Cambridge University Press 0521828589 - A History of Korean Literature Edited by Peter H. Lee Index More information Index “60 nyondae˘ sik” (The sixties style), 474 Angler’s Calendar, The (Obu˘ sasi sa), 45 Abe’s Family (Abe ui˘ kajok), 478 “Angler’s Songs” (obu˘ sa [or ka]), 208–217 Acrobatics (Salp’an), 313 An Hamgwang, 498 address-reference terms, 37 An Hoenam, 403, 468 Admonition to the King of Flowers (Hwawang An Hyang, 144 kye), 94 “Anmin ka” (“Statesmanship”), 78–79, 86 “Adoration of a Six Shooter” (“Yukhyolp’o˘ An Minyong,˘ 221 sungbae”), 450 “Annyong”˘ (“Hello”), 508 “Ae ch’usok˘ sa” (“A Lament for an Autumn “Another Entrance” (“Tarun˘ ipku”), 424 Evening”), 42 “Another Home” (“Tto tarun˘ kohyang”), 372 Aeguk puinjon˘ (Life of a Patriotic Woman), 390 “Another Man’s Room” (“T’ain ui˘ pang”), 475 “Aengjok˘ ka” (“Song of Cherry Bandits”), 450 An Sokky˘ ong,˘ 268–269 “Again Harmonizing with My Two Friends” An Sugil, 471 (“Yanggun kyon˘ hwaujak”), 43 Anthology of Korean Literature in Chinese Age of Distrust, The (Pulsin sidae), 482 (Tong munson˘ ), 96, 328 Age of Heroes, The (Yongung˘ sidae), 476 “April” (“Sawol”),˘ 422 “Age of Transition” (“Kwadogi”), 398 Arai Hakuseki, 15 agrarian fiction, 476 Aristophanes, 77 “Ahop k’yolle˘ ui˘ kuduro namun˘ sanae” (“The “Arrows” (“Hwasal”), 451, 452 Man who was Left as Nine Pairs of Arumdaun˘ saebyok˘ (Beautiful Dawn), 346–347 Shoes”), 477 Aso Hisashi, 380 “Ajik ch’otppul ul˘ k’yolttae˘ ka animnida” “Assignation, The,” 410 (“Not Yet Time to Light a Candle”), At Munui˘ Village (Munui˘ maul˘ e waso˘), 451 363 “At Tabuwon”˘ (“Tabuwon˘ eso”),˘ 425 akchang, 148 “At the Beginning of the Feast,” 207 Akchang kasa (Words for Songs and Music), “At the Deathbed” (“Imjong”), 451–452 100–101, 107, 208, 209 “At the Endof the Feast,” 207 “Akkisinun˘ maum”˘ (“The Heart that Cares for “At the Ugang Station,” 97 Us”), 508 “At Yongdangni” (“Yongdangni eso”),˘ 448 “Alleyway” (“Kolmok”), 426 Austronesian languages, 16 allusions, 143 autumn (season), in poetry, 47–48, 346 alphabet, Korean (hangul˘ ), 26–30 “Awakening” (“Chagak”), 413–414 Altaic languages, 16 “Awful Hour” (“Musoun˘ sigan”), 372–373 Amidst Hardship (Siryon˘ sok eso˘), 502 Azaleas (Chindallaekkot), 348–349 Amitayus¯ cult, 83–84, 85 Analects, 1, 3, 92, 230 Ballad of Ch’oe Pyongdu˘ , 297 An Chohwan, 237–240, 259–260 Ballad of Maehwa of Kangnung˘ (Kangnung˘ An Ch’uk, 111 Maehwa t’aryong˘ ), 300 “Ancient-Style Garment” (“Kop’ung uisang”),˘ Ballad of Musugi (Musugi t’aryong˘ ), 300 425 Ballad of Pyon˘ Kangsoe (Pyon˘ Kangsoe ka or Angae ui˘ nun (Misty Snow), 478 Karujigi t’aryong˘ ), 295 551 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521828589 - A History of Korean Literature Edited by Peter H. Lee Index More information 552 Index Ballad of Subcommander Pae (Paebijang airs in, 323, 326, 330 t’aryong˘ ), 291, 300 allusion to in “A Woman’s Sorrow,” 201 Ballad of the False Transcendent (Katcha sinson˘ allusion to in “Hall of Solitary Bliss,” 232 t’aryong˘ ), 300 allusion to in “Nuhang sa” (“In Praise of Ballad of the Miser Ong Kojip (Ong Kojip Poverty”), 230 t’aryong˘ ), 300 allusion to in “At the Endof the Feast,” Ballad of the Pheasant Cock (Changkki t’aryong˘ ), 207 300 flies in, 216 Barbusse, Henri, 380 Kim Hujik’s quotations from, 92 Bare Tree, The (Namok), 487 love songs in, 100 Bartky, Sandra Lee, 461–462 normative tetrasyllabic line of, 101 Beautiful Dawn (Arumdaun˘ saebyok˘ ), 346–347 phrases denoting perpetuity, 176 “Before andAfter Liberation” (“Haebang study of, 1, 3, 92, 317 chonhu”),˘ 469–470 symbolization of family descent, 164 Before the March First Movement (“Mansejon”),˘ “Boozer, The” (“Sulkkun”), 475 396 Boys (Sonyon˘ ), 342 Beginning, The (“Kaebyok”),˘ 395 “Boy’s Bones, A” (“Tonghae”), 403 “Bell Warning the Public, A” (“Kyongsejong”),˘ “Breath andDream,” 439 391 “Brief History of Stars in Korea” (“Hanguk “Beside a Chrysanthemum” (“Kukhwa songsa˘ yak”), 426–427 yop’es˘ o”),˘ 426 “Broken Zither” (“P’agum”),˘ 412 “Betrayal” (“Paesin”), 471 “Brothers at the Feast” (“Yon˘ hyongje˘ kok”), 150 Bhadra-cari-pran. ıdh¯ ana¯ (Vows on the Practices of Bubble (P’omal), 483 the Bodhisattva), 82 Buddhism “Big Rat” (Soks˘ o),˘ 253 andthe Hwarang class, 67–83, 85 Big Story South (Taesol˘ nam), 451 andMaster W onhyo,˘ 92–94 biographical fiction, 265–267 in poetry, 165–167, 359–360 biographies in Silla, 83–85 of heroes, 390–391 Buddhism (Pulgyo), 386 Koryo˘ writings in Chinese, 127–136 see also pseudobiographies calendrical kasa, 243–245 “Biography of a Square-HoledCoin” “Calling a Boy,” 203 (“Kongbang chon”),˘ 137 “Calling Back the Soul” (“Ch’ohon”), 351–352 “Biography of Bamboo,” 138 “Camellias” (“Tongbaekkot”), 404 “Biography of Kuk Sun,” 137 Candlelight (Ch’otppul), 363 “Biography of Mao Ying” (“Mao Ying zhuan”), Canon of Music, 100–101, 104 136–137, 138–147 Cao Pi, 140, 319 Birds, The, 77 Capital Miscellany (Kyongdo˘ chapchi), 292, 304 “Birds Fly to the Forest” (“Saedur˘ un˘ sup’uro˘ “Carter, A” (“Kurumakkun”), 381 kanda”), 501 Cathay, 340 BirthofanEra(Sidae ui˘ t’ansaeng), 506 Catholic Youth, 374 “Black is Black, White is White” (“Hukh˘ uk˘ Central Arts Operative, 498 paekpaek”), 482 Central dialect, 19 Bloom, Jonquil (P’iora˘ susonhwa˘ ), 495 Ch’ae Mansik, 400, 403, 469 “Blue Clothes” (“P’urun˘ ot”), 448–449 “Chagak” (“Awakening”), 413–414 “Blue Sky” (“P’urun˘ hanul˘ ul”),˘ 430 “Chahwasang” (“Self-portrait”), 372–377, 387, “Blush in Shame, America” (“Ogur˘ ul˘ pulk’ira, 389 Amerik’a yo”),˘ 501 “Chajak namu sup uro˘ kaso”˘ (“Visit to a Birch bodhisattva Avalokite´svara, 83 Grove”), 452–453 bodhisattva Universally Worthy Chandung˘ (Lamplight), 468 (Samantabhadra), 81 “Changjinju sa” (“A Time to Drink”), 223 Book of Changes, 3, 41, 92, 141 Chang Kilsan, 477, 479 Book of Documents, 1, 3, 92 Changkki t’aryong˘ (Ballad of the Pheasant Cock), Book of Filial Piety, 1, 92 300 Book of Songs Chang Kyongnin,˘ 440–441 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521828589 - A History of Korean Literature Edited by Peter H. Lee Index More information Index 553 Chang Manyong,˘ 365 Ch’oe Myongh˘ ui,˘ 486 “Changmat” (“Taste of Soy Sauce”), 424 Ch’oe Myongik,˘ 403, 502 “Changsam isa” (“The Common Crowd”), 403 Ch’oe Namson,˘ 342 Chang Tokcho,˘ 414 Ch’oe Sungja,˘ 461 Chang Yonghak, 472 Ch’oe Sohae,˘ 397 Chang Yu, 322 Ch’oe Soktu,˘ 499 “Chaninhan tosi” (“Cruel City”), 475 Ch’oe Yak, 144 “Ch’an Kip’arang ka” (“Ode to Knight Kip’a”), Ch’oe Yun, 494–495 44, 77–78, 86 Chogi˘ soriopssi˘ hanjom˘ kkonnip’i chigo (There a “Chapter of Life, The” (“Saengmyong˘ ui˘ so˘ Petal Silently Falls), 494–495 ilchang”), 378 “Choguk i sarang hanun˘ ch’ony˘ o”˘ (“A Young ch’asa sanoe style (kyok˘ ), 66, 67 Woman the HomelandLoves”), 507 Chayujong (Liberty Bell), 392 Choguk ui˘ pyol˘ (Homeland Stars), 452–453 Cheju dialect, 19 “Ch’ohon” (“Calling Back the Soul”), 351–352 “Che mangmae ka” (“Requiem for the Dead Cho Kich’on,˘ 499 Sister”), 75–77, 83, 86 “Chokpin”˘ (“Destitution”), 413–414 “Chesam inganhyong”˘ (“A ThirdKindof Chokto˘ (The Equator), 401 Man”), 471 Cho Kwangjo, 322 “Chiha ch’on” (“Underground Village”), 412 “Cholch˘ ong”˘ (“The Summit”), 371 Chi Haryon,˘ 414, 417, 468 “Ch’ollima˘ Undong” (“Gallant Steed “Chijuhoesi” (“Spiders meet a Pig”), 402 Campaign”), 501, 502 “Childhood Garden” (“Yunyon˘ ui˘ ttul”),˘ 488 “Cholmang˘ twie onun˘ kot”˘ (“What Comes after Chilmajae sinhwa (Tales of Chilmajae), 427 Despair”), 483 Chimaek (Earthly Ties), 415, 416 Cholm˘ unnal˘ ui˘ ch’osang (Portrait of a Youth), 476 China, Korean population in, 15 “Cholm˘ un˘ nut’inamu”˘ (“The Young Zelkova”), Chindallaekkot (Azaleas), 348–349 483 Chinese language Choms˘ on˘ monument, 90 early methods of reading, 88–90 Cho Myongh˘ ui,˘ 397 influence on Korean language, 22–24 “Chonban˘ ui˘ silp’ae” (“The Failure of a Half”), Korean literature written in, 39–40 492–493 replacement by Korean, 337 Ch’onby˘ on˘ p’unggyong˘ (Scenes on the Riverside), see also Choson˘ fiction in Chinese; Choson˘ 400 poetry in Chinese; Koryo˘ writings in “Chonch’˘ o˘ ki” (“Recordof the First Wife”), 416 Chinese; Silla writings in Chinese “Chongan˘ kisa” (“Stories from the Farm”), Chingam, Meditation Master, 97 255–256 Chinhung,˘ King, 83, 84–85 Chongbi˘ chon˘ (Tale of Queen Chong˘ ), 276–277 Chin Hwa, 145 Chong˘ Ch’im, 135 “Ch’isuk” (“My Idiot Uncle”), 403 Chong˘ Chisang, 41, 145, 320 Cho Chihun, 421, 425 Chong˘ Chiyong, 373–376, 420 Cho Chongnae,˘ 478, 479–480 Chong˘ Ch’ol,˘ 179–184, 192–200 Cho Chonsong,˘ 203 “Changjinju sa” (“A Time to Drink”), 223 Ch’oe Cha, 141, 142–143, 144, 147 education, 3–4 Ch’oe Ch’ansik, 392–393 kasa poems, 326 Ch’oe Ch’iwon,˘ 41, 97, 262, 321 poets inspiredby, 236, 255–257 Ch’oe Ch’ok˘ chon˘ (Tale of Ch’oe Ch’ok˘ ), 262, 264 “Songsan˘ pyolgok”˘ (“Little Odes to Mount Ch’oe Chongh˘ ui,˘ 415, 416, 419, 468 Star”), 198–200 Ch’oe Ch’ung, 118 use of similes, 192 Ch’oe Hae, 134 Ch’ongch’un˘ sungni˘ (Youth’s Victory), 468 Ch’oe Haenggwi, 67, 69, 81 Ch’ongdok ui˘ sori (The Governor-General’s Ch’oe Haksu, 508 Messages), 473 Ch’oe Harim, 454 Ch’onggu˘ yong˘ on˘ (Songs of Green Hills), 170, 329, Ch’oe Inho, 475 330, 331–332 Ch’oe Inhun, 473 “Ch’onggyech’˘ on˘ yukka” (“Ch’onggye˘ Sixth Ch’oe Kyongch’ang,˘ 253 Street”), 440–441 Ch’oe Malli, 29 Chong˘ Hagyu, 243–245 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521828589 - A History of Korean Literature Edited by Peter H. Lee Index More information 554 Index Chong˘ Hwajin, 466 “Ch’oro ui˘ hwamong” (“Dream of Flowers with Chong˘ Hyonjong,˘ 436–439 Morning Dew”), 385 Chong˘ Io, 136
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