#26 THE S AILORMAN Y. Mr W harram doe: desiqn exceedinqly attractive boats . *. July 1980 l l l Jeckells & Sons Ltd. W roxham , Norw ich, N R 12 8U Q . Tel: 06053 2223 Sails for M ultihulls call for special design know ledge and special m aking skills W e at JECKE LLS % ve been associated w ith the design and developm ent of calam arans and trim arans since their appearance on the yachting scene. W e are the recomm ended sailm akers for the W HAR RAM range of cats, and proud of it! W e are known to produce well setting, strong sai Is at reasonable prices for these craft. C o ntents n dvertising Rates A Word tn Your Ear Quarter page E15 Jim 's Colum e Half page f 30 Dolphin Survey Project W hole page E50 Association News 6 Over W hich Horizon Did You Sail 1 3 Back page E55 Kaoha Nui (Part 1 ) 20 Published twice yearly in May and Decem ber T%e Boatyard 21 copy. 1st of m onth preceeding publication date Ruth W haram W rites 22 Som e Like It Hot 23 Kaoha Nui (Part 2) 24 SM ALL ADS FREE TO PCA M EM BERS Multihull Sym posium Report 27 AII articles Copyrigbt of 'The Sailorm an' Cover Photo - Venue Photographer unknown l 1 1 l y ' 9.. 4z' ** * N r I - tjr r , .:'' , /z#J / Editor: Nick Arm strong The content of this issue shows a distinu weighting towards sailing, rather than building, articles. The reason Secretary: for this is quite sim ple. Very few members have w riuen Anthea Evans, St Antony, anything about building this time. Perhaps aII the boats Church Road, Llanstadwell, are now sailinj (though it seems that there' are quite a Nr M ilford Haven, Dyfed few being bullt still in Holland and New Zealand). Perhaps aII the main building problems have been Treasurer: ironed ou1 by 1he publication of '' ln the W ake of The M ike Higham Sailorm an''. Copies of this excellent and informative book are still available. Every true Polycat sailor ought Sailing Secretary : to have one. M ike Briggs Seasickness seems to be less of a problem for cat sailors Chairm an: than for som e m onohullers t know; bu1 if you do sufïer Bob Evans have you tried Stugeron? Publ ished by: What about Sailboarding? a 12f1 sail board would travel TH E PO LYNESIAN CATAM A RAN ASSOCIATION easily on deck even on a Tane and it really does offer a Iot of fun in sheltered anchorages. I bought cm e this year Printed by : D E R E K SM ITH PR I NTE RS and it is the nearest I have yet come to the ideal of H igh Street, Brompton, Gillingham , Kent ''lnstant Boat'' N.I.A. n e journal of @ @ THE POLYNESIAN CATAMARAN AK OCIATION @ @ 3 Jim 's C o lum n W ell readers I am back Iiving on Tehini. For the first time or full tim e f rom our Ships! week or so, w ith aches, I rediscovered m uscles that I Several of us, as is well known, are already usin: our had not used for the three years that I have been living boats for charter, for teaching sailing. But there are other on the land. w ays. Up and down ladders, rowing the dinghy, hum ping One Narai Mk IV owner builds surf canoes on h is watertanks, cleaning the bilges; the day-to-day routine deck; another Narai is being f itted w ith a Ioom for the of boat living that m akes it hard to many people, was in wife to weave sellable fabrics. You can gather, shape and m y case Iike ''com ing hom e''. As m y m uscles and sense sell driftwood sculptures. Be an instantly available of balance are in every w ay returning, I feel f itter, crisper engineer; w here needed. Bob Evans f ished during the and m ore eager to face life than I have for some tim e. winter m onths and exchanged hiS surplus for a farm er's I have been thinking about the PCA and the way w e hom e-kiiled meat. are going. The PCA was founded for self-help and self- The scope for part-tim e Iiving off one's boat is end- protection. less. W hat stopped us before was Iack of time available. i n the early years when there was a certain pressure Leisure, either in a three to four day week w ith long to blame aII the capsize, breakings and faults of the multi- annual holidays or enforced mass unemployment (the hull on self-built ones; and by inference z'Ours'' there ''Chip'' revolution) is fast approaching us. was a very real need for an organised group of Polynesian This year we are planning in M ilford Haven a Sum mer Catam aran bu ilders. M eeting. I n addition to the usual sailing on as many craft From that beginning the PCA has done Mery well. Its as we can gather there (''Tehini'' included) it will have a 'Sailorm an' m agazine is one of the best Multihull m aga- m ain them e: ''Sea Self-suff iciency''. zines in the world; its authority to speak for a large W e are trying to get the fam ous land self-suff iciency number of cruising multihull people (not only our own practiser and writer, John Seymour to lead discussions; designs) is widely recognised. We have acbieved the aims and hopefully (though he is very busy at the moment) of the founder mem bers of the PCA. Horace Dobbs w ill give us a talk on how we can cooperate Question . Where do we go from here? Do ee settle on the DoI ph i n W atch . do wn into respectable m iddle age? Or do we Iook fora I n the past the V ik ings spent part of the yea r tend i ng wider seas to explore? thei r f ields then m oved, when the weather was right, Fortunately there are m ore exciting seas to explore. onto trading and J'reiving''. That is the I ife we m ust aim The Seas on our own Shores. lnstead of just sailing our for; when the others are Iost and bored in their enforced boats, how about trying to m ake a I iving either part- Ieisure, we w ill be Iiving. @ INI'P N . -- 4N M w. G wS. 'Ncb dt o otpt41>+ 6 D olphin Survey r J@ect 2 By H.E. Dobbs : R .J. Harrison : D.A. M cBrearty : E. Orr. Q uestion.. Is the D olphin an endangered species? A nsw er.. W e don't know - but there is evidence that dolphin populations are declining. Q uestion: Can l help? A nswer.. Yes by becom ing a dolphin spotter. If you are fortunate enough to see a dolphin in the w ild w e w ould Iike to hear about it. Question: How w ill I be able to tell one dolphin f rom another? A nsw er.. By using the diagram s and illustrations in the D olphin Spotters H andbook. The back- ground inform ation in the book w ill answ er m any of the questions you m ay have about dolphins from their classification to their features and anatom y. Q uestion: Suppose I never see a dolphin - w hat then? A nswer. Even I you never see a dolphin w e are sure that you w ill find the Dolphin Spotters Handbook fascinating reading. T he inform a- tion is presented in an easy to understand w ay especially for the Iaym an. lt w ill put you on the road to becom ing a dolphin expert if not a dolphin spotter. D O LPH IN SPO TTERS H A N D BO O K The Dolph in Spotters Handbook : Colour cover : 48 ' pages packed wilh inform ation : generously illustrated with Iine draw ings, d iagram s and photographs. Price : E1 .50 * .. *. , . ' ' - (add 25p for post and packing) . - x M USA - 53 plus 5Oc p & p - - - - Bulk Orders : TH E COM MO N PO RPO ISE is seen along most parts of 10 copies - f 1 3.50 the Brilish coast and is the sm allest species to f requent 1 00 cop ie s - f 1 20 .00 these waters. U.S.A. : This il Iustration is one of fourteen detailed dolphin 10 copies - @27 pictu res painted for the Dolphin Spotters Handbook. 100 copies - @240 5 N ew s f* m H olland A Reporl f rom Helmut W ans of Groningen Helm ut tells us that the num ber of com pleted Wharram Other Netherlanders went to Norway arld Denmark design boats is still growing or was at the end of 1979. and had good sailing. Lillian Boon had a splendid trip The first Raka in Holland w as Iaunched in the Sum mer round Denmark in a Hina (this was well written-up in and she was a beauty. Even the name Raka sounds the December ''Multihulls'' - US version). Another deI ightfu 1. Her home harbour as vvith m any other member of the ubiquitous Boon Family, Marijke, sailed polynesian cats, is near the W addenzee in Oostmahorn. to the Azores and back ; another well planned voyage It appears that in Holland there is a growing problem : which was without incident.
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