Proceedings of the International Geometry Center Vol. 11, no. 3 (2018) pp. 45–67 An extension of Möbius–Lie geometry with conformal ensembles of cycles and its implementation in a GiNaC library Vladimir V. Kisil Abstract. We propose to consider ensembles of cycles (quadrics), which are interconnected through conformal-invariant geometric relations (e.g. “to be orthogonal”, “to be tangent”, etc.), as new objects in an extended Möbius–Lie geometry. It was recently demonstrated in several related papers, that such ensembles of cycles naturally parameterize many other conformally-invariant families of objects, e.g. loxodromes or continued fractions. The paper describes a method, which reduces a collection of conformally invariant geometric relations to a system of linear equations, which may be accompanied by one fixed quadratic relation. To show its usefulness, the method is implemented as a C++ library. It operates with numeric and sym- bolic data of cycles in spaces of arbitrary dimensionality and metrics with any signatures. Numeric calculations can be done in exact or approximate arithmetic. In the two- and three-dimensional cases illustrations and ani- mations can be produced. An interactive Python wrapper of the library is provided as well. Анотація. В статті розглядається розширення геометрії сфер введене Софусом Лі. Нас цікавлять властивості інваріантні відносно дробово-лі- нійних (мебіусових) перетворень. Об’єктами розширеної геометрії Мебіу- са-Лі є ансамблі сфер взаємопов’язані наборами відношень інваріантних відносно мебіусових перетворень простору, наприклад ортогональність, дотичніть та ін. В недавніх публікаціях було показано, що такі ансамблі дозволяють природним чином параметризувати різні об’єкти пов’язані з дробово-лінійними перетвореннями, наприклад локсодроми або непе- рервні дроби. Деякі з використаних геометричних відношень (наприклад, ортого- нальность) задаються лінійними умовами на коефіцієнти рівнянь сфер, інші (наприклад, дотик) є квадратичними. В роботі описується метод, 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 51B25; Secondary 51N25, 51B10, 68U05, 11E88, 68W30. Keywords: Lie–Möbius geometry 45 46 V. V. Kisil який дозволяє звести будь-яке число розглянутих відношень до систе- ми лінійних рівностей та не більше ніж однієї додаткової квадратичної умови. Ефективність даного методу дозволила реалізувати математичну кон- цепцію розширеної геометрії Мебіуса-Лі в програмній бібліотеці написа- ній на C++. Бібліотека працює в просторах будь-якої розмірності з до- вільною метрикою, включаючи вироджені випадки. Вона дозволяє про- водити маніпуляції з символьними обчисленнями, точною арифметикою, або наближено. В просторах розмірності два та три бібліотека може бу- дувати графічні образи та анімації в кількох популярних форматах. Бі- бліотека супроводжуються оболонкою для інтерактивного доступу на мові Python. Також активно розвивається графічний інтерфейс кори- стувача (GUI), який дозволяє використовувати бібліотеку за допомогою клацань миші. Програмна реалізація дає можливість проводити подаль- ше вивчення розширеної геометрії Мебіуса-Лі і може бути використана у викладанні. 1. INTRODUCTION Lie sphere geometry [11], [8, Chapter 3], in the simplest planar setup unifies circles, lines and points – all together called cycles in this setup. Symmetries of Lie spheres geometry include (but are not limited to) frac- tional linear transformations (FLT) of the form: ( ) ( ) a b ax + b a b : x 7! ; where det =6 0: (1.1) c d cx + d c d Following other sources, e.g. [58, § 9.2], we call (1.1) by FLT and reserve the name “Möbius maps” for the subgroup of FLT which fixes a particular cycle. For example, on the complex plane FLT are generated by elements of SL2(C) and Möbius maps fixing the real line are produced by SL2(R) [41, Chapter 1]. There is a natural set of FLT-invariant geometric relations between cycles (to be orthogonal, to be tangent, etc.) and the restriction of Lie sphere geometry to invariants of FLT is called Möbius–Lie geometry. Thus, an ensemble of cycles, structured by a set of such relations, will be mapped by FLT to another ensemble with the same structure. It was shown recently that ensembles of cycles with certain FLT-invariant relations provide helpful parametrizations of new objects, e.g. points of the Poincaré extended space [46], loxodromes [48] or continued fractions [7], [45], see Example 3.4 below for further details. Thus, we propose to extend Möbius–Lie geometry and consider ensembles of cycles as its new objects, cf. formal Definition 3.6. Naturally, “old” objects – cycles – are represented by simplest one-element ensembles without any relation. This paper provides Extension of Lie geometry: ensembles and their implementation 47 conceptual foundations of such extension and demonstrates its practical implementation as a C++ library figure1. Interestingly, the development of this library shaped the general approach, which leads to specific realizations in [46], [45], [48]. More specifically, the library figure manipulates ensembles of cycles (quadrics) interrelated by certain FLT-invariant geometric conditions. The code is build on top of the previous library cycle,[37], [41], [36], which ma- nipulates individual cycles within the GiNaC[5] computer algebra system. Thinking an ensemble as a graph, one can say that the library cycle deals with individual vertices (cycles), while figure considers edges (relations be- tween pairs of cycles) and the whole graph. Intuitively, an interaction with the library figure reminds compass-and-straightedge constructions, where new lines or circles are added to a drawing one-by-one through relations to already presented objects (the line through two points, the intersection point or the circle with given centre and a point). See Example 3.7 of such interactive construction from the Python wrapper, which provides an analytic proof of a simple geometric statement. It is important that both libraries are capable to work in spaces of any dimensionality and metrics with an arbitrary signatures: Euclidean, Minkowski and even degenerate. Parameters of objects can be symbolic or numeric, the latter admit calculations with exact or approximate arith- metic. Drawing routines work with any (elliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic) metric in two dimensions and the euclidean metric in three dimensions. The mathematical formalism employed in the library cycle is based on Clifford algebras, which are intimately connected to fundamental geomet- rical and physical objects [30], [29]. Thus, it is not surprising that Clifford algebras have been already used in various geometric algorithms for a long time, for example see [31], [60], [18] and further references there. Our package deals with cycles through Fillmore–Springer–Cnops construction (FSCc) which also has a long history, see [57, § 1.1], [13, § 4.1], [20], [34, § 4.2], [35], [41, § 4.2], and section 2.1 below. Compared to a plain analyt- ical treatment [54, Chapter 2], [8, Chapter 3], FSCc is much more efficient and conceptually coherent in dealing with FLT-invariant properties of cy- cles. Correspondingly, the computer code based on FSCc is easy to write and maintain. The paper outline is as follows. In Section 2 we sketch the mathematical theory (Möbius–Lie geometry) covered by the package of the previous li- brary cycle [37] and the present library figure. We expose the subject with some references to its history since this can facilitate further development. 1All described software is licensed under GNU GPLv3 [22]. 48 V. V. Kisil Section 3.1 describes the principal mathematical tool used by the library figure. It allows to reduce a collection of various linear and quadratic equa- tions (expressing geometrical relations like orthogonality and tangency) to a set of linear equations and at most one quadratic relation (3.1). Notably, the quadratic relation is the same in all cases, which greatly simplifies its handling. This approach is the cornerstone of the library effectiveness both in symbolic and numerical computations. In Section 3.3 we present several examples of ensembles, which were already used in mathematical theories [46], [45], [48], then we describe how ensembles are encoded in the present library figure through the functional programming framework. Section 4 outlines several typical usages of the package. An example of a new statement discovered and demonstrated by the package is given in Theorem 4.1. In Section 5 we list of some further tasks, which will extend capacities and usability of the package. All coding-related material is enclosed as appendices in the full docu- mentation on the project page [37]. They contain: (i) Numerous examples of the library usage starting from the very simple ones. (ii) A systematic list of callable methods. (iii) Actual code of the library. Section 2, Example 3.7 below or the above-mentioned first two appendices of the full documentation can serve as an entry point for a reader with respective preferences and background. 2. MÖBIUS–LIE GEOMETRY AND THE cycle LIBRARY We briefly outline mathematical formalism of the extend Möbius–Lie geometry, which is implemented in the present package. We do not aim to present the complete theory here, instead we provide a minimal description with a sufficient amount of references to further sources. The hierarchical structure of the theory naturally splits the package into two components: the routines handling individual cycles (the library cycle briefly reviewed in this section), which were already introduced elsewhere [37], and the new component
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