PAGE THIHTY-TWO- EVENING HERALD. Wed., April II. 1979 Saport Moskites-Horlon ■------. --------- Completes Big Margin in House 1 Officials Expedite Plans I Balcome To Direct State Nuclear Plant Susan Elizabeth Horton of Manchester and Georpe carried a cascade bouquet ol white sweetheart roses and Course f’eter Moskites Jr. of Windsor were married April 7 at stephanotis accented with hyacinth and baby's breath. Kills Gay Rights Bill 1 For New College Center 1 Five Mile Road Race Changes Procedures South United Methodist Church in Manchester. Pvt. Mark M, Saport. son of Mr, Pamela Horton of Manchester was her sister's maid ol Page 2 1 P age 1 2 , 1 P age 13 The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Page 1 7 and Mrs. .fame Saport of 36 Iceland honor. Bridesmaids were Leslie Lavery ol Windsor; k.------------------- _ Drive. Hast Hartford, recently com­ Horton of 17 Village St,. Manchester. The bridegroom is Dianne Moskites of Windsor, the bridegroom's sister, pleted the Tabulatinp Equipment the son of Mr and Mrs. (Jeorge P. Moskites Sr. of Wind­ and Cheryl Nolan ol Tewksbury. Mass., the bride's sor. Repair Course at the U.S. Army cousin. The Rev. (Jary Cornell of Rhode Island performed the Sipnal School, Port (Jordon. Ga. Wayne Engman ol Manche.ster served as best man. Hanrbrfitpr double-ring ceremony. Dianne Terry of West Hartlord Durinp the traininp. students Ushers were W illiam Mann 111 ol East Granby. Kenneth was soloist and David Morse of Manchester, organist. received instruction on the inspec­ MaeShane of lx)welL Mass., the bride's cousin; and -J* I Fair Tonight, The bride, given in marriage by her parents, wore a tion. adjustment and the repairinp of Ronald Nadeau of Meriden. sheer organdy gown designed with Queen Anne neckline, Cioudy Friday improperly opei;atinp electrical ae- A reception was held at Willie's Steak House in eountinp machines. fitted bodice accented with venise lace, full Bishop Manchester, after whih the couple lelt for Daytona Beach Datall* on pagu 2 Killliy Ann Miiwr sleeves accented with lace garlands, and A-line skirt " ■.a*??- i I',. Saport entered the Army in and Disneyworld in Florida. For traveling. .Mrs Moskites N iw V l{i)l><’rl S. Iti'ilili'n September 1978 He praduated from- fashioned with vertical bands of lace flowers and triple wore an oyster-white suit with matching accessories. The border lace edging the chapel train. Her shoulder-length East Hartlord Hiph School in 1978. couple will reside in East Hartford. veil war attached to n l.in' covered ( town nnd she Mrs. Moskites is employed by the Steak Club ol Engaged Airman Victoria A. Jarvais. Wethersfield. Mr. Moskites is the executive chel al the 36 Hrralb Heist Arrest dauphler ol Mrs D. Durocher of 228 Lewis St. Restaurant in Hartlord. iTully plmloi Vol. XCVIII, No. 163 — Manchester, Conn., Thursday. April 12, 1979 I A Family NEWSpaper Since 1681 • 20it Single Copy • 15$ Home Delivered \lincr-K»*rl(l«*ii Kasi SI . Hebron, has been selected NEW YORK (UPI) - Federal lor technical traininp at Sheppard parole officials today arrested the The enpapemenl ol Miss Kathy AEH. Texas, in the Air Force suspected m asterm ind of the $5,8 Ann .Miner ol Manchester to Hohert medical service Held million Lufthansa cargo heist at Scot I H<'dden <d Holton has been an­ The cnt^.'incmcnl of Miss Dawn She recently completed basic Kennedy Airport last December, nounced hy her parents, Mr. and Want Kli/al)clli Lane of flardwick, VI . to traininp al La< kland AFH. Texas, the largest cash robbery in U.S. Mrs Thomas W. Miner ol 22 Volpi and studied the Air Force mission, history. Rights Unit l.loyd il.onnvi V. (iiislafson ol Hoad. Hollon To SAVE$ (ireenshoro. VI . has been announced orpanizalion and customs and The suspect, James Burke, was .Mr Redden is the son of Mrs. hy her parenls. Mr and Mrs Donald received .special instruction in picked up at his home and taken Sylvia .liicker of 57 Maple St.. Dane of Hardwick, Vt. human relations. into custody at 8;30 a.m. by Kllinplon. and the late Hohert K. Airman .Jarvais praduated from federal probation officers, FBI Mr (iiistalson is the son of Mr and Redden Mrs Lloyd (I fliistafson of 208 Main hiph .school in llehron in 1978. agents and U.S. marshals on Asks Delay .Mis'! .Miner pradiialed from ftolton SI , M anchesler parole violation charges. Hiph Schoid ;ind f'realive School of Miss Lane j'radiiated Iroin lla/en Marino 2nd Lt Thomas R. Shaw, Burke was charged with hairdressinp in Manchester She is Union fliph School in 1976 and is whose wile. DeAnn. is the dauphter violating parole for allegedly employed as a hairdresser at (ireat employed al The Nalional Life In­ of Dr and mrs Eiipene Dipps of 27 F(N>D W AllEIIOIJSE associating with persons with Kxpeclalions in KasI Hartford surance Co in Montpelier. VI Hrenimoor Road. East Hartford, has prior criminal records, in this Mr Redden pradiiated from Holton Of CD Fund Mr (iiislafson is a 1971 f'radiiateol completed the Amphibian Vehicle case Angelo John Sepe, another Hiph School and is currently atten- hc Manchesler IfiKh School lie Oflice Course, O low Mery day pice on figure linked to the airport dinp Hie University of (,’onnecticul. agreorent with your unsuhstantiated Kradiialed. summa cum laude. from The live-week course was con­ I ro b b e ry .__________ By (;m :(; im iah so n He IS employed as an ambulance judgments on the Manchester Lyndon Stale College, where he ducted al the Marine Corps Base, Menild Iteporler attendant al Manchesler Ambulance Camp Pendleton. Calif Sunshine Housing Assistance Plan," Weiss majored in music education He is an Holy Days MANCHESTER - The state Com­ Uo A 1978 .praduate of Virpinia w rote. elementary music instructor in The mission on Human Rights and Oppor­ The couple is |)lanninp an Aup. 5 Military Institute. Lexinpton. Va., Hi-Ho These are the high holy days for MUD makes the final decision on Orleans, Soiilhwesl district of Ver- tunities, questioning the town's per­ m oni weddinp al South United Methodist with a bachelor s depree, he joined both Jews and Christians and what steps a town has to take if it Uhiirch in Manchesler. iNassiff Crackers Jews around the world celebrated formance in meeting employment wants to receive Community A June 24 weddinp is planned the Marine Corps, in 1978 photo I their delivery from ancient Egypt and housing goals, has recommended Development funding for the next with the feast of Seder at least temporary withholding of the year. Its letter to the town earlier Wednesday. Christians are town’s fifth-year (1979-80) Communi­ this year had been a preliminary preparing for Easter with its ty Development grant. assuri)nce that no further Prizes Awarded in MCC The commission has recommended ► memory of the crucified Christ leipiirements would have to he met triumphant over death. In the the town take certain steps before it by the town before it leceives its OHitr itorH timeless cities of the Holy Land receives the funding, including fifth-year grant, Mrs. (iro rfic I*. IVIo.skitr.s ,fr. thousands of pilgrims poured in placing a higher priority on the con­ Town officials have said HUD has Photography ’79 Contest ekarfi ai from all countries, with the usual struction of new rental units. given no indication that it has gaggle of hucksters following in The town, however, has said the I'liangcd its stance. mieii at commission's recommendation is Two color photographs that were the other highlighted hy the sun. lin .Szeher, third prize. Honorable their wake from the Wailing Wall HUD now is doing its annual based on incomplete information and entered in "Photography '79," a .lames Sanlerre of Hartford also won mention was awarded to photos by to the Church of the Holy review of the town's Community a lirsi prize lor his gold and black Plans is in conflict with the .stance of the competition sponsored recently by Peter Danyliw of Manchester. Carol cese I Sepulcher, Development application. Part of Manchester (,'ommunity College, [irinl of a lieacli illuminated by thp Carney of .South Windsor, and You ean eouirt on ui for savings federal Department of Housing and that work includes A-95 reviews by were awarded first prizes, a decision sun al a low angle, whirlTT-reatod Richard Paskowsky of Springfield. SkaaMn't yoa bt iko^^inj E Junket Time Urban Development, which operates other agencies and commissions, in­ that was unprecedented in the deep shadows and mysterious The other judges, all from MCC. Craft Fair the Community Development cluding the state Commission on history of the cornpetitibns. shapes were Roland Cliircio. assistant laaiiif at E4«aMi Foo4 WarakoaM WASHINGTON (UPI) - And program . Human Mights aqd Opportunities. "The judges reached a deadlock in Olhi'r sinners in the color category prolessor of FInglish; Lawrence NEW BRITAIN — Potters, weavers, and per.sons in­ while most people are celebrating General alarm fire at E.F. Houghton and and equipment from Manchester, Bolton, H ill) wrote to Manchester earlier That commission’s review has choosing one of the two prints for the were Peter Panecki of Hartford, se­ Willard, assistant professor of com­ volved in all crafts are invited to show their wares at the either the Passover or the Co., 44 Stock Place, Manchester, early this Vernon and South Windsor responded to the this year and .said the town would not been completed and said, "The com- first prize." state Sylvian Ofiara.
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