Anshan Iron and Steel Company R.olling Mill. 4 6.i FOUNDER: sooNG cHlNG. L!NG. (UI'iE.. lUN y4T.gF.N, (18e!:1e8tt. PUBUSHED'pbniitGtiii-e MoNTHry By rHE cHtNA WETFARE TNST|TUTE tN ENGLISH,'SpANtsH, FRENCH,-AnABlC, <jenUar.i, ilvp cnrruesr vot. xxxt No. 5 MAY 1982 Sr*ic$e* *d' fiJie lk'i,,,+tl' CONTENTS lndurstri*E Fesld!u!tn={3ftt Economy iF Tic;njin ::r 1i lndustrial Readjustment in Tianjin: Why woi need- Tianjin 'reodjustment' - City on the Move 23 ed? Whot does it involve The Joys and Headaches of a Factory Mana_oer 27 ond how progressing? is it -ordino-ry How a Free Market Operates 42 How does it of{dct Chinese Cloth Shoes 49 people's liyes? An oyerview Northeastern Heavy Machinery Plant Developing New in Tionjin (,City Technology to Serve lndustry (Photos) 57 ) ond o close ('Joys New Uses for Bare Earths 5B ctory ond o Foctory Mon- Minority Notionolities Minority People's Arts and Crafts 4 .r Sketches of Minority Nationalities 3 The Tibetan 'Gesar' Epic Th,* Tiheeryr: $ ;:ir:'{.lir.si:;r' Culture ond Art F .5.i! New Creation in ihe Countryside 46 Historicol bockground of New Film Explores Rural Problems lhe world's 'The longest epic, Flower of Our Frontier Post' summoty, ond on occount Landscapes by Newer Painters 52 efforts of the post 30 yeors to A Career in Music 14 preserye ond collote lhe vorious written ond orol versions of this Sports literory treosure. New Stars in Field and Track Friendship od*ltura;i Tenth Anniversary of Edgar Snow,s Death Htrr'tri W*rLq,r'r iJ '!rJ Science/History One the outhor ol o populor film obout A Colder or Warmer World? 34 German Mathematician Leibniz rurol problems, the and Chinese Emperor other o young womon Kang Xi 41 who corries on her Restoring Ancient Buildings 60 work despite the Viet- Across the Lond nomese bombord- ments thot regulorly Past and Present in the Southwest Border Regrons B pound her lrontier The'Nine-Splendor' Mountains '16 post. The Thirty Centuries of Xi,an 30 lmperial Cuisine at the Fang Shan Restaurant 44 V,trunU+r B!+i*{*r's A Floral V llage 48 Festival of the Banners 66 Well-known ort critic Huong Mioozi introduces some Birds Trained to Fight lnsects 69 promising pointers who exercise their own distinc. Columns ond Speciols tive styles within the old troditions of Chinese ort. To Our Readers: A Constructive Revolution 2 Cartoons Postbag !!."1in,-,..,1-r i!ri'' :,:.r:-; 3 ["!:j,',jir-+":ll ,i Do You Know: What Does lt Cost to Go to Schoot in ] : China? 29 The rich voriety orts Legends of folk and Tales from History: The Orphan of the from mony regions reflects the Zhao Family 64 lives of its creotors. A recent Language Corner: Lesson 17 70 notionol exhibition is one o{ The Cowherd and the Weaving Maid mony elforts io promote ond develop the cuiturol heritoge Front Cover: of the country's minority no- Festival of Banners in a Mountain Village Zhou youma tionolities. I Wen Building, Beijing (3r, Chtno Chino Reconstructs (USPS No. 659-850) is published monthly for USt8.00 par yeor Beijing. by Chino Reconsiructs, Woi Wen Building, Beijing (37), Chino. Second clos: posioge GUOJI SHUDIAN, poid ot Son Frcnci'sco, CA. Chinq. Postmosterr send oddress chonges to Chino Bok5 ond Periodicols, lnc., 2929 24th Strcet. Son Fronci:co, CA 94110. TO OUR READERS. A Constructive Revolution Q INCE the pring Festival Chinese New Year information for an article on hotels (Whete Theg \) "Jing Jia ' (the streamlining- and simplification -of Stay in Beijzng, March 1982). has been the talk of the country' Vice- Obviously, the structure needs to be reformed and institutions) ('6 Chairman Deng Xiaoping calls it a revolutisn tightened. Without such reform, even the most well- revolution in administrative structure, not a revolu-- meaning official finds himself caught up in bureau- tion against any person." Its airn is to do away with cratic red tape. "Jing Jian" is a revolution in ad- intolerable inefficiency resulting from overlapping ministrative structure,.not a movement against any and overstaffed administrations, to overcome bureau- persons or ideological deviation as was often the cratic ways and to promote younger officials who are case during the "cultural revolution."'- professionally qualified and dedicated to the revolu- It is not in any sense a political purge, as some tionary cause to leading posts vacated by incumbents foreign press sources have surmised. There is no retiring because of age or ill health. question of firing aly government workers. The State In fact the reform of China's civil service is not Council has decided that existing ministries, commis- this year's novelty, but the result of repeated discus- sions and agencies under it u'ilL be merged and cut sions and long preparation. The question of com- down to 52, and their staff reduced by one-third. bating bureaucracy and training, and of promoting Those overaged or infirm are being encoiuraged to younger leaders was raised long before the "cultural resign their posts to become part-time advisors or to revolution." During those ten tumultuous years, enjoy well-earned retirement. Supernumerary per- however. those worthwhile goals were perverted into sonnel will receive additional professional training at political persecutions and factional quarrels. With full pay, so that they can continue to do useful work the fall of the gang of four, the great task of socialist where required the same way workers were treated modernization of the country was undertaken in whose factories- suspended production during econ- earnesl But it was soon realized that there were omic readjustment. To simply lay off anyone who many obstacles, bureaucratic practices being among has worked honestly for the country is not the socialist the most notable. way. InHINA'S State Council (the national government's \r-"*"."i1"" bod,) is just one of many sufferers rI.HE reforms have the wholehearted support of the from this malady.- tn ttre early days of the Peo- I people, who are well aware of the problem. Re- pipelines in pJ.e,s Republic, it had 30 ministries and four commis- moving the '(rust" and unclogging the government not be easy, and .iorrr. ioday it has 98 with about 1,000 rninisters and the machinery of will.But vice-ministeis (some ministries have as many as 20 will undoubtedly take some time. it is a neces- vice-ministers). The division of labor and definition sary step to clear the road to modernization. of power and restrrcnsibility is often unclear, making Our magazine is not an administrative institution, the mechanism unwieldy or unworkable. Similar but we also have our share of bureaucratic rust. We, problems exist in local governments. Not. long ago too, plan to overhaul our "machine" to make our one of our relrcrters hadlo tramp in and out of some work more efficient and thus to produce a better 30 governm".tt offi".. and bureaus to collect enough magazine for our readers. tr Cartoons 4Y: (= lrJ .;!).. - {:e)-rl " €t L-r-l--l :i d+L ,E.T tl ';l l L ,-1--J {;I U- rlI ;--r I i.: 'Jl LJ u /' 5,. r t- !,1.1 Interchangeable bureaucrats. Ding Ding Keeping them all busy" Meng Shichlt . CHINA RECONSTRUCIS readership now, especially in the United States and Africa. Your February is- E I sue's articles are interesting, especially I the two about population planning and ?. the Panjiakou water control project along the ancient Great Wall. The Computers and Fashion photos about the relics at Xi'an are wonderful. A Chinese exhibition has I have just received my first issues been held in Brussels. On display are of your magazine. I somewhat expected many relics unearthed Xi'an. to get a lot of tedious political articles, from but didn't. ANNE-GILLOT TASIAUX Boug e-N amur, Belgiun-L As an electronics technician I was very happy to find an article in the February issue on your computer in- A Good Cover dustry, because it is very hard to find f am an old reader, having gotten my any knowledge here about that area. {irSt introduction to your magazinir from "The Fashion Scene in Beijing,' was "Radio Peking" three or four years ago. also very interesting. I think many I really enjoy China Reconstructs. My people here still beiieve you all wear old issues I give to our local high the same uniforms- school's reading center, and they do TIMO HELIN appreciate them. Tampere, Finland, The cover of your Feb. issue was adorable! What beautiful children. The For the Indian Audience article "Transforming a Maternity and Child-Care System" by Ximen Lusha Your magazine is good and informa- was most interesting as weII as the one tive as regards the economic develop- about Tianjin, 'f he clogged slide. Wu Jiliang "The City That Needed ment of China. In order to make the Water" by Deng Shulin. Overall you magazine more attractive to the people have a magazine that is well written of India, especially those of Bengal, I and most interesting. Keep up the good suggest you include the following topics: work. Chinese traditional medicine and JACK M. BILSON acupuncture, child care and health and Horseheods, N.Y., U.S.A. brck world trade statistics. S.K. GHOSH More Sports, Films, 'Youth West Bengal, Indio \\, I am a new reader, and want to know about Chinese villages gnd cities. I like Name of a Festival to read about China's sports and screen, In a recent issue, a list of Chinese and also want to know about the young holidays was printed, including "Clear boys and girls of China and their work Bright day" for Qingming.
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