {m: 1271 to} 268423. Maud de Somery/Matilda de Somery (d of Roger de Somery & Nicole d'Aubigny/ Nichole d'Aubigny) b: c. 1240 in Dudley, StaffordShire d: before 1302-05-18 [http: //freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~hwbradley/aqwg761.htm#12372][http:// www.wikitree.com/wiki/Somery-57][http://familypedia.wikia.com/wiki/ Maud_de_Somery_(c1239-1302)][http://famouskin.com/ahnentafel.php? name=4640+robert+e+lee][http://gw.geneanet.org/tdowling?lang=en; pz=timothy+michael;nz=dowling;ocz=0;p=maud;n=de+somery] () [?descendant of Charlemagne, Alfred the great, Hugh Capet, William i of England?][?ancestors of Robert E. Lee?] 19>268424. 19>268426. 19>268428. 19>268430. ... 19>268540. 19>268542. 19>268544. William de Villiers (son of Paganus de Villiers & ?? ) b: c. 1190 [] () & 268545. ?? () [] () 19>268546. William Seis (s of ?? & ?? ) b: c. 1200 [] () & 268547. ?? () [] () 19>268548. 19>268550. ... 19>268700. 19>268702. 19>268704. 19>268706. 19>268708. Simon de Driby (??) b: c. 1230 d: before 1289 [http://www.royalblood.co.uk/ D1413/I1413648.html] () & 268709. Alice Fitz Hugh (d of Hugh Fitz Ralph & Agnes de Gresley) b: c. 1235 [http://www.royalblood.co.uk/D815/I815409.html] () 19>268710. Robert de Tattershall (son of Robert de Tattershall & Nichole) b: 1248-12-05 d: 1289-09-08 [] () & 268711. Joan FitzRandolph (d of Ralph FitzRandolph & Anastasia Percy) b: c. 1250 d: before 1310-04-01 [] () 19>269000. 19>270000. ?? 19>272392. ?Ralph de Somery () d: c. 1210 [] & 272393. Margaret Marshal? () [] () 19>272394. ?sir Robert de Chaucombe () [] & 272395. ?? Printed: 2015/03/18 22:29 Page 2 /Users/giovanni/Documents/Gen/WashingtonGen19.rtf ... 19>272410. 19>272412. 19>272414. 19>272416. Henry de Stafford/Hervey de Stafford (son of Hervey de Stafford & Millicent Toeni/Millicent de Toesni) d: 1237-05-12 [http://www.fabpedigree.com/s052/ f187783.htm][http://www.thepeerage.com/p58177.htm#i581769] () & 272417. Petronell de Ferrers/Pernell de Ferrers () [http://www.fabpedigree.com/s052/ f187783.htm][http://www.thepeerage.com/p58178.htm#i581771] () 19>272418. Thomas de Corbet/Thomas Corbet (son of Robert de Corbet & Emma Pantulf/Emma Pantolph) b: c. 1184 d: 1274 [http://www.fabpedigree.com/s053/f187783.htm][http:// www.thepeerage.com/p58178.htm#i581776] () & 272419. Isabel de Valletort/Isabel de Vautort/Isabel Beatrice de Valletort (d of Roger de Valletort/Reginald de Valletort & Alesia; gd of ?Ralph de Valletort & Joan fitz Roy of Cornwall?) [http: //www.fabpedigree.com/s053/f187783.htm] () 19>272420. ???Thomas de Clinton (son of Osbert de Clinton of Coleshill & Elisant/ Elysont) b: c. 1206 d: by 1278 [http://www.fabpedigree.com/s088/f324974.htm] () & 272421. Mazera de Bisey/Mazera de Bisege (d of James de Bisege/James de Bisey & ?? Matilda?? ) b: c. 1210 in Warwick [http://www.fabpedigree.com/s088/f324974.htm] () 19>272422. ???sir Ralph Bracebridge (son of William Braceridge & ?? ; gs of Peter Bracebridge & Amicia de Arden) [http://www.fabpedigree.com/s089/f324974.htm] () & 272423. ?? () [] () 19>272424. Ralph Basset (son of Ralph Basset & ?? ) d: between 1254 & 1261 [http:// www.thepeerage.com/p11697.htm#i116965] () & 272425. ?? () [] () 19>272426. Roger de Somery (son of sir Ralph de Somery & Margaret Marshal) d: 1273-08-12 [http://www.thepeerage.com/p2353.htm#i23521][http://www.fabpedigree.com/s055/ f093891.htm] (same as 188184) & 272427. Nichole d'Aubigny (d of William d'Aubigny 3rd earl of Arundel & Mabel le Meschine of Chester/Mabel de Meschines of Chester; gd of William d'Aubigny & Maud de St. Hilaire and Hugh de Kevelioc & Bertrade de Montford) d: c. 1240? [http://www.thepeerage.com/ p2352.htm#i23520][http://www.fabpedigree.com/s055/f093891.htm] () 19>272428. [gps of Hawise wife of Ralph Basset 1st lord Basset of Drayton] 19>272430. [gps of Hawise wife of Ralph Basset 1st lord Basset of Drayton] 19>272432. Henry Audley/Henry de Audley/Henry d'Aldithley (son of Adam de Aldithley/Adam de Audley & Emma Fitz Ralf de Derlaveston/Emma Fitz Orm de Derlaveston) b: c. 1175 d: c. 1246 [http://thepeerage.com/p4719.htm#i47189][http://www.fabpedigree.com/ s060/f187783.htm] (same as 136624) & 272433. Bertrade de Mainwaring/Bertred Mainwaring/Bertrea Mainwaring/Bertred Meisnilwarin () d: c. 1249 [http:// thepeerage.com/p4720.htm#i47193][http://www.fabpedigree.com/s060/f187783.htm] (same as 136625) 19>272434. William Longespee/William Longepee 2nd earl of Salisbury (son of William Longespee 1st earl of Salisbury/William Longepee & Ela countess of Salisbury) b: c. 1200 d: 1250-02-07 [http://thepeerage.com/p10461.htm#i104604][http:// www.fabpedigree.com/s061/f187783.htm] (same as 188186) & 272435. Idoine de Camville (d of Richard de Camville & Eustache Basset) d: between 1251-01-01 & 1252-09-21 [http://thepeerage.com/p4721.htm#i47210][http://www.fabpedigree.com/ s061/f187783.htm] (same as 188187) 19>272436. Roger Mortimer (son of Ralph de Mortimer & Gwladus du ferch Llewellyn) b: c. 1231 d: c. 1282-10-39 [http://thepeerage.com/p10255.htm#i102550][http:// Printed: 2015/03/18 22:29 Page 3 /Users/giovanni/Documents/Gen/WashingtonGen19.rtf www.fabpedigree.com/s062/f187783.htm] (same as 188188) & 272437. Maud de Braose/ Maud de Briouze/Maud de Briwes (d of William de Briouze/William de Braose/William de Briwes & Eve Marshal) b: 1224 d: c. 1300/1-03-23 [http://thepeerage.com/ p2358.htm#i23573][http://www.fabpedigree.com/s062/f187783.htm] (same as 188189) 19>272438. sir William de Fiennes (son of ?? & ?? ) d: 1320-07-11 [http:// thepeerage.com/p4817.htm#i48165][http://www.fabpedigree.com/s077/f375094.htm] (same as 188190) & 272439. Blanche de Brienne (d of Jean de Brienne & Jeanne dame du chateau du Loir) [http://thepeerage.com/p2953.htm#i29526][http:// www.fabpedigree.com/s077/f375094.htm] (same as 188191) 19>272440. Gilbert de Clare 4th earl of Gloucester (son of Richard de Clare 3rd earl of Hertford & Amice FitzRobert) b: c. 1180 d: 1230-10-25 [http://thepeerage.com/ p10248.htm#i102476][http://www.fabpedigree.com/s048/f187783.htm] () & 272441. Isabella Marshal (d of William Marshal & Isabella de Clare countess of Pembroke) b: 1200-10-09 d: 1240-01-17 [http://thepeerage.com/p10125.htm#i101241][http:// www.fabpedigree.com/s048/f187783.htm] () 19>272442.
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