Page 8 ~ THE VILLAGER/April 21, 2017 THE DISPATCH www.theaustinvillager.com CNN Commentator Lord Attempts to Defend his Likening of Trump to King by: David Bauder | AP Television Writer NEW YORK (AP) — other CNN pundits, most compared Lemon, who is unafraid to oppose judging CNN commentator Jeffrey notably Van Jones on elec- Black, to Bull Connor, the by skin color.” Lord tweeted clips of tion night. former Birmingham, Ala- While the Lord con- speeches from the Rev. Fellow commentator bama public safety com- troversy angered some Martin Luther King Jr. in Symone Sanders’ eyes missioner who fought civil observers, it depressed the overnight hours Friday, widened in astonishment rights marches. others. It’s hardly the first capping a strange day when Lord first equated Lemon said Lord had time someone has said where he stepped on a Trump with the 1964 ignored why many had something provocative on third rail of American poli- Nobel Peace Prize winner. considered the compari- cable news. But the inci- tics by suggesting viewers “There is no similarity,” son between Trump and dent brought new atten- think of President Donald she said. King insulting. When Lord tion to the extent to which Trump as “the Martin Lord explained in a noted that his father once CNN, Fox News Channel Luther King of health column he later wrote for lost a job for standing in and MSNBC — at a time of care.” CNN.com that he was defense of a Black wait- particularly strong ratings Lord made his com- equating a reported ress, Lemon shot back to — talk about the news parison on CNN’s morning Trump threat to withhold drop the “before the war rather than report it. “New Day” on Thursday payments to health insur- crap.” A former CNN anchor and ended the day in a ers in order to get Demo- “Dr. King means who took her disgust to shouting match with crats to the negotiating something different to the Twitter, Soledad O’Brien, CNN’s Don Lemon. He was table on health care re- people who are sitting said in an interview there the subject of social media form with King’s demon- here than he meant to were more productive derision and outrage dur- strations as a tactic to you,” Lemon said. “He ways for the network to In this Dec. 15, 2016, photo, CNN commen- ing the hours in between, force congressional action wasn’t just a tactic for us. spend its time. There are tator Jeffrey Lord, appears at a rally for President- illustrating what some crit- on civil rights in the 1960s. He is a real person who plenty of Trump voters elect Donald Trump in Hershey, Pa. Lord made a ics suggest is cable “Both men used or helped me to be able to who feel unease about comparison of Trump to Martin Luther King Jr., television’s ability to bring are threatening to use cri- get here and Symone to be health care and Republi- on CNN’s morning “New Day.” He is one of a heat, if not light, to an is- sis to pass legislation,” he able to sit here and for cans who have serious handful of pro-Trump commentators that CNN sue. wrote. “There is nothing in Bakari (Sellers) to be able concerns about the hired during the last election. (AP Photo/Matt Lord, a political com- the least wrong in saying to sit here. For you to government’s role in the Rourke, File) mentator and contributor so.” come on and give some insurance market, she to the American Spectator Lord said during his reckless comparison to his said. Why not talk to who worked in the final appearance on Lemon’s legacy…” them? commentator, Roland said Martin, the TV One years of the Reagan White show that “there are no When Lord tried to “This is not about Martin, tweeted that Lord personality who allegedly House, is one of a handful people of color. There are interrupt, Lemon stopped journalism,” said O’Brien, is doing exactly what CNN tipped off the Clinton cam- of pro-Trump commenta- only Americans,” a view him. “We’re done,” he host of the syndicated executives want him to do paign in advance last year tors that CNN hired during that Black commentators said. Sunday news program — attract attention. about a question that the last election. Generally said was naive and didn’t Lord later went on “Matter of Fact.” ”This is “Executives there would be posed at a fo- amiable, he’s gotten into a reflect their lives. During Twitter to post speeches about putting on a side- want Jeffrey Lord’s nutty rum. few rough exchanges with one testy exchange, Lord by King, calling him “a hero show. It’s a car crash.” comments. Why? To keep CNN declined com- Another former CNN you talking and tweeting,” ment on the issue Friday. Travis County Clerk, Dana DeBeauvoir named to Classes put into context the events of Hidden Figures National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and continued from page 7 Medicine (NASEM) Committee on the Future of outcomes. Hidden sons in this guide explore film for theme and style. Voting: Accessible, Reliable, Verifiable Technology Figures is ideally suited for the context in which the Twentieth Century use in the classroom, but events of Hidden Figures Fox Home Entertainment Austin,TX – Travis cellence in voting technol- teachers want students to occur: the pressure-filled is pleased to provide a County Clerk, Dana ogy, DeBeauvoir has been do more with a film than milieu in which the complimentary DVD copy DeBeauvoir has been involved in many organiza- passively view it. These in- women at Langley were of the film to U.S. high named to serve on the Fu- tions that promote and terdisciplinary lessons can working, the vital role schools. Teachers are en- ture of Voting committee encourage exploration of be used independently or served by the “human couraged to visit formed by the National accessible, reliable, verifi- through a team approach computers” in the space www.foxconnect.com/ Academies of Sciences, able and secure voting that gives students mul- program, and the begin- hiddenfiguresdvd for de- Engineering and Medicine technology. tiple lenses through which ning of the modern civil tails on eligibility and how (NASEM). DeBeauvoir’s Founded in 1863, to consider the relevant rights movement. Math to redeem for a free DVD first meeting with the NASEM marshals the en- historical and contempo- and science lessons ex- copy.” committee will be June 12 ergy and intellect of the rary issues raised by the plore scientific notation, Download curricu- – 13, 2017. nation’s critical thinkers to film. conic sections, orbits, and lum guide free of charge: DeBeauvoir will be respond to policy chal- For social studies programming, and addi- journeysinfilm.org/films/ serving on a committee lenges with science, engi- Dana DeBeauvoir classes, the first few les- tional lessons analyze the hidden-figures with a variety of distin- neering, and medicine at guished academics, pro- bers include cryptogra- their core. research, hold public progress. flect the facts and the fessionals and critical phers, professors of math, NASEM brings to- meetings to gather infor- Committee delibera- combined expertise of the thinkers. Co-chairing the computer science, engi- gether experts from across mation, and deliberate to tions and conclusions are science, engineering, and committee are Lee C. neering, law and political disciplines to look at the reach consensus, which shielded from influence by medical communities. Bollinger, President of Co- science from Princeton, evidence with fresh eyes results in a shared under- sponsors and special inter- Support for the NASEM lumbia University and Stanford, MIT, Carnegie and openness to insights standing of what the evi- ests and make certain Committee on the Future Michael A. McRobbie, Mellon and Tufts University. from other fields. These dence reveals and the best each report undergoes rig- of Voting: Accessible, Re- President of Indiana Uni- Following her per- study committees survey path forward. Through a orous peer review to en- liable, Verifiable Technol- versity. Committee mem- sonal commitment to ex- the landscape of relevant meticulous process of in- sure the advice is ogy is provided by the formation collection, evi- grounded in the best avail- Carnegie Corporation of dence analysis, and delib- able evidence. This pro- New York and the William eration, NASEM’s studies vides policy makers assur- and Flora Hewlett Founda- provide blueprints for ance that the results re- tion. Housing Authority of the City of Austin Established in 1937 PUBLIC NOTICE NORTHLOOP APARTMENTS WAITING LIST CLOSURE The closure of the waiting list for Northloop Apartments has been extended to May 22nd, 2017 at 5:00 pm CST. If you are interested in applying for the Northloop waiting list, please visit www.hacaapply.org before May 22nd, 2017 at 5:00 pm CST. New applications will not be accepted while the waiting list is closed. The Housing Authority of the City of Austin will regularly review the status of each property’s waiting list and monitor estimated wait times. Public notice will be provided at least 30 days in advance of re-opening any waiting lists. The Housing Authority of the City of Austin does not discrimi- nate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, marital status, familial status, national origin, age, pregnancy, disability, ancestry, or sexual orientation in the access to, admission into, or employment in, hous- ing programs or activities. The position below has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements con- tained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s regulations implement- ing Section 504.
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