·t REGD. GOA 5\ .)1-- fanaji, 17th August, 1978 (Sravana 26, 1900) • SERIES III No. 20 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT .. OF .. GOA, DAMAN AND DIU GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN Notifjcation Nc>. MAG/MV/BARDEZ/3/78-1132 AND DIU Under Section 75 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 the follow~ ing place is hereby notified for fixation of signboard as indi­ Home Department (General) ,cated against its ;llame. Office of the District Magistrate of Goa Name of the place Type of signboard 1. Eastern side of Maruthi Road closed. Notification ,temple, Mapusa-Goa. No. MAG/MV/BARDEZ/3/78-1132-A Tlte District M:'t!tistrate in exercise of his powers under Panaji, 8th August, 1978. - The District Magistrate, -Na- 1'endra Prasad• .section 74 of the Motor. Vehicles Act, 1974 notifies that the road towards the Eastern side of Maruthi Temple, Mapusa, as permanently clos¢d for all vehicular traffic, with imme­ <Hate effect. ... Panajl, 8th August, 1978. - The District Magistrate, Na- 76ndra Prasad. Works, Education and Tourism Department Public Works Deportment Notification Works Division III. (PHE) (Panaji - Goa) Nc>. MAG/MY/78-4/1119 Tender Notice Nc>: WDIII/ADM/17/78-79 Under Section 74 of the Motor Vehicles Act, "1939 it is hereby notified that the road in front of D. ·Pankar's House The Executive Engineer, Works Division m, PWD, Panaji, i. e. at Ximer Tisk, _Mapusa-Goa.- as no entry and the, road Goa. reinvites on behalf of the President of India" sealed near Joao Menezes P~annacy on the side of Indian CorPor.a­ item rate. tenders from eligible contractors,' upto 3.00 p. m; tion Bank, Mapusa-Goa as one way for all the vehicular on 29';'8~1978, for the work 'of "Panaji Sewerage Scheme­ traffic. extension to area near Maruti Temple, Government quarters Altinho, Batulem, T. B. Hospital area near St. Inez", esti~ Panaji. 8th August, 1978. - The District Magistrate, 1!la­ mated at Rs. 8,48,761.30 Earnest mc>ney Rs. 16,976.00. The Tendra Prasad. /' time limit, for carrying out the work is of 485 days includ­ ing 'monsoons. Cost of tender forms Rs. 40.00 If required by post an amount of Rs. 10.00 will be charged extra. ., Conditions and tender forms can be had from his Office on any working days upto 4.00 p. m. on 28~8-1978. Tender Notification forms will be issued only on production of a valid Income Tax. Cleaxance Celtificate. Tenders of Contractors who do No. MAG/MV/78-4/1119-A not deposit earnest money in prescribed fonn are liable to be ..rejected. Uilder ,Section 75 iof the Motor, -Ve:hicles Act, 1939' the following places are h¢reby notlf!ed for fixation of signhc>ards Panaji, 11th AugUst, 1978. - The EXecutive 'Engineer, N. as .indicated ,against their names. v: 0. Ohetty. Name of the place No. and type of signboard Works'Division VIIt (BLOGS) F4tordd·Margao "NO ENTRY" 1. In front of D. Pankar's house Tender Nc>tice No. PWD/WD8/19/78-79 i. e. at Ximer Tisck, Mapusa­ .. -G<>a. , Executive Engine~r, Works _ Di,vision VIII. (Buildings), P. W. D., Fatorda-Margao, invites on behalf o:f"""the 'President :2. Near Joao Menezes Phar~ "ONE WAY TRAFFIC" 'of India, sealed percentage/item rate tender from approved macy on the side of Indian and .eligible contractors upto,3.30p. m. on 26-8-1978 for the Corporation Bank. Mapusa­ following works: - -G<>a. 1. Construction of Electronics and Telecommunication Laboratory Block for the Engineering College at Far­ Panaji, 8th August":1978. - The District Magistrate, Na­ magudl-Ponda. Estimated at Rs. 4,46,120·66. Earnest nmclrQ. Prasad. money Rs. 11,153-00. 290 SERIES lIINa.. 20' 2. Construction of School building' at Kalay-!?anguem. 7. Repairs to Govt. Godown occupied by F. C. I. at CUrti­ Estimated at Rs. 1,71,710-75. Earnest money Rs. 'Ponda. Es.tlmated at Rs. 1,704-03. Earnest money 4,293-00. Rs. 43-00. 3. Construction of Dormitory at Mollem Development Scheme. Estimated at Rs. 1,52,776-50. Earnest money Tenders will be opened immediateley on the same day at Rs. 3,820-00. 4.00p.m.. Conditions and tender forms can be had" ffom--the office upto 4.00 p" m. on 24-8:-1978 on all working d?-ys . .4., Construction of Restaurant at Mollem Development Scheme. Estimated at Rs. 1,30,399-82. Earnest money The in~ding tenderer will have'- to produce :rncome Tax Rs; 3,260-00. ~learance Certificate at the time of buying the tender. 5. Construction of Cottage at Mollem Development. The tender of the contractor« who do not depOsit earnest ·Scheme. Estimated at Rs. 1,13,148-41. Earnest money money in the prescribed f~rm is liable to be rejected. Rs. 2,829-00. Right to reject any or aU the tenders without assigning 6. Construction of Tent area at Mollem Development any reason thereof is reserved. " " "Scheme. Estimated at Reo- 37,031-41. Earnest money Rs. 926-00. ' ,Panaji, 8f:h August, 1978. - The Executive Engineer, Sd/-,. Works Division XII--Fa+orda-Margao (Goa). Tender Notice No, PWD/WDXII/T-10/2/78-79 The Executive -Engineer Works Division XII. PWD. contractors of C.P.W.D./Union Territories, State P.W.D .• _ Fatorda. -Margao,. Goa, invites on behalf of the President upto 4.00 P. M. on 2w9-1978 for the below mentioned work of India, sealed Item rate tenders from approved and eligible and the same will b.e opened at ~.30 P. M. on the same day.. Sr. No. Name of work Estimated cost Earnest Money Time Limit Cost of Tender Rs. Rs. Rs. 1. Construction of approach road with its side drains for S. I. P. Colony site at Quepem ...................... _. 1899-00 120 days 20-00 Conditions and tender forms can be had from Divisional deT)Ostted in the State Bank of India, Marga~, 0:1' any Sche­ Office upto 4.00 P. M. on or before 1-9-1978 durJng working duled Bank in the form of deposit call receipt in favour­ days by payment of rupees 20/- in cash, non-refundable. If of the Executive Engineer W. D. XII, P. W. D; Fatorda, requ~red by post an amount of rupees 51- will be charged Margao and receipt enclosed with the tender forms. extra. The tenders of contractors who do not deposit earnest Right to reject any or all the tenders is reserved, without money in the Drescrlbed form are Hable to be re1ectpd. The assigning ~y -reason. -contractor must produce the income tax. clearance certi:ficate before the issue of tender papers. Earnest money should be Margao, 7th August, 1978. - The Executive Engineer, Sd/-.- Works Division XV (N. H.), Fe.totda - Ma-rgao-, Goa 2. Earnest money deposit for the work of S1. NtQ. 2 i. e. Surface Dressing Single Coat betweeh km 75/00 to '77/00' and 81/00 to 84/00 is Rs. 1,004/. instead of Rs, 1,035F Corrigendum mentioned in the above notice. Ref: - Tender Notice No. PWD/WDXV/1/1/78 dt. 1-8-78. All other terms and conditions remain unaltered. 1. The last date for issue of Tender Papers and last date of Opening of Tender mentioned In the above Tender Notice Margao, 1st August, 1978. - The Executive Engineer, 'Sd/-.­ are hereby extended to 2t/8/7~ and 26/8/78 respectively. (K. G. Rao), ••• forest and Agriculture Department ., Forest Department South Goo DMslon Tender notice for sale of coupes during the year -1978-79 in The tenders should- be sent _in the prescribed form only South Goa Forest Division. which is obtainable on request from the Office of the undersigned,,3rd floor, Junta House, Panaji or from all Range· . ':tenders "Tender for Coupes in South Se~led sup~rSdribed Forest Offices in Goa upto 12 hours on 29th August 1978 on Goa Forest Division" are hereby invited by the Deputy Conser­ payment of Rs. 10/~ per set, which is_ not refundable. vator of Fores~, South Goa Forest Division on behalf of the President of India for Wldertaking the contract for removal of The tenders will be received upto 15.00 hours of 29-8-1978· timber, firewood;, :,poles~ etc., clearfelling, heaping, burning and opened thereafter in presence of the tenderers present.. and rebtV;1ling the areas as shown below. The terms and Tenders·.received after 15.00 hours on 29-8-1978 shall not be­ conditions of the sale will be notified beiore the sale is held. considered. SCHEDULE OF COUPES TO BE SOLD Range Roillld Name and "No. of coupes Area Sr. No. 'in has. Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 L . Sanguem Sanguem Darguinim C. No. 15 13.25 Clearfell!ng and . burning of the felled area .for raisi_ng plantations) 2. " Curdi Galiem Dapodem C. No. 18 14.25 -do~ 17TH AUGUST, 1978 (SRAVANA 26, 1900) 291 1 3 4 5 6 .)1 3. Sanguem Curdi Talsai C. No.7 17.00 Area is required for raising rubber plan­ tation. Coupe must be handed over by 15·4·79. 4. Talsai C. No, 8 14.50 ·-do- 5. Bhati Viliena C. No. 16 10.00 Clearfelling and burning of the felled area for raising plantation. 6. Quepem Fatorpa Agosso C. No.2 9.25 -do- 7. .. Balli Bendurdencho dongor C. No. 1 15.50 -do- 8. Bendurdencho dongor C. No.2 13.25 --:- do- 9. Maina Paicazor C: No. 1 15.00 Clearfelling and burning of the felled area for raising plantation.
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