ll ? P e-t'tE'D | | l We look at the properry market in this ever-popularand charming region adding further impetus to real estateprices church made in part from Roman ruins that have risen by around 10 per cent a year and San Pietro, a medieval church rsho.,t *,t H{1il!:1 sincethe early'90s. walls are adomed in paintings and fres<cs lnaE There is also a seriesof escalatorsleadinl l*aata,ttN(! I I i :it \ i I up a steep hill that pass through an olJ The Umbrian weather is influenced heavily Etruscanfort. by the fact that it is landlocked, with the Perugiais alsofamous for its summeri:z Apennine mountains on its eastem border. festival, at which Eric Clapton plal-ed las July and August are the hottest months, with year. As well as sweet music there are als< typical maximum temperatures of around sweetattractions, as it hosts a Eurochocolarr 29'C and 30'C and 10hours a dayof bright Festival.For something more highbrorr - anc sunshine. However, not benefiting from the less fattening - try the National Gallen mild winters of coastal Italy, December to home to somefabulous Renaissance an. Februarycan seetemperatures drop to freez- About an hour's drive away,to the nonh ing and snowin mountainousareas. west, lies Tuoro sul Trasimeno, orerlookinl WORDS STE[ANIA RUSSO This is a region so scenic and unspoilt LakeTrasimeno. It was founded on the sireo OME UMBRIANS claim it is no that it is really made to be viewed on foot. St a battle in 2178C between Hannibal and rh' coincidencethe name of this beautiful Francisof Assisifamously did it in 1206,when Romans.As well as the tranquil lake r-ier.: region is similar to ombra,the Italian he walked fiom Assisito Cubbio, 25 miles to worth seeing here are the l2th-centun- 5ar for shadow as they feel it has for too long the north. Many present-day visitors also Salvatore church and the Castle of \tonr, been overshadowedby its famous neighbour, exploreit via its numeroushiking trails, one of Gualandro. LeavingTuoro and working rou Tuscany.Yet those fortunate enough to have the most well-trodden being a two-day walk way clockwisearound Umbria, you come tl been here will tell you that while it may not that recreatesSt Francis'sepic jouiney. But for Gubbio, some 40 miles away. lt boasts ar haveTuscany's hordes of tourists, it is all the those who would prefer a more relaxingway impressivelst-century BC Roman amphirht more enchanting for it. of taking in the sights,Umbria's beautycan be atre and is one of the country'sbest oresenn Not for nothing does spectacular,moun- apprEciatedjust asthoroughly by car medievaltowns tainous Umbria proudly call itself 'the green This is a region of picturesquehilltop toums heartofltaly, 'green'afterits severalnational rather than sprawling cities.As good a place as lrt'itl\,!i! l(iti \ parks and-ib lush valleys through *hich the ariyto start is Perugta its capital and right in the A few miles south is Cualdo Tadino, lurors RiverTiSp flows to the sea;:and'heart' as it is middle of Umbria. It is as largeas the region's for its ceramics.Notable attractions her right in tle middle of Italy. ' . tor4rnscomg yet is home to just 149,000people. include the 12th-century RoccaFlea militar It's a heart that's be.atingas far as property fort, visiblefiom milesaround. But if 1ou ar valuesare concemed.A Perugia,airportexten- ,4 I lu,t,r,ll(ltil rlt €:ilt t.1f i {tt here in the last week of September.catch rh sion iastydai gaveUmbria is flrst intemational Among its spectacular attractions are the colourful three-dayI Giochidelle Pone fe:;rsl;a airport, meaning better transport links and Templeof Sant'Angelo,a 15OO-year-oldround a medievalgames toumament. 62 ITA LY WH AT'S AVAILABLE tN. UM BRIA Assisirequires a brief detourbut €150,000 and apartments is worth it Perugiamay be Umbria's complex with a lake view capital but this town is its artistic €95,000. and spiritual heart. You can't miss Property is more afforda the huge church commemorating further away from the Tus St Francis and comprising two border. In the centre of Gubl basilicas.The complex - on which construc- Finally, the joumey westwards brings to €130,000 will get you a 50sq. m. one-t tion began in 1228 - is one of Italy's most Todi, which boastsan imposing cathedraland room townhouse or apartment,while a tl visited religious sites, so don't come here medieval central square,and Orvieto, known or four-bedroom villa on the outskirts u'ill expectingsolitude. for its 13th-centurycathedral and fine wines. you back€300,000. The next stop-off on the journey south Budget€150,000 for a two-bedroom\ .l'il should be Spoleto, which has a still-used l', E]',:il::.!,i:.i-i ful ,1.Hi,l t in GualdoTadino, while a similar properr Roman theatre and a splendid 12th-century Pricesin Tuoro are affectedby the vicinity of Todi can comewith a €250,000tag. cathedral. Every summer, Spoleto is taken Tuscany five miles away and expect to pay As ever, buying a rundown properg' over by the two-week FestiualDei Due Mondi around €500,000 for a three-bedroomvilla restoration is often a cheaperoption. In Ti - festival of two worlds, an international But there are bargainsto be had - a two-bed- a 300sq. m. house might cost €150,00( musical event. room terracedor semi-detachedproperty for third ofTuscanorices. PROPERTIES FOR SALE Casa defla Pieve and Osteria - Tuoro sulTrasimeno With directaccess to LakeTrasimeno, surrounded by rurallandscape, new apartmentsare available in lwo restoredcountry houses. The apartmentshave been renovatedby maintaininqthe buildinqs' oriqinalfeatures such as beamedceilinQs. Price: Euro 115,000 (applox. E77,OOOI ViffaGnzia - Gubbio Two-storeydetached villa of 2,050sq ft. Fourbedrooms, two bathrooms, study room, kitchen withdininq table and spacious living room Beautifully decorated, allbedrooms have wooden floors andbeamed ceilinqs. Surrounded by2.7 acres of land. Price:Euro 300,000 (approx. 9200,000) Villa Panorama- CualdoTadino Inthe hills of CualdoTadino. a two-storey villa of 3,300sq.ft with panoramic view. Three bedroons F twobathrooms, lounqe, kitchen and store room. Surrounded by21,500 sq.ft of garden. Iwo qaralies Price:Euro 205,000 (approx. gl3Z000) Allproperties a\ailable t"-:-;- The Propert) CasaleLuca - Todi Beautifullyrestored country house in the Mount Paglia's Park OrQan ise r The'villais3,000 sq ft andcomprises three bedrooms, three Conlact delails: bathrooms,kitchen, study and livinQ room with fireplace. Tel:+44 (01870 411 m3l e-mail: Surroundedby40,000 sq.ft of gardenwith swimming pool. i nf [email protected] weo: Price: Euro700,000 (approx. f470,000) www. propertyorganlser.co. 61 IT\L\.
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