PLYMPTON-WYOMING ONTARIO CANADA Regular Council Meeting Agenda DATE: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 TIME: 4:00 PM PLACE: Council Chambers Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. For members of the public who want to listen to or view this meeting please register at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4402237156316935951 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. DELEGATIONS 3.1. No items at this time. 4. ADOPTION OF COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 6 - 23 4.1. That the minutes be adopted by Council and that those confidential minutes of the closed sessions of Council remain confidential and restricted from public disclosure in accordance with the exemptions provided in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act: -Special Council Meeting - April 1st 2020 -Regular Council Meeting - April 8th 2020 Page 1 of 137 -Closed Council Meeting - April 8th 2020 Special Council Meeting - 01 Apr 2020 - Minutes - Pdf Regular Council Meeting - 08 Apr 2020 - Minutes - Pdf 5. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS 5.1. No items at this time. 6. ACCOUNTS 24 - 38 6.1. That the Council Remuneration Claims for March 2020 be approved for payment. Council Remuneration - March 2020 7. STAFF REPORTS 39 - 77 7.1. Various Drinking Water Reports That the report prepared by Adam Sobanski, Director of Public Works, dated April 17, 2020 regarding the below noted Drinking Water Reports be received, and be filed appropriately. • 2019 Annual Report - Plympton-Wyoming Water Distribution System • 2019 Summary Report - Plympton-Wyoming Water Distribution System • 2019 DWQMS Audit Report - Plympton-Wyoming Water Distribution System • 2019 Annual Report - Lambton Area Water Supply System • 2019 Summary Report - Lambton Area Water Supply System Staff Report - SR-20-062 - Pdf 78 - 81 7.2. Corrected Bid Information for 2020 Sidewalk Replacement Tender That the report prepared by Adam Sobanski, Director of Public Works, dated April 20, 2020, regarding the corrected bid information for the 2020 Sidewalk Replacement Tender be received, and that the corrected bid from J. Franze Concrete Ltd. for an additional $20,328.00 excluding HST be accepted. Staff Report - SR-20-066 - Pdf 82 - 86 7.3. 2020 Culvert Replacement Tender Results That the report prepared by Elizabeth Cummings, Drainage and Engineering Coordinator, dated April 17, 2020 regarding the tender Page 2 of 137 results for the 2020 Culvert Replacement Contract be received; and that the bid from Schouten Excavating Inc. in the amount of $61,220.00 without HST be accepted. Staff Report - SR-20-063 - Pdf 87 - 91 7.4. Request for Drain Improvement - Paul Drain That the report by Elizabeth Cummings, Drainage and Engineering Coordinator, dated April 20, 2020, regarding a request for Drain Improvement for the Paul Drain be received; and that council appoint Ray Dobbin Engineering under Section 78 of the Act to produce a report on the Paul Drain based on the improvement request received on March 12, 2020. Staff Report - SR-20-065 - Pdf 92 - 99 7.5. Tender for the Braaksma Drain That the report by Elizabeth Cummings, Drainage and Engineering Coordinator, dated April 17, 2020, regarding tender proposal for the Braaksma Drain be received and that the tender be awarded to Clarke Construction in the amount of $1,654,885.00 including HST and that By- law 30 of 2020 be approved. Staff Report - SR-20-050 - Pdf 100 - 102 7.6. Purchase of Two (2) Custom Pumpers for the PWFD Camlachie and Wyoming Stations That the report by Steve Clemens, Director, Fire & Emergency Services / Fire Chief dated April 23rd 2020 be received and that the Mayor and Members of Council approve a purchase agreement for Two (2) Rosenbauer Custom Pumpers from ResQtech Systems Inc. at a cost of $1,603,500.00 plus applicable fees and taxes. Staff Report - SR-20-067 - Pdf 8. COUNCILLORS' REPORTS 8.1. No items at this time. 9. COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES & REPORTS 9.1. No items at this time. 10. BY-LAWS 10.1. No items at this time. Page 3 of 137 11. CORRESPONDENCE - ACTION REQUIRED 11.1. No items at this time. 12. CORRESPONDENCE - RECOMMENDED READING & ROUTINE APPROVAL / INFORMATION ITEMS 103 - 136 12.1. That the Correspondence (items a - m) relating to “Recommended Reading” and “Routine Approval and Information Items” not otherwise addressed by resolution, be noted as received by the Plympton- Wyoming Council, and filed accordingly. a) AMO Watchfile - April 9 2020 b) AMO Watchfile - April 16 2020 c) AMO Watchfile - April 23 2020 d) AMO - COVID Update - Recovery e) AMO - COVID Update - Staff Reassignment Flexibility f) AMO - COVID Update - Action Plan for Long-Term Care g) AMO - Partners with Digital Mental Health Therapy Service Provider h) AMO - Member Update for April 20 2020 i) Lambton County Library Offers Free Access to Ancestry Online j) St. Clair Region Conservation Authority - Conservation Update - April 2020 k) Town of Midland - Letter to the PM re Financial Aid Plan l) Municipal World - Masks and public safety m) Ministry of Agriculture - Line Fences Act 13. NEW BUSINESS 14. CLOSED MEETING SESSION 14.1. No items at this time. 15. CONFIRMATORY BY-LAW 137 15.1. That By-law 41 of 2020, being a by-law to confirm all resolutions of the Council Meetings held April 27th and 29th 2020 be taken as read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the said by-law accordingly. By-law 41 of 2020 - Confirming By-law Page 4 of 137 16. ADJOURNMENT 16.1. That the Regular Council Meeting be adjourned until the next Regular Meeting, to be held on May 13th 2020 commencing at 4 p.m. Page 5 of 137 PLYMPTON-WYOMING ONTARIO CANADA Special Council Meeting Minutes DATE: Wednesday, April 1, 2020 TIME: 4:00 PM PLACE: Council Chambers Council Members Present: Bob Woolvett, Councillor Gary Atkinson, Councillor Lonny Napper, Mayor Muriel Wright, Deputy Mayor Netty McEwen, Councillor Ron Schenk, Councillor Tim Wilkins, Councillor Council Members Absent: Staff Members Present: Erin Kwarciak, Clerk Adam Sobanski, Director of Public Works Carolyn Tripp, CAO Norma Roddick-Preece, Treasurer Sarah Baldwin, Planner Steve Clemens, Fire Chief / Director, Fire & Emergency Services Staff Members Absent: CALL TO ORDER At 4:00 p.m. Mayor Napper called the meeting to order. Mayor Napper requested a moment of silent reflection in memory of Joe Veniot a devoted Town of Plympton-Wyoming Public Works employee who recently passed. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Mayor Napper requested Council members to make the appropriate declaration if necessary throughout the business of the meeting. Page 1 of 5 Page 6 of 137 BY-LAWS Electronic Attendance at Council Meetings During a Period of a Declared Emergency Council asked clarifying questions of staff. Staff confirmed the proposed amendment applies to Council and its Committees and that its intent is to allow for electronic attendance during a declared emergency. MOTION1 Moved by Councillor Bob Woolvett Seconded by Deputy Mayor Muriel Wright That the report by Erin Kwarciak, Clerk dated March 24th 2020 regarding electronic attendance at Council meetings during a period of a declared emergency be received and that By-law 27 of 2020 be approved and the Mayor and Clerk sign said By-law accordingly. Ayes: Councillor Bob Woolvett, Deputy Mayor Muriel Wright, Mayor Lonny Napper, Councillor Netty McEwen, Councillor Ron Schenk, and Councillor Tim Wilkins Carried 6-0 on a recorded vote STAFF REPORTS Initiative to Provide Financial Relief in the COVID-19 Emergency Norma Roddick-Preece provided highlights of her report. Council asked clarifying questions and staff advised that (the next) water bills would be estimated to protect public works staff, that all pre-authorized payments are still being withdrawn unless an individual has requested otherwise. It was further clarified, that if a resident requested that their pre-authorized payments be stopped, that their payments would be larger in the fall when the Town settles the account. Councillor Atkinson joined the meeting at 4:10 p.m. Staff clarified that depending on the length of the pandemic Council would have to consider any further relief past what is being proposed today. Some members of Council felt this type of relief may be be premature and that Council could be acting too quickly when this pandemic could be quite long. Others felt that (there are) those who are out of work or are facing financial difficulties at this time through no fault of their own and this is a good way to support them. Staff clarified that as noted in the report, there are some financial implications to providing this relief as penalties and interest are a source of income. It was noted all revenue that is not received due to the pandemic will be recorded and there may be financial relief in the future provided to municipalities that had affected revenues during this time. Special Council Meeting April 1, 2020 Page 2 of 5 Page 7 of 137 MOTION2 Moved by Councillor Gary Atkinson Seconded by Councillor Netty McEwen That the report by Norma Roddick-Preece, Treasurer, dated March 25, 2020 regarding the Initiative to Provide Financial Relief in the COVID-19 Emergency be received and that Council approve the waiving of penalty and interest/late fees on current bills for the months of April and May, 2020. Ayes: Councillor Bob Woolvett, Councillor Gary Atkinson, Mayor Lonny Napper, Deputy Mayor Muriel Wright, Councillor Netty McEwen, Councillor Ron Schenk, and Councillor Tim Wilkins Carried 7-0 on a recorded vote COVID-19 PANDEMIC UPDATE Mrs. Tripp provided an update on the Town's Emergency Operations Group meetings, and attendance at the County of Lambton meetings which include representatives from Lambton Public Health.
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