THE QUEST FOR REGIONAL INTEGRATION IN AFRICA, LATIN AMERICA AND BEYOND IN THE TWENTY FIRST CENTURY: EXPERIENCE, PROGRESS AND PROSPECTS MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL RELATIONS Foreign Minister Ambassador Antonio de Aguiar Patriota Secretary General Ambassador Ruy Nunes Pinto Nogueira ALEXANDRE DE GUSMÃO FOUNDATION President Ambassador Gilberto Vergne Saboia The Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation (Funag) was established in 1971. It is a public foundation linked to the Ministry of External Relations whose goal is to provide civil society with information concerning the international scenario and aspects of the Brazilian diplomatic agenda. The Foundations mission is to foster awareness of the domestic public opinion with regard to international relations issues and Brazilian foreign policy. Ministry of External Relations Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco H Anexo II, Térreo 70170-900 Brasília, DF Telephones: (61) 3411-6033/6034/6847 Fax: (61) 3411-9125 Site: www.funag.gov.br JORAM MUKAMA BISWARO The Quest for Regional Integration in Africa, Latin America and Beyond in the Twenty First Century: Experience, Progress and Prospects - Rhetoric versus Reality - A Comparative Study Brasília, 2011 Copyright © by Fernando Morais Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão Ministério das Relações Exteriores Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco H Anexo II, Térreo 70170-900 Brasília DF Telefones: (61) 3411-6033/6034 Fax: (61) 3411-9125 Site: www.funag.gov.br E-mail: [email protected] Technical team: Henrique da Silveira Sardinha Pinto Filho André Yuji Pinheiro Uema Fernanda Antunes Siqueira Fernanda Leal Wanderley Juliana Corrêa de Freitas Pablo de Rezende Saturnino Braga Graphic design and layout: Maurício Cardoso e Juliana Orem Printed in Brazil 2011 Biswaro, Joram Mukama. The quest for regional integration in Africa, Latin America and beyond in the twenty first century : experience, progress and prospects : rhetoric versus reality : a comparative study / Joram Mukama Biswaro. Brasília : Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão, 2011. 460p. ISBN: 978.85.7631.289-5 1. Relações internacionais. 2. Política externa. 3. Integração econômica. I. Título. CDU 327 CDU 327(6) CDU 339.92 CDU 339.92(6) Depósito Legal na Fundação Biblioteca Nacional conforme Lei n° 10.994, de 14/12/2004. To the memory of my beloved young brother Jackson Mwenda Biswaro and professor Haroub Othaman all of whom died while writing this book. Their prior profund encouragement conferred on me the temerity to finish this work. Table of contents Acknowledgements, 9 List of abbreviations, 11 Introduction, 17 Chapter I, 57 Theoretical and conceptual reflection Chapter II, 97 Sovereignty and hypocrisy Chapter III, 159 The European Union Chapter IV, 219 Latin America MERCOSUR Chapter V, 261 An evaluation of Latin American and Caribbean integration schemes Chapter VI, 307 Regional integration in East Asia and the challenges of leadership (from enmity to amity) Chapter VII, 351 The Pan-African Movement From Manchester to Addis Ababa Chapter VIII, 375 OAU performance Chapter IX, 395 African integration: an assessment of its progress and prospects Chapter X, 419 Reflections and Concluding Remarks Bibliography, 451 Acknowledgements This book is an outcome of different researches, encounters and series of lectures that I undertook and gave in different Universities on this subject matter across the globe. I was privileged and honored by my country to represent and participate in several conferences from which I acquired an immense experience.In this connection Im grateful to my Presidents: H.E. The Late J.K Nyerere, H.E A.H Mwinyi and H.E J.M. Kikwete for their trust in me. In preparation of this book, I have been fortunate to have had the assistance of a number of individuals, institutions and now it is the time to convey my appreciation. The list is, however, very long of which I cannot exhaust. This includes his Excellency Ambassor Mchanga, former Ambassador of Zambia to Brazil and the rest of African Group of Ambassadors to Brazil between 2008 and 2010. To them I appreciate their patience to have read and criticize the various drafts of this book or gave me other assistance. Equally important, I extend my thanks to FUNAG foundation which encouraged me to complete this project and its readiness to publish it. Finally, I owe deep emotional debt to my lovely children Lubandwa, Biswaro, Mshama, Sanjura, Kambarage and Prisca, whose love has always been a great source of strength and inspiration. I highly commend them for their contribution particularly on IT matters. The person who unswervingly 9 JORAM MUKAMA BISWARO stood by me for the great part of my intellectual life is my wife Justina. She has been so selfless in her care and devotion that I often overlook a simple truth that there cannot be equality without reciprocity in search of errors, duplications and improved clarity on this work. She and I have read aloud the text more times than I care to remember. Such a practice is a strain on a marriage, but hopefully it improved the quality of the book. 10 List of abreviatons (APT) ASEAN plus Three. (AFTA) ASEAN Free Trade Area. (ARF) ASEAN Regional Forum. (APEC) Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation. (AMU) African Peer Review Mechanism. (AMIB) AU Peace Mission in Burundi. (AMIS) AU Mission in Sudan. (APRM) African Peer Review Mechanism. (ASF) African Standby Force. (AEC) African Economic Community. (AU) African Union. (AAPO) All Africa Peoples Organization. (AMU) The Arab Maghreb Union. (ASEAN) Association of Southeast Asian Nations. (APEC) Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation. (ASA) Africa South America. (AC) Andean Community. (ACJHR) African Court of Justice and Human Rights. (ACJ) African Court of Justice. (BPDS) Brasilia Protocol for Dispute Settlement. (BCIE) Central American Bank of Economic Integration. 11 JORAM MUKAMA BISWARO (CAN) Andean Community of Nations. (CACM) Central American Common Market. (CEMAC) Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa. (CEN-SAD) Community of Sahel-Saharan States. (CEWS) Continental Early Warning System. (CA) Constitutive Act. (CMCA) Commission of Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration. (COMESA) The Common Market of East and Southern Africa). (CENSAD) The Communauté des États Sahelo-Sahariens. (CEEAC)The Communauté Économique des États de LAfrique Centrale. (CM) Common Market. (CU) Customs Union. (COMECON) Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. (CMC) Common Market Council. (CMG) Common Market Goup. (CMI) Chiang Mai Initiative. (CET) Common External Tariffs. (CARICOM) Caribbean Community. (CACM) Central America Common Market. (CMCA) Central American Monetary Council. (CSUCA) Central American Council for Higher Education. (CARIFTA) Caribbean Free Trade Agreement. (CHG) Conference of Government. (CAIC) Caribbean Association of Industry and Commerce. (CCL) Caribbean Congress of Labor. (CCC) Caribbean Council of Consumers. (CDB) Caribbean Development Bank. (CXC) Caribbean Examination Council. (CLE) Council of Legal Education. (COTED) Council for Trade and Economic Development. (COFCOR) Council for Foreign and Community Relations. (CSME) Caricom Single Market and Economy. (CCJ) Caribbean Court of Justice. (COFCAR) Council for Foreign and Community Relations. (COHSOD) Council for Human and Social Development. (COFAP) Council for Finance and Planning. (CROSQ) Regional Organization for Standard and Quality. 12 LIST OF ABREVIATONS (CAN) Andean Community of Nations. (CSN) South American Community of Nations. (CA) Constitutive Act. (CAP) Common Agricultural Policy. (CFSP) Common Foreign Security Policy. (DSM) Dispute Settlement Mechanism. (DRC) Democratic Republic of Congo. (ECCAS) Economic Community of Central African States. (ECOSOCC) The Economic, Social and Cultural Council. (ECOMOG) The ECOWAS Monitoring Group. (ECA) Economic Commission for Africa. (EEC) European Economic Community. (EACSO) East African Common Services Organization. (EAI) Enterprise for the Americas Initiative. (ECLA) Economic Commission for Latin America. (ECOWAS) Economic Community of West African States. (EAC) East African Community. (ECA) Economic Commission for Africa. (ECSC Treaty) European Court of Justice. (ECSC) European Coal and Steel Community. (EU) Economic Union. (ECSC) European Coal and Steel Community. (EU) European Union. (EPA) Economic Partnership Agreement. (EAEG) East Asian Economic Group. (EAEC) East Asian Economic Caucus. (EAS) East Asian Summit. (EUF) European Union of Federalists. (EFTA) European Free Trade Association. (EC) European Community. (EUC) European Union Council. (EMS) European Monetary System. (ECU) European Currency Unit. (ERM) Exchange Rate Mechanism. (EPC) European Political Cooperation. (ECJ) European Court of Justice. (ECOSOCC) Economic Social and Cultural Council. 13 (ECB) European Central Bank. (ECLA) Economic Commission for Latin America. (EEC) European Economic Community. (EURATOM) European Atomic Energy Community. (EDC) European Defense Community Treaty. (FTAA) Free Trade Area of the Americas. (FLS) Front Line States. (FTA) Free Trade Area . (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment. (FRG) Federal Republic of Germany. (FTAA) Free Trade Area of the Americas. (G.C.C) Gulf Co-operation Council. (GDP) Gross Domestic Product. (GNP) Gross National Product. (GATT) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. (IGCs) Intergovernmental Conferences. (IGAD) Inter Governmental Authority on Development. (IGO) Intergovernmental Organization. (IMF) International Monetary Fund. (ICAITI) Central American Industrial Technology and Research Institute. (JPC) Joint Permanent Commission. (JHA) Justice and Home
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