UPPER SKAGIT TRIBE ­­ Exhibits before the Court Date Exhibit # Description Admitted 1 UPS­1 "Upper Skagit Indians, Use of WITHDRAWN Resources for Hunting, Fishing, and Plant­gathering," by June M. Collins, Ph.D. UPS­2 Copy of 91st Congressional 2d 9/12/73 Session Senate Calendar #1165, 5/4/94 (89­ Report #91­1144, p. 18 ­ 22. 3) The following exhibits were a d m i t t e d / n o t admitted/withdr awn/not offered in subproceeding #89­3 UPS­003 Kew, 1987 Forword pp ix­x in WITHDRAWN Coast Salish Essays by Wayne 5/3/94 Suttles. Seattle: University of Washington Press. UPS­004 Snyder, "Aboriginal Settlements NOT ADMITTED in the Skagit Drainage System" in 5/3/94 Cultural Resource Overview and Sample of the Skagit Wild and Scenic River. p. 19, 32, appendix. UPS­005 Suttles, 1974, "Aboriginal NOT ADMITTED Fishing Practices of the Tribes 5/3/94 forming the Modern Swinomish Community." Appendix 2, p. 5­6, 60­65. UPS­006 Collins, "The Influence of White NOT ADMITTED Contact on Class Distinctions and 5/3/94 Political Authority Among the Indians of Northern Puget Sound," p. 89­204 in Volume 2, Coast Salish and Western Washington Indians. UPS­007 Snyder, n.d., box 108, file 8. 5/4/94 LIMITED 2 UPS­008 Bureau of Indian Affairs, Family 5/3/94 Tree Number 1, Everett, Washington. UPS­009 Snyder, "Swinomish, Upper Skagit, NOT ADMITTED Sauk­Suiattle:"Inventory of 5/3/94 Native American Religious Use, p. 222. UPS­010 Snyder, n.d., fieldnotes, box 5/4/94 108, folder 7. LIMITED UPS­011 Fladmark, A Paleoecological Model NOT ADMITTED for Northwest Coast Prehistory, 5/3/94 Mercury Series, Archeological Survey of Canada, Paper No. 43, p. 50­51. UPS­012 Norton, Women and Resources of WITHDRAWN the Northwest Coast, 1985. 5/3/94 UPS­013 Collins, "John Fornsby: The NOT ADMITTED Personal Document of a Coast 5/3/94 Salish Indian." in Indians of the Urban Northwest. Edited by Marion W. Smith. Columbia University Press, 1949, p. 287­288, 291, 292, 295,302. UPS­015 Sampson, Indians of Skagit NOT ADMITTED County. Skagit County Historical 5/3/94 Series No 2. Mount Vernon, Washington, 1972, p. viii, 21­22, 24­27, 212, map. UPS­016 Hilbert, 1985 Haboo. University WITHDRAWN of Washington Press. Seattle, p. 5/3/94 xiii­xiv. UPS­018 Snyder, fieldnotes, box 108, 5/4/94 folder 6. LIMITED UPS­019 Snyder, fieldnotes, box 108, file 5/4/94 2. LIMITED UPS­020 Yarns of the Skagit Country. NOT ADMITTED Maple Lane Trailer Park, Space 5/3/94 #11, Sedro Woolley, Washington, 1974, pp. 377­379. 3 UPS­021 Synder, fieldnotes, box 109, file 5/4/94 3. LIMITED UPS­022 Williams, Sherman, Sr., Interview WITHDRAWN of November 3, 1986. 5/3/94 UPS­023 Williams, Alice, Interview of WITHDRAWN October 21, 1986. 5/3/94 UPS­024 Williams, Walter, Interview of WITHDRAWN November 3, 1986. 5/3/94 UPS­025 Collins, 1980, "Report on the use WITHDRAWN of the Skagit River, including 5/3/94 Village locations, by the Upper Skagit Indians." Pp. 2­19 in Cultural Resource Overview and Sample Survey of the Skagit Wild and Scenic River. Edited by Astrida R. Blukas Onat. Institute of Comparative Research. Seattle UPS­027 Lane, 1981, The Baker River Dams WITHDRAWN and Indian Fisheries. Prepared 5/3/94 for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior. Portland, Oregon. UPS­028 Composite of maps for Island 5/4/94 County vicinity. Annotated with LIMITED Indian place names and resource locations by Sally Snyder. Docket No. 294, Indian Claims Commission, Claimant's Ex. No. 4. UPS­031 Miller, Report on Upper Skagit 4/22/94 Shellfishing of the Point Elliot Treaty Period. UPS­032 Lane, Declaration of Dr. Barbara 4/22/94 Lane. UPS­033 Bob, George, 1918, Application 5/3/94 for Enrollment (Roblin) RG 75, US National Archives. 4 UPS­034 Consauk, Fr i d a y , 1 9 17, 5/3/94 Application for Enrollment (Roblin) RG 75, US National Archives. UPS­035 Lyle, Maggie, 1917, Application 5/3/94 for Enrollment (Roblin) RG 75, US National Archives. UPS­036 Williams, Johnny, 1917, 5/3/94 Application for Enrollment (Roblin) RG 75, US National Archives. UPS­037 Wilson, Jennie, 1917, Application 5/3/94 for Enrollment (Roblin) RG 75, US National Archives. UPS­038 Map, USGS 1954, Bow Quadrangle 4/22/94 N4830­W12222.5/7.5 UPS­039 Meany, 1922, Origin of Washington NOT ADMITTED Geographical Names. Washington 5/3/94 Historical Quarterly, VOl. 13, No. 1, p. 36. UPS­040 M c T a g g e r t , L e t t e r t o 5/3/94 Commissioner, July 2, 1886, RG 75, Microfilm P2011, Roll 3, Frames 0408­0808. UPS­041 Snyder, n.d., field notes 5/4/94 LIMITED UPS­042 Snyder, U.S. Coast and Geodetic 5/4/94 Survey No. 6376, Docket 233, ICC, LIMITED Exh. 3. UPS­043 Suttles, n.d. field notes 5/4/94 UPS­044 Upchurch, 1936, "The Swinomish NOT ADMITTED People and Their State". Pacific 5/3/94 Northwest Quarterly 27:283­284. UPS­045 Snyder, Testimony, Dockets 263, WITHDRAWN 294, ICC. 5/4/94 UPS­046 Upper Skagit Clam Harvest for 5/3/94 1987. (15000001) 5 UPS­048 Constitution of the Upper Skagit 4/25/94 Tribe. (15000005­15000016) UPS­049 Upper Skagit Tribe fishing 4/25/94 ordinance. (15000017­15000063) UPS­050 T r i b a l E m p l o y e e L i s t . 5/4/94 (15000076­15000080) UPS­051 Certification and Approvals for 5/4/94 Membership Rolls 1979­1990. (15000086­15000109) UPS­052 Fishing Permit list, income tax 5/4/94 statements, fireworks sales licenses. (15000110­15000175) UPS­053 Retail Sales Reporting form for 5/4/94 f i r e w o r k s c o m m i s i s o n . (15000176­15000194) UPS­054 Proclamation (15000268). 4/25/94 UPS­055 Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Bruce 4/22/94 Miller. UPS­056 Snyder, Skagit Society and its WITHDRAWN E x i s t e n t i a l B a s i s : A n 5/3/94 Ethnofolkloristic Reconstruction, 1964. UPS­057 Upper Skagit commercial salmon 4/27/94 data; ceremonial and subsistence shellfish, deer, and elk harvest data UPS­058 Upper Skagit enrollment figures; 5/3/94 ceremonial and subsistence salmon data UPS­059 A History of the Swinomish Tribal WITHDRAWN Community, by Natalie Roberts. 5/3/94 Ph.D. Dissertation, 197, pp. 73, 120. UPS­ILL­15 Upper Skagit Shellfishing in the 5/3/94 Point Elliot Treaty Period 6 UPS­ILL­16 Upper Skagit Usual and Accustomed 5/3/94 Shellfishing Areas UPS­ILL­17 Map of Midden Sites (available for inspection at the offices of Mathews, Garlington­Mathews, et al., 401 2nd Ave., #500, Seattle, WA 98104) UPS­ILL­18 Map of Midden & Ethnographic Sites (available for inspection at the offices of Mathews, Garlington­Mathews, et al, 401 2nd Ave., #500, Seattle, WA 98104) UPPER SKAGIT TRIBE EXHIBITS ­ ­ admitted in subp r o ceeding #97­2 UPS­060 Skagit System Coop (“SSC”) 1987 7/15/97 Clam Harvest List UPS­061 Letter Gibson to Smitch, 2/4/87 7/15/97 w/attachments UPS­062 Letter, Foster to Chesnin, 7/15/97 7/11/97 UPS­063 Letter, Maloney to Kinley, 7/15/97 8/24/93 UPS­064 Letter, Chesnin to Olson, 10/4/93 7/15/97 UPS­065 Draft, Interim Agreement ­­ Upper 7/15/97 Skagit and Swinomish 2/23/94, 9:53 am. UPS­066 Draft, Interim Agreement ­­ Upper 7/15/97 Skagit and Swinomish w/additional corrections, 2/23/94 7 UPS­067 Draft, Interim Agreement ­­ Upper 7/15/97 Skagit and Swinomish 2/23/94, 3:36 pm UPS­068 Draft, Interim Agreement ­­ Upper 7/15/97 Skagit and Swinomish 3/4/94 UPS­069 Draft, Interim Agreement ­­ Upper 7/15/97 Skagit and Swinomish, 3/21/94 UPS­070 Copy of Swinomish Clam Ordinance, 7/15/97 Faxed 3/24/94 UPS­071 Draft, Interim Agreement ­­ Upper 7/15/97 Skagit and Swinomish, 3/28/94, 4:41 pm UPS­072 Draft, Interim Agreement ­­ Upper 7/15/97 Skagit and Swinomish, 3/28/94, 4:53 pm UPS­073 Swinomish Crab Regulation, 6/97 7/15/97 w/map Swinomish On Reservation Crab 7/15/97 UPS­074 Fishing Map UPS­075 Swinomish Crab On Reservation 7/15/97 Regulations ­­ 1993 UPS­076 Swinomish Crab On Reservation 7/15/97 Regulations ­­ 1995 UPS­077 SSC Application for Shellfish 7/15/97 O p e r a t i o n L i c e n s e a n d Certification 1988, 1994, 1995, 1996 UPS­078 SSC Shellfish Operation License 7/15/97 and Certificate of Approval, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 UPS­079 Letter SSC (Gibson) to Cleland, 7/15/97 4/28/89 UPS­080 Letter SSC (Loomis) to Freeman, 7/15/97 4/16/91 8 UPS­081 Letter Freeman to Loomis (SSC), 7/15/97 4/19/91 UPS­082 Letter SSC (Loomis) to Freeman, 7/15/97 4/24/91 UPS­083 Memo Gibson to SSC Fisheries 7/15/97 Managers, 5/5/93 UPS­084 Letter SSC (Gibson) to Burge, 7/15/97 5/5/93, w/attachment UPS­085 Letter SSC (Gibson) to Wood, 7/15/97 7/28/94 w/attachment UPS­086 Letter SSC (Gibson) to Burge, 7/15/97 3/3/95 w/attachments UPS­087 Swinomish Tribal Organization 7/15/97 Chart UPS­088 Map Only Location of Commercial O F F E R E D Shellfish Opportunity in WDFW 7/15/97 Area 8 (not stipulated to by WITHDRAWN Swinomish 7/17/97 Upper Skagit 1996 Subsistence 7/15/97 UPS­089 Clam Permits UPS­090 Upper Skagit 1997 Subsistence 7/15/97 Clam Permits UPS­091 Upper Skagit Crab Permit List 7/15/97 UPS­092 Letter Schuyler to Fife Embedded 7/15/97 Shellfish Harvest Report, 6/25/97 UPS­093 Harvest Report 1996 ­ 1997 7/15/97 Embedded Shellfish (subsistence) UPS­094 Crab Tickets 1997 Commercial 7/15/97 Harvest ­­ Upper Skagit UPS­095 Historic Crab Catch Data by 7/15/97 Region UPS­096 Region 2 Upper Skagit Commercial 7/15/97 Crab Permits 9 UPS­097 Region 2 Tribal/Non­Tribal Crab 7/15/97 Harvest 1996­1997, 1997­1998 UPS­098 Letter Schuyler to Fife, 2/26/97, 7/15/97 Upper Skagit Embedded Shellfish Harvest Report, 1996 10 .
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