Copper tubes for plumbing and air conditioning sector General catalogue Visit our website: www.sctubes.com TABLE OF CONTENTS 6 SCUDO® 10 SCUDO®Radiant 12 SMISOL®Più 13 SMISOL® 14 SMISOL®Gas 16 SMISOL®Tekgas 18 SMISOL®One 19 SMISOL®8 20 SMISOL®Frio 22 SMISOL®Clim Platinum 24 SMISOL®Clim 26 MediClim® 30 Strato SCT General Catalogue 5 ® SCUDO® QualitySAN inC Oits pure state Qualità allo stato puro APPLICATION • Cold drinking water. • Distribution of liquid and gaseous fuels. CAMPI DI UTILIZZO • Heating and hot water (after on-site nsulation). • Acqua potabile fredda. • Distribuzione di combustibili liquidi e gassosi. In compliance with applicable regulations. • Riscaldamento e acqua potabile calda (previo isolamento in cantiere). SCUDO®Ne lis ri scomposedpetto e nei lofim irefinedti previst icopper, dalle no ressentiallymative. pure CE MARKING material (Cu DHP 99.9% min.) and is precisely certified as Each individual tube shows the EEC marking as such by SCT. It does not contain additive elements such as prescribedMARCATURA by standard CE EN 1057 in accordance dyes, plasticisers and fluidising agents that otherwise may with EU Regulation 305/2011. be present in alternative materials derived from petroleum. Ogni singolo tubo riporta la marcatura CE SCUDO®,ess thanksere inve ctoe par epatentedsenti in m aproductionteriali altern process,ativi deriv acanti da offerl petr olio. SANCO® secondo quanto prescritto dalla norma EN 1057 in a quality level that is superior to that specified by ottemperanza al Regolamento EU 305/2011. regulatoryrispe tprovisionsto a quella p and,rescr therefore,itta da norm assuresative e re muchgolame betterntazion i e, pertanto, overallp performancerestazioni decis comparedamente mig ltoior commonlyi rispetto a q availableuelle dei tu bi comunemente PUNCHED MARKINGS commercialin com tubingmercio. products. ThePUNZO markingsNATURA on SCUDO® copper tubes are PROTEZIONE INTERNA repeated at 60 cm intervals and declare all the information required by the EU Regulation INTERNALViene so PROTECTIONttoposto, in fase di produzione, 305/2011 regarding construction products (CPR). a un trattamento brevettato di Duringp manufacture,assivazione e st theabili ztubeszazion aree de subjectedlla to a patented treatment for passivation and stabilisation of the internal Il tubo di rame SANCO® riporta, mediante punzonatura walls, pthusaram assuringetri di pot aabsolutebilità prev icompliancesti dalla norm toat itheva E upotabilityropea in m ateria di acque ogni 60 cm, tutte le informazioni richieste dal D.P.R. parameterspotabi lrequiredi trasporta byte (EuropeanDirettiva Eu legislationropea 98/8 3for e Dtransported.L.31/01). CALIBRATION1095/68. drinkingL’e waterntrata i(Europeann vigore dell aDirective Direttiva 98/83).Europea 98/83/CE, in materia di Calibration, both for straight tubes and coils, The entryacqu intoe de sforcetinate of al thecon sEuropeanumo uman oDirective, ha posto 98/83/EC in evidenza on il p roblema is an essential aspect for the correct execution water dintendedell’idonei tforà d ehumani materi aconsumptionli utilizzati per ihas vari highlightedcomponenti dtheell’i mpianto ofCALIBR all couplingATURA operations, in particular, it is issue of the suitability of materials used for the various essentialLa calibrat uforra, presssia pe rfittings. i tubi diritti sia in rotoli, distribuita. SANCO® è fabbricato secondo il D.P.R. 1095/68 ed è components in water systems, in order to guarantee that è una caratteristica fondamentale per eseguire drinking water does not suffer any alteration of its potability correttamente ogni tipologia di giunzione, in condizioni alle quali devono rispondere i materiali a contatto con l’acqua characteristics. particolare è indispensabile per i raccordi a pressare. potabile. BACTERIOSTATIC EFFECTS EFFETTI BATTERIOSTATICI LA SCELTA INTELLIGENTE Plumbing plant made of copper has a greater Gli impianti realizzati in rame possiedono una THE SMARTProdotto s CHOICEecondo EN 1057, presenta comprovate proprietà ability to reduce the number of pathogenic maggiore capacità di ridurre il numero di germi Manufacturedbatteriost accordingatiche che l oto r eENnd o1057,no pa itrt ihascola rprovenmente a datto per gli impianti di germs in water compared to installations patogeni nell’acqua rispetto a quelli realizzati in bacteriostaticacqua po propertiestabile. that make it particularly suitable for constructed with plastic materials. materiale plastico. drinkingL’e waterlevato psystems.unto di fusione (1083 °C), di resistenza alla pressione e la sua The highcon meltingduttività tpointermica (1083, ne fa n°C),no iconsiderablel materiale idon pressureeo per la r ealizzazione resistancedegli iandmpia itsnti thermaldi riscalda conductivitymento tradizio,n renderale (nel lthisa ve rmaterialsione pre isolata o ideal forin athebbi ninstallationamento con aofp ptraditionalosite guaine heating isolanti) systemse per la re (inaliz thezazi one di pre-insulatedimpianti aversion pavime norto ino acombination parete. È inol twithre il msuitableateriale pinsulatingiù indicato per gli sheaths) and for underfloor or wall heating installations. It is also theim pmosterme asuitablebilità son materialo inderog aforbili .domestic gas installations, whereI safety tubi di rcriteria,ame KME reliability costituisco andno in watertightnessoltre un sistema ap areplic ativo universale mandatory.per ogni tipologia di giunzione, senza dipendere da condizioni esclusive Furthermore,e vincola SCTnti. A copperl tempo tubesstesso ,adhere con il m toed aes universalimo tipo di tubo si possono applicationrealizz systemare (nei lforimit ievery e nel rcategoryispetto pr eofvi sjoint,ti dall eindependently normative) dive rse tipologie di impianto (riscaldamento, idrico e gas), con evidenti vantaggi of specific contexts and limiting boundary conditions. Subject EscherichiaColonie di E scoliche bacterialrichia Col icolonies al conta tinto contactcon il ra mwithe p rima operativi ed economie di assortimento delle scorte. Da sottolineare che to regulation compliance, with the same type of tube coppere dopo before24 ore. and after 24 hours. materials, different plant systems can be fitted (heating, water and gas), with obvious operating advantages and economyinne ofsto scale). in stock management. It should be further noted Inoltre,that the a tutelacalibration del consumatore applied to finale, SCT incopper conformità tubing al Regolamento EU 305/2011 per i prodotti da costruzione (CPR), i tubi di rame SANCO® di KME significantly simplifies the new jointing techniques (press sono contrassegnati con il marchio CE. Ulteriore garanzia della conformità fittings and compression couplings). alla normativa vigente è data dall’ottenimento del marchio di Qualità UNI-IGQ. Finally, in the interests of consumer protection in accordance with EU Regulation 305/2011 for construction products (CPR), SCUDO® copper tubes are certified with the CE mark. A further guarantee of compliance with prevailing regulation standards is assured with the achievement of UNI-IGQ Quality certification. SCT General Catalogue 6 4 Catalogo generale KME THE NATURAL SOLUTION Copper is intrinsically non-magnetic and therefore does not alter the natural ambient magnetic field. It has proven bacteriostatic properties ® which make it particularly suitable for all drinking water systems, in SANCO orderTHE to NATURAL prevent the SOLUTION proliferation of bacteria such as Legionella. ThanksCopper to is itsintrinsically action on non-magnetic the cell walls andof pathogenic therefore does microorganisms, not alter the Qualità allo stato puro SCUDO®natural ambientcopper tube magnetic inhibits field. the It formation has proven of bacteriostatic bacteria in installations properties thatwhich carry make water it particularly for human suitable consumption. for all drinking These pathogens water systems, unleash in theirorder very to preventdangerous the proliferationeffects when of nebulised bacteria such and inhaled,as Legionella. for example, CAMPI DI UTILIZZO duringThanks the to taking its action of showers on the cell and walls exposure of pathogenic to whirlpools microorganisms, or fountains. SANCO® copper tube inhibits the formation of bacteria in installations • Acqua potabile fredda. InSANCO® addition copper to its preventivetube inhibits properties, the formation copper of bacteria tube, thanks in installations to its • Distribuzione di combustibili liquidi e gassosi. physicalthat carry and water chemical for human characteristics, consumption. allows These for pathogens the adoption unleash of • Riscaldamento e acqua potabile calda (previo appropriatetheir very dangerous decontamination effects when procedures nebulised (eg. and thermal inhaled, shock, for example, isolamentoisolamento in in cantiere). cantiere). chlorination,during the taking disinfection of showers with and chlorine exposure dioxide, to whirlpools ...) without or risking fountains. any damageIn addition to the to its plant preventive itself. At properties, the end of copper his long tube, life thanks cycle, copperto its is Nel rispetto e nei limiti previsti dalle normative. physical and chemical characteristics, allows for the adoption of Nel rispetto e nei limiti previsti dalle normative. completelyphysical and and chemical easily recyclable characteristics,, thus allows reducing for thethe amountadoption of of waste appropriate decontamination procedures (eg. thermal shock, requiringappropriate disposal. decontamination procedures (eg. thermal shock, MARCATURA CE chlorination, disinfection with chlorine
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