Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-34345-9 - The Making of the Victorian Organ Nicholas Thistlethwaite Index More information Index ABBREVIATIONS archt architect(s) ob organ builder(s) orgt organist r register PC Parish Church For locations of particular organs, the reader should also consult section 3 of the List of References (pp. 548-64). Italics denote the page reference of a stop list. Abbott & Smith (ob) 291, 299, 300, 391 Ashton-under-Lyne, St Michael and All Angels: Aberdeen, Music Hall 335 Hill 1845: 189, 197, 198, 199, 205, 244, 367, 522 action 31-2, 94, 230, 233-5 case: 247, 248, PI. 32 Adams, Thomas (orgt) 60-1, 89, 90, 97, 104, 165 Attercliffe (S. Yorks), Christ Church 351 aeoline (r) 378 Attwood, Thomas (orgt) 49, 104, 164, 185 AlfretonPC (Derbys) 51 Avery, John (ob) 4, 56, 97 Alkmaar, Holland 211 diagonal bellows 26 Allen, Charles (ob) 52, 99-101, 305 duplication of open diapason 11,12 see also: Everingham, Catholic Chapel keyboards 35 Allen, William (ob) 49, 52 pedal pipes 15, 16, 19, 20 Allom, Thomas (archt) 339 retention of cornet 13 Alton, Revd Henry 426 Amersham, St Mary 101 Bach, Johann Sebastian (orgt) 14, 141, 281, 341, Amsterdam, Holland 128, 210 342, 343 Andrews, Joseph (ob) 300 organ works: influence on Gauntlett 188; see also'. Forster & Andrews influence on Hodges 153; influence on Antigua Cathedral 57 design of Pedal Organ 103, 105, 190; antiquarianism 324, 327 performance 89, 103, 153, 172-5, Table Antwerp, Belgium 175 16, 183, 272, 273, 520—1; publication 168— Armitage (Staffs), Mission Church 238 72, Table 15; recovery 105, 164-72, 181, Arnold, Dr Samuel (orgt) 17 182 Arundel (Sussex): Banfield, John (ob) 260, 299 RC Cathedral, 237, 244, 524 Barker, Charles Spackman (ob) 125, 416 St Nicholas 13, 17 career 356, 530 Ashridge (Herts) 9, 11, 238, 444 compensating bellows 355, Fig. 21 Elliot 1818: Buckingham's claim to have built development of electric action 360 56; building frame 31; case 35, PI. 7; pneumatic lever: collaboration with Cavaille- console PI. 9 and 11; layout 30-1; Coll 354—6; collaboration with Hill 354-5; mixtures 47; open diapasons 12; pedal development 352-6, Fig. 26 pipes 17, 19, 31; reeds 45; scaling 46, relief pallet 350, Fig. 21 Table 5, 239; stop layout 40; swell box 33; see also: electric action; pneumatic lever wooden registers 43 Barnby, Sir Joseph (orgt) 322, 349 565 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-34345-9 - The Making of the Victorian Organ Nicholas Thistlethwaite Index More information 566 Index Baron, Revdjohn 317-20, 328 Music Hall barrel-organs 57, 58, 60, 62, 63-4, 65, 66, 189, 300 Gray & Davison (1856): 279, 282-3, 286, bassoon (r) 44, 90, 91, 204, 246, 347, 522 344, 389; pneumatic composition pedals Bates, T. C. (ob) 58 365; sold to St Pancras PC 283, 339, 344; Bath (Avon): wind pressures 279 Abbey organ-building in 299, 300 Smith 1836: 95, 99, 109, 110, 155 St Gregory, Small Heath 238, 246, 248, 253, 255 Hill 1868: 397, 405 St Martin 56 St Mary, Bathwick 42, 44, 47 St Philip 92 Battle Abbey (Sussex) 100 Town Hall 57, 69, 87, 127-35,128-g, 183, 270, Bedford, Francis (archt) 75 274.299,341,342 Belfast: Hill 1834: action 133-4; bells 519, 531; St Patrick 108 blowing 363; case 75, PL 14 and 15, 335; Ulster Hall Combination Organ 130, 519; Hill 1861: 375, 397, 398-401,39#-$, 406, commissioning 127-8; compasses 95, 130; 407; case 400, PL 60; harmonic flutes 404; composition pedals 255, 365; console 133, layout 400-1; mixtures 405-6, 410; 253, 524; doubles 107, 108, 130; opening 398; pedal compass 406; duplication no, 130; layout 133-4, Fig. pipework 238, 407, 408-9, Tables 28 and 10; opening 89; Pedal Organ 99, 130, 133— 29; reconstructions 401; reeds 407-8, 438; 4; pipework 130-1, Table 13; pneumatic voicing 408; wind pressures 407-8 lever 354, 356; reeds 113, 130, 131—3; Victoria Hall 259 Swell Organ 114, 115; winding 135, 362 bellows: Hill 1843: 189, 197, 198, 202; equal blowing: 27, 159, 362, 363; application of temperament 373 steam power 135, 139, 148, 362-3 compared with Liverpool organ: 139, 140,141 diagonal bellows 25, 26 competition for organistship (1842) 174 horizontal bellows 23-5, 25-7, 53, 361-2 Festivals 92, 130 innovations: concussions 53-4; counter- Mendelssohn's performances 164, 167, 172, ! balances 26; feeders 26, 361-2; inverted 73-45 176.255 folds 27, 53; reservoirs 362; waste pallet recitals 176-7, 272 26-7, Fig. 2 unexecuted scheme (1842) 193 Schulze's bellows (Doncaster) 367 Birnam (Perth), St Mary 305 Berlin, Germany 128 Bishop, James Chapman (ob) 49, 55, 58, 98-100, Berne, Switzerland 211 108, 113, 141, 216, 300, 308, 432 Best, William Thomas (orgt) 272, 273, 343, 344- career 52-4, 305 8, 364, 432 Durham Cathedral (1847) 314 concert programmes 273; opens Preston 422; organs: introduction of claribella 53, 112; orchestral transcriptions 345-6; organ invention of composition pedals 54, 365; tutors 345, 346; puts Liverpool organ into adoption of concussion bellows 53—4; equal temperament 143; registration 346- double dulciana 106; dulciana in; 8; specifications by 346-8; technique duplication 110—11; pedal pipes 102; reeds 345-6 44, 52, 53, 91; winding 53-4 Bevington & Sons (ob) 58, 100, 115, 189, 194, prices 64, 65 257-8,259 premises 52, 59, 60 see also: London (Greater London): Foundling workforce 62 Hospital, St Martin-in-the-Fields, St see also: London (City): St Paul's Cathedral; Mary Moorfields; Nottingham, London (Greater London): St Giles, Mechanics' Institute Camberwell; St James, Bermondsey; St Bewsher & Fleetwood (ob) 50, 100, 108, 111, 300 John, Waterloo Road; Newark (Notts), St Biddulph, Revd Thomas 151 Mary Magdalene Bidlake & Lovatt (archt) 252 Bishop & Starr (ob) 70 Binns, James J. (ob) 391 Blackburn: bird organs 64 Independent Chapel 281, 373 Birmingham 57 St Mary: Gray (1828, 1832) 55, 108, 115, 116, British Association Meeting (1839) 352 447-8; Cavaille-Coll (1875) 376; Henry Christ Church 16, 20, 47 Smart (orgt) 277 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-34345-9 - The Making of the Victorian Organ Nicholas Thistlethwaite Index More information Index 567 Blewitt, Jonas (orgt) 90 Bromsgrove, St John the Baptist 13, 19, 27 block flute (r) 378 Bromyard (Herefs), St Peter 67, 84, PI. 21 Blomfield, Bishop 68 Bruce, James (ob) 50 Blore, Edward (archt) 82, 311, 417 Bryceson Bros (ob) 58, 59, 101, 354 Blyth, Benjamin (ob) 18, 25, 87, 98 introduction of electric action 360-1 Bodley, George Frederick (archt) 324, 528 Buchholz of Berlin (ob) 379, 382 Bolton, Town Hall 335, 347-8, 488-g Buckingham, A. (ob) 19, 20, 25, 26, 33, 98, 100 bombarde (r) 278, 280, 283, 433, 535 Ashridge organ 56 Booth, Joseph and Francis (ob) 50, 100, 108, 114, foreman to A very and Elliot 56 115 Buckow of Hirschberg (ob) 379, 382 experiments with pneumatic assistance 351—2, Bunter,-?-(ob) 18 353,359 Burford, Robert 308 Booth, Matthew (ob) 50 Burney, Dr Charles 5, 106, 163, 173 Bossward, E. J. (ob) 299 Burrowes, John (orgt) 222 Boston (Lines): Bury (Lanes), St Thomas 304, 390 Centenary Chapel 267, 389 Bute, Earl of 26 St Botolph 107 Butler, James (ob) 99 Boston, USA 64 Butterfield, William (archt) 323, 328, PL 49 Boston, John (ob) 50 Byfield, John (I) (ob) 4, 5, 44, 262, 290 Boyle, Edward 311 Bradford (W. Yorks): cabinet organ 300 Eastbrook Chapel: 189, 197, 235, 236, 238, Calcutta, St John 189, 197 243, 244; case 246, 247, 251, PI. 35 Cambridge: St George's Hall: Holt (1853) 339; Hill (1856) organs in parish churches 66, Table 7 407 Camden Society 310, 311-13, 324 Bremen Cathedral 379 Jesus College 327 Bridge, Richard (ob) 4,11, 44, 97 King's College: Avery (1803) 4, 16, 40, 99; Hill Bridgewater, Earl of 56 (i860) 197, 247,363,397 Brighton 52 parish churches: 67; St Andrew-the-Less 327; St Peter 17-18 St Luke, Chesterton 245, 246; St Mary- Brindley, Charles (ob) 300, 304, 368, 526 the-Great 16, 327, 370 Schulze's influence upon 299, 391-2 St John's College: Hill (1838) 57, 100, 108, see also: Brindley & Foster; Launceston, no, 112-13, 452-3; (1869) 397, 404, Tasmania, Albert Hall 4O5 Brindley & Foster (ob) 339, 526 Trinity College: organ by Smith 5; Avery * Bristol: (1801) 16; blowing apparatus (1819) 27; Cathedral 27, 98, 314 Gray (1836) 20, 55, 95, 99, 102, 104, 108, Christ Church 99, in, 154, 155, 156 515; Hill (1870) 375,404 Lord Mayor's Chapel 95, 154, 155, 156 Camidge, Drjohn (orgt): organ-building in 49, 50, 150-9, 299, 300 use of pedals 97 provision of organs in churches 67 visit to continent 175 compasses 96; octave coupler 159; Pedal and York organs 65, 109, 112, 118-27 (passim), Organ 99, 157; Swell Organ 158 139,140, 163, 182, 290, 354, 371 St James 150, 151, 152-3, 457-8 Camidge, Matthew (orgt) 119 blowing 27, 159; mixtures 156; opening 152; Camidge, Thomas Simpson (orgt) 119 pedal arrangements 98, 102, 103, 157, 159; Canterbury Cathedral 101 Swell Organ 116, 158 Carlisle Cathedral: St Mary Redcliffe 14 Avery (1806) 12, 31, 56 St Michael 17 Willis (1856) 261, 308, 335, 346, 366, 373, 414, St Nicholas 150, 152-3, 153-4, 156 433, 437, 487-% 520 St Stephen 99, 153, 154, 155, 156, 158-9, 173, Carpenter, Richard Cromwell (archt) 332 176, 458-9 Cashel Cathedral 100 see also: Edward Hodges; John Smith (i);John cathedrals: Smith (ii) location of organ 311-15; removal of screens Britton, John 82 312, 314-15; use of organ in service 70-1; Broderick, Cuthbert (archt) 335 use of two organs 313 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-34345-9 - The Making of the Victorian Organ Nicholas Thistlethwaite Index More information 568 Index Cavaille-Coll, Aristide (ob) 134, 147, 207, 267, Holy Trinity 60-1,116 10 St Andrew 154, 156-7 3O7?376, 382,414, 5 on Birmingham organ 130, 133, 135 Victoria Rooms 143, 372 collaboration with Barker 354-6 Clitheroe (Lanes), St Michael (RC) 390 development of harmonic registers 280 Cockerell, Charles Robert (archt) 335 increasing pressure system 208, 278-80 Colchester (Essex) 67 influence in England: 175, 178, 179, 274; on College of Organists (later RCO) 371 Davison and Smart 278-80, 283-4; on Colne (Cambs), St Helen 26-7, Fig.
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