BEEHIVE On Sunday, March 19, Beehive Chapter members were treated to a very special performance at the Arcade Theatre, in Salt Lake City. It was a Charlie Chaplin movie entitled The Rink, accompanied by Mike Ohman. After the movie members were invited to play the organ. eHAPTERNOTE~ This was fun for the members, but one member, the host, was the most delighted of all, Calvin Christensen owner and installer of the organ. Tha{ ALOHA On March 26th, over 50 chapter day was his birthday and also his members and their guests met socially public musical debut. He hastened to Aloha from Hawaii! The now­ add that he had been taking lessons for second-newest chapter (congratulations once again in the Penthouse party room of Aloha chapter members John and only two weeks. to West Penn Chapter!) has been keep­ Cal bought the theatre in July of ing busy the last couple months. Grace Jenkins' apartment building. (They're chapter treasurer and sec­ 1971 from his father, Mr. James On Sunday morning, March 19th retary). The event was a farewell pot­ Christensen, now retired who had we presented our second concert of luck dinner and party for organist owned and operated the theatre for the year at the Hawaii Theatre fea­ forty years. Cal and Mrs. Christensen turing guest organist Elbert La Chelle Elbert La Chelle and Aloha chap George Krecji. Guests were treated to had recarpeted, painted and redec­ at the 4/16 Robert Morton. a beautiful view of the city of Honolulu orated the theatre. Elbert has played theatre organ at sunset and live organ serenades July was a big month for the accompaniment for vaudeville as well Christensens. Through Bob Castle of as elaborate stage productions and silent ( electronic, unfortunately!). On April 16th the chapter held Denver they bought a 2/7 Wurlitzer films. In addition, he's played at the­ a long business meeting, followed by style E that had been in storage since atres along the Pacific coast and was chapter member Dan Engelhard, giving it had been removed from one of staff organist for CBS and several a very informative talk on the com­ the Famous Players Theaters in Pueblo radio stations in the West. The Aloha position and construction of pipes, Colorado. ' Chapter was fortunate indeed to have chests and offset chests. Those who The percussions and Bass pipes are him as guest organist. were able to stay found it very in­ behind the screen on the left side the Following the concert, the chapter teresting, and Dan has been asked to pipes behind the screen on the right. hosted members, guests and friends at continue "class" in the future. The console is in front of the screen a reception in our Chapter Room, On Tuesday, May 30th the Aloha making it easy to play for the organ: backstage at the theatre. It's always Chapter and Consolidated Amusement ists because of good balance and con­ a pleasant time to meet new friends Co., owners of the Waikiki and Hawaii trast. and explain the chapter's activities. Theatres, will present "flicker fingers", The organ had it's grand debut in We often have one or two organ-buffs Gaylord Carter, in concert at the Salt Lake on Friday, February 25, visiting from the mainland. Hawaii Theatre, accompanying "The 1971, when Gaylord Carter accom­ Winning of Barbara Worth", with Gary panied the silent movie great The Mark Cooper. of Zorro . His sing-alongs and his great This event also coincides with Con­ personality plus his musical talent de­ solidated Amusement's debut of an lighted the audience. "Encore" Theatre exclusively featuring Mrs. Christensen said that many motion pictures from the silent days old-timers while buying tickets for and the 'Golden Age' of Hollywood. The Mark of Zorro said that it would The chapter is certainly behind be good to hear an organ in the Arcade this effort and any publicity gained again. for the theatre organ in the midst of Thanks again to Cal and Mrs. Chris­ this "nostalgia" can only be beneficial tensen for bringing back to life another to the chapter and the ATOS. pipe organ and sharing it with ATOS And remember, when you're in members and many grateful Salt Lakers. Honolulu be sure to say hello. If you MAXINE V. RUSSELL can let us know in advance when you '11 be here, we'll arrange to "organ" -ize your visit. Our chapter host, John DeMello, may be reached at 1264 CENTRAL INDIANA Kalaniiki, St., Honolulu, Hawaii 96821, On March 12th over eighty members telephone (808) 3 73-3076, or through attended our monthly get-together at Aloha Chapter guest organist Elbert La the Consolidated Amusement Co. Chelle at the console of the Hawaii Theatre's the home of Mrs. Ada Fisher in Indi­ 4/16 Robert Morton. Aloha! LOWELL ANGELL anapolis. At the business meeting plans 38 JUNE, 1972 THEATRE ORGAN were discussed for the special con­ Festival" and besides that the theatre replete with show tunes and old fa­ cert to be presented on May 12th had an organ regularly used for in­ vorites, climaxed with a sing-along, featuring Johnny Kemm on the Lowery termission music and sing-alongs. And with which he coaxed the audience electronic organ in a benefit per­ so it was decided that these films would into top singing form. His comments formance to raise funds for the in­ be presented by CATOE as "silent" from the console put the organ buffs stallation of a theatre pipe organ in the films in private showings with organ into a rollicking mood so they belted auditorium of Manual High School in background. With the organist follow­ out the songs like professionals. It has Indianapolis. Prior to the concert, Mr. ing the original scores with some hope­ been said that CATOE has the best Kemm and local ATOS officials will fully effective deviations, the audiences sing-alongs and Tony sure proved it. be interviewed on a popular local TV literally "flipped." With a few more comments from talk show to explain the purposes of I must humbly admit to having Doug, the "City Lights" were turned our organization and to discuss spe­ been the organist for these shows. I on for all of us, marking a new year cifically the Manual High School pro­ have always wanted to do film work. of CATOE history. ject. Following the business meeting My real debut was Laurel & Hardy's Many organists today rely on tech­ guests were entertained by Tim Needler Liberty in a Downers Grove Concert. nical values, speed , velocity and shock­ and Jimmy Boyer playing Mrs. Fisher's Later came a Chaplin reel for the ing harmonies. Paul Swiderski relys 3-manual Conn electronic complete Niagara Frontier. Preparation for the only on music that he enjoys playing. with external pipe speakers and a CATOE presentations of Modern Times In turn his audiences enjoy listening newly-installed theatre Glockenspiel. and City Lights was an in-depth ed­ and a true musical experience is con­ Open console time followed with many ucation in film accompaniment. Since sumated. Paul made his CATOE debut members trying the instrument into the Charlie Chaplin had composed his own at the Lyons Township High School wee hours of the evening. scores for both films it was in many Social where he coaxed the resident The April meeting was hosted by cases a choice between his ideas and 3/21 Moller into an effective per­ Chairman Tom Hawkins in his home ours. The more you listened to his formance on March 25. Paul is cur­ in Greenfield, Indiana. Our special concepts, the less you thought of your rently the assistant organist at the guest for this meeting, Gay Crandall, own bright ideas. Elm Rink and plays every Thursday entertained the membership on Tom's TONY TAHLMAN night. Conn 642 with her own delightful A busload of members were aug­ organ artistry so much enjoyed on a mented by several carloads venturing regular basis by patrons of the San It was a bright Saturday morning forth in a spring trip to the wilds of Francisco supper club in Anderson, March 11, when our genial Secretary Indianapolis on April 22. Lee Erwin Indiana. Doug Christensen, stepped up to the at the console of the Rivoli Uniphone, Future events scheduled include microphone to present his introduction a midnight theatre party and a visit our annual May visit to the Kokomo, of our second Chaplin program at the to Frank May's restoration of the Indiana, home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carnegie Theatre, starring Tony Tahl­ Chicago "WLS" pipe organ at Breezy May in which is installed a 4-manual man. From the first moment, a mood Lane in Kokomo, Ind. made the trip Wicks-Barton theatre pipe organ of of warmth and friendliness was set very interesting. 18 ranks and still growing! For the for the entire program. On Saturday April 29 members summer months we are hopeful of This presentation was a rare op­ congregated to hear "Yngve" a tracker returning to the Embassy Theatre in portunity for CATOE: first, to be able pipe organ that Jack Olander and the Ft. Wayne to hear the artistry of Mr. to present the show in a relatively Keyboard Ensemble class of Maine Buddy Nolan on the 4/ 15 Page ac­ new theatre with one of Chaplin's Township High School had modified companied by the piano stylings of most famous silents - City Lights in and rebuilt. As an added treat Samuel Mr. Dyan Pfeffenberger on the Em­ excellent quality 35mm print and Nygren of Sweden gave a lecture bassy's concert grand.
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