American Media Services P

American Media Services P

Stations in the U.S. New York American Media Services P. 0. Box 20696 LLC CHARLESTON, SC 29413 DEVELOPERS & BROKEI - OF RADIO PROPERTIES TEL (843) 972 -2200 WWW.AMERICANMEDIASERVICES.COM FAx (843) 881-4436 news progmg 14 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-55: general. *Dick Snavely, news/talk. News staff: one; news progmg 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 50% Web Site: Format: C&W, news. News pres: Rick Snavely, VP, gen mgr & stn mgr; Roger Settje, prom mgr: plus. *Dr. Paul Titus. Ares: Bob Dunphy, gen mgr; Ray Ross, opns progmg 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec grog: Farm 3 hrs. relg John Owens, progmg dir: Bruce Barrows, mus dir: Ed Spencer, news mgr; Shen/ Titus. sls VP; Diane Chapman, sls dir; Ray Rogg, progmg 3 hrs wkly. dir: Jim Travis, chief of engrg. mgr; Patrick Morris. news dir; Joseph Lake, chief of engrg. Brentwood Bay Shore WNBF(AM)-1928: 1290 khz: 5 kw-U, DA -2. TL: N42 03 31 W75 57 14. Box 414 (13902). (607) 772 -8400. Fax: (607) 772 -9806. Web Site: WXBA(FM)- June 21, 1975; 88.1 mhz; 180 w. 90 ft. TL: N40 46 19 Licensee: Citadel Broadcasting Co. Group owner: WBZO(FM)- February 1993: 103.1 mhz: 3 kw. 285 ft. TL: N40 45 04 W73 15 19. Stereo. Hm opn: 10 AM-11 PM. Ross High School, First Citadel Communications Corp. (acq 6-9-99: grpsl). Rep: Katz. Format: W73 12 52. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 900 Walt Whitman Rd.. Melville & 5th Aves. (11717). (631) 434 -2581. (631) 434-2582. Fax: (631) News/talk. Target aud: 35-64. Jim Elliott, progmg dir; Terri Phillips. (11747). (631) 423 -6740. Fax: (631) 385-3292. Web Site: 273 -6572. E -mail: [email protected]. Web Site: Licensee: prom dir & news dir: Ken Andrews. chief of engrg & disc jockey. Licensee: WCMB Broadcasting L.P. Group owner: Brentwood Public School District. Format: Educ, CHR. News staff: 6: Barnstable Broadcasting Inc. (acq 3 -6 -97; $12.45 million) Rep: D & R news progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18 -54; general. Spec prog: Black with WNBF(AM). 1956: 98.1 Radio. Wash airy: Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson & Hand. WHWK(FM) -Co -owned September 5 hrs. Sp 8 hrs wkly. *Jerold Steiner. gen mgr: Robert Ottone, stn Format: Oldies. News staff: one: news progmg 25 hrs wkly. Target mhz; 10 kw. 960 ft. TL: N42 03 34 W75 57 06. Stereo. Web Site: mgr; Patricia Carr, progmg dir; Valerie O'Kane. mus dir; Connie Format: Target 25 *John Davison. aud: General. Dave Widmer, gen mgr; Rick Martini, opns dir; Country. aud: -54. Kaehne. asst music dir: Scott Rio. news dir: Mike Roland. pub affrs dir; Freeman, news dir. Anthony Parenti, sls dir; Jessica Stevens, prom dir: Rick Martin. progmg dir: Dave Mike Erickson, chief of engrg. progmg dir; Mary Perez, news dir: Michael Glaser, chief of engrg. WSKG -FM- Oct 22, 1975: 89.3 mhz; 10.2 kw. 942 ft. TL; N42 03 22 Brewster Beacon W75 56 39. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 3000 (13902). (607) 729-0100. Fax: (607) 729 -7328. (607) 231-0996. E -mail: WPUT(AM) -Licensed to Brewster. See Patterson [email protected]. Web Site: Licensee: WBNR(AM)- Dec 17, 1959: 1260 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 w -N, DA2. TL: WSKG Public Telecommunications Council. *Nit: NPR. AP. PRI. 715 Rt. N41 29 32 W73 58 43. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Box 310 (12508). Wash arty: Dow. Lohnes & Albertson. Format: Class. news. News Briarcliff Manor 52 (12508). 1914) 838 -6000. Fax: (914) 838 -2109. Web Site: staff: one; news progmg 33 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Licensee: 6 Johnson Road Licenses Inc. (acq Jazz, folk 5 hrs wkly. *Gary Reinbolt, CEO & gen mgr: Greg Keeler. WYNY(FM)- Apr 8, 1960: 107.1 mhz; 890 w. 590 ft. TL: N41 04 49 10.19-01; grpsl). *Net: ABC. Rep; Katz. Format: Adult standards, opns dir & progmg dir: Barbara Dolny, prom dir: William Snyder, mus W73 48 26. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. 110 E. 42nd St.. New York (10017). sports. News staff: 2. Target aud: 35 plus. Spec prog: Relg one hr dir: Mike Pufky. of engrg.. Co -owned TV: *WSKG-TV affil chief (212) 499-9107. Fax: (212) 808-4202. Web Site: wkly. *James Morrell, CEO: Jake Russell, exec VP & gen mgr; Bob Licensee: Big City Radio -NYC. Group Outer, gen sls mgr; Gina Sanvenero, nati sls mgr: Tom Michaels, WSOX -FM- Jan 17, 1995: 91.5 mhz: 3.5 kw. 380 ft. TL: N42 07 54 owner: Big City Radio Inc. (acq 12- 29 -94: $4.5 million with WRKL(AM) progmg dir; Rich Flaherty, news dir; Paul Thurst. chief of engrg. W75 55 56. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 3000 (13902). (607) 729-0100. New City: FTR: 2-27 -95) Wash arty: Hogan & Hadson. Format: Fax: (607) 729-7328. Web Site: Licensee: WSKG Country. News staff: one. Target aud: 18 -44: upscale. young. WGNY -FM -See Newburgh Public Telecommunications Council. Net: NPR. PRI. Wash arty: suburban. Dow, Lohnes & Albertson. Format: Jazz. news. Target aud: General. WSPK(FM) -See Poughkeepsie Spec prog: Talk 10 hrs wkly. *Gary Reinholt, CEO 6 pres: Ciudy Gordinez. sr VP; Greg Keeler. opns VP; Diane Rao. prom mgr.. Bridgehampton Co-owned N: 'WSKG -N affil Big Flats WBAZ(FM)- 1996: 102.5 mhz; 4.8 kw. 367 ft. TL: N40 53 58 W72 23 06. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Box 1200, 44210 Canty Rd. 48. Southhold WYOS(AM)- June 1947: 1360 khz; 5 kw -D. 500 w -N, DA -2. TL: N42 WGMM(FM)- April 1989: 97.7 mhz; 1.30 kw. 482 ft. TL: N42 09 43 (11971). (631) 765-1017. Fax: (631) 765 -1662. E -mail: 04 03 W75 54 20. Hrs opn: 24.59 Court St. (13901). Box 414 (13902). W77 02 15. Hm opn: 24. Box 1047. Corning (14830). 2309 Davis Rd., [email protected]. Web Site: Licensee: AM (607) 722-3437. (607) 772 -8850. Fax: (607) 722 -3438. (607) Coming (14830). (607) 962.4646. Fax: (607) 962 -1138. Web Site: Entertainment Licensing LLC. Group owner: MA Entertainment L.L.C. 772-9806. Web Site: Licensee: Citadel Broadcasting Licensee: Eolin Broadcasting Inc. (group (acq 8- 22 -00: 62.75 million with WBEA(FM) Southold) Rep: Allied Co. Group owner: Citadel Communications Corp. (acq 6 -9 -99; grps0. owner; acq 6-1 -96). *Net: ABC. Rep: Roslin. Format: Oldies. Target Radio Partners. Wash arty: Pepper & Corazinni. Format: Bore aduh Rep: McGavren Guild. Format: Mus of your L''le. News staff: one: aud: 25 -54. *Robert W. Eolin Jr., pres: Bob Eolin, gen mgr, nati sis contemn. Target aud: 25-44; adults with active lifestyles. Spec grog: news progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 40 plus. Spec (drag: Pol 3 hrs, mgr & progmg dir; Jeanne Petti, rgnl sls mgr; Jack Shane, news dir; News. sports. *Malcolm A. Kahn, pres & gen mgr: Paul Conroy, gen Irish 2 hrs, Polka 4 hrs. relg 3 hrs. Czech one hr wkly. *Bob Adams, Dee Eolin, pub affrs dir; Jim Appleton. chief of engrg. sls mgr; Bob Anderson, chief of engrg. gen mgr & gen sls mgr. Binghamton WAAL(FM)- Coowned with WYOS(AM). March 1954: 99.1 mhz; 7.1 Bridgeport kw. 1,089 ft. TL: N42 03 22 W75 56 39. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Web Site: WAAL(FM)- Listing follows WYOS(AM). Format: Classic rock. News staff: one: news progmg WTKW(FM)- Nov 9, 1992: 99.5 mhz: 3 kw. 318 ft. TL: N43 09 07 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18-49: CHR/rock listeners. W75 56 05. (CP: 2.85 kw). Stereo. Hm opn: 24. 235 Walton St.. Syracuse (13202). Box 100. Syracuse (13217). (315)472-9111. Fax: WENE(AM) -See Endicott Blue Mountain Lake (315) 472 -1888. E -mail: geninfo Web Site: Licensee: Galaxy Communications LP. (group Mar 1, 1966: mhz: 1.45 kw. -47 ft. TL: N42 05 24 WHRK(FM)- 90.5 owner: acq 4 -6-00; grpsl) Net: AP. ABC/R. Rep: Allied Radio 58 05. 24. Box 2000. Univ. Union, Binghamton WXLH(FM)- November 1992: 91.3 mhz: 78 w. 1,729 ft. TL: N43 52 W75 Stereo. Hrs opn: Partners. Wash arty: James L. Oyster. Format: Classic rock. News Fax: (607) 777 -4958. E -mail: 18 W74 24 02. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts WSLU(FM) Canton 100% Univ. (13902. 6000). (607) 777 -2137. staff: one: news progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54 plus; stable. Web Site: Licensee: State St. Lawrence Univ., North Country Public Radio. Canton (13617). [email protected]. peak -eaming adults. *Ed Levine, pres & gen mgr; Dennis Brogan. sls of New York. Format: Alternative, educ, urban contemn, (315) 229-5356. Fax: (315) 229-5373. Web Site: University dir; Mimi Griswold, prom dir. progmg dir & news dir: Dave Doughty, Licensee: Lawrence University. Wash arty: Donald E. Martin. folk. News progmg 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Class St. chief of engrg. 6 hrs, Gospel 3 hrs, It 3 hrs, Jazz 9 hrs, Pol 3 hrs, Relg 3 hrs, Sp 9 Format: Eclectic public radio. News staff: 2; news progmg 35 tirs wkly. hrs, other 12 hrs wkly. *Sam Smith. gen mgr; Chris Storjohann. asst Target aud: General. Spec prog: Gospel, jazz. class. folk. pub aff rs. music dir; Colwyn Harns, asst music dir: Matt Laferty.

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