
\ ,. .,.. ;.-. ?,,.> ,+c . ,- . .->’.’.”, .,’ ;’ocial Survey Dlwslon, OfiIce of Population Ce,nsuses and Surveys .? . -, . z 3484 u IPS CODSRS ‘ INSTRUCTIONS CONTENT’S Page Documents used by Coders to code or check questlomalres 1 The Coder’s tssk la General points 2 Types of questionnaire 3 Identlflcatxon 3 Serial number 3 Mlnlmum Questlonnalres 4 5 <J Natmnallty Residence 9 UK county 13 State/prOvmce 13 Frequency Df travel to and from the UK 13 Country vlslted 14 Reason for vlslt 16 01 Hollday 17 02 Cruise 18 03 Business 19 ‘Business’ vs ‘Deflnlte lobs to go to’ 21 31 Trade falrlexhlbltlon 22 32 Conference/large business meeting 22 05 Formal study 23 06 vlslt friends or relatlves 25 07 Looking for work 26 08 Au pair 26 09 Other 27 44 Accompany /JOln 28 55 Medical treatment 29 66 Getting married 29 77 Asylum seeker 30 89 Overnight transit 31 90 Same day transit 31 91 Turnaround/stay on board 32 92 De flnlte work 33 93 Mllltary/Embassy 34 94 Merchant Navy 35 95 Alrllne crew 36 96 Unaecompanled school child 37 97 Immlgratlng/emigrating 38 9B Comlng[golng home to llve 3s 1 Page Migration 39 Length of stay 39 Definition of migrant 40 Town 41 Country of birth 41 Year lsat left/returnad to UK 42 Age/marital status 43 Occupation 43 Money tranaferred abroad 44 Expenditure Section 46 Date visit began 46 Arrivala 46 Departurea 46 Visita to the Irish Republic 49 Oil rigs 49 Overnight crossings 49 Vague dates 50 Background to Expenditure Section 51 Number of paople 52 Expenditure calculations 53 Package quest ions - Whether on a package 54 Package covering UK and other countries too 55 Amounts 56 Sea questionnaires - rail fares 58 Estimating cost 50 Additional points for UK residents 58 Additional pointa for Foreign residents 58 Side trips 59 Internal package of the UK only 59 Non-package expenditure 60 Expenditure during visit 61 Items of uncertain eligibility 62 Expenditure in advancelleft to pay 65 Ineligible expenditure 66 Ineligible items 69 Money transferred 70 --- Ineligible items 70 Alcohol and tobacco 72 Expenditure over E99997 72 Items to be excluded from expenditure on Arrivals 74 ,, ,, !, ,, !! ,, on Departures 75 Expenditure reminders by rfv code 76 Town visited. Foreign residents. Departures 82 Town Codes 82 Number of nights 83 Nights tally 84 Air 85 Long-haul/Short-haul 85 Times for the Home Office 85 F1ight number 85 Time of flight 85 ii w Page Selectlon txme 85 Edit/Consistency checks on fllght errlvalleelectlon tlines 86 Flight details 87 Transfer questions 88 chsngo/End Departures 89 Cbangsi/Start Arrivals 89 Changing planes 89 Second airport 89 Second ●irline 90 claas of travel 91 Company or employer paying for ticket 92 Tyw of fllght 94 Air fares 94 Farce subaample 95 Estxmates of fares 96 Inclusive tour 97 Non IT 98 ?lights covered by ticket 102 b Sea Journey 103 Long-haul /Short -haul 103 Ship, Shipping Line 103 Port 103 Typa of vehicle 103 Sea Far&S - Look-up table (Compilmg) 105 - Coding farea 108 Subsampllng and ellglbzlity 108 Cabin/ couchet te 108 - Whether a package 109 Type of fare 109 Normal or special farea 110 - sea fare paid 111 - Whether fare eatlmated 115 No of people covered by fareiin car 115 Company or employer paying for ticket 115 Means of transport to and from pat 116 u Student trailers Long ST 1 Short ST 3 Employee trailers Departures Long ET 1 Short ET 4 Arrivals Long ET 5 Short ET 7 Clasaiflcatlon 11s Referrala to OPCS 120 Index IPS CODING INSTRUCTIONS 1994 u DOC~S USED BY COD= TO CODE OR CHECK QUESTIONNAIRES Questlomalres Interviewers’ InstructIons Codera’ InstructIons Interviewers’ and coders’ coding frames Quarterly List of shifts alr sea May fly ) ) particular to a ahlft Traffic Statlstlcs ) BAA Yellow Airport Timetable (approx four times a year) ABC World Airways Guide (Monthly) ABC Shlppmg Guide (Monthly) ABC Alr Travel Atlas Gazeteer Calender Alr fares llst provided monthly by OPCS ‘u Sea fares llst compiled quarterly by coding agency from ferry operators’ brochures Currency Conversion table provided monthly by OPCS Look-up tables provided annual 1y by OPCS Incluslve tour costs Car hire costs Rail fares for deduction from Incluslve tour fares or sea fares Diesel prices CODOT (Classlf>catlon and Descrlptlon of Occupational Titles) 1972, Department of Employment (HMSO) Census Place Names 1981 - for Coding of dlstrlct for migrants List of interviewer authority numbers, updated as necessary BAA tape of fllght arrival times (every month) L’ ~E CODEA ‘S TASK —.+ A Coders should check for: completeness; legibility; consistency; and accuracy; and correct the coding if necessary in the following sections: UK county/specified foreign State Type of flight Date viait began Origin/destination Number of people Shipping company Whether package or not Sea port or origin/destination Package cost and insurance Vehicle on board Expenditure sect ion Sea fare Towns section Shift details Migration Qs 18 - 22 Type of interview/date Airline and airport End/transfer Airport startedlends journey Class of travel .. la UB Coders should check for leglb>llty and completeness but not accuracy In the following sections Any mlssmg codes are to be inserted and any llleglble codes are to be corrected Natlonallty Fare not applicable (Sea) Residence Class lflcatlon Country VIS1 ted Coding complete Reason for vlslt Interviewer’s number Length of stay Interview time u The work of new Interviewers and others aa speclfled by OPCS as well as all migrant records (Ie those with a length of stay of 12 months or more) should be checked for consistency @ accuracy In the aectlons hated In B above c Coders should insert the correct codes m the following sections which are not routinely coded by Lntervlewera Quart er Serial number Mlgratlon Qs 17, 24, 28 Nights tally Fllght time Alr fsre Sea fare lb G~ POINTS All codes should be entered in coding columns if possible. Items which will be entered on computer are marked by a bold outline. ,,,<. The small numbers (usually) in brackets denote coding columns. The number to the left of a box denotes maximum number of digita in the tmx. The full number of digits must be entered except for farelexpenditure amounts and number of nights in towns which need not have leading zeros inserted. (These are inserted by data processors) . If a cede has to be changed, cross through the old one and write the new one above or below; do not eraae. Correct ions wi11 sometimes have to be outside the coding column. Al1 coders’ entries should be in red. Further correct ions made after the DE computer edit should be in green. The final code input on tape must be clearly recorded as such on the questionnaire. Always distinguish between: daahes where a question does not apply (blanks to be inserted by data entry staff ) ,,,.. 9s where a question should have been answered but the answer is not known . 0s where a quantity is nil. All codes are numeric not alphabetical with the exception of the use of X4 and X5 at CO1 56-60 Q48, the district codes at Q17, flight number on Heathrow and Gatwick Arrivals and the new indicator fielda attached to quantity variables. 2 TYPES OF QUESTIONNAIRE Ques.tlomalres fall Into several categories according to ‘flow’ and amO~t of mformatlon given Flow ColunuI 2 flrat page There are eight flow codes, questionnaires are to be boxed separately by flow and thla IS then entered at column 2 (It la not necessary to enter the code on the questlomalrea ). Queatlonnalr~ Residence (oa 2-7) 1 Am departures Foreign Pmk 2 Air departures UK !, 3 Air arrivals Foreign Slue 4 AH arrivals UK ,, 5 Sea departures Foreign Green ,, 6 Sea departures UK 7 Sea arrivals Foreign Yellow !! 8 Sea arrivals UK F1OWS 1, 4, 5, .9are known as ‘main’ flows because they refer to people ending their vlslts and Include all expenditure data wlthln these flows separate ‘mmlmum’ response from the rest You may also fmd It helpful to separate out mlgranta wlthm flows 2, 3, 6, and 7 (they do not aPPIY to the other flow. ) IDENTIFICATION QUARTSR- entered In column 1 SERIAL NUMBER- COIS 3-7 Thla lS unique w>thln quarter and flow. A 5-dlgIt number lS used ‘Mmlmum’ cases le only nationality and country of residence answered First dlglt of the serial number to be 5 Otherwise number from 00001 wlthm flow (Ie value m CO1 2 ) and quarter m the order the questionnaires are dealt with NB On moat alr questionnaires you WI1l fmd numbers written by the Interviewers at the top left corner of page 1 eg 24/6000 ~ 6000 Thls means that the contact was the 600Oth passenger on the count Lng cllcker (and the 24th aelectlon on that shift) These numbers are not entered on computer and are not serial numbers However, they can be useful when checking fllght information because In con]unctlon with the traffic statistics they give an Indlcatlon of the hour during which the mtervlew took place ~ MINIMOH QUESTIONNAIRES There must be codes entered at: COLS Quarter F1OW 2 Serial number 3-7 Nationality 8-10 Residence 11-14 Sex 301 Age 302 Response 308 Date of shift 309-312 Interviewer 401-404 MAIN AIR Sampled port (+ shift) 303-304 305-306 SEA Shipping line 212-216 . Port 218-222 Delete any other anawers Q1 NATIONALITY (Col 8-10) Use Frame Al - the first three dlglts only Codes 881-899 do not apply to contacts - they are mvalld for quest lomalres handled by RSL Code the country which %ssued the passport even If the contact obtained It in another 1 Brlt~sh passpcmts/Br~t~sh cummcmweelth Passports Please dlstlngush between.
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