PROGRESS IN GLOBAL TRADE TALKS/2 MCCARTNEY’S NEW BAG/3 WWDWomen’s Wear Daily • The Retailers’MONDAY Daily Newspaper • January 29, 2007 • $2.00 Accessories/Innerwear/Legwear En Fleur Flowery fantasy is one of Christian Lacroix’s signatures, and even though he has toned down his extravagance of late, it’s still a great strength. And his beautiful spring couture collection, which contrasted structure with fl ou, was a highlight of a stellar season. Here, one of his lovely evening numbers. For more blossoms, see pages 6 and 7. Bare Them No More: Legwear Sees Return To Fashion’s Forefront By Laura Klepacki he legwear industry has a heartbeat Tagain. Given up for almost dead just a few seasons ago, when the trend was for women to go bare-legged even in the freezing cold, the industry is enjoying a major revival, thanks to the popularity of leggings and tights. Only last week, Karl Lagerfeld’s couture show for Chanel was dominated by black tights under colorful dresses. And further evidence of the renaissance came at the Sundance Film Festival in snowy Park City, Utah, where young actresses such as Gwyneth Paltrow, See Putting, Page10 PHOTO BY GIOVANNI GIANNONI GIOVANNI PHOTO BY 2 WWD, MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 2007 WWD.COM Progress Seen in Bid to Reignite Trade Talks By John Zarocostas 2001, the talks are intended to of new trade riding on the Doha lower global trade barriers and round, and cautioned there are WWDMONDAY DAVOS, Switzerland — Major give a boost to developing coun- systemic implications if the Accessories/Innerwear/Legwear industrialized and developing tries’ economies but the discus- talks failed. countries — including the U.S., sions have hit numerous road- “The world will lose its insur- FASHION the European Union, Brazil, blocks. ance policy against the spread Couture designers took a leaf out of nature’s book for spring, cultivating and India — gave the green Lamy suspended the trade of protectionism. We will see a 6 secret gardens of fl oral looks that brought a fanciful element. light here Saturday for the sus- round last July after key players, loss of confi dence in the WTO pended Doha global trade talks including the European Union system.…This is what makes an to restart. and United States, came to an imperfect deal better than no GENERAL However, it’s still uncertain impasse over cutting politically deal,” he said. Pushed to the brink a few seasons ago by the bare-leg trend, legwear is if a breakthrough deal can be sensitive agriculture subsidies Many fear the global negotia- 1 enjoying a revival, thanks to the popularity of leggings and tights. reached in the next few months. and tariffs. tions could face severe delays Stella McCartney is joining forces with LeSportsac to design a limited- Much will depend whether the Kamal Nath, India’s and even a collapse if trade edition accessories collection to be launched in spring 2008. positions of the key players con- Commerce Minister, said he ministers cannot come up with 3 verge, trade ministers and se- was optimistic the Doha Round, a framework soon because of Textile industry leaders from Japan, Europe, the U.S. and China agreed nior offi cials said. which had been frozen for seven the TPA that is set to expire at 3 to lobby their countries to realize a free trade agreement by 2011. Pascal Lamy, chief of the months, “would not go round the end of June. That authority ACCESSORIES: Young Friends of Save Venice, which restores and pro- World Trade Organization, told and round, but move toward allows the Bush administration tects Venice’s masterpieces, has enlisted creative types in the cause. reporters at the close of the an- conclusion.” to negotiate trade deals with the 8 nual World Economic Forum According to senior west- assurance that Congress will not this weekend that trade min- ern envoys, the talks are ex- amend them. EYE It is diffi cult to gauge wheth- Raquel Welch vamped it up at the Sidaction AIDS benefi t, thrusting about er Congress, now controlled by 4 and kicking up her heels as she reminisced about her fi rst trip to Paris. I think it is now more likely than not, the Democrats, will grant an ex- “ tension of the president’s trade Classifi ed Advertisements.............................................................21-23 though by no means certain, that we will authority, even if trade negotia- tors are able to reach a tentative To e-mail reporters and editors at WWD, the address is fi rstname. reach a deal within the next few months.… framework before they begin [email protected], using the individual’s name. debating an extension. There is a reignition of political energy Apparel importers and re- WWD IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF ADVANCE MAGAZINE PUBLISHERS INC. COPYRIGHT tailers saw the announcement ©2007 FAIRCHILD FASHION GROUP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. VOLUME 193, NO. 20. WWD (ISSN 0149–5380) is published daily (except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, with one and drive, and an increased recognition in Davos as a positive step, but additional issue in January and November, two additional issues in March, May, June, August and December, and three were cautiously optimistic. additional issues in February, April, September and October) by Fairchild Fashion Group, which is a division of Advance Magazine Publishers Inc. PRINCIPAL OFFICE: 750 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017. Shared Services provided by of the dire consequences of failure. “That is encouraging news, Condé Nast Publications: S. I. Newhouse, Jr., Chairman; Charles H. Townsend, President/CEO; John W. Bellando, Executive but an agreement to negotiate Vice President/COO; Debi Chirichella Sabino, Senior Vice President/CFO; Jill Bright, Executive Vice President/Human ” Resources. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY, and at additional mailing offi ces. Canada Post Publications Mail — British Prime Minister Tony Blair is one thing and an agreement Agreement No. 40644503. Canadian Goods and Services Tax Registration No. 886549096-RT0001. Canada Post: return on substance is another,” said undeliverable Canadian addresses to: P.O. Box 503, RPO West Beaver Cre, Rich-Hill, ON L4B 4R6 POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO WOMEN’S WEAR DAILY, P.O. Box 15008, North Hollywood, CA isters from 30 countries had pected to resume Wednesday in Erik Autor, vice president and 91615–5008. FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADDRESS CHANGES, ADJUSTMENTS, OR BACK ISSUE reached a consensus to resume Geneva, less than 24 hours after international trade counsel at INQUIRIES: Please write to WWD, P.O. Box 15008, North Hollywood, CA 91615-5008, call 800-289-0273, or visit www.subnow.com/wd. Please give both new and old addresses as printed on most recent label. First copy of new the global tariff-lowering talks. President Bush is scheduled to the National Retail Federation. subscription will be mailed within four weeks after receipt of order. Address all editorial, business, and production However, a spokesman for ask Congress Tuesday for renew- “There is still a lot of disagree- correspondence to WOMEN’S WEAR DAILY, 750 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017. For permissions and reprint requests, please call 212-630-4274 or fax requests to 212-630-4280. Visit us online at www.wwd.com. To subscribe to other U.S. Trade Representative al of Trade Promotion Authority, ment to overcome but if there is Fairchild magazines on the World Wide Web, visit www.fairchildpub.com. Occasionally, we make our subscriber list Susan Schwab said, “Formal which expires at the end of June. a feeling in Congress that some available to carefully screened companies that offer products and services that we believe would interest our readers. If you negotiations have not restarted. “I think it is now more likely progress is being made in Doha do not want to receive these offers and/or information, please advise us at P.O. Box 15008, North Hollywood, CA 91615- 5008 or call 800-289-0273. WOMEN’S WEAR DAILY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RETURN OR LOSS OF, There was a strong sense of op- than not, though by no means perhaps that will help move the OR FOR DAMAGE OR ANY OTHER INJURY TO, UNSOLICITED MANUSCRIPTS, UNSOLICITED ART WORK (INCLUDING, timism coming out of Davos and certain, that we will reach a deal debate on TPA.” BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DRAWINGS, PHOTOGRAPHS, AND TRANSPARENCIES), OR ANY OTHER UNSOLICITED MATERIALS. THOSE SUBMITTING MANUSCRIPTS, PHOTOGRAPHS, ART WORK, OR OTHER MATERIALS FOR a strong desire for ministers to within the next few months.… Stephen Lamar, executive CONSIDERATION SHOULD NOT SEND ORIGINALS, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED TO DO SO BY WOMEN’S WEAR keep working in order that we There is a reignition of politi- vice president at the American DAILY IN WRITING. MANUSCRIPTS, PHOTOGRAPHS, AND OTHER MATERIALS SUBMITTED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY could sometime in the future re- cal energy and drive, and an Apparel & Footwear Association, A SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. start formal negotiations.” increased recognition of the said, “We want to see the trade The spokesman said progress dire consequences of failure,” talks gear up and conclude but re- MONDAY: New York Fall II Apparel Market (through was being made and that discus- British Prime Minister Tony starting is only part of the battle. Feb. 16). sions were ongoing at the staff Blair told WEF participants in a Finishing it up will be the issue.” level. keynote speech, shortly after the Brenda Jacobs, counsel TUESDAY: The Conference Board releases the Con- “The bottom line is that work WTO meeting. for the U.S. Association of sumer Confi dence Index for January. is being done and progress is Peter Mandelson, EU trade Importers of Textiles & Apparel, being made.” Commissioner, said there is stressed that the news was a WEDNESDAY: Tissu Premier, Lille, France (through Launched in Doha, Qatar, in hundreds of billions of dollars small step.
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