: 3 G ( | _ Published by Authority + Vol. LXII, No 71 - oo 22nd NOVEMBER, 1985 Price 30c 2 bay General Notice 708 of 1985. (b) depart Bulawayo Friday and Sunday 8.30 am., arrive Mnyangane 4.10 p.m.; ROADMOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER 262] (c) depart Mnyangane Monday, Thursday and Saturday 4.55 am., arrive Bulawayo 12.30 p.m. : . Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits - Mucheche Investments (Pvt) Ltd. “ . ° IN terms of subsection (4) of-section 7 of the Road Motor gent Permit: 20501. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: Transportation Act [Chapter 262], notice is hereby given that the applications detailed in the Schedule, for the issue or Route 1: Harare - Arcturus Mine - Goromonzi - Graseley - amendment of road ‘service permits, have been received for Mwanza School - Mutoko Kraal. the consideration of the Controller of Road Motor Transporta- Route 2: Harare - James Farm - Goromonzi - Arcturus - tion. : . ‘ a Graseley - Mwanza School - Mutoko Kraal. - Anyperson wishing to object to any such application must By:. , oe lodge with the Controller of Road Motor Transportation, P.O. Box 8332, Causeway— > Route 1:.Deletion of route. (a) a notice, in writing, of his intention to object, so as to Route 2: ; . reach the Controller’s: office not later than the 13th (a) Extension of route from Mutoko Kraal - Oribi Store. December, ‘1985; (b) Introduction of route stages: Ruwa and Chibamu. (b) his objection and the grounds therefor, on form R.M.T. (c} Alteration to times. 24, together with two copies. thereof, so as to reach the - (d) Increase in frequencies. Controller’s office not later-than the 3rd January, 1986. Any person objecting to»an application. for the issue or Theservice operates as follows— amendmentof a road service permit must confine his grounds of Route 1: : objection to matters directly bearing on the considerations ‘(a) depart Harare Monday 6.10 a.m. and 2 p.m., arrive referred to in paragraph(a), (b), (©), (@), (©), or © of section Mutoko Kraal 7.35 a.m. and 3.30 p.m., respectively; . 8 of the said.Act. 7 (b) depart Harare Tuesday to Thursday 2 p.m., arrive ‘ R. N. TSOMONDO, Mutoko Kraal 3.30 p.m.; : 22-11-85. Controller of Road Motor Transportation. (c) depart Harare Friday 6.30 p.m., arrive Mutoko Kraal 8.20 p.m.; ‘ _ SCHEDULE / ° (d) depart Harare Saturday 9 a.m., 1.30 pm. and 6 pm, - MOTOR-OMNIBUSES arrive Mutoko Kraal 10.35 am., 3.05 pm. and 7.50 p.m., respectively; ; Amendments (e) depart Harare Sunday 6.30 p.m., arrive Mutoko Pelandaba Bus Services (Pvt.) Ltd. ‘ -~ -Kraal 8 pm; . Permit: 21708. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity:. 7 0/407/85. (2) depart Mutoko’ Kraal Monday 4.30 am. and 6. t 740 am:, arrive Harare 6 am. and 9.30 am. Route 1: Bulawayo - Matopos - Kezi - Momestead - Tuli No. 2 respectively; Business School - Kafusi River - Manama Hospital - Nhwali to Friday 8.50 a.m., ; - (g) depart Mutoko Kraal Tuesday Centre -MnyanganiIrrigation. arrive Harare 10.40 a.m.; operate “as and when required” during three Route 2: To Mutoko Kraal Saturday 5 am., 10.35 a.m. and end of each school term and on (h) depart days; at the beginning arrive Harare 6.30 a.m., 12 noon and for the conveyance of persons connected and.3.10 p.m., public holidays 4.50 pm., respectively; with school activities to and from Bulawayo and Usher p.m., arrive Harare Institute, Matopos Mission, Mzingwane Mission, Gobatema (i) depart Mutoko Kraal Sunday 3.55 Mission, Homestead Mission, Tshelanyembe: Mission, an 5.30 p.m. David Livingstone Mission.’ Route 2: oo ; Condition: Standard local authority condition. (a) depart Harare Tuesday to Friday 7 am.,. arrive By: Alteration totimes. Mutoko Kraal 8.45 am.; -The service operates as follows— (b) depart Mutoko Kraal Tuesday to Friday 4.10 a.m., arrive Harare 6.20 a.m. '-{a) depart Bulawayo Wednesday, Friday and Sunday 11.30 am., arrive Mnyangane Irrigation 7.10 p.m.; Tlieservice to operate as follows— (b) depart Mnyangane Irrigation Monday and Sunday Route 2: ca , " . arrive Bulawayo 12.30 p.m; 4.55 a.m., (a) depart Harare Monday 6.10 am, 11.30 a.m. and a.m., arrive ‘(c) depart Mnyangane Irrigation Thursday 4.55 430 pm., arrive Acturus 7.55 a.m. Chibamu 1 p.m. _ Bulawayo 1.30 p.m. and Oribi Store 7.30 p.m., respectively; The service to operate as follows— (b) depart Harare Tuesday to Thursday 7 a.m., 11.30 a.m. Bulawayo Wednesday 11.30 am., arrive ‘and 4.30 p.m., arrive Arcturus. 8.40 am., Chibamu (a) depart . p.m., respectively; Mnyangane 7.10:p.m.; 1 pm. and Oribi Store 7.30 1048 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 22ND NovemBer, 1985 (c) depart Harare Friday 7 am., 11.30 a.m., 3.30 p.m. "©/654/85. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 65. and 6.40 p.m., arrive Arcturus 8.40 am., Chibamu Route: Harare - Concession - Mvurwi - Shayevudel - Guruve 1 pm, Goromonzi 4.40 pm. and Oribi Store - Msengezi Junction - Chitsungo - Chief Chapota - Kanye- 9.35 p.m., respectively; mba. ) depart Harare Saturday 9 a.m., 1.30 p.m. and 6 p.m. The'service to operate as follows— arrive Oribi Store 11.20 a.m., 3.50 p.m, and 8.40 p.m., (a) depart Harare Tuesday and Thursday 8 a.m., arrive respectively; Kanyemba 3.45 p.m.; -(e) depart Harare Sunday 11 am. and 5 pm., arrive (b) depart. Harare Friday 5.40 p.m., arrive Kanyemba Oribi Store 1.20 pm. and 7.20 p.m., respectively; ’ Saturday 1.40 a.m.; (f depart Oribi Store Monday 3 am., arrive Harare (c) depart Harare Saturday 2.30 Pm, atrive: Kanyemba - 6am; - 10.50 p.m.; (g) depart. Arcturus Monday to Friday 8.45 am., “arrive (d) depart Harare ‘Sunday 4 p.m., arrive .Kanyemba — ' Harare 10.30 a.m.; ~ 41.50 p.m.; (h) . depart Chibamu Monday to Friday 1.10 p.m., arrive (e) depart Kanyemba Monday, Wednesday and Friday to ~ Harare 3 p.m.; Sunday 4,30 a.m., arrive Harare 12 noon. @ depart Oribi Store Tuesday to Friday 3.25 a.m., arrive Harare 6.20 a.m.; GOODS-VEHICLES G) depart Goromonzi Friday 4,50 pm., arrive Harare Amendments . 6.05 p.m.;. Zimat Hauliers (Pvt.} Ltd. _ (k) depart Oribi Store Saturday 3:25 a.m., 11.25 am., and .3.55 p.m., arrive. Harare 6.20 a.m., 12,45 p.m. G/546/85. Permit: 24147, ‘Goods-vehicle. Load: 37 155 and 5.15 p.m., respectively; kilograms, (2) depart Oribi Store Sunday 7 am. and 2 pm., arrive Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius of the post office, Gweru. Harare 10 a.m. and 4.05 p.m., respectively. Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise ofall kinds. Condition: Standard interlocking condition. Additionals By: Deletion of theexisting area of operation and substitution Dumbwizi Bus Service. of “Within an 80-kilometre radius of the post office, Gweru, 0/557/84. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. with access to Zvishavane, Masvingo, Chiredzi and Plum- — Route 1: Harare - Macheke - Rusape - Matsika - Masvosva - tree.” . Mukonomuwi. G/547 to 549/85. Permits: 24146, 24145 and 24143. Three Route 2: Harare - Macheke - Rusape - Nyazura-- Mutare. goods-vehicles, Load: 37 155 kilograms each. The service to operate as follows— Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius of the General Post Office; Route 1: Bulawayo, with access to Plumtree. (a) depart Harare Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m., Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. arrive Mukonomuwi 1.06 p.m.; Condition: Standard interlocking condition. - (b) depart Mukonomuwi Wednesday 6 a.m., arrive Harare 11.06 a.m.; By: Deletion of the existing area of operation and substitution of “Within an 80-kilometre radius of the Genéral Post Office, . (c) depart Mukonomuwi Saturday and Sunday 2 p.m., Bulawayo, with access to _Plumtree, Zvishavane, “Masvingo arrive Harare 7.06 p.m. and Chiredzi.”’. Route 2: (a) depart Harare Wednesday 1.40 pm., arrive Mutare ” Gys50/85, Permit: 19275, Goods-vehicle. Load: 1900 6.45 p.m.; kilograms. (b) depart Harare Friday 10 a.m,, arrive Mutare 3.15 p.m.; Route: Bulawayo - Koce River- Queen’s Mine - Turk Mine- (c) depart Mutare Thursday 10 am., arrive Harare Lonely Mine - Swart Farm - Gwampa - Nkai D.A. Office - 3.15 pm; Godfrey Huggins Bridge - William Farrar Bridge - Nyange (d) depart Mutare ‘Friday 4 p.m., arrive Harare River - Lutope River - Mbumbus River - Sengwe River - 9.15 p.m. Gokwe D.A.Office. Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. Mhofu Express Services (Pvt.) Ltd. By: Extension of the existing route from Gokwe D.A.. Office - 0/614/85. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. Harare. Route: Zamchiya - Makoho - Tilcor - Chiredzi - Triangle. Additionals The service to operate as follows— Consolidated Transport Services (Pvt.) Ltd. (a) depart Zamchiya Montay to Sunday -5 am., arrive G/516/85. Goods-vehicle. Load: 5 000 kilograms. : Triangle 10.30 a.m.; - Area: Within an 25-kilometre. radius of the General Post Office, (b) depart Triangle Monday to Sunday 10.45 am., arrive Harare. Zamchiya 7‘Pm. Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. O/615/85:. Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: 76. Condition: For the collection and delivery of goods which are Route: Dumisa - Chikombedzi - Chibwedziwa - Chiredzi - to be carried, or which have been carried, on the com- _ Chief Chitsa - Gudo Township. pany’s recognized trunk services only. Note—This application is made to reinstate permit 20211, The service to operate as follows— which expired on the 31st May, 1984.
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