Geographical Review of Japan Vol. 69 (Ser. B), No. 2, 134-143, 1996 Recent Studies on the Late Quaternary Landform Evolution of Riverine Coastal Plains in Japan Masatomo UMITSU Department of Geography, Nagoya University, Chikusa, Nagoya 464-01, Japan Abstract: Recent studies on the evolution of Japanese riverine coastal plains and sea-level changes in the late Quaternary are reviewed. Studies on the landforms and sediments of the plains have been done in many riverine coastal plains using various research techniques. Landforms and sediments of the riverine coastal plains have changed remarkably since the last glacial maximum. Several studies have clarified the paleogeography of the plains, and also pointed out that the landform evolution of the plains has been influenced by minor fluctuations of sea-level changes in the late Holocene. Key words: late Quaternary, Holocene, landform evolution, riverine coastal plain, sea-level change ten by Ota et al. (1982, 1990), Yonekura and Ota Introduction (1986), Ota and Machida (1987), Iseki (1988), Oya et al. (1988), Umitsu (1991), and so on. The There are a number of small coastal plains aim of this paper is to review papers on the both on the Pacific and Sea of Japan coasts of subject which have been published mainly in the Japanese, islands; they develop not only the last decade. along sandy coasts but also in the regions of lower reaches of rivers. These coastal plains are Characteristics and Environmental Set termed riverine coastal plains in this paper. tings of Japanese Riverine Coastal Plains According to Thom (1982) and Woodroffe (1990), these plains can be classified into river Most Japanese plains are depositional plains dominated and wave-dominated coastal plains that consist of Pleistocene uplands and Holo fr om the viewpoint of their formative settings. cene alluvial lowlands. Pleistocene uplands There are few tide-dominated coastal plains in occupy large areas in the Kanto, Mikawa, and Japan. Stratigraphic studies of the sediments of Tokachi plains etc., and Holocene alluvial the coastal plains indicate that there have been lowlands occupy a large area in the Ishikari, considerable changes in landforms since the Niigata, and Nobi plains, etc. Most Pleistocene last glacial maximum. These changes have uplands in Japan were formed as marine or resulted from postglacial sea-level changes. fl uvial terraces during the last interglacial and Many studies have been carried out on both last glacial periods. sea-level changes and landform evolution of Kubo (1990) examined in detail the landforms the riverine coastal plains in Japan. Studies on of the Kanto plain, where the Tokyo metro sediments and landforms of Japanese coastal politan area is located. She reviewed studies on plains are mainly conducted by physical geog the evolution of the Pleistocene uplands and raphers and Quaternary geologists. The stratig upland-dissected valleys in the plain, and also raphy and chronology of Holocene sediments of presented the evolution of the Tokyo Lowland riverine coastal plains allow reconstruction of in prehistoric and historic times. the ways in which landforms have responded to Sediments of the present riverine coastal sea-level changes in the past. plains have been deposited in, and over, valleys Several review papers on the late Quaternary formed by the last glacial maximum under low evolution of Japanese riverine coastal plains sea-level conditions. Deposition and landform and sea-level changes have already been writ evolution of the riverine coastal plains com Late Quaternary Evolution of Coastal Plains 135 menced with the postglacial sea-level rise. Osaka River, respectively. The age of the basal Typical Japanese riverine plains consist of gravel bed of the paleo-river channel in the alluvial fans, floodplains, and deltas from the Sakuragawa lowland, northeast of Tokyo, is inner to coastal regions in that order (Oya et al. estimated at 2.4-2.2ka (Suzuki et al. 1993). 1988). However, considerable variation in land This age is slightly older than those given in form is observed between the individual river previous studies. me coastal plains. There are plains without Sea-level changes during the late glacial deltas, plains with broad flood plains, and plains period are still poorly understood. Sediments in which alluvial fans occupy the entire plain. of the period in buried, channels of riverine Large dunes or sandy barriers also develop coastal lowlands are sandy and have a relati along the shoreline of the Tsugaru, Akita, vely high N-value (indicator of the hardness of Shonai, and Niigata plains which located along sediments). Sea levels of the early Holocene the coast of the Sea of Japan. Rows of beach reported in various sites are around -30 to ridges are typically recognized in the Kuju-kuri -50m (Ota et al . 1982, 1990). plain, eastern Japan. Similar rows of beach In the Kanto plain, an unconformity and the ridges are also recognized in the Ishikari, deposition of a conspicuous sandy bed are Yufutsu, and Sendai plains in north and north recognized between the contact of the Pleisto eastern Japan. In general, relatively large cene and Holocene sediments in the riverine plains develop in regions where the land tended coastal plains. These sandy sediments were to subside during the late Quaternary. called the Holocene basal gravel bed (HBG) by A special issue of the Geographical Review of Endo et al. (1982), and they are considered to be Japan on "Fluvial and Coastal Plains in Japan" sediments that were deposited in the period of was published in 1989. Several papers on the Younger Dryas. fl uvial plains (Oya and Kim 1989, Nakayama A slow rise of sea level in the early Holocene and Toyoshima 1989), coastal landforms was reported by Matsushima (1987) and Endo (Fukumoto 1989), coastal sand dunes (Naruse et al. (1989) in the Kanto plain, eastern Japan. 1989), maritime coastal lakes (Hirai 1989) and The period of slow transgression continued barriers in the coastal lowlands (Matsubara until approximately 8,500-8,300yr BP. After 1989) were included in that issue. that period, the sea level rose rapidly and reached a high stand in the middle Holocene Holocene Sea-level Changes in Japan around 7,000-6,000 yr BP. In many places, the sea level during that period is reported to have As a detailed review of studies of sea-level been 2-3m higher than present level (Ota et al. changes in Japan has already been written by 1982, 1990). The highest sea level in the Izu Umitsu (1991), only a brief reference to several Peninsula, which is located on the Philippine recent studies is made here. There are many Sea Plate, however, was recognized at 2,000 -3 opinions about the lowest sea-level during the ,000yr BP (Ota et al. 1986, Taguchi 1993). last glacial maximum: -80m (Oshima 1982, This is considered to be due to the difference in 1990); -95•}3m (Saito et al. 1989) ; -100m tectonic setting between the Philippine Sea and (Fujii 1990); -127•}30m (Oba 1988); -140m the Pacific Ocean Plates. Marked uplift is evi (Iseki 1977) and so on. Many studies, however, dent on the Boso, Muroto, and other peninsulas regard the level around -100m as the sea-level along the Pacific Ocean and Japan Sea coasts. at that time (Ota and Omura 1991, etc.). The height of middle Holocene marine terraces The extensions of paleo-river valleys formed in these regions was several meters higher than during the last glacial maximum have been the present sea level (Ota and Machida 1987). recognized in various places such as Tokyo and In particular, it was more than 20 meters higher Osaka bays and the continental shelves around in the Boso Peninsula (Frydle 1982). the Japanese islands. The buried paleochannel Minor fluctuations and temporal sea-level under the bottoms of Tokyo and Osaka bays falls after the middle Holocene are reported on are called the paleo-Tokyo River and paleo the Okhotsk coast (Maeda 1984, Sakaguchi et 136 Masatomo Umitsu al. 1985, Hirai 1987), the Inland Sea coast ments including the courses of paleochannels in (Naruse et al. 1984), the Chita Peninsula (Maeda the plain. et al. 1983), etc. In many places, minor sea-level Studies on the landform evolution and sedi falls are recognized around 4.500 and 3,000 ments of the riverine coastal plains of the Kanto 2,000yrs BP, and they are called middle Jornon plain during the Holocene were done by Endo small regression (Ota et al. 1982) and Yayoi et al. (1982, 1987, 1989), Ando (1986, 1988), regression (Ariake Bay Research Group 1965), Ando et al. (1987, 1990), Matsushima (1987), respectively. Kosugi (1989), etc. Most of the studies involved reconstruction of the Holocene depositional Evolution of River-dominated Riverine environments of the riverine coastal plains, and Coastal Plains in Japan determining the extent of marine transgres sion through diatom analysis. These studies Many studies on the sedimentary environ clarified more detailed landform evolution and ments and landform evolution of riverine environmental change in comparison to previ coastal plains have been done based on the ous studies. examination of drilling logs and detailed fossil Based on diatom analysis (Kosugi 1985, 1986, analysis of sediments. Detailed study on the 1988), Kosugi (1989) clarified the evolution of basal topography of the Holocene and latest the Oku-Tokyo Bay which expanded to the Pleistocene sediments in the Kanto plain was north of the Tokyo lowland during the postgla conducted by Endo et al. (1988). They also cial transgression (Figure 1). Evolution of the discussed the mode of deposition of the sedi region was classified into three stages: (1) trans Figure 1. Fossil diatom assemblages in the paleo Oku-Tokyo Bay at 5,500yr BP (Kosugi, 1989). Late Quaternary Evolution of Coastal Plains 137 gressive stage (10,000-6, 500yr BP); (2) maxi Holocene sediments in the Hiroshima plain mum transgression (6,500-5,300yr BP); and (3) using FeS2 analysis, and pointed out that regressional stage (5,300yr BP-present).
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