
ThirdPerson Authoring and Exploring Vast Narratives edited by Pat Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England 8 2009 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the publisher. For information about special quantity discounts, please email [email protected]. This book was set in Adobe Chapparal and ITC Officina on 3B2 by Asco Typesetters, Hong Kong. Printed and bound in the United States of America. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Third person : authoring and exploring vast narratives / edited by Pat Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-262-23263-0 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Electronic games. 2. Mass media. 3. Popular culture. 4. Fiction. I. Harrigan, Pat. II. Wardrip-Fruin, Noah. GV1469.15.T48 2009 794.8—dc22 2008029409 10987654321 Index American Letters Trilogy, The (Grossman), 193, 198 Index Andersen, Hans Christian, 362 Anderson, Kevin J., 27 A Anderson, Poul, 31 Abbey, Lynn, 31 Andrae, Thomas, 309 Abell, A. S., 53 Andrews, Sara, 400–402 Absent epic, 334–336 Andriola, Alfred, 270 Abu Ghraib, 345, 352 Andru, Ross, 276 Accursed Civil War, This (Hull), 364 Angelides, Peter, 33 Ace, 21, 33 Angel (TV show), 4–5, 314 Aces Abroad (Mila´n), 32 Animals, The (Grossman), 205 Action Comics, 279 Aparo, Jim, 279 Adams, Douglas, 21–22 Aperture, 140–141 Adams, Neal, 281 Appeal, 135–136 Advanced Squad Leader (game), 362, 365–367 Appendixes (Grossman), 204–205 Afghanistan, 345 Apple II, 377 AFK Pl@yers, 422 Appolinaire, Guillaume, 217 African Americans Aquaman, 306 Black Lightning and, 275–284 Arachne, 385, 396 Black Power and, 283 Archival production, 419–421 Justice League of America and, 277 Aristotle, 399 Mr. Terrific and, 281, 284n4 Arnopp, Jason, 333 Olympics and, 277 Arsenal, 280 Welcome Back Kotter and, 277 Art. See also Worldbuilding Afrika Korps (game), 357–358, 367 falsity of, 399 Age of Doubt, 213 Magritte and, 218, 223 Ahistory (Parkin), 5 plagiarism and, 211 Albino Jo, the Man with Tigre Eyes (Tarpe Mills), 270, Plato on, 399 274 Artaud, Antonin, 218 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Carroll), 105, 260 Ashbery, John, 211, 214 Alien Bodies (Miles), 5, 341n1 Ashbrook, Tom, 315, 318 Allain, Marcel, 211–218, 221–222 Asheron’s Call 2 (game), 403 All-Consuming Fire (Lane), 5 Asimov, Isaac, 27 All My Children (TV show), 324 Asprin, Robert Lynn, 31 All-Star Squadron (comic), 280 As the World Turns (TV show), 55 All-Star Superman (Morrison and Quitely), 6 Aston Martin, 16–17 Alphabet Man, The (Grossman), 193 Atwood, Margaret, 181 Alvarado, Manuel, 13, 339, 343 Au, Wagner James, 404 Alvarez, Frances Prato, 55 Aubrey-Maturin series, 22 Alvarez, Rafael, 5, 49–57 Audiences Alziz, Steven, 83 authoring and, 16, 19–21 Amber series (Zelazny), 27 client-server networks and, 420 449 THIRDPERSON Audiences (cont.) requested changes and, 30 DC/Marvel universes and, 306 role-playing games and, 59–65 distributed social cinema and, 179–180 setting bibles and, 30, 60–64 as dramaturgic linchpin, 158–159 sharecropping and, 27 fanzines and, 20, 22, 333 social context and, 13 machinima and, 409, 419–425 spatial concepts and, 137–151 textual gaps and, 19 storytelling and, 97–98, 106–108, 119–124 (see also varying producers and, 20 Storytelling) virtual reality and, 153–177 surrealism and, 211–223 worldbuilding and, 27 textual gaps and, 20 World Cyber Games and, 407–408 theory of dramatic structure and, 165–177 ‘‘Auguries of Innocence’’ (Blake), 3 time bombs and, 26 Augustyn, Brian, 308 unfolding texts and, 13–14, 19–23 Austen, Jane, 23 universes and, 25–32 (see also Universes; Worldbuilding) Austin, Alex, 306 virtual reality and, 153–177 Author guidelines, 39–40 works made for hire, 28 Authoring Avalon Hill, 357–359, 365 appeal and, 135–136 Avatars, 226, 229, 433 audiences and, 16, 19–21 interactive virtual reality and, 154, 158, 404 beats and, 29 machinima and, 415, 418 campaigns and, 67–85 (see also Campaigns) the necessary and, 323 canonicity and, 35–36 spatial issues and, 137, 140, 378–383 consistency and, 16 Avengers, The (comic), 276, 307 continuity and, 13, 35–36, 40, 306–307 Avengers, The (TV show), 219 deadlines and, 29–30 Aviary Poem (Grossman), 196 distributed social cinema and, 179–190 Axis and Allies (game), 359 emergence and, 112–114 Aztech New Media, 412 freeform gameplay and, 120–123 Aztech’s Armory: Campaigns for Warcraft II (Aztech New group dynamics and, 13 Media), 412 house style and, 34 B intellectual property development and, 59–65 Babylon 5 (TV show), 288, 316, 336 interactive virtual reality and, 153–177 Backfire, The (Magritte), 211 long-running series and, 13 Backstory elaboration, 336, 341 merchandising and, 19 Baker, D. Vincent, 68 multicampaign settings and, 67–73 Baker, Richard, 67 nondisclosure agreements and, 29 Baker, Tom, 37 non-player characters (NPCs) and, 99, 101, 122–123, Balkin, Jack M., 400, 403 126 Ballantine Books, 28 picaresque and, 150–151 Ballmeyer, 214 plagiarism and, 211, 271 Baltimore Sun, 49, 53 reader role and, 137 Balzac, Honore´ de, 4 reinterpretation and, 14–17 450 Index Bannerman Productions, 422 Berman, Tosh, 216–217 Bantam Books, 28 Beyond Manzanar (virtual reality installation), 153, 154– Barber, Benjamin, 344 158, 161–165 Barca, Pedro Caldro´n de la, 138 Bhagwan, Sharon, 189 Barker, M. A. R., 68 Bible, 22, 235, 247–248, 251n4, 258–259, 276 Barks, Carl, 309 Bibles (production tools), 15, 29, 33, 60–61, 64, 83, 226, Barksdale, Avon, 432–433 388 Barksdale, D’Angelo, 430–432 Big Finish Productions, 33, 36, 39 Barrie, James Matthew, 105 Big Sleep, The (Chandler), 27 Barry, Dave, 31 Big Snooze, The (film), 218 Bartle, Richard A., 2, 105–117 Binky Brown Meets the Holy Virgin Mary (comic), 304 Barton, Matt, 377 Bishop, Zealia, 236 Batman, 221 Bissette, Stephen R., 290 authoring issues and, 13–14, 18 Bistis, 137 Bruce Wayne and, 215, 308 Bizarro (comic), 304 creation of, 278 Black, William, 3 Jenkins and, 306, 308, 310 Black Bomber, 276 Mr. Terrific and, 281 Black Canary, 307 Nightwing and, 280 Black Goliath, 276 property and, 62 Black Lightning, 6, 8 Sherlock Holmes and, 308 Brick City and, 278 Batman (TV show), 219 creation of, 275–276 Batman Begins (film), 300 development of, 276–280 Batman Year 100 (Pope), 307 Infinite Crisis and, 280–283 Battle chests, 412 Isabella and, 277–278, 284 Baum, L. Frank, 105, 253 Jiminez and, 275, 282–283 BBC, 319n3, 401. See also specific show Justice League of America and, 277 authoring and, 5, 9n4, 14–15, 21, 119 Outsiders and, 278, 280 economic issues and, 22 Black Panther, 276, 310 house style and, 34 Black Power, 283 as ‘‘theatre in the middle of town,’’ 343 Black Widow, 310 BBC Books, 33, 35 Blair, Tony, 288 Bear, Greg, 28 Blake, Edward Morgan, 290 Beautiful Things in Popular Culture (McKee), 309 Bleak House (Dickens), 430 Becoming Jane (film), 23 Bleak House (TV show), 314 Bell, Stringer, 430, 432 Bledsaw, Bob, 68 Bendis, Brian Michael, 309–310 Bleeding Through (Klein, Kratky, and Comella), 137–142, Benjamin, Walter, 189 151n7 Benkler, Yochai, 288 Bleeds Bentham, Jeremy, 352 The Imaginary Twentieth Century and, 142–149 Berardini, Ce´sar A., 377 interface gaps and, 141–142 Berger, John, 345 space between and, 142, 146–147 451 THIRDPERSON Blizzard Entertainment, 400–403, 410, 417, 420. See also Bowling Alone (Putnam), 404 World of Warcraft (game) Bradley, Marion Zimmer, 31, 88 Bloch, Robert, 233–234 Brainiac, 280 Blofeld, 16 Brave and the Bold (comic), 278 ‘‘Blood Makes Noise’’ (Vega), 50 Breeze Avenue Blume, Brian, 68 animal poems and, 205 Board wargames, 412, 414 annual cloud narrative and, 193–195 after-action reports and, 368 Appendixes and, 204–205 atmospherics of, 366 Aviary Poem and, 196 chess, 358, 362–363 beelines and, 199–200 computers and, 369 Bonsai pages and, 195 designer’s notes and, 360, 370n9 brain opera and, 202 dice and, 358–359 Breezagon and, 197–198 emergence and, 367–368 Chuckiad and, 206 expedition reports and, 357–358 closed-captioned Chinese chapbook and, 200–202 Go, 358 Clown-illon and, 198 historical specificity and, 359 Essay on Man and, 207 as paper computers, 359–360 ‘‘Everglades’’ and, 207 player identity and, 366–367 The Fabric of Reality and, 199–200 popularity of war and, 361–362 The Gallery of the Purchasers and, 199, 202–203 as procedural systems, 362–366 Glossary of Every Humorous Word in the English Language significance of, 369 and, 206 Bogdanove, Jon, 281 Intercalarian Commentaries, 207 Bogost, Ian, 3, 432–433, 436–437 Interstate Bingo and, 205 Boing Boing, 401 Madhouse Filibuster and, 199, 203–204 Bond, James, 62, 219 Pythagorean Super Bowl Party and, 198–199 continuing stories of, 5, 13, 16–18 recantations and, 206 reinterpretation of, 16–17 Reggie and Boomer books and, 205 worldbuilding and, 73 Scrabble poems and, 206 Bond, Larry, 362, 368 source material for, 193 Bone (Smith), 6 spam and, 203–205 Bonesteel, Michael, 253–265 Squeezeborough and, 202 Bonsai (Grossman), 195 Tocharian letters and, 202 Book of Lazarus, The (Grossman), 193 tomb of the corporate raider and, 207 Boorman, John, 88 Torah Ball and, 206 Booth, Mike Spiff, 425 Tractates and, 206 Boot Hill (game), 68 Trip to the Far North and, 205–206 Booty Bay, 421 tycoon boy and, 206 Borges, Jorge Luis, 52, 55 visionary sonnets and, 196 Borgstrom, Rebecca, 67 Brenda Starr (Messick), 267 Boxy an Star (King), 181 Breton, Andre´, 217 Bourdelle, Thomy, 218 Brigadier, 16 452 Index Briggs, Nick, 33 Campaigns Broadus, Bodie, 430, 432 flexibility and, 101–102 Brooker, Will, 18 game master and, 97–103 Broome, John, 281 The Great Pendragon Campaign and, 90–92 Brothers in Arms (game), 369 management of, 99–102 Brown, Anthony, 22 multicampaign design and, 67–73 Brown, Buster, 304 open setting and, 77–85 Brown v.
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