Council of Governors 19th February 2018 Public COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS MEETING IN PUBLIC To be held on Monday 19 February 2018 at 11.00 The Red Room, City Coast Centre, North Street, Portslade, Brighton BN41 1DG AGENDA INTRODUCTION ACTION 11.00 CG 01/18 Introductions and apologies for absence For A 11.01 CG 02/18 Council Group Agreement approval 11.05 CG 03/18 To receive any declaration of interests 11.07 CG 04/18 Questions from members of the public Minutes of the meeting held on 16 October 2017 and For 11.10 CG 05/18 Matters Arising B approval (Richard Bayley, Interim Chair) Spirituality Strategy For 11.15 CG 06/18 C (Simon Hobbs, Spirituality Team Leader) information CG 07/18 CURRENT PRIORITIES Chief Executive’s Report For CG 07.1/18 D 11.30 (Sam Allen, Chief Executive) information Lead Governor Report (Amy Herring, Lead Governor) For 11.40 CG 07.2/18 E Supporting Individuals in Governance Roles information (Amy Herring, Lead Governor) Annual Plan 2018/19 For (Sally Flint, Chief Financial Officer & Richard Bayley, F 11.50 CG 07.3/18 information Interim Chair) CG 08/18 ASSURANCE Strategic Review of Sussex Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust’s Older People’s Mental Health For G 12.00 CG 08.1/18 and Dementia Services (Presentation) discussion Oral (John Child, Service Director- Brighton & Hove & East Sussex CDS) Quality Report Indicators – External Audit For 12.10 CG 08.2/18 H (Paul Cuttle, External Auditor KPMG) decision Quality Improvement Project For I 12.20 CG 08.3/18 Steven Yarold, Associate Director of Quality discussion Oral Improvement 12.30 BREAK CG 09/18 REPRESENTING MEMBERS AND THE PUBLIC Governors’ Twitter Account For 12.40 CG 09.1/18 J (Amy Herring, Lead Governor) approval CG 10/18 HOLDING TO ACCOUNT For 12.45 CG 10.1/18 Issues from the Council of Governors discussion K Quality Committee Summary (Gordon Ferns, Non-Executive Director) For 12.50 CG 10.2/18 L Feedback from Governor Observers discussion (Mark Hughes, Carer Governor, Shannon Guglietti, Staff Governor) Finance & Investment Committee Summary (Finance Report) (Richard Bayley, Non-Executive Director) For 12.55 CG 10.3/18 M Feedback from Governor Observers discussion (Michael Decker, SU Governor, Scott Hunt, Public Governor) Audit Committee Summary (Lewis Doyle, Non-Executive Director) For 13.00 CG 10.4/18 Feedback from Governor Observers discussion N (Shannon Guglietti, Staff Governor, Glen Woolgar, Staff Governor) GOVERNANCE CG 11/18 Governor Committees and Working Groups To receive an update from the Constitutional Review For O 13.05 CG 11.1/18 Working Group information (Dom Ford, Director of Corporate Affairs) To receive an update from the Membership For P 13.10 CG 11.2/18 Committee information (Mark Hughes, Carer Governor) To receive an update from the Training and For Q 13.15 CG 11.3/18 Development Committee information (Amy Herring, Interim Lead Governor) To receive an update from the Joint Board and For Council Review Session information 13.20 CG 11.4/18 Oral (Richard Bayley, Interim Chair & Amy Herring, Interim Lead Governor) To receive the minutes of the Annual Members For R 13.25 CG 11.5/18 Meeting information (Richard Bayley, Interim Chair) 13.30 CG 12/18 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Date and Venue of the next Council of Governors Meeting 19 March 2018, 09:00-15:00 Training Centre, Swandean (Extraordinary) Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Council of Governors: 19 February 2018 - Public Agenda Item CG 05/18 Attachment: A For: Decision By: Rebecca Huth, Corporate Governance Administrator SUSSEX PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Minutes of the Council of Governors held in public on Monday 16 October 2017 at 11:00 in the Roebuck Suite, Hellingly, East Sussex Present Richard Bayley, Interim Chair (RB) Sam Allen, Chief Executive (SA) Alex Garner, Staff Governor (AG) Amy Herring, Lead Governor (AH) Anne Beales, Non-Executive Director (AB) (from item CG 30.1/17) Bryan Goodenough, Carer Governor (BG) Cllr David Simmons, Appointed Governor (DS) Diana Marsland, Non-Executive Director (DM) Dr Natasha Sigala, Appointed Governor (NS) Fiona Mclay, Service User Governor (FM) Gary Beecheno, Public Governor (GB) Giles Adams, Appointed Governor (GA Glen Woolgar, Staff Governor (GW) John Holmstrom, Appointed Governor (JH) Karen Braysher, Service User Governor (KB) Katie Glover, Appointed Governor (KG) Lewis Doyle, Non-Executive Director (LD) Mark Hughes, Carer Governor (MH) Martin Richards, Non-Executive Director (MR) Mel Smith, Service User Governor (MS) Michael Decker, Service User Governor (MD) Peter Thompson, Public Governor (PT) Phyllida De Salis, Public Governor (PDS) Scott Hunt, Public Governor (SH) Not Present Angie Culham, Service User Governor (AC) Brian Doughty, Appointed Governor (BD) Gillian Brown, Public Governor (GB) Jayne Bruce, Staff Governor (JB) Rachel Brett, Appointed Governor (RB) Terry Dorset, Service User Governor (TD) Page 1 of 13 In Attendance Adam Churcher, Head of Corporate Governance (AC) Dominic Ford, Director of Corporate Affairs (DF) Justine Rosser, Deputy Chief Nurse (JR) Natalie Hennings, Corporate Governance Manager (NH) Rebecca Huth, Corporate Governance Administrator (RH) Sally Flint, Chief Finance Officer (SF) Observers Louise Phillips, CQC ITEM NO ITEM INTRODUCTION CG 26/17 Introductions and Apologies for absence RB welcomed all present to the meeting and began introductions. RB noted apologies from: Amy Dickinson, Service User Governor (AD) James Domanic, Service User Governor (JD) Gabrielle Gardner, Service User Governor (GG) Gordon Ferns, Non-Executive Director (GF) Shannon Guglietti, Staff Governor (SG) Simon Street, Staff Governor (SS) Sarah Gates, Appointed Governor (SG) RB read out the Trust values, advising he would like to run the meeting to these values. Because of the full agenda, RB advised if he wishes to summarise an item he will raise his hand. CG 27/17 To receive any declarations of interest There were no additional declarations of interest. CG 28/17 Questions from members of the public No questions were submitted in advance of the meeting and no questions were given at the start of the meeting. CG 29/17 Minutes of the meeting held on 17th July 2017 and Matters Arising Minutes of the Council of Governors held on 17th July 2017 in public were approved as an accurate record. Matters Arising AC advised that a number of these actions have been shared and completed in the Governors weekly message. Some updates were provided; JR advised that Diane Hull is looking into the buddy system and will be talking to Page 2 of 13 services about appropriate safeguards in November. RB advised that there are two recruitment and retention actions outstanding which will be picked up outside of the meeting. All other actions are complete. CG 30/17 CURRENT PRIORITIES CG 30.1/17 Chief Executive’s Report SA wished to firstly welcome our new and returning Governors. SA advised that last week a Chief Executive briefing was held and a really helpful presentation was made by Amy and Mark which reminded them of the role of the Council. SA’s main highlights included; Our services continue to work under pressure, particularly as winter draws closer and all of our partners are experiencing a surge in demand for services. Maintaining our standards is a challenge due to these system pressures, however we are working closely with our partners to ensure we have things flowing well across all of our care pathways. We continue to escalate and address delayed transfer of care (DToC) and we currently have 28 patients still in hospital who are clinically fit for discharge, however are unable to leave for many reasons, mostly due to awaiting accommodation. We routinely meet with our Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) and partners to highlight these issues and seek support. We’ve been working with Sussex Police in reinstating Operation Cavell, as our highest reported incident is violence and aggression towards our staff. With regards to our Thematic Review, which was published in full last year, we’re actively implementing our triangle of care which is about ensuring there’s a good partnership between our patients, carers and local services. PDS queried what is being done to ensure as many staff as possible receive the winter flu vaccination. SA advised that we’re actively promoting this and we’re using it as a safety campaign, however some staff just don’t want the jab due to personal reasons. SA added that our nurse recruitment campaign is on national TV. PDS requested a report on the percentage of staff that get the flu jab from the Trust. SH noted that SA has visited a lot of MPs, however he feels that they lack a lot of understanding about the services in their area. SH asked if Governors can be assured that SA had ensured MPs are aware of how hard our staff are working. SA advised that Governors can be assured and the Chair has joined her on one meeting with an MP. SA added that MPs need to retain a huge amount of knowledge and feels that we can make things easier for them, explaining that we’re holding an informative session at Westminster for support staff to MPs, as they’re usually the first point of contact. PT asked how the impact of the recruitment campaign can be measured. SA advised that our Communications Team have a whole raft of measures, including looking at how many people come back to the team following the video, and we do track the activity of this. PT queried whether there’s a cost benefit for these campaigns. SA advised that we recruited around 40 nurses from our last campaign. MD felt that we still need to spend a lot less on recruitment, however work like to Page 3 of 13 commend Diane Hull’s work at Langley Green Hospital.
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