Index Aachen Cathedral (Holy Roman Empire capital), air pollution, 636 Amsterdam, Netherlands, 546–47 Germany, 565 Ajanta Caves, 231, 235–37, 238 Amsterdam Stock Exchange, 655 Aalto, Aino, 743 Ajatsatru (Indian king), 176 Amsterdam Town Hall, Netherlands, 485, 547 Aalto, Alvar, 726, 742–43, 751 Ajunta, India, 176 Amun, Temple of, at Karnak, 57, 68, 69 Abbasid Caliphate, 293, 295, 304, 306, 333 Akapana (Tiwanaku temple), 267 Amun-Re Temple, 70 Abbey Church of Cluny, France, 369 Akbar, Jalal-ud-Din (Mughal ruler), 503, 504, Ananda Temple, Pagan, Burma, 391, 396, 397 Abbey Church of St. Foy, Conques, France, 333, 506 Ananta Vasudeva, Bhubaneshaw, India, 408 369 Akbar Hotel, India, 780 Anarudhapura, Sri Lanka, 176, 179 Abbey Fécamp, France, 370 Akkadian Dynasty, 27, 32–33 Anasazi people, 293 Abbey of Church of St. Riquier, France, 295, Aksa Mosque, Jerusalem, 301 Anatolia, 3, 13–15, 55, 74 327, 368 Aksum Empire, 98, 191, 192, 193, 213, 414 Anatolian highlands, Stone Age, 5 Abbey of Fulda, 295 Alahan monastery, Cilicia, Turkey, 231, 255 Ancash, 82 Abbey of SS. Ulrich and Afra, Neresheim, Alai Darwaza gate, Quwwat-ul-Islam, India, 406 Andean people, 27. See also Peru; South Germany, 579 Alaric (Goth leader), 159 America Abbey of Vélzalay, France, 647 Ala-ud-Din Aibak (Ghaznavid general), 404 agriculture, 88 Abd al-Malik (caliph of Jerusalem), 302 Al-Azhar Mosque, Cairo, Egypt, 333, 384, 385, Chavín de Huántar, 85, 87, 88, 91–92, 151 Abd al-Rahman I (caliph), 306, 307 387 high Andes, 82–83 Abhayagiri Vihara, 179 Albany Civic Center, Albany, New York, 757 irrigation, 55–57, 85 Abiff, Chiram, 108 Al-Barubiyyin, Marrakech, Morocco, 385 metalworking, 223 Abrams, Charles, 765 Albert Dock, Liverpool, England, 638 Salinas de Chao, 84 Absolom, 158 Alberti, Leon Battista, 462, 465, 468, 525, 530, Tiwanaku empire, 261, 262, 267 Abuja, Nigeria, 782 568, 610 urbanization, 25, 52–54 Abu Simbel, Egypt, 4, 57, 71, 787 Alcoa Building, San Francisco, California, 771 Ando, Tadao, 788, 789 Abu Temple, Tell Asmar, 33 Aleppo, Syria, 79–80 Andronovo Culture, 25, 36 Abydos, Egypt, 6, 7, 20 Alexander VII (pope of Rome), 536, 540 Angkor, Cambodia, 295, 318–20, 331, 391, 634 Achaeans, 122 Alexander the Great (king of Greece), 113, 120, Angkor Borei (Vyadhapura, South Asian city), Achaemenid Dynasty, 115, 116 135, 182, 206 247 Acolhua of Texcoco, 435 Alexandria, Egypt, 113, 135, 138, 140, 202, Angkor Thom (Khmer capital), 394–95 Acoma Pueblo, Navajo, New Mexico, 476 232, 251, 306 Angkor Wat (Vrah Vishnulok), Cambodia, 389, Acropolis, Greece, 130–34 Alexandrian Empire, 115 392–94, 635 Actium, Battle of, 159 Algiers, 159 Anglican Church, 568, 569, 573, 583 Adam, Robert, 606–7, 608, 609, 619, 621, 661 Alhambra, Granada, Spain, 391, 429–31, 530 Anhalter Bahnhof, Berlin, Germany, 662 Adina Mosque, Pandua, India, 453 Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain, 385, 651 Ani, Armenia, 234, 331, 366 Adi Shankara, 97 Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft (AEG), 703, Animal Crackers House, Chicago, Illinois, 784 Aegean Sea, 76 726 animal sacrifi ce, 46, 103–4, 108 AEG Pavilion, German Shipbuilding Exhibition of Allison, Ken, 778 Ankara, Turkey, 740 1908, Berlin, Germany, 703, 726 Almerico, Paolo, 524 Anne (queen of England), 571 Aeneas, 154 Almoravid Dynasty, 387, 411 Ann of Austria (queen of France), 543 Afghanistan, 143, 151, 191, 216 Alomohad sultanate, 411, 429 Anthemius of Tralles, 272 Africa, 485 Al-Rifa’i Mosque, Cairo, Egypt, 655, 676 Anthology Society (Boston, Massachusetts), 658 colonialism, 560, 696–97, 737 Altan Khan (Mongol ruler), 499 Antigonid Empire, 135 Ethiopia, 414–15 Altar of Zeus at Pergamon, 104 Antioch Baptist Church, Perry County, Alabama, Ghana, 321 alternative architecture, 778–79, 795 795 kingdoms in, 518 Altes Museum, Berlin, Germany, 599, 624–25, Antiochus IV, 135 Mali, 518–19 663 Antium, Battle of, 154 Mamluk Sultanate, 391, 412–13 COPYRIGHTEDAmanat Khan, 507 MATERIALAntonius Pius (emperor of Rome), 247 post-colonial, 782 Amaravati Stupa, India, 176, 193, 214 Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, 192, 218, 354 trade, 411, 412 Amazon societies, 223 Anyang, China, 55, 57, 58, 59, 93 Zimbabwe, 415 Amber Fort, Amer, India, 626 Anyuanmiao temple, Chengde, China, 603 Agade, 32 Ambrogio, Giovanni d’, 460 Apollodoro of Damascus, 171 Ageana culture, 3 Amenhotep III (pharoah 0f Egypt), 64, 108 Apollo 11 cavestone, 2, 3 Age of Reason, 560–61. See also Enlightenment American Craftsman Style, 682. See also Arts Apulia, Italy, 154, 558 Agha, Mehmet, 517 and Crafts movement Aqmar Mosque, Cairo, Egypt, 384 agriculture, civilizational cultures, 3, 5, 8, 12, 13, American Institute of Architects (AIA), 687 Arab caliphate, Armenia, 364 16, 85, 88, 98 American Revolution, 597, 619 Arab mathematics, 151 Aha’s tomb at Umm el-Qaab, Abydos, Egypt, 20 American War of Independence, 599 Arab Muhammad Khan (Uzbek ruler), 633 Ahmedabad, India, 454, 761, 780–81 Americas. See Central America; North America; Arbeitsrat für Kunst (Germany), 707 Ahmed III (Ottoman sultan), 586 South America; specifi c American arch(es) Ahmed Shah (sultan), 454 cities, countries and peoples catenary arch, 570 Ahmose I of Thebes, 64 Amiens Cathedral, France, 391, 421–22 Etruscan, 101 Ain Mallaha (Levan) culture, 2, 3 Amorites, 79 fornix system, 204 ■ 823 226_402573_bindex.indd6_402573_bindex.indd 823823 110/25/100/25/10 99:33:33 AAMM INDEX arch(es) (continued) Atatürk, Kemal (Mustafa Kemal), 727, 740, 746 Balmumcu, Sevki, 740 Limbaesis Gate, 195 Atelier Bow Wow, Tokyo, Japan, 795 Baluchistan Mountains, 16 Archaic Period, Greece, 87, 115 Athenaeum, Boston, Massachusetts, 658 Bamba, Sheikh Amadou, 764 Archigram (journal), 778 athenaeum buildings, 658 Bamiyan Buddhas, 231, 238, 240–41 architectural fi rms, globalization, 791 Athena Polias at Priene, 116 Banditaccia, 87 architectural preservation, 647 Athenian democracy, 113, 130 Banditaccia at Cerveteri, necropolis of (Etruscan architecture Athenian Propylaea, 134, 624 mound), 100 Christianity, 249–52 Athens, Greece, 114, 122, 130, 135 Bandung, Indonesia, 740 Egypt, 72–73 Athens Charter (CIAM), 730 Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Etruscan society, 99 Atreus, Treasury of, 57, 78 Indonesia, 655, 712 Greece, 123–24 atrio (Spanish-American church), 527 Bangkok, Thailand, 597, 634–35 Hellenism, 113 Attarin Madrasa, Fez, 429 Bangladesh, 725, 775, 780 Japanese terms, 487 AT&T Building (Johnson), New York, New York, Bank of England, London, England, 618–19 Mycenaean civilization, 76 725, 784 Bank of Korea Headquarters, Seoul, Korea, 699 prehistory, 1–4 AT&T Building (Welles Bosworth), New York, Banpo, 6, 7, 9 Architecture for Humanity (NGO), 794 New York, 692, 725 Banqueting House, London, England, 485, 550, Arch of Augustus, Rome, Italy, 162 Atwood, Charles B., 691 622 Arch of Septimus Severus, Rome, Italy, 204 Aubrey, Burl, 23 Baphuon temple, Cambodia, 392 Arch of Trajan, Timgad, Algeria, 204 Auburn University, Rural Studio, 795 baptisteries, 253–54 Ardashir I (Sassanian emperor), 232–33 August, Karl, 624 Baptistery at Florence, Italy, 378 El Arenal, Mexico, 188 Augustus (emperor of Rome), 159, 162–63 Baptistery at Nocera, Italy, 253 Aretas III (Nabataean king), 174–75 Aula Magna, La Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas, Baptistery at Parma, Italy, 333, 378 Argentina, 653, 656, 698 Venezuela, 769 Baptistery at Pavia, Italy, 378 Argos, 77 Aurangzeb (ruler), 594, 626 Baptistery at Pisa, Italy, 378 Arianism, 256 Australia, 696, 723, 725, 767, 772, 787, 790 Baptistery at Ravenna, Italy, 253 Aristotle, 113 Austria, 536, 551, 574 Barabar Hills caves, India, 145 Arkaim, 36 automobile manufacture, 704, 721 Barberini, Villa and Palazzo, 532 Arkwright, Richard, 636 Auxerre Cathedral, France, 422 Barcelona, Spain, 684, 688, 692–93, 795 Armenia, 171, 232, 261, 276–77, 364–66 Avaris, Egypt, 64 Barcelona Pavilion, Barcelona International Arnstein, Joan, 747 Avars, 268 Exhibition of 1929, 724, 732–33 art, Olmec people, 88–89 Avdat (Nabataean city), 173 Bar-Kokhbar Revolt, 199 Artaxerxes II (king of Persia), 120 Avebury, England stone circle, 24 Barnsdall, Aline, 711 Artaxerxes III (king of Persia), 120 Avellino, Andrea, 537 Baroque style, 430, 529, 536–42, 551, 571, Art Deco, 676 Ayutthaya, Thailand, 435, 456, 634 573, 574–80, 596, 620, 646, 659 Art Nouveau, 653, 681, 684, 685, 701, 707 Ayyubid sultanate, 411, 412 Barque Sanctuary of Temple of Khonsu, 69 Arts and Crafts movement, 653, 675, 677–82, Aztec Empire, 146, 225, 227, 432, 437, 477– Barragán, Luis, 774, 789 684, 694, 701, 706, 707, 711, 726 78, 526 Barrière de la Villette, Paris, France, 612, 613 Aryabhatta, 312 barrow tombs, civilizational cultures, 22 Aryans, 55 Baalbek, 192, 193, 205, 210–11, 249 Barry, Charles, 643, 657 Ashram Maha Rossei (Angkor Borei), 247 Babur (Mughal ruler), 503 Barton, Edmund, 696 Ashur, Assyria, 110 Babylon, 55, 64, 85, 86, 87, 111–12, 135, 174 Basilica, Pompeii, Italy, 155 Asoka, 113, 144–45, 176, 177, 178, 242 Babylonian calendar, 153 Basilica Aemilia, Rome, Italy, 162 Asokan pillar, Vaishai, India, 144, 178 Babylonian Exile, 108 Basilica at Trier, Germany, 231, 250 Aspendos theater, Turkey, 198 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 560 Basilica di San Marco, Venice, Italy, 457 Aspero, 52–54 back-to-nature movement, 653, 667 Basilica Eufrasiana, Parenzo, Croatia, 275 Asplund, Gunnar, 710 Bacon, Francis, 561 Basilica Julia, Rome, Italy, 162 Assembly Building, Chandigarh, India, 760 Bactrian-Margiana Archaeological Complex Basilica of Palace of Domitian, Palatine Hill, Association for the New Architecture (ASNOVA), (BMAC), 36 Rome, Italy, 169 715 Bactrians, 214 Basilica of Pompeii, Italy, 155 associations movement,
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