

APPENDIX [No. 1] ANNUAL REGISTER OF THE E xecutive Legisla tiv e Departm ents GOVERNMENT OF MASSACHUSETTS 1921 106S 106S EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. First Year in Residence. Date of Birth. Native Place. Occupation. Present NAME AND OFFICE. Office. Boston, Feb. 28, 1879 Manchester, Lawyer, . 1921 APPENDIX. Charming H. Cox, G o vern o r, ............................................. N. H. Feb. 27, 1878 Boston, Merchant, 1921 Alvan T. Fuller, Lieutenant-Governor, . Malden, North Easton, . Manufacturer, 1919 Harry H. Williams, Councillor, District No. 1, . Brockton, . Dec. 28, 1881 Needham, . Merchant, 1919 Horace A. Carter, Councillor, District No. 2, Needham, . Jan. 6, 1869 Boston (South), Lawyer, . 1921 William J. Foley, Councillor, District No. 3, Boston, Mar. 2, 1887 Merchant, 1921 John C. F. Slayton, Councillor, District No. 4, . Melrose, June 27, 1856 Calais, \ t., . Manufacturer, 1919 James F. Ingraham, Councillor, District No. 5, Peabody, . May 24, 1876 Peabody, Merchant, 1921 Charles S. Smith, Councillor, District No. 6, Lincoln, Dec. 19, 1857 Lincoln, Manufacturer, 1921 John A. White, Councillor, District No. 7, . North Brookfield, Aug. 8, 1859 West Boylston, Farmer, . 1921 Francis W. Aldrich, Councillor, District No. 8, . West Springfield, May 28, 1872 Atkinson, Me., . Herman A. MacDonald, Private Secretary to the Beverly, Nov. 11, 1881 Stockholm, Swe­ Lawyer, . 1921 G overnor. den. Charles M. Stiller, Assistant Private Secretary to Boston, Aug. 24, 1894 Boston, 1921 the Governor. Charles A. Southworth, Executive Secretary, Swampscott, Dec. 25, 1872 Lynn, Lawyer,'. 1919 H e a d s o f D e p a r t m e n t s . — _ Frederic W. Cook, Secretary oj the Common­ Somerville, May 2, 1873 Somerville, 1921 w e a lth . APPENDIX. James Jackson, Treasurer and Receiver-General, . Westwood, Apr. 21, 1S81 Boston, Banker, . 1920 Alonzo B. Cook, Auditor of the Commonwealth, . Boston, July 31, 1866 Boston, Lawyer, . 1915 J. Weston Allen, Attorney-General, Newton, Apr. 19, 1872 Newton, Lawyer, . 1920 Jesse F. Stevens, The Adjutant General, Quincy (Wollas­ Sept. 27, 1869 Randolph, . Curator, 1917 ton). 1069 3 o LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. SENATE. H o n . FRANK G. ALLEN, P r e s i d e n t . APPENDIX. Y e a r s in L e g is l a t u r e . D is t r ic t . N A M E . Residence. Date of Birth. Place of Birth. Occupation. House. Senate. Berkshire, William C. Moulton, . Pittsfield, Oct. 15, 1873 Lee, Insurance, . None. 1920, ’21. Berkshire, Hamp­ Leonard F. Hardy, Huntington, Oct. 24, 1874 Weedsport, N. Y., . Lawyer, 1910, ’ll, T2, T3. 1918, T9, ’20, shire and Hamp­ ’21. den. First Bristol, Silas D. Reed, Taunton, . Juno 25, 1872 Taunton, Lawyer, 1897, ’98, ’99, 1900, 1905, ’06, T8, ’01, ’02. T9, ’20, ’21. Second Bristol, Walter E. McLanc, Fall River, Dec. 30, 1863 Taunton, Cotton broker, . None. 1912, T3, T4, T8, T9, ’20, ’21. Third Bristol, John Ilalliwell, . New Bedford, . Fob. 21, 1864 Mossley, Eng., Mule spinner, 1914, T5, T 6, ’17. 1918, T9, ’20, ’21. Cape and Plym­ John W. Churchill, Plymouth, Nov. 17, 1853 Plymouth, Cranberry culture, 1913, T4, T5, T6. 1920, ’21. outh. First Essex, . Martin L. Quinn, Swampscott, Jan. 19, 1862 Lynn, Roofing business, 1909, TO, ’ll, T2, T4. 1920, ’21. Second Essex, Raymond II. Trefry, . Marblehead, Mar. 9, 1891 Marblehead, . Attorney at law, 1920. 1921. Third Essex, Carl C. Em ery, . Ncwburyport, . Nov. 4, 1888 Haverhill, Grocer, 1915, T6, T7, T8, T9. 1920, ’21. Fourth Essex, Albert P. Wadleigh, . Morrimac, Nov. 7, 1886 Morrimac, Auditor and account­ 1918, T9. 1921. ant and wholesale merchant. Fifth Essex, . Frederick Butler, Lawrence, Sept. 21, 1884 Lawrence, Stock broker, 1914, ’15, ’16, ’17, ’18. 1920, ’21. Franklin and Lyman W. Griswold, . Groonfield, Oct. 16, 1869 Watkins, N. Y., Lawyer, 1906, ’07, ’08. 1920, ’21. First Hampden, . Georgo D. Chamberlain, Springfield, Sept. 28, 1858 Troy, N. Y., . Accountant, 1913, ’14, T5, T 6. 1917, T8, T9. ’20, ’21. Second Hampden, John F. Shea, Holyoke, . Aug. 21, 1882 Holyoke, Manufacturers’ sales None. 1921. representative. William J. Naplien, Natick, . Doc. 6, 1879 Natick, . Lawyer, 1912, ’13,’14,’19,'20. 1921. Second Middlesex, George H. Carrick, Cambridge, May 16, 1875 Boston, . Real estate and insur- 1917, ’18. 1920, ’21. Somerville, May 2, 1884 Newport, Me., Master teamster, 1918, ’19, ’20. 1921. Fourth Middlesex, Alvin E. Bliss, Malden, . Sept. 16, 1858 Brookline, General superintend­ 1910,’l l , ’12,’13,’15, 1920, ’21. ent. ’16, ’17, ’18, ’19. Waltham, July 13, 1874 St. John, N. B., . Lawyer, 1915,’16,’17,’18, ’19. 1920, ’21. Lewis Parkhurst, Winchester, July 26, 1856 Dunstable, Publisher, . 1908. 1921. Lowell, Sept. 4, 1869 Lowell, . Lawyer, None. 1920, ’21. Lowoll, . Aug. 30, 1880 Lowoll, . Wholesale dealer, 1917, ’18, ’19. 1920, ’21. Norwood, ( )ct. 6, 1874 Lynn, Merchant, . 1918, ’19. 1920, ’21. APPENDIX. Norfolk and Plym- Elwin T. Wright, Rockland, Nov. 6, 1852 Plympton, Shoe manufacturer, . 1919, ’20. 1921. outh. Norfolk and Suf­ Wesley E. Monk, Watertown, Aug. 21, 1874 Stoughton, Attorney at law, 1915, ’16, ’17, ’18, T9, 1921. folk. ’20. Plymouth, Edward N. Dahlborg, Brockton, May 30, 1887 Brockton, Lawyer, 1913, T4, TG. 1917, T8, T9, ’20, ’21. First Suffolk, Revere, Sept. 17, 1886 Boston, . Attorney at law, 1913, T4, T5. 1920, ’21. Second Suffolk, Thomas II. Green, Boston (Charlestown), May 11, 1887 Boston (Charles­ Real estate broker, . 1918, T9, ’20. 1921. town). Third Suffolk, Boston (South), Apr. 9, 1885 Boston, . Lawyer, 1918, T9, ’20. 1921. Fourth Suffolk, Thomas F. Donovan, . Boston, Sept. 26, 1890 Boston, . Insurance, . 1916, T7, T8, T9. 1920, ’21. Fifth Suffolk, Wellington Wells, Boston, Apr. 18, 1868 Arlington, Lawyer, 1919. 1920, ’21. Sixth Suffolk, John P. Englert, Boston (Jamaica Jan. 30, 1893 Boston, . Clerk, . • 1916, T7, T8, T9. 1921. Plain). Seventh Suffolk, . John J. Carey, Boston (Dorchostor), Feb. 28, 1888 Boston, . Salesman, . 1919, ’20. 1921. Eighth Suffolk, George W. P. Babb, . Boston (Roslindale), Aug. 20, 1866 Boston, . Real estate, 1913, T 6, T7, T8. 1921. N inth Suffolk, Henry S. Clark, . Boston (Dorchester Jan. 5, 1858 St. John, N. B., . Real estate and insur­ 1907, T7, T 8, T9, ’20. 1921. Center). ance. First Worcester, Christian Nelson, Worcester, Jan. 27, 1865 Denmark, Grocer, 1918, T9. 1920, ’21. Second Worcester, Harry A. Cooke, Worcester, Aug. 8, 1875 Alstead, N. II., . Department head, 1918, T9. 1920, ’21. Third Worcester, . Walter A. Hardy, Fitchburg, Dec. 15, 1866 Fitchburg, Brass founder and 1916, T7. 1919, ’20, ’21. manufacturer. Fourth Worcester, Charles W. Gould, Milford, . May 8, 1891 Milford, . Lawyer, 1918, T9, ’20. 1921. Worcester and Warren E. Tarbell, East Brookfield, Apr. 18, 1860 Worcester, Local manager, . 1906, T5, T7, T8. 1919, ’20, ’21. Hampden. 1071 o ^1 to OFFICERS OF THE SENATE. NAME OF OFFICER. Residence. Date of Birth. Native Place. First Year in Office. APPENDIX. Henry D. Coolidge, Clerk,................................... Concord, Aug. 26, "1858 Chelsea, 1889 William H. Sanger, Assistant Clerk, .... Cambridge, . March 12, 1862 Louisville, Ky., 1889 Charles 0. Holt, Sergeant-at-Arms, .... Somerville, . Oct. 11, 1S79 Hubbardston, 1921 Rev. Edward A. Horton, D.D., Chaplain, Boston, .... Sept. 28, 1843 Springfield, . 1904 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. H o n . BENJAMIN LORING YOUNG, W e s t o n , S p e a k e r . D is t r ic t s . REPRESENTATIVES. Residence. Date of Birth. Native Place. Occupation. When in House. B a r n s t a b l e C o u n t y . APPENDIX. No. 1, . Edward C. Hinckley, . Barnstable, July 9, 1866 Hyannisport, Dentist, 1919, ’20, *21. 2.............................. Richard H. Ilefler, Dennis, . Jan. 16, 1857 Dennis, Real estate, . 1921. cT oo 3............................... Jerome S. Smith, o Provincetown, Nov. Provincetown, . Retired, 1912, ’13, ’14, ’15, ’16, T7, ’18, ’19, ’20, ’21. B e r k s h ir e C o u n t y . No. 1............................... James T. Potter, North Adams, Jan. 26, 1870 Bennington, Vt., Lawyer, .... 1915, ’16, ’17, ’20, ’21. 2............................... John B. Locke, . Williamstown, Mar. 7, 1856 Williamstown, . Master plumber, . 1906, ’21. 3, . Elmer L. McCulloch, . Adams, . May 6, 1876 Savoy, Milk dealer, .... 1920, ’21. 4, . Charles R. Foote, Pittsfield, July 9, 1865 Pittsfield, . Contractor, builder, 1909, T9, ’20, ’21. John C. Marshall,1 Pittsfield, Nov. 28, 1877 Pittsfield, . Contractor, .... 1920, ’21. John Glenn Orr, Pittsfield, Feb. 27, 1857 Yonkers, N. Y., - 1917, T8, T9, ’20, ’21. 5..................................... Charles H. Shaylor, . Lee, Dec. 24, 1861 Lee, .... Farmer, .... 1907, ’21. 6, . Orlando C. Bidwell, . Great Barrington, . Mar. 17, 1862 Monterey, . Lawyer, .... 1919, ’20, ’21. 1 Died February 21. 1073 1074 1074 Occupation. When in House. D is t r ic t s . REPRESENTATIVES. Residence. Date of Birth. Native Place. B r is t o l C o u n t y . Consulting engineer, 1919, ’20, ’21. No. 1, . William Plattner, North Attleborough, June 14, 1883 Bluffton, Ohio, . Attleboro, Dec. 11, 1869 Marshfield, Real estate, insurance, 1913, ’14, ’15, ’10, ’17, George M. Worrall, ’18, ’19, ’20, ’21. Box manufacturer, 1921. 2, . Austin M. Sweet, Norton, . May 10, 1874 Norton, Taunton, Jan. 15, 1860 Stoughton, Grocer, .... 1914, ’15, ’16, ’17, ’18, 3 ..................................... Matthew A. Higgins, . ’19, ’20, ’21. 1921. 4, . Thomas J. Morton, Taunton, Mar. 2, 1856 Freetown, . Retired, Rehoboth, Dec. 6, 1858 Rehoboth, Farmer, 1920, ’21. 5............................... Albert C. Goff, . APPENDIX. Mason contractor, 1921, 6............................... Walter F. Douglas, Acushnet, Aug. 22, 1869 Acushnet, . 1917, ’18, ’19, ’20, ’21. 7, . Alfred M. Bessette, New Bedford, Mar. 25, 1876 Fitchburg, Pharmacist, . 1913, ’14, ’15, ’16, ’19, D. Herbert Cook, New Bedford, June 2, 1851 New Bedford, . Mason contractor, ’20, ’21. Aug. 15, 1869 Ireland, Manager, 1906, ’7, ’8, ’9, ’10, ’ll, 8, . Andrew P. Doyle,1 New Bedford, ’12, ’13, ’18, ’19, ’20, ’21. 1918, ’19, ’20, ’21. Edgar F. Howland, New Bedford, Dec. 5, 1872 New Bedford, . Real estate, . New Bedford, Apr. 23, 1880 New Bedford, .

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