.'..... ;,',,'" ,-:'>r,;:/ \';~-<":~ . ,_.', I,. This Issue * Report on Pending Marine Legislation * Last of the Woman Lighthonse Keepers * Round-up of Shipping News from Europe * Last of the Windjammers "Crosses the Bar" Vol. XI APRIL, 1948 No.4 CONVENTION CALL TO SECRETARIES OF ALL LOCALS AND warded to this office. While it is provided that dupli~ MEMBERS OF NATIONAL EXECUTIVE cate credentials be forwarded to Headquarters at COMMITTEE least two weeks prior to the Convention, we ask that you send the credential forms for your delegate and Dear Sirs and Brothers: alternate just as quickly as possible so we may know The Forty-eighth Convention of the Nati0I!al well in advance who shall represent your Local and Organization Masters, Mates and Pilots of Amenca be able to assure him of proper reservations, etc. is scheduled to be held in the city of Detroit, Mich., We also call your attention to Sections 1, 2, 3 and beginning the week of May 10. 1948, in accor~ance 4 of Article IV, pages 10 and 11, and ask that due with action taken at our Fortywseventh National and serious consideration be given same. Convention in San Francisco. Also, note amendment to Constitution found on Arrangements have already been made with the page 17, Section 4 of Article VII, which reads as management of the Fort Shelby Hotel to care for follows: our required needs and reservations for the delegates. The Convention, therefore. will convene on Monday, "All candidates for any elective office a~ must be regularly elected delegates to the May 10, 1948. at 10 o'cloclc m., at the Fort Shelpy Convention and must be melll,bers of a Local Hotel in Detroit. where sessions will be held daIly connected with the National Organization until the business of the Convention is concluded. 111asters, Mates aud Pilots of America." DELEGATES AND VOTING POWER RESOLUTIONS The National Constitution was amended at our Resolutions shall deal with o:nly one subject and 1946 Convention in respect to the number of dele~ must be signed by the President and Secretary of the gates each Local may send to the Convention if they Local with seal attached. One copy should be re~ so desire, and also in respect to the way the voting tained by the delegate and the remaining two copies power of your delegate or delegates will be. det.er~ sent to National Headquarters. In this we ask your mined. 'We quote below that part of the ConstItutIOll fullest cooperation by sending the resolutions to this and ask your thorough study of same. (This lan­ office as promptly as possible so that the President guage is found on page ll-Article IV, Section 5­ may number and aUot same to the appropriate com~ Representation.) mittees prior to the opening of the Convention. "Each regularly affiliated Local shall be Additional credential and resolution forms will be entitled to representation (based on the sent immediately upon your request. average per capita tax paid into the National We also call your attention to Article V, second Organization during the preceding year, i.e., paragraph of Section 1, reading: the total amount paid in for the fiscal year "It is further provided tchen a National divided by forty~eight. as follows: Officer is an accredited delegate to a Na~ "(a) A Local shall be entitled to one del~ tional Convention from a local of which he egate for the first hundred members or less, is a member, the Local shall pay all of his and one delegate for each succeeding hun~ expenses with tI~e exception of mileage." dred members or major fraction thereof, For the information of your delegates we quote provided that no Local shall be entitled to below I'ates for accommodations at the Fort Shelby more than five (5) delegates. and ask that we be advised of what type accommo~ <;(b) Each delegate shall vote an equal dations is required by your delegate or delegates: percentage of the membership of the Local Single rooms: $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50. he represents on all questions tohere roll Double rooms: $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, ,$6.50, $7.00, S7.50. call vote is taken provided all fractional Twin bedroom: $5.50, $6.00, $6.50, $7.00, $7.50. S8.00. votes be eliminated." Visiting brothers wiII be most cordially welcomed (NOTE: This means that the voting power of your and it is hoped that the delegates will bring along delegate or delegates will be based on the amount of their "Mrs." or Some member of their family so as National dues received from your Local during the to have a happy congenial gathering. It is con· year 1947-i.e., beginning January 1 and ending templated that some time will be set aside for sight~ December 31, 1947-as the Organization has always seeing and amusement for the enjoyment of all. considered its fiscal year as beginning on January 1 The Locals have never before been afforded the and ending on December 31 and the National Treas~ opportunity of having so many delegates from their urer's books are audited for this period.) respective Locals, and we hope that those Locals The COllstitution also provides in Article IV, whose treasury can afford this privilege will take Section 5 (c) that: advantage of same so that this Convention will be our largest, most constructive and one long to re~ "If Locals are unable to send a delegate member. to the Convention, they are privileged to Please advise of the necessary reservations desired elect as their delegate any member in good for your delegates and those who might accornpan) standing from any other Local of the Organ~ him as soon as possible so we may inform the hothe ization, but .'tuch delegates shall be limited management and assure everyone attending. t.c ~o vote only on matters introduced by such Convention the best of accommodations. If l~ lS Local." possible at this early date, we would appreCiate Apprentice Locals are entitled to one vote for the knowing the date of their a·rrival. first two hundred members or fraction thereof and \Ve thank you at this time for the splendid co~ one vote for additional two hundred or major part operation given this office in the past, both by the thereof. This is the same method u",ed in previous Local Secretaries and National Officers, and trust years as no change was made in this respect. we will continue to receive your wholehearted !1s~ sistance on the many important matters confrontmg CREDENTIALS our Organization at this time. he Credential forms have been furnished the Locals With every good wish for the corning year oJ'! t 5 in duplicate to cover the delegate~elect and alternate continued sucCt=ss of your Local and the best wlshe delegate, both of which should be filled out in accord­ to you and yours in 1948, I am, ance with Subsection (d), Article IV, of the National Fraternally yours, Constitution; one to be retained by the delegate, one WM. J. VAN BUREN. by the alternate, and duplicate of each to be for- SecretarY' l'he Ma§ter~ Mate and Pilot Offidal Journal of the National Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots of America. Published by the Organization on the 15th of each month at 810-16 Rhode Island Ave., N. E., Washington 18, D. C. Vol. XI. APRIL, 1948 No. 4 'Report on Pending Marine Legislation Senate bill 1077 is a bill to amend the Adminis­ Guard in their naval courts and boards. It is sug­ trative Procedure Act to allow the Coast Guard to gested by him that if the hellrings were conducted hold hearings and to administer penalties, etc., in a manner similar to the old "A. B. & C." boards, which procedure is presently denied them. The'Mas­ justice would be done because the members of these ters, Mates and Pilots was the first organization to boards were seafaring men who knew the industry oppose House bill 2966, which sought to achieve the and that civilian council who knew the law could same purpose as this Senate bill. Because of the guide them in a much better manner than has been effective opposition of this bill, primarily introduced done up to the present time. by us, the bill was tabled and the Coast Guard has It is our sincere hope that the House bill intro­ not been able to use their hearing units to administer duced by Cqngressman Walter, of Pennsylvania, any penalties since June 11, 1947. When this' de­ which would transfer all the Merchant Marine func­ cision was handed down they immediately had a tions of the Coast Guard to the Department of Com­ bill, worded somewhat differently but achieving the merce, will get a hearing and be favorably consid­ same purpose, introduced in the Senate which is this ered. The United States Coast Guard has mustered resent bill 1077. a great deal of strength in their efforts to put this Although Vice President Ash had requested the bill across and if we are successful in stopping it or enate committee to place him on the agenda for in having it tabled, it will be only as a result of the earing on this bill, and appeared several times re­ justice of our position and the favorable considera­ uesting it, no hearings were ever held and the bill tion of the same group in the House Judiciary Com­ 'as railroaded right through without it being com­ mittee that tabled the bill before.
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