MOZAMBIQUE: TROPICAL CYCLONE IDAI AND FLOODS MULTI-SECTORAL LOCATION ASSESSMENT - ROUND 14 Data collection period 22 - 25 July 2020 73 sites* 19,628 households 94,220 individuals 17,005 by Cyclone Idai 82,151 by Cyclone Idai 2,623 by floods 12,069 by floods From 22 to 25 July 2020, in close coordination with Mozambique’s National Institute for Disaster Management (INGC), IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) teams conducted multi-sectoral location assessments (MSLA) in resettlement sites in the four provinces affected by Cyclone Idai (March 2019) and the floods (between December 2019 and February 2020). The DTM teams interviewed key informants capturing population estimates, mobility patterns, and multi-sectoral needs and vulnerabilities. Chemba Tete Nkganzo Matundo - unidade Chimbonde Niassa Mutarara Morrumbala Tchetcha 2 Magagade Marara Moatize Cidade de Tete Tchetcha 1 Nhacuecha Tete Tete Changara Mopeia Zambezia Sofala Caia Doa Maringue Guro Panducani Manica Tambara Sofala Marromeu Mutarara Manica Cheringoma Sofala Ndoro Chemba Maringue Gorongosa Gorongosa Mocubela Metuchira Mocuba Landinho Muanza Mussaia Ndedja_1 Sofala Maganja da Costa Nhamatanda Savane Zambezia Brigodo Inhambane Gogodane Mucoa Ronda Digudiua Parreirão Gaza Mutua Namitangurini Namacurra Munguissa 7 Abril - Cura Dondo Nicoadala Mandruzi Maputo Buzi Cidade da Beira Mopeia Maquival Maputo City Grudja (4 de Outubro/Nhabziconja) Macarate Maxiquiri alto/Maxiquiri 1 Sussundenga Maxiquiri 2 Chicuaxa Buzi Mussocosa Geromi Sofala Chibabava Maximedje Muconja Inhajou 2019 Chingemidji Bandua 2019 Estaquinha sede Begaja Bandua sede Nhanhemba 1 Nhanhemba 2 Madibunhana Mutassa Manhandure Matarara Mucombe Metchisso Zichão Tossene Choma Total families by site Ngurue 25 de Setembro Macocoe Chibue Mateo Manica 921 - 1,594 Sussundenga Chibue 385 - 920 Muoco Chiguendere (Madudo) Mdhala Manhama 2 165 - 384 Magaro Chiruca Magueba Chibabava 22 - 164 Manhama 1 Sofala Javera Muchai Province boundary Gudza 0 145 290 580 km Nhamississua District boundary *A new site “Maxiquiri alto 3” was opened in Grudja locality and Grudja (4 de Outubro/Nhabziconja) site in Buzi was split into two by INGC, increasing the number of resettlement sites in the central region to 73. MOZAMBIQUE: TROPICAL CYCLONE IDAI AND FLOODS MULTI-SECTORAL LOCATION ASSESSMENT - ROUND 14 GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE Manica Sofala Tete Zambezia Of the 73 sites assessed, 82% are located in Sofala and 31 sites 29 sites 3 sites 10 sites Manica provinces 3,588 individuals 13,280 individuals which represent 22,589 individuals 54,763 individuals 82% of the displaced population Table 1: Number of sites and population by province Province # Site Total families displaced Total families displaced due to ood Total families Total individuals due to Cyclone Idai (December 2019 - February 2020) Manica 31 4,541 1 50 4,692 2 2,589 Sofala 29 9,944 1,361 11,304 5 4,763 Tete 3 708 - 708 3 ,588 Zambezia 10 1,812 1 ,112 2,924 1 3,280 Grand Total 73 17,005 2,623 1 9,628 94,220 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE Female Male Children (0 - 17 years) 52% 4% 3% <1 yr 8% 7% 1-5 yrs Adults 16% 14% 6-17 yrs (18 - 59 years) 43% 18-59 yrs 22% 21% 60+ yrs 3% 2% Elderly (60+ years) Total 53% 47% 5% Figure 1: Population by age groups and gender Figure 2: Percentage of population by age groups PHYSICAL ACCESSIBILITY STATUS 72% 12% Of the 73 resettlements sites assessed, 74 per cent Limited access (only 4x4 vehicles) 14% (16,424 households in 54 sites) are fully accessible Limited access (only by boat) Accessibility status while the remaining 26 per cent (3,204 households Accessible 28% in 19 sites) can only be accessed either by a boat or 74% 4x4 vehicle. In the event of a natural disaster, 28 per Accessible Inaccessible cent of the resettlement sites (4,498 households in Figure 3: a) Accessibility status b) Accessibility in event of disaster 15 sites) would become inaccessible. URGENT NEEDS Of the 73 resettlement sites assessed, 44 per cent reported food as their main need (representing 10,235 households in 32 sites) followed by shelter 44% 34% 10% (34%, representing 5,037 households in 25 sites), and water (10%, representing 1,915 households in 7 sites). Figure 4: Urgent needs 2 MOZAMBIQUE: TROPICAL CYCLONE IDAI AND FLOODS MULTI-SECTORAL LOCATION ASSESSMENT - ROUND 14 ORIGIN OF DISPLACED FAMILIES All the families living in the resettlement sites originated from the districts of their resettlement location as illustrated in the figure below: District of origin District of displacement Resettlement site Bandua 2019: 866 Bandua sede: 442 Begaja: 210 Chingemidji: 446 Estaquinha sede: 299 Inhajou 2019: 446 From Buzi: 6,166 Buzi: 6,166 Machonjova: 512 Maximedje: 189 Maxiquiri 2: 266 Maxiquiri alto 3: 155 Maxiquiri alto/Maxiquiri 1: 1,863 Mussocosa: 42 Nhamacunta: 430 Magagade: 175 Ndoro: 200 From Caia: 992 Caia: 992 Nhacuecha: 215 Tchetcha 1: 218 Tchetcha 2: 184 Chicuaxa: 551 Geromi: 384 From Chibabava: 1,806 Chibabava: 1,806 Macarate: 461 Mdhala: 160 Muconja: 250 From Cidade de Tete: 565 Cidade de Tete: 565 Matundo - unidade Chimbonde: 565 Savane: 264 From Cidade da Beira: 264 Mandruzi: 375 Dondo: 1,333 Mutua: 694 From Dondo: 1,069 Landinho: 300 From Maganja da Costa: 1,394 Maganja da Costa: 1,394 Mussaia: 668 Parreirão: 426 Nkganzo: 63 From Mutarara: 143 Mutarara: 143 Panducani: 80 Brigodo: 481 Gogodane: 42 From Namacurra: 1,119 Namacurra: 1,119 Mucoa: 125 Munguissa: 209 Ronda: 262 7 Abril - Cura: 162 Metuchira: 370 From Nhamatanda: 1,007 Nhamatanda: 1,007 Ndedja_1: 475 Digudiua: 193 From Nicoadala: 411 Nicoadala: 411 Namitangurini: 218 25 de Setembro: 163 Bairro da unidade: 322 Chibue: 154 Chibue Mateo: 98 Chiruca: 30 Gudza: 144 Javera: 30 Machacuari: 22 Macocoe: 148 Madibunhana: 196 Magaro: 203 Magueba: 120 Manhama 1: 90 Manhama 2: 263 Manhandure: 97 Matarara: 195 From Sussundenga: 4,692 Sussundenga: 4,692 Metchisso: 217 Minas Gerais: 142 Muawa: 262 Muchai: 56 Muchambanha: 56 Mucombe: 143 Muoco Chiguendere (Madudo): 72 Mutassa: 36 Ngurue: 138 Nhamississua: 46 Nhanhemba 1: 548 Nhanhemba 2: 260 Tossene Choma: 339 Zibuia: 61 Zichão: 41 Figure 5: Origin of families in resettlement sites 3 MOZAMBIQUE: TROPICAL CYCLONE IDAI AND FLOODS MULTI-SECTORAL LOCATION ASSESSMENT - ROUND 14 SHELTER/NFI In the 73 resettlement sites assessed, 67 per cent (13,169 households) are living in emergency shelter whilst the remaining 33 per cent (6,459 households) are living in permanent shelter. The top three NFI items needed but not accessible to internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the site are: 1) items for sleeping (mats, blankets) in 62 sites, 2) cooking items (pots/pans) in 44 sites, and 3) mosquito nets in 33 sites. All the assessed resettlement sites (up from 77% when compared with previous round) reported not being able to access needed NFIs due to lack of financial means. Emergency shelter Permanent shelter Namacurra-Ronda Maganja da Costa-Parreirão Nicoadala-Namitangurini Maganja da Costa-Mussaia Zambezia Namacurra-Munguissa Namacurra-Mucoa 2,924 families Maganja da Costa-Landinho Namacurra-Gogodane Nicoadala-Digudiua Namacurra-Brigodo Mutarara-Panducani 708 families Mutarara-Nkganzo Tete Cidade de Tete-Matundo - unidade Chimbonde Caia-Tchetcha 2 Caia-Tchetcha 1 Dondo-Savane Buzi-Nhamacunta Caia-Nhacuecha Caia-Ndoro Nhamatanda-Ndedja_1 Dondo-Mutua Sofala Buzi-Mussocosa Chibabava-Muconja 11,304 families Nhamatanda-Metuchira Chibabava-Mdhala Buzi-Maxiquiri alto/Maxiquiri 1 Buzi-Maxiquiri alto 3 Buzi-Maxiquiri 2 Buzi-Maximedje Dondo-Mandruzi Caia-Magagade Buzi-Machonjova Chibabava-Macarate Buzi-Inhajou 2019 61% of families in Sofala province’s resettlement Chibabava-Geromi Buzi-Estaquinha sede sites live in emergency shelters Buzi-Chingemidji Chibabava-Chicuaxa Buzi-Begaja Buzi-Bandua sede Buzi-Bandua 2019 Nhamatanda-7 Abril - Cura Sussundenga-Zichão Sussundenga-Zibuia Sussundenga-Tossene Choma Sussundenga-Nhanhemba 2 Sussundenga-Nhanhemba 1 Sussundenga-Nhamississua Sussundenga-Ngurue Sussundenga-Mutassa Sussundenga-Muoco Chiguendere (Madudo) Sussundenga-Mucombe Sussundenga-Muchambanha Sussundenga-Muchai Sussundenga-Muawa Manica Sussundenga-Minas Gerais Sussundenga-Metchisso 4,692 families Sussundenga-Matarara Sussundenga-Manhandure Sussundenga-Manhama 2 Sussundenga-Manhama 1 Sussundenga-Magueba Sussundenga-Magaro Sussundenga-Madibunhana 92% of families in Manica province’s Sussundenga-Macocoe Sussundenga-Machacuari resettlement sites live in emergency shelters Sussundenga-Javera Sussundenga-Gudza Sussundenga-Chiruca Sussundenga-Chibue Mateo Sussundenga-Chibue Sussundenga-Bairro da unidade Sussundenga-25 de Setembro 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 200 400 600 Number of families Emergency shelter Permanent shelter Figure 6: Number of families living in resettlement by site and shelter type 4 MOZAMBIQUE: TROPICAL CYCLONE IDAI AND FLOODS MULTI-SECTORAL LOCATION ASSESSMENT - ROUND 14 Mosquito nets 33 sites 67% 33% Cooking items 44 sites Emergency shelter Permanent shelter Items for sleeping 62 sites Figure 7: a) Type of shelter in the assessed sites b) Top three NFI needs WASH The assessment shows that 67 per cent of the latrines on sites are individual latrines (used by one to two families) whilst the remaining 33 per cent are communal latrines (used by many families). Ninety-five per cent of resettlement sites assessed (19,455 households in 69 sites, up from 64 sites when compared with previous assessment) reported having access to functional latrines on sites whilst the remaining five per cent (207 households) reporting no access to functional latrines are: Javera and Muoco Chiguendere
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