September 20, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H 9309 are 67 percent effective in preventing brain in- The vote was taken by electronic de- Morella Rogers Tanner vice, and there wereÐyeas 419, nays 7, Murtha Rohrabacher Tate jury, exactly the type of injury that needs ex- Myers Ros-Lehtinen Tauzin pensive, long-term care. not voting 8, as follows: Myrick Rose Taylor (MS) Nadler Roth Most riders who incur these injuries are [Roll No. 679] Tejeda young people. That means the long-term care Neal Roybal-Allard Thomas Nethercutt Royce for such riders who incur severe injuries can YEASÐ419 Thompson Neumann Rush Thornberry Abercrombie DeLay Horn last for 20, 30, or even 40 years. And, in most Ney Sabo Thornton Ackerman Deutsch Hostettler Norwood Salmon Thurman cases, public sources, such as Medicaid, will Allard Diaz-Balart Houghton Nussle Sanders Tiahrt be paying the bills. Andrews Dickey Hoyer Oberstar Sanford This body is currently considering reforming Archer Dicks Hunter Torkildsen Obey Sawyer Torres the Medicaid Program. If we care about con- Armey Dingell Hutchinson Olver Saxton Bachus Dixon Hyde Torricelli trolling costs, we must care about preventing Ortiz Scarborough Towns Baesler Doggett Inglis Owens Schaefer Traficant the lessening the severity of injuries in motor- Baker (CA) Dooley Istook Oxley Schiff Upton cycle crashes. Baker (LA) Doolittle Jackson-Lee Packard Schroeder Vela zquez Baldacci Dornan Jefferson Pallone Schumer The best way to do that is to encourage Vento Ballenger Doyle Johnson (CT) Parker Scott States to require all riders to wear helmets. Visclosky Barcia Dreier Johnson (SD) Pastor Seastrand Current law does not force States to pass hel- Barr Duncan Johnson, E. B. Paxon Sensenbrenner Vucanovich met laws. If they choose not to, a small por- Barrett (NE) Dunn Johnson, Sam Payne (NJ) Serrano Waldholtz tion of certain highway funds is directed to Barrett (WI) Durbin Jones Payne (VA) Shadegg Walker Bartlett Edwards Kanjorski Walsh safety programs. Pelosi Shaw Barton Ehlers Kaptur Peterson (FL) Shays Wamp This is a reasonable approach that over Bass Ehrlich Kasich Peterson (MN) Shuster Ward time saves taxpayers millions of dollars. Bateman Emerson Kelly Petri Skaggs Watt (NC) I urge a ``yes'' vote on the amendment. Becerra Engel Kennedy (RI) Pickett Skeen Watts (OK) The CHAIRMAN. The question is on Bentsen English Kennelly Pombo Skelton Waxman Bereuter Ensign Kildee Pomeroy Slaughter Weldon (FL) amendment offered by the gentleman Berman Eshoo Kim Porter Smith (MI) Weldon (PA) from Kentucky [Mr. WARD]. Bevill Evans King Portman Smith (NJ) Weller The amendment was rejected. Bilbray Everett Kingston Poshard Smith (TX) White The CHAIRMAN. Are there further Bilirakis Ewing Kleczka Pryce Smith (WA) Whitfield Bishop Farr Klink Quillen Solomon Wicker amendments? Bliley Fattah Klug Quinn Souder Williams If not, the question is on the amend- Blute Fawell Knollenberg Radanovich Spence Wilson ment in the nature of a substitute, as Boehlert Fazio Kolbe Rahall Spratt Wise amended. Boehner Fields (LA) LaFalce Ramstad Stark Wolf Bonilla Fields (TX) LaHood Rangel Stearns Woolsey The amendment in the nature of a Bonior Filner Lantos Reed Stenholm Wyden substitute, as amended, was agreed to. Bono Flake Largent Regula Stockman Wynn The CHAIRMAN. Under the rule, the Borski Flanagan Latham Richardson Stokes Yates Committee rises. Boucher Foglietta LaTourette Riggs Studds Young (AK) Brewster Foley Laughlin Rivers Stump Young (FL) Accordingly the Committee rose; and Browder Forbes Lazio Roberts Stupak Zeliff the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. DIAZ- Brown (CA) Ford Leach Roemer Talent Zimmer BALART) having assumed the chair, Mr. Brown (FL) Fowler Levin Brown (OH) Fox Lewis (CA) NAYSÐ7 HANSEN, Chairman of the Committee of Brownback Frank (MA) Lewis (GA) Beilenson Jacobs Waters the Whole House on the State of the Bryant (TN) Franks (CT) Lewis (KY) Dellums Johnston Union, reported that that Committee, Bryant (TX) Franks (NJ) Lightfoot Gibbons Orton having had under consideration the bill Bunn Frelinghuysen Lincoln Bunning Frisa Linder NOT VOTINGÐ8 (H.R. 2274) to amend title 23, United Burr Frost Lipinski Kennedy (MA) Roukema Tucker Burton Funderburk Livingston States Code, to designate the National Moakley Sisisky Buyer Furse LoBiondo Volkmer Highway System, and for other pur- Reynolds Taylor (NC) Callahan Gallegly Lofgren poses, pursuant to House Resolution Calvert Ganske Longley b 1753 224, he reported the bill back to the Camp Gejdenson Lowey House with an amendment adopted by Canady Gekas Lucas Mr. GIBBONS changed his vote from Cardin Gephardt Luther ``yea'' to ``nay.'' the Committee of the Whole. Castle Geren Maloney The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Chabot Gilchrest Manton Messrs. BACHUS, FATTAH, and the rule, the previous question is or- Chambliss Gillmor Manzullo FOGLIETTA changed their vote from dered. Chapman Gilman Markey ``nay'' to ``yea.'' Is a separate vote demanded on any Chenoweth Gonzalez Martinez Christensen Goodlatte Martini So the bill was passed. amendment to the amendment in the Chrysler Goodling Mascara The result of the vote was announced nature of a substitute adopted by the Clay Gordon Matsui as recorded. Committee of the Whole? If not, the Clayton Goss McCarthy A motion to reconsider was laid on Clement Graham McCollum question is on the amendment. Clinger Green McCrery the table. The amendment was agreed to. Clyburn Greenwood McDade f The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Coble Gunderson McDermott question is on the engrossment and Coburn Gutierrez McHale GENERAL LEAVE Coleman Gutknecht McHugh third reading of the bill. Collins (GA) Hall (OH) McInnis Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask The bill was ordered to be engrossed Collins (IL) Hall (TX) McIntosh unanimous consent that all Members and read a third time, and was read the Collins (MI) Hamilton McKeon have 5 legislative days in which to re- third time. Combest Hancock McKinney Condit Hansen McNulty vise and extend their remarks on H.R. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Conyers Harman Meehan 2274, the bill just passed. question is on the passage of the bill. Cooley Hastert Meek The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. The question was taken; and the Costello Hastings (FL) Menendez Speaker pro tempore announced that Cox Hastings (WA) Metcalf TORKILDSEN). Is there objection to the the ayes appeared to have it. Coyne Hayes Meyers request of the gentleman from Penn- Cramer Hayworth Mfume sylvania? Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I object Crane Hefley Mica to the vote on the ground that a Crapo Hefner Miller (CA) There was no objection. quorum is not present and make the Cremeans Heineman Miller (FL) f Cubin Herger Mineta point of order that a quorum is not Cunningham Hilleary Minge NATIONAL HIGHWAY SYSTEM present. Danner Hilliard Mink The SPEAKER pro tempore. Evi- Davis Hinchey Molinari DESIGNATION ACT OF 1995 dently a quorum is not present. de la Garza Hobson Mollohan Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask Deal Hoekstra Montgomery The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- DeFazio Hoke Moorhead unanimous consent to take from the sent Members. DeLauro Holden Moran Speaker's table the Senate bill (S. 440)VerDate 20-SEP-95 07:02 Sep 21, 1995 Jkt 099061 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\CRI\H20SE5.REC h20se1 H 9310 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 20, 1995 to amend title 23, United States Code, Sec. 131. Rural access projects. TITLE IÐHIGHWAY PROVISIONS Sec. 132. Inclusion of high priority corridors. to provide for the designation of the SEC. 101. NATIONAL HIGHWAY SYSTEM DESIGNA- National Highway System, and for Sec. 133. Sense of the Senate regarding the TION. Federal-State funding relation- (a) IN GENERAL.ÐSection 103 of title 23, other purposes, and ask for its imme- ship for transportation. United States Code, is amended by inserting diate consideration in the House. Sec. 134. Quality through competition. The Clerk read the title of the Senate Sec. 135. Federal share for economic growth after subsection (b) the following: bill. center development highways. ``(c) NATIONAL HIGHWAY SYSTEM DESIGNA- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Sec. 136. Vehicle weight and longer com- TION.Ð objection to the request of the gen- bination vehicles exemption for ``(1) DESIGNATION.ÐThe most recent Na- Sioux City, Iowa. tional Highway System (as of the date of en- tleman from Pennsylvania? actment of this Act) as submitted by the There was no objection. Sec. 137. Revision of authority for conges- tion relief project in California. Secretary of Transportation pursuant to this The Clerk read the Senate bill, as fol- Sec. 138. Applicability of certain vehicle section is designated as the National High- lows: weight limitations in Wiscon- way System. S. 440 sin. ``(2) MODIFICATIONS.Ð Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Sec. 139. Prohibition on new highway dem- ``(A) IN GENERAL.ÐAt the request of a resentatives of the United States of America in onstration projects. State, the Secretary mayÐ Congress assembled, Sec. 140. Treatment of Centennial Bridge, ``(i) add a new route segment to the Na- tional Highway System, including a new SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. Rock Island, Illinois, agree- ment. intermodal connection; or (a) SHORT TITLE.ÐThis Act may be cited as Sec. 141. Moratorium on certain emissions ``(ii) delete a route segment in existence on the ``National Highway System Designation the date of the request and any connection Act of 1995''. testing requirements. Sec. 142. Elimination of penalties for non- to the route segment; (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.ÐThe table of con- tents of this Act is as follows: compliance with motorcycle if the total mileage of the National Highway Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. helmet use requirement. System (including any route segment or con- Sec. 143. Clarification of Eligibility. nection proposed to be added under this sub- TITLE IÐHIGHWAY PROVISIONS Sec. 144. Toll roads, bridges, tunnels, non- paragraph) does not exceed 165,000 miles Sec. 101. National Highway System designa- toll roads that have a dedicated (265,542 kilometers).
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