DOCUMENT RESUME ED 166 086 -95 SO 011 448 AUTHOR Braham, Randolph L. TITLE The Educational System ofRomania. Education around the World. INSTITUTION Office of Education (DREW),Washington, D.C. REPORT NO DHEW -QE -78 -19135 78 PUB DATE due to NOTE 23p.; Map on page 2 may notreproduce clearly small print type in originaldocument AVAILABLE FROM Superintendent Of Documents, U.S.Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402($1.10, paper cover) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$1.67 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Academic Achievement; AdultEducation; Communism; *Comparative. Education; Curriculum;*Educational Administration; Educational. Change;Educational Objectives; *Educational Practice;Elementary Secondary. Education; Enrollment;Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Minority Role;Special Education; Teacher Education; VocationalEducation' IDENTIFIERS *Romania ABSTRACT An overview of the educationalsystem of Romania is presented in this pamphlet.-TheSystemconsists of preschool education in kindergartens;.ten yearsof compulsory generaleducation divided into three cycles- (primary,gymnasium, and lyceum or °vocational education); one to.two yearsof post secondaryspecialized education; and higher educationin universities, institutes, academies, and conservatories:A number of specializedinstitutions also provide instruction foradults, at students, thehandicapped, is the and Party cadres. Tuitionis free at all levels. Romanian language of instruction throughoutthe country, although the Constitution also provides foreducation in the languages ofnational minorities., Student achievementis evaluated on the basis of ,classroom performance, oraland written examinations, andgeneral behavior. Educational policies areformulated by the central executive organs of the Communist Partyand are implementedprimarily by state and other governmentalorganizations. The Ministry of Education normally formulates rules andregulations underlyingthe educational process for alllevels and types of education.Recent developments include an emphasis onadaptation to technological changes\thromgh_better-trained-professional-mampover-in-engineering, chemistry, economics, and otherfields. (Author/AV) *********************************************************************** the-best that can be made * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are from the original document. * *********************************************************************** U.S. DEPARTMEWT OF HEAI.TH, EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTWUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS SEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN- ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED 00 NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT OFF ICiAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY a THE COUNTRY AND THE PEOPLE Official Name: The Socialist Republic of RomaniaPopulation: 21,142,000 (1975 estimate) Location: Southeastern Europe; bordered by the People: 87.8 percent Romanian, 8.4 percent U.S.S.R. to the east and north, by the People's Hungarian, and 2.0 percent German; the remain- Republic of Bulgaria to the south, and by the ing 1.8 percent is composed of 12 other nationali- Federal Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia and the ties, including Bulgarians, Croats, Russians, People's Republic of Hungary to the west Serbs, Tartars, and Turks Size: 91,934 square miles (237,500 square kilome- Literacy Rate: Officially, over 9C percent ters) Religion: Approximately 80 percent.Romanian Main Subdivisions:'39 Counties (judle) and the Orthodox, 9 percent Roman Catholic, and 11 Municipality of Bucharest percent Calvinists, Jews, and Lutherans Official Language: Romanian Type of Government: Communist THE BASIC SYSTEM (b) adoption of Marxist-Leninist principles of educaTiwic-atid-(C)aZjustment of educational ia<ground policies to changing requirements of the planned Following establishment of the people's demo-economy. cratic regime in December 1947, the educational The second reform, initiated by the Second system of Romania underwent three majorreforms.Congress of the Romanian Communist Party in The first, undertaken under Decree No.. 175 of theDecember 1955, was undertaken under Decree No. Presidi u m-of-th e-Grand--Na tional-Assembl }L-o 1380/-1-956-d-J u ly--20, 1-9567-and- Decision-Nt. August 3; 1948, alined Romania's educational sys- 1003/1957. The former called for establishment of a tem with that of the Soviet Unionby providing forimified,,system of primary and secondary schools (a) nationalization of all educational institutions,known as the "school of general education "(.oarli U.S.R.R. DOT013ANI ROMANIA Mort RIALatul ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS f,..e Martonllet MARAMURE5 "'`C'F61111 Rudd) boup41.ry SATU SumoTR Ifunkipal boundary MARE °Bain County etholeastrativ OWN Rare SUCEAVA and ,ntunklpallry Bi4TRITA O Count adelloNtrstive canter de) AlutdripalIty HUNGARY SA LAJ NXBAUD 0 NEAMT o 20 40 60 640es Zaldu blattita a Oradea O 20 40 60 Kilometers AommoO BIIIOR CLUJ:"`i MIME* 0 ) 411141:71.(21.4i11:10..474,1 Turd. lIARGIIITA VASLUI autanort .04:41 I. MO .1 attorumt the counties. Administrative chic ahrbOons ara thaw anactof ARAU on 17 February 1060. odoeoo 0 Arad ALBA atria .6116g Iona U.S.S.R. OANNA VRANCEA(ALATI: Dern SIBIU o ti:rt;1. TIMI* it.tti)V Teem.% t. c)/ 11r.loosra Itunedonra Stator (.; Lugo] SS lNI>OARA ROO BItzAr Bailin .Rtrulra Rea Ynceac 1RADAV A BRAILA "Ku Ma AltGEt; CA RA*- V 1 I i'EA BELGIUM.: SEVERIN Turun GORJ 4,..SeverIn kunimda L.. O sta e rlit:VHARRST IALOMITA YUGOSLAVIA Ntotlun '0 ern lora caiarap our TRIEORMAN ILFOV a Constants Atexandein 0 fj MdMItrk .BrIMARIA The Socialist Republic ofRomania; 1975 tV de culluri generala); the latter provided for reorga- O Impart a general culture and the knowledge required for nization_ of higher educationinstitutionsto the successful performance of a socially useful job. O Advance the dialecticalmaterialist concept of society and advance the dual aim of higher education nature.. training highly skilled technical personnel needed Promote the intellectual, moral. esthetic, and physical in a planned economy and creating an ideological- development of citizens. ly and politically reliable intelligentsia. O Cultivate .citizens' love for the Romanian people and The third major educational reform was enacted state and the ideals of peace and social progress. under Law No. 11 Of May 1968. Among its most Academic Calendar far-reaching provisions were those specifying the fundamental goals and.principles underlying the The academic year begins on September 1 and new educational system and determining the orga-ends on August 31. It is composed of trimesters, nization and structure of the various educationaleach followed by a holiday. The first holiday begins levels.Specifically,itprovidedforgraduall during the last days of December and ends in early extending the compulsory system to 10 y s,January; the second comes in the middle of April; diversifying secondary schools, establishing newand the third Is during the summerfrom *Time 15 schools for training junior engineers (subingineri)to September 15 for the primary and gymnasium and architectural foremen (conduciori arhilec(i),cycles, and from July 15 to September 15 for and organizing postuniversity education (invaV-academic andtechnical-vocationaleducation. mtnt postuniversilar) to offer refresher courses forStudents in their final year in the lyceum complete specialists.Five yearslater,in May 1973, anthe last semester approximately 3 weeks earlier than amendment to Law. No. 11 (Decree No. 278 of theother students in order to review the material of the Council of State) changed the organizationalupper secondary grades and prepareforthe structure of the Romanian educational syStem to itsmaturity or baccalaureate examination (bacalau- three -cycle form: reat). Grading System Structure The Romanian educational system consists of Student achievernent is evaluated on the basis of classroom performance, on results of periodic oral preschool education in kindergartens; 10 years of and written examinations, and on general behaV- compulsory general education (for children aged 6- ion:Academic performance is measured on a scale 16), divided into three cycles-4 years of primary, 4 years of gymnasium,' and 2 years of first-levelranging from "1" through "10," "I" being the lyceum edUcation, 2 to 3 years of second-levellowest and "10" the 'highest mark. To pass or be promoted, students must receive a mark of at least lyceum or 11/2 to 3 years of vocational education of "5" in all. academic subjects and "6" in behavior. various kinds; 1 to 2 years of postsecondary special- ized education; and higher education in universi-Students who receive marks under- "5" in three academic subjects or under "6" in behavior must ties, institutes, academies, and conservatories. (Seerepeat the entire year. Those who receive final chart on p.. 4.) A number of specialized institn-marks of "1" through '4" in two academic subjects tion,s also provide instruction or training for adults, are designated corigenii -(candidates for a second art students, the handicapped, and Party cadres.. examination) and may take a makeup examination in the subjects immediately before the beginningof Language. of Instruction the s ubseq uentscho ra il the makeup examination, they must. repeat the entire year. Romanian is generally the language of instruc- --don throughout the country. The ConstitutionAdministration does; however, provide for education in the languages of the national minorities. The central executive organs of the Communist Partyformulate general educationalpolicies,
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