• The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples Authori.ed to pllbli.b GOV'l!lrDmeal Notice. Native. affecting JOHANNZSBtlRO, :lOTu MAY, 1933. .oel'.. red o. "'. Ihurl' Vol. 14 . No. 6St t_ Oil ..........'Il001101 . Price 36 CUTHBERTS KE LEBENKELE LE LEBl'rso CUTHBERTS " KE BABATS'O BA REKANG LIE'fA TS'HtELETSO EA HAD IB. 0 BO LONA CUTHBERTS REKA LIETA. BakeDg la !soble Ise Malak. Ie Liela. MEFl'TA E PEJ.E EA LIETA TSE AMELOANG. V KA NI BONA LIFESTERENG TSA L EBENKELE LA RONA ; U K.A Ll BONA KAHARE LEBENKELENG . LE UENA U KA LUMEL.'t HORE HA LlA LEKANA CHELETE EKAALO. BOHLE ao LENA LA JOHANNESBURG BA NTSE BA ITLISA HO BONA LIPOREIS[ 'l'SE NGOTSOENG TSA lJETA. LICHUSI TSA BANNA PARA ELENNGOE 40 Mcf utll. el\, taontt. SIWStl tsoh!e IsibiDi 8 /9 para. elenngoe lsibiDi 12/6 TSA BANXA LICHl'.'U LTSANTLt--:LE T3A BA<;;ALT. Mo­ futA no pele Ii~ae;;e t30hle pa.ra. elenngoe 12/6 --- _9/11 hibiDi • LIETA 1'5A SANNA L.E:rL',L.,!' HOHLE. Li sa.e~e kaofela. Tee one\oang botha.ta. para elenngoe LJ· IsibiDi 8 /9 CHUS[ TSA HANNA TSA U KABA BANNA LICHUSI SALLOA KE TSE NTLE LETHO KAPA Tse .sootho TSA MALEIDI LIcaUSI kapa tse 12/6 HOFETA Tsa Sootho kapa patent t&e nang ts'Ollna. IdoIiLle mabanu para elenngoe 12/6 " ", I.ibini .1.0/6 LIETA TS.-\ LlETA TSA FOOTBALL l'OQTB:ALL Sll£'se tsoble ~ae3e t.sohle LIt:T.\ TSA BANNA tse ts'oroa kapo. he sootho, saese t.'loh le para elcnngoe T'IE NTlE IJASOLO 10/6, :12/ 6 LE 15/6 Para Elenngoe IsibiDi 15/6 LISELE PERE TSA BA SALI HOTLOHA PARA· • Lit:T.\ TS8 TS'OEU ELENNGOE T:-iA TEN~TS Ll TREO­ 2 /6 lsi bini Tt-:OE ':\IAAKANE P.O. Box 1177, JOHANNESBURG. W.M.CUTHBERT&CO.,Ltd. Makala Hoble Lelah'eDg. - INKOSI yakba amatbambo yomeleze noko meleza, Umgubo wo Mbona BIZA KU NO\'E~KILE WAKUNI "lNKOS[ Umgubo wo mbona." Asinguwo Umgubo wo Mbona 10 Oqelekileyo Usilwa yi- Koko wona kugutywo. umbona okheti: weyo-oyeo& mbono. llDokusiJwa. U«a­ UNION FLOUR MILLS lelw& e:r;inxhoweni e:r;iginya. iponti wbu­ ru;imo. e:r;i ISO, 100, 50, 20, 10 De 5. Johannesburg & Durban. UMTETELl WA BANTU, JOHANNKBUURO, :!I)TiI MAY, 1933. All eomm"n/ctti"II' ,,, U addr~1oS«I ,,,: the position lends to tho con- uuroni:fdoUl:l of tho lUanner JoU1tA&u., clusiou that coalition a~ a in which thoir natirmal affairs Death of Capt. Blair Hook P.O. Box ",j:':;, saving factor is all impossihle nrC' conducted, and they can J 0 """'''8 8 D uao, thing in the CongrC'ss oa~o . form no id<'c\ of tho direction \Yf" n'.II:r;-t tA, n:ptlrt tho d"ath a' (.'''p'. TO~II o( (:aptalll n Hlalr Hl'lOk Pwblllhld W~dll' Nativo organisations fail and from whirh their ndvanta&:(o IJ I; 0 .. f) n M.\y 13 "fhl' latoe Capt StJU(lN7J'IOtt RAn_tD,. PO"'). arc wiped out becausc of their may come. With fine faith Bi&lr llrl(l k WWI horn at OraLam.town leaders' remarkable incapacity; they leave tbeir destiny in thc ODe y~u IIS/· 111 IM:!l an.1 DQ," lI(·rvl<·C in tL,. Mat ,bel,. but the chief reason for tho hands of It small coterie of Wnl'll nf 18Ul and 1806. and in th,. T~ failure of Native political and professionallcaders, and nlways AII/llo ·Ho'·r War. .t'I" 31 YI'al'l he " .. .. " . industrial institutions IS the de- their trust i .. betrayed. There Cbil·' ('oml){)und Mallager of thl'! Eaet RaDII Pmpri('t.I"lrY Mint'8 and .. well plorable dlsloyalt.v of their is no present hope of conacien- "n"illl to Xlllive8 throu.II:hout Hootl. officers, the scramble for tbe tiousleadership for the people, Afei, a who will mOlleo ti,,,, delloth of a Umteteli wa Bantu high places and the bitterness who will profit. themsel .... es more flympathHie and unllf't~t"ndinj:( con. engendered by the fierce com· Iby withholding their subr>crip- troller a",1 advi ... ·r 20th MAY, 1933. petition for control. There are. tions to Congress and other A n·pMl of the lal.(, ~'.pt. Blalf HI)()k " rl· t ir('ffil·ut an II of a pn"wnt.ation of courtie, other caUSl'S of society funds while they cndea­ mad,· t" him by ~ativu ... ho had disintegmtion such as tbe vour to learn from di!llOterested worked undrr hi8 din<·tiol1, appeared unfortunate tendency of leadC'rs teachers the elements of their in l·mt~kli I" .\I'TlI'" IS CONGRESS DEAD? to misuse trust funds, and the own polities and the value of We are urged by recent selfish mdh'idualism thnt for· unity in the pursuit of a sound happenings again to question bids effective team work. Look- objective under able and trust. the advisability oC maintaining ing back over the years it is worthy leadership. Congress in its present form seen that Native organisation The Congress aeems to be and under its present leader· has always heen the beginning on the point of disRolution. 1t ship. We ha.ve no sort oC of disunity, and that rancour seemS that neither its prestige quarrel with Dr. P. ka 1_ Seme. and malicc operate strongly to nor its influence can he restored He is perhaps as good a mao counteract good intention and while it~ admini!'ltration is faced as any other to be at the head shatter such purposes as are with au opposition apparently of a. national Bantu institution. commendahle. Greatness is ever strongC'r than it!lelC, and thut Culturally he is exalted above beset by penalties, but the really nothing remains but to wind it the majority of those who great man is always aSSlured of up and admit the uU{>r failure criticise and reject his control, 8. lsrge non-official following of a. sreat experiment. The and his general ability is possi· wbich offsets inner jealousies hst Bloemfontein conference 'lUI:: I.All:: C.\I"I". nfAJh HOOK. bly greater than the average. and intrigues, But the melan- waR a particularly unfavour­ We are prepared to believe choly fact oC Native organis- able advertil<ement for Con. thatDr.Seme was prompt.ed by ation is tha.t the rank and 61e Srees. Its total lack of dignity, motives of high patriotism have little understanding ofthe and the su~picion of a packed The German Menace. when last month at Bloemfon­ politics of the leaders and less house are two things that Con­ tein he contrived bis re-election oftbelr main objectives. TbUl:i gress will live down "itb diffi­ The a.oxi()u~ly awaik>d drclaratioD to the Congress presidency. the lea.der~ are at the mercy of <.'uit\', if at all; and a further by Herr llit1cr ha~ bto(·o Wide. 1tl' those who would be leaders, offence against tbe tenets of mod('ratetooe h .... g< ne far to ~liel""e and that bis public spirit and intc·roati?oal tt·o~ion. Gumany. eay. his earnest desire to revive the and they 6ght hopelessly proper organi~ation was the H itler. I rt'"ady to dilllrm. but old glory of the Congress were against ultimate. depositio.n. plain obli\'io~sne~~ of delegates Ctlmao)" m~l~ta on equality, and accountable for his acceptance Consequently Native orgaDls, to aUJ· con~lderation oC the is determined to ret't"rl' he.. e'atUl'. of a vote that was plainly un· ation inevitably fails, and the whhes of the people they were Pr","iti~nt Roollf'velt Ii,;,teoed to a Native people bave been suppo~erl to represent. We hroadca;;t. of Hltler.$ ,'~cb in the­ representative. We have re­ R-okhqap' and is said to teel mU;;-h ceived from Dr. Seme a sta te· brought to a point at which ~rri\'e at the fact that Con~ress r .. lie '!"l d tbat it", term~ open a 1II'ay for ment which if published would they are unable to represent IS not n people's institution prollli~illg dll!cuq~ion. occupy practically the whole of their case responsibly for tbe and that merdy as an arena fo; In a message he ha~ addreeaed to the one of our pages. In this state· reason that there exists no the contest;; of candidates, more poWtr~ Pr~ident Roo-el·elt. has identl' ment he traverses the proceed­ Native political or industrial or less unqualified, Cor political fie.d America \\ith tbe inter~ta of European couotriee, and hal e:.:ploded ings of the Bloemfontein Con­ institution oC a responsible elovation it has no valid excuse the belief that the Uni~·d Statee would ference and endeavours to character. The people have Cor continued existence An n:dude ihrlf from an" mell8ure fouod show that his attitude and Cor many years been sadly effete ('ongrer>s might benefic­ nec('!I!!ary for th,. discipline of obstruct. actions have tbroughout been misled, an~ tbe ~~nd .of in- iall)' di~appear and make way il""~ natiOll8. "Diaarmament" helaye above reproach. But in his formed Native oplDlon IS that for a less pretentious but more . 13 tIlt' only way to prevent iuvMion. Ameriun8 realiee that. W~3POI1S of review of the position Dr. no effective organisation is practical body with another o&"'.noo are needed only if other Seme. perhaps unavoidably, possible unless the people, the name.
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