2 7. – 2 9. 0 6 . 2019 HAUS DER KULTUREN DER WELT, BERLIN HOSTED BY SPONSORED BY MEDIA PARTNERSHIP GUEST OF ALMS 2019 BERLIN: ‘QUEERING MEMORY WELCOME TO ALMS ARCHIVES – ARTS – AUDIENCES‘ 2019 Welcome to Berlin! It is truly a great honour for us to host the sixth conference in the ALMS series at the historic Haus der Kulturen der Welt from 27–29 June 2019. This is a very special year for Berlin: ALMS 2019 commemorates the 100th anniversary of the world’s first queer archive, library, museum and special collection. In July 1919 Magnus Hirschfeld opened the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft [Institute for Sex Research]: a place of research, advice and counselling, of social gatherings, intellectual and cultural exchange, performances and parties. On 6 May 1933, just fourteen years later, the institute – including its sex historical museum – was destroyed by the Nazis and its library burned. The institute was located at the very place where the Haus der Kulturen der Welt stands today, and where this conference convenes. ALMS 2019 is therefore a historic event of enormous symbolic, political and scientific significance. Since the ALMS conference series was initiated by Jean Tretter in Minneapolis in 2006, its mis- sion has been to ensure that LGBTIQ+ history continues to be preserved and shared. Over the years, more and more activists have come together to build up an impressive international network at subsequent conferences in New York, San Francisco, Amsterdam and London. In Berlin in 2019, we are extremely pleased to welcome over 350 participants from more than 40 countries. They come from a full spectrum of grassroots, public, private and academic archives, working to collect and preserve materials of all types from LGBTIQ+ communities, researching the queer past, or de- veloping ways to make these materials and histories accessible to audiences. We welcome those who not only look back to history, but who also use the queer past to discuss the challenges of the present and defend the future of queer histories and lives. The focus for this year’s conference is ‘Queering Memory’. We want to ask what this could mean under the political, social and cultural conditions of the present, and how the diversity of queer histories can be made visible in these digitised times. We want to explore the potential for generating and expanding audiences for queer archives, libraries, museums and special collections, paying special attention to the role of art and artistic interventions. Our conference provides an opportunity for archivists, activists and scholars from around the world to gather, share their stories and discuss the issues concerning the documentation of LGBTIQ+ lives. We hope that ALMS 2019 Berlin will be an inspiring event that ensures the encouraging experience of being part of an international network, overcoming borders and on track for the future. Andreas Pretzel, Conference Manager 1 PAGE 1 WELCOME TO ALMS 2019 CONTENT & LEGAL NOTICE PAGE 3 INTERNATIONAL BOARD, STEERING COMMITTEE&ORGANISATION TEAM PAGE 4–9 PROGRAM SCHEDULE PAGE 10 THEATRE PLAY – ‘THE EINSTEIN OF SEX’ PAGE 11 –12 DOCUMENTARY FILM NIGHT PAGE 13 EVENING PODIUM – QUEERING MEMORY, DEFENDING THE FUTURE PAGE 14–20 ART PRESENTATIONS&FILM MATINÉES THROUGHOUT THE CONFERENCE PAGE 21 WALKING TOURS PAGE 22 NETWORK MEETINGS PAGE 23 LIST OF ORGANISATIONS WITH STALLS ON UPPER FLOOR PAGE 24–83 SPEAKERS’ ABSTRACTS PAGE 84– 85 HKW FLOORPLANS PAGE 86 USEFUL INFORMATION Published by the Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft e.V., Taubenstraße 1, 10117 Berlin for the ALMS Conference Berlin 2019 ‘Queering Memory. Archives – Arts – Audiences’ 27–29 June 2019 at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin https://queeralmsberlin2019.de Editors: Kate Davison & Esra Paul Afken Text: Kate Davison & Andreas Pretzel Logistic: Sophie Richter Design: Esra Paul Afken Logo: Tal Shahaf © 2019 by Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. and the authors 2 INTERNATIONAL BOARD INTERNATIONAL BOARD Aaron Devor, CA STEERING COMMITTEE Ajamu, UK ORGANISING TEAM Andreas Brunner, AT Angela Brinskele, USA Aylime Aslı Demir, TR Beat Frischknecht, CH Bengt Olson, DK Don McLeod, CA Dotan Brom, IL/PS Franko Dota, HR Franco Reinaudo, BR Gerard Koskovich, USA Graham Willett, AU Hongwei Bao, UK Jan Pimblett, UK Judit Szabó, HU Karol Radziszewski, PL K.J. Rawson, USA Klaus Mueller, AT Ladislav Zikmund-Lender, CZ Levan Berianidze, GE Linda Chernis, ZA Lonneke van den Hoonaard, NL Maria Mitsopoulou aka Maria F Dolores, GR Morgan Gwenwald, USA Pia Laskar, SE Raúl Navarro-Méndez, ES-PV Suzette Robichon, FR Steph Niaupari, USA Tone Hellesund, NO Tuula Juvonen, FI STEERING COMMITTEE Anina Falasca, Research Assistant at Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden Benno Gammerl, Initiative Queer Nations, Berlin Carina Klugbauer, Schwules Museum, Berlin Hannes Hacke, Forschungsstelle Kulturgeschichte der Sexualität, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Katja Koblitz, Spinnboden Lesben Archiv, Berlin Niki Trauthwein, Lili Elbe Archiv, Berlin Peter Rehberg, Schwules Museum, Berlin Ralf Dose, Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft e.V., Berlin Roman Aaron Klarfeld, FFBIZ – Das feministische Archiv, Berlin Saboura Manu Naqshband, Intersectional Feminist and Creative Community Organizer Sanni Est, Multidisciplinary Artist, Political Educator, Founder of Queer-Feminist Platform & Festival Empower ORGANISING TEAM Andreas Pretzel, Conference Manager [incl. PR & Funding] Christiani Dwi Putri, Volunteer, Social Media Esra Paul Afken, Registrations, IT, Design Kate Davison, Program Coordinator, Social Media Kiernan Cobarrubia, Volunteer Sibylle Kerlisch, Technical Director Sophie Richter, Administration & Logistics Coordinator, Social Media 3 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE THU 27.6. 8:00–9:45 Arrival & registration 10:00 – 11:15 CONFERENCE OPENING & WELCOME Chair: Andreas Pretzel, Organising Team 2019 Welcome from Berlin Senate: Sawsan Chebli, State of Berlin Delegate to the Federation and Permanent Secretary for Active Citizenship and International Relations Speakers: Jean Tretter, ALMS Founder · Elena Gusyatinskaya, Founder of 1st Queer Archive in Moscow & Elena Zärtlich · Jan Pimblett, ALMS Organising Team London 2016 · Katja Koblitz&Sanni Est for the ALMS 2019 Steering Committee Welcome to HKW: Daniel Neugebauer, HKW Logistics: Kate Davison, Organising Team 2019 11:30 – 13:0 0 SESSION 1 VORTRAGSSAAL DIGITAL PRAXIS #1: K1 BLACK QUEER ARTS AS ARCHIVE AUSSTELLUNGSHALLE CENTE- PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS & QUEER Chair: Geraldine Fela RING/RECOVERING LESBIAN HISTORIES OWNERSHIP Rasheeda Forbes-Riley Places and Spaces · Lance T. &MEMORIES #1 Chair: Graham Willett McCready Legacies in Motion: A Black Queer Toronto Chair: Katja Koblitz Don McLeod & Philip Virta Gale’s Archives of Sexu- Archival Project Magdalena Staroszczyk ‘No one talked about it’: The ality & Gender and the Experience of the ArQuives: Paradox of Lesbian Identity in pre-1989 Poland and Canada’s LGBTQ2+ Archives · Tuula Juvonen Most Absence in Archives · Margit Hauser Making Lesbians Memorable Moments: Collecting Written Reminiscen- Visible: Traces of a Debate in Women’s Archives in the ces Online · Karolina Ufa Fundacja Q: Poland’s Virtu- German-speaking World · Maria Bühner Queering al LGBTQ+ Museum & Contemporary Queer Archives the Stasi, or What We Can Learn about Lesbians While Reading the Records of the East German State Security Service · Sabine Balke Estremadoyro The Di- gital German Women’s Archive [DDF] from Analogue to Digital: Saving Feminist Movement K2 ART & ARCHIVES #1: K3 DIGITAL PRAXIS #2: HIRSCHFELD BAR 1 THEATRE & PERFORMANCE QUEERING WIKIPEDIA PANORAMA EXPLICIT CONTENT: Chair: Sumitra Sunder Chair: Dotan Brom SEX-EROTICA-MEDIA-PORN IN ARCHIVES Bonnie Gabel Alleged Lesbian Activities: Creatively In- Rachel Wexelbaum Global LGBTIQ+ Wikimedia & EXHIBITIONS terpreting the History of Lesbian Bars in New Orleans Engagement: A Call to Action · Houssem Abida Chair: Hannes Hacke · Alyson Campbell Taking an Affective Approach Write for the Rights from Tunisia · Kristina Millona Michael C. Oliveira I Read Them for the Articles: Gay to ‘Doing’ Queer Histories in Performance: Queer Wiki LGBTI+ project: How Contributing to Wikipedia Male Erotic Magazines of the 1970s & 1980s · Gene- Dramaturgy as a Reparative Practice of Erotohisto- Became a New Form of Activism vieve Flavelle Rumours, Gossip and Ghost Stories: riography · E-J Scott Princess 1700 – 1750: DUCKIE’S Contemporary Art Exhibitions in LGBTQ+ Archives · Georgian Queers and their Pleasure Gardens · Eike Ralf Marsault Bringing Bastille, Against All …: The Wittrock Queering Modern Dance Archives Bastille Archives 13:00 – 14:30 Lunch break FILM MATINEE* Carne [Flesh], Juliana Streva, Brazil/Germany, 2019, 4:23 mins. & The Archivettes, Megan Rossman, USA, 2018, 61 mins. 14:30 – 16:00 SESSION 2 VORTRAGSSAAL MIGRATION K1 CENTERING/RECOVERING LESBIAN AUSSTELLUNGSHALLE QUEER THU 27.6. & DIASPORA HISTORIES & MEMORIES #2 & TRANS ELDERS: MEMORIES, COLLECTIONS Chair: Benno Gammerl Chair: Brenda Marston & LIBRARIES Shaan Knan ‘This is Me’ Queer Migrant & Traveller Tone Hellesund Desexualising Lesbians: Strategic and Chair: Daniel Baranowski 8:00–9:45 Arrival & registration Memories: The Rainbow Pilgrims Project · Elsi Hyttinen Ideological Positionings in Norwegian Radical Feminist Harrison Apple ‘I want to come out looking glamo- Nordic Queer Migration: Flows of People and Ideas Periodicals 1976 – 1986 · Ulla Manns On Legibility rous one more time’: the Pittsburgh Queer History from Finland to Sweden and Iceland to Denmark and Visibility: The Risk of Unqueering
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