AGENDA Page 1 Toronto Public Library Board Meeting No. 1: Monday, January 27, 2020, 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Toronto Reference Library, Boardroom, 789 Yonge Street, Toronto Toronto Reference Library is on Indigenous land. This is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy (also known as the Six Nations Confederacy), the Wendat, and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. Toronto Public Library gratefully acknowledges these Indigenous nations for their guardianship of this land. We’d also like to remind and reaffirm, as Torontonians and Canadians, our accountability to these Indigenous nations, and to all Indigenous peoples and communities living in Toronto. This land is also part of the Dish with One Spoon territory, that includes a treaty between the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Anishinaabek and allied nations, to peaceably share and care for this land, its waters, and all of the biodiversity in the Great Lakes region. All those who come to live and work here are responsible for honouring this treaty in the spirit of peace, friendship, and respect. Members: Ms. Sue Graham-Nutter (Chair) Mr. Fenton Jagdeo Mr. Jonathan Hoss (Vice Chair) Ms. Jennifer Liu Councillor Paul Ainslie Ms. Alison Menary Mr. Sarwar Choudhury Councillor Gord Perks Ms. Andrea Geddes Poole Mr. Alim Remtulla Closed Meeting Requirements: If the Toronto Public Library Board wants to meet in closed session (privately), a member of the Board must make a motion to do so and give the reason why the Board has to meet privately (Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44, s. 16.1). 1. Call to Order 5 minutes 2. Election of Chair of the Board 5 minutes 3. Election of Vice Chair of the Board 5 minutes 4. Selection of Committee Members, Board Representatives 10 minutes and Association Members – 2020 5. Declarations of Conflicts of Interest 6. Approval of Agenda 7. Confirmation of December 16, 2019 Toronto Public Library Board Meeting Minutes 8. Approval of Consent Agenda Items All Consent Agenda Items (*) are considered to be routine and are recommended for approval by the Chair. They may be enacted in one motion or any item may be held for discussion. AGENDA Page 2 Toronto Public Library Board Meeting No. 1: Monday, January 27, 2020, 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Toronto Reference Library, Boardroom, 789 Yonge Street, Toronto 9. Business Arising from the Minutes *10. City Librarian’s Report 11. Communications 12. Presentations - Friends of Toronto Public Library – Annual Update 10 minutes - Frank Velikonja, President, Friends of Toronto Public Library and Linda Diener, Vice President, Friends of Toronto Public Library - Toronto Public Library Foundation – Update 10 minutes Jennifer Jones, President - Vulnerable Sector Check Implementation Update 5 minutes Miles Baker, Managing Director, Toronto Comic Arts Festival 13. TPL Board Education – TPL Strategies for Indigenous Initiatives 10 minutes Items for Action: 14. Toronto Public Library Board – Self-Evaluation: 2019 Results 10 minutes 15. Toronto Public Library Board – 2020 Meeting Dates and Locations 5 minutes Schedule Items for Information: 16. 2020 Operating Budget – Update 15 minutes 17. 2020-2029 Capital Budget and Plan – Update 10 minutes 18. 2019 Strategic Work Plan Final – Update 10 minutes 19. 2020-2024 Strategic Plan: Phase 1 Communication Plan 10 minutes 20. Vulnerable Sector Check Implementation – Update 10 minutes *21. Board Resolutions – Status Report Closed Meeting: 22. Collective Bargaining – 2020 – Verbal 10 minutes (Confidential as the subject matter being considered involves labour relations or employee negotiations) 23. Adjournment Attendant Care Services can be made available with some notice. & . PROCEDURE FOR ELECTING THE CHAIR OF THE BOARD 2 3 1. Vickery Bowles, Secretary of the Board, will call for nominations. 2. Nominations must be moved and seconded. Movers and seconders must be present at the meeting. 3. V. Bowles will ask each nominee if he/she is prepared to stand for election. The name of anyone not prepared to stand for election is dropped. A person who is not present at the meeting may be nominated, but must provide written consent to the Secretary in advance of the meeting. 4. V. Bowles will ask if there are any further nominations. If there are none, V. Bowles will ask for the following motion: Motion: That the Toronto Public Library Board: 1. closes the nominations for the election of Chair of the Board. This motion must be moved, seconded and carried by a show of hands. Acclamation 5. If there is only one nomination, V. Bowles will declare that person duly elected by acclamation. Voting 6. If there are two or more nominations, V. Bowles will conduct the vote and voting will be by a show of hands. Each member may vote for only one person (who may be him or herself). V. Bowles will announce the number of votes cast for each candidate, in alphabetical order. If there are two nominations, V. Bowles will declare the person with the highest number of votes elected. If the result is a tie, V. Bowles will reopen nominations and call for another vote. If there is still a tie, V. Bowles will supervise the drawing of lots to decide who is elected. 7. If there are three or more nominations, the person with the lowest number of votes after the first ballot will be dropped from voting, and balloting will be repeated until a winner is declared. PROCEDURE FOR ELECTING THE VICE-CHAIR OF THE BOARD The newly elected Chair of the Board (if present), or V. Bowles (if the newly elected Chair is not present) will conduct the election as outlined above. January 27, 2020 . STAFF REPORT 4 ACTION REQUIRED Selection of Committee Members, Board Representatives and Association Members – 2020 Date: January 27, 2020 To: Toronto Public Library Board From: City Librarian SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to seek Toronto Public Library Board approval for the terms of reference for the Strategic Planning Steering Committee and appoint members to committees and external groups. A 2020 committee membership is included as Attachment 1, which outlines the required membership. RECOMMENDATIONS The City Librarian recommends that the Toronto Public Library Board: 1. appoints a Board member to the City Librarian’s Performance Review Committee; 2. appoints a Board member representative to the Board of the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries; and 3. appoints a Board member to the role of Board Liaison to Youth. FINANCIAL IMPACT There is no financial impact arising from the information in this report. Selection of Committee Members, Board Representatives and Association Members – 2020 1 The Director, Finance & Treasurer has reviewed this financial impact statement and agrees with it. ISSUE BACKGROUND The Board’s Procedural By-law makes provision for the review of Board committees at the first meeting of the new Board and subsequently at the beginning of each calendar year. The Board may establish committees as required. COMMENTS Appointment Process for Committees City Librarian’s Performance Review Committee The mandate of the City Librarian’s Performance Review Committee is to review the City Librarian’s performance for the year under review and the objectives set by the City Librarian for the following year. The committee then submits a recommendation to the Board for approval. The Board Chair and Vice Chair are automatically appointed to the City Librarian’s Performance Review Committee. The committee includes one additional member. Councillor Paul Ainslie was the Board member representative in 2019. Other Board members wishing to provide input may do so in writing ahead of the committee meeting. The annual performance review of the City Librarian takes place at the April Board meeting. The City Librarian’s annual performance review usually involves participation in one meeting to take place during the day in late March / early April 2020 at the Toronto Reference Library. Board Liaison to Youth A Board member is appointed to the role of the Board Liaison to Youth. The Board Liaison ensures that a youth perspective at the Board level is provided. It provides an additional opportunity for youth to influence the strategic directions and policies of the Library by creating a more direct relationship between the Library Board and Toronto’s youth population One Board member is appointed to this role. Fenton Jagdeo was the TPL representative in 2019. Selection of Committee Members, Board Representatives and Association Members – 2020 2 External Groups Federation of Ontario Public Libraries The Federation of Ontario Public Libraries is a non-profit organization with a mandate to benefit Ontario public libraries through advocacy, research, and marketing. The Federation’s governing board is comprised of seven caucuses broadly representative of libraries by size, geography or service focus. The seven caucuses are comprised of 22 directors. The Toronto Public Library Board appoints four directors to the Toronto caucus of the Federation; two Library staff representatives and two Library Board representatives. Paul Ainslie is putting his name forward for Vice Chair of the Federation in late January 2020, leaving one opening for a Board member. In 2019, this position was not filled by a Board member. Meetings are held quarterly. The next meeting, which includes the Annual General Meeting, is scheduled for Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 4 pm at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The remainder of meetings are expected to take place on approximately three Fridays between 10 am to 2 pm at the Toronto Reference Library. Participation via teleconference is available. Toronto Public Library Foundation Board: The Board also appoints one member of the Board to the Toronto Public Library Foundation Board. The Library is represented by one Board member who is an ex- officio voting director of the Foundation, and the City Librarian who is an ex-officio, non-voting director of the Foundation.
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