Plants of the Edge of Appalachia Preserve System

Plants of the Edge of Appalachia Preserve System

PLANTS OF THE EDGE OF APPALACHIA PRESERVE SYSTEM Global Ranking FREQUENCY State State Ranking State State Status Non-Native SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Abutilon theophrasti Velvet-leaf X G5 S5 Scarce Acalypha rhomboidea Rhombic Three-seeded Mercury G5 S5 Frequent Acalypha virginica Virginia Three-seeded Mercury G5 S5 Frequent Acer negundo Box-elder G5 S5 Common Acer nigrum Black Maple G5 S5 Occasional Acer rubrum Red Maple G5 S5 Common Acer saccharinum Silver Maple G5 S5 Common Acer saccharum Sugar Maple G5 S5 Common Achillea millefolium Yarrow G5 S5 Common Acorus calamus Sweet Flag X G5 S5 Scarce Actaea pachypoda Bugbane, Doll's Eyes G5 S5 Occasional Adiantum pedatum Common Maidenhair Fern G5 S5 Frequent Aegopodium podagraria Goutweed X G5 S5 Scarce Aesculus glabra Ohio Buckeye G5 S5 Occasional Aesculus octandra Sweet Buckeye G5 S5 Common Agalinis tenuifolia Slender Foxglove G5 S5 Frequent Agastache nepetoides Yellow Giant-hyssop G5 S5 Scarce Agave virginica American Aloe G5 S3 T Frequent Agrimonia gryposepala Common Agrimony G5 S5 Occasional Agrimonia parviflora Small-flowered Agrimony G5 S5 Occasional Agrimonia pubescens Downy Agrimony G5 S5 Occasional Agrimonia rostellata Woodland Agrimony G5 S5 Occasional Agrostis gigantea Redtop X G5 S5 Common Agrostis hyemalis Fly-away Grass G5 S5 Rare Agrostis perennans Autumn Redtop G5 S5 Common Agrostis stolonifera Redtop X G5 S5 Scarce Ailanthus altissima Tree-of-heaven X G5 S5 Occasional Ajuga repans Carpet Bugleweed X G5 S5 Scarce Alisma subcordatum Southern Water-plantain G5 S5 Scarce Alliaria petiolata Garlic Mustard X G5 S5 Scarce Allium burdickii White Ramp G4G5 S5 Rare Allium canadense Wild Garlic G5 S5 Common Allium cernuum Nodding Onion G5 S5 Common Allium tricoccum Red Ramp G5 S5 Rare Allium vineale Field Garlic X G5 S5 Frequent Alopecurus carolinianus Carolina-foxtail G5 S5 Rare Amaranthus hybridus Pigweed X G5 S5 Rare Amaranthus retroflexus Redroot X G5 S5 Rare Amaranthus spinosus Spiny Amaranth X G5 S5 Rare Ambrosia artemisiifolia Common Ragweed G5 S5 Common Ambrosia trifida Giant Ragweed G5 S5 Common Amelanchier arborea Serviceberry G5 S5 Common Ammannia robusta Sessile tooth-cup G5 S5 Rare Ampelopsis cordata Simple-leaf Ampelopsis G5 S5 Scarce Global Ranking FREQUENCY State State Ranking State State Status Non-Native SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Amphicarpaea bracteata Hog-peanut G5 S5 Common Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel X G5 S5 Occasional Andropogon elliottii Elliott's Beard-grass G5 S5 Occasional Andropogon gerardii Big Bluestem G5 S5 Common Andropogon virginicus Broom-Sedge G5 S5 Common Anemone quinquefolia Wood Anemone G5 S5 Rare Anemone virginiana Thimble-flower G5 S5 Common Anemonella thalictroides Rue-anemone G5 S5 Common Angelica venenosa Hairy Angelica G5 S5 Scarce Antennaria neglecta var. neglecta Field Pussytoes G5 S5 Rare Antennaria plantaginifolia Plantain-leaf Pussytoes G5 S5 Occasional Antennaria solitaria Souther Single-head Pussytoes G5 S5 Scarce Anthoxanthum odoratum Vernal Grass X G5 S5 Rare Apios americana Groundnut G5 S5 Frequent Aplectrum hyemale Puttyroot G5 S5 Occasional Apocynum androsaemifolium Spreading Dogbane G5 S5 Scarce Apocynum cannabinum Indian Hemp G5 S5 Common Aquilegia canadensis Wild Columbine G5 S5 Common Arabis canadensis Sicklepod G5 S5 Rare Arabis hirsuta v. adpressipilis Hairy Rockcress G5 S3 P Scarce Arabis laevigata Smooth Rockcress G5 S5 Frequent Aralia racemosa Spikenard G4G5 S5 Scarce Aralia spinosa Devil's Walkingstick G5 S4S5 Rare Arctium minus Common Burdock X G5 S5 Occasional Arenaria patula Pitcher's Sandwort G4 S5 E Rare Arenaria serpyllifolia Thyme-leaf Sandwort G5 S5 Scarce Arenaria stricta Rock Sandwort G5 S2 P Occasional Arisaema dracontium Green Dragon G5 S5 Occasional Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-pulpit G5 S5 Common Aristida dichotoma Triple-awned Grass G5 S5 Frequent Aristida longespica False Arrow-feather G5 S5 Occasional Aristida oligantha Few-flowered Aristida G5 S5 Frequent Aristida purpurascens Purple Triple-awned Grass G5 S3 P Frequent Aristolochia serpentaria Virginia Snakeroot G5 S5 Common Artemisia annua Annual Wormwood X G5 S5 Occasional Artemisia ludoviciana Western Mugwort X G5 S5 Rare Artemisia vulgaris Common Wormwood X G5 S5 Rare Arthraxon hispidus Joint-head Arthraxon X G5 S5 Scarce Aruncus dioicus Goat's Beard G5 S5 Scarce Arundinaria gigantea Giant Cane G5 S5 Rare Asarum canadense Wild Ginger G5 S5 Common Asclepias exaltata Poke Milkweed G5 S5 Rare Asclepias incarnata Swamp Milkweed G5 S5 Scarce Asclepias purpurascens Purple Milkweed G4G5 S5 Scarce Asclepias quadrifolia Four-leaved Milkweed G5 S5 Frequent Global Ranking FREQUENCY State State Ranking State State Status Non-Native SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Asclepias syriaca Common Milkweed G5 S5 Common Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly-weed G5 S5 Frequent Asclepias verticillata Whorled Milkweed G5 S5 Common Asclepias viridiflora Green Milkweed G5 S3 P Frequent Asclepias viridis Spider Milkweed G4G5 S2 P Frequent Asimina triloba Paw Paw G5 S5 Common Asparagus officinalis Garden Asparagus X G5 S5 Scarce Asplenium platyneuron Ebony Spleenwort G5 S5 Common Asplenium rhizophyllum Walking Fern G5 S5 Common Asplenium ruta-muraria Wall Rue Spleenwort G5 S2 T Occasionalasional Asplenium trichomanes Maidenhair Spleenwort G5 S5 Rare Aster cordifolius Woodland Heart-leaved Aster G5 S5 Common Aster divaricatus Common White Heart-leaved Aster G5 S5 Rare Aster laevis Smooth Aster G5 S5 Common Aster lanceolatus Eastern Lined Aster G5 S5 Occasional Aster lateriflorus Calico Aster G5 S5 Common Aster linariifolius Stiff Aster G5 S3 Rare Aster lowrieanus Lowrie's Aster G5 S5 Scarce Aster novae-angliae New England Aster G5 S5 Common Aster oblongifolius Shale Barren Aster G5 S2 T Frequent Aster ontarionis Bottomland Aster G5 S1 E Rare Aster patens var. phlogifolius Late Purple Aster G5 S5 Frequent Aster paternus White-top Aster G5 S5 Occasional Aster pilosus 2 varieties Heath Aster G5 S5 Common Aster prenanthoides Crooked-stemed Aster G5 S5 Occasional Aster racemosus Small-headed Aster G5 S5 Occasional Aster sagittifolius Arrow-leaf Aster G5 S5 Frequent Aster schreberi Schreber's Aster G4 S5 Rare Aster shortii Short's Aster G5 S5 Occasional Aster undulatus Clasping Heart-leaved Aster G5 S5 Occasional Athyrium filix-femina var. angustum Northern Lady Fern G5 S5 Scarce Athyrium pycnocarpon (Diplazum pycnocarpon) Narrow-leaved Glade Fern G5 S5 Occasional Athyrium thelypterioides (Deparia thelypterioides) Silvery Spleenwort G5 S5 Occasional Aureolaria flava Smooth False-foxglove G5 S5 Frequent Aureolaria laevigata Entire-leaved False-foxglove G5 S5 Occasional Baptisia lactea White False Indigo G4Q S5 P Rare Barbarea vulgaris Wintercress X G5 S5 Common Belamcanda chinensis Blackberry Lily X G5 S5 Occasional Berberis thunbergii Japanese Barberry X G5 S5 Occasional Betula pendulus European Birch X G5 S5 Rare Bidens bipinnata Spanish Needles G5 S5 Occasionalasional Bidens cernua Showy Bur-marigold G5 S5 Scarce Bidens comosa Strawstem Beggars-ticks G5 S5 Scarce Bidens frondosa Beggars-ticks G5 S5 Common Bidens polylepis Tickseed Sunflower G5 S5 Occasional Global Ranking FREQUENCY State State Ranking State State Status Non-Native SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Bidens vulgata Tall Beggar-ticks G5 S5 Scarce Bignonia capreolata Cross-vine G5 S3 P Rare Blephilia ciliata Downy Wood Mint G5 S5 Common Blephilia hirsuta Hairy Wood Mint G5 S5 Occasional Boehmeria cylindrica False Nettle G5 S5 Scarce Botrychium biternatum Southern Grape Fern G5 S2 T Rare Botrychium dissectum Common Evergreen Grape Fern G5 S5 Occasional Botrychium virginianum Rattlesnake Fern G5 S5 Common Bouteloua curtipendula Side Oats Gramma G5 S5 Frequent Brachyelytrum erectum Bearded Short-husk G5 S5 Common Brasenia schreberi Water-shield G5 S5 Rare Brassica nigra Black Mustard X G5 S5 Rare Bromus ciliatus Fringed Brome G5 S5 Rare Bromus commutatus Hairy Cress X G5 S5 Scarce Bromus inermis Smooth Brome X G5 S5 Occasionalasional Bromus japonicus Japanese Chess X G5 S5 Rare Bromus kalmii Kalm's Brome G5 S5 Scarce Bromus latiglumis Brome G5 S5 Rare Bromus nottowayanus Satin Brome G3G4 S2 A Scarce Bromus pubescens Canada Brome G5 S5 Frequent Buchnera americana Blue-hearts G3 S2 T Rare Cacalia atriplicifolia Pale Indian Plantain G5 S5 Common Cacalia muhlenbergii Great Indian Plantain G4 S2 Scarce Calystegia sepium Common Bindweed G5 S5 Common Calystegia spithamea Upright Bindweed G5 S5 Common Camassia scilloides Wild Hyacinth G5 S5 Occasional Campanula americana Tall Bellflower G5 S5 Common Campsis radicans Trumpet-vine, Trumpet-creeper G5 S5 Common Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd's Purse X G5 S5 Common Cardamine angustata Slender Toothwort G5 S5 Occasional Cardamine bulbosa Springcress G5 S5 Occasional Cardamine concatenata Cut-leaved Toothwort G5 S5 Common Cardamine diphylla Broad-leaved Toothwort G5 S5 Occasional Cardamine douglassii Purplecress G5 S5 Common Cardamine hirsuta Hairy Bittercress X G5 S5 Common Cardamine pensylvanica Pennsylvania bittercress G5 S5 Rare Carduus acanthoides Plumeless Thistle X G5 S5 Rare Carduus nutans Nodding Thistle X G5 S5 Rare Carex aggregata Glomerate Sedge G5 S5 Scarce Carex albicans var. albicans Oak Sedge G5 S5 Occasional Carex albursina White Bear Sedge G5 S5 Occasional Carex amphibola v. turgida Narrow-leaved Sedge G5 S5 Frequent Carex blanda Woodland Sedge G5 S5 Common Carex careyana Carey's Wood Sedge G5 S5 Occasional Carex caroliniana Carolina Sedge G5 S5 Rare Global Ranking FREQUENCY State State Ranking State State Status Non-Native SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME

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