The International Journal on Limnology and Marine Sciences Volume 425 1 May 2000 Editor-in-Chief H. J. Dumont, Ghent Editorial Board J. Cambray, Grahamstown J. J. Cole, Millbrook, New York S. Dodson, Madison B. Gopal, New Delhi J. U. Grobbelaar, Bloemfontein R. Guerrero, Barcelona D. M. Harper, Leicester J. Kalff, Montreal K. Martens, Brussels J. M. Melack, Santa Barbara J. Padisák, Tihany T. J. Pandian, Madurai B. A. Whitton, Durham Advisory Board J. Cairns, Blacksburg, Va. H. L. Golterman, Arles R. D. Gulati, Nieuwersluis C. Lévêque, Paris H. Löffler, Vienna T. Platt, Dartmouth J. G. Tundisi, Sâo Carlos W. D. Williams, Adelaide Secretary S. Wellekens, Ghent Theme Index to Hydrobiologia Volumes 251–384 (1993–1999) Compiled by K. Van Damme Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht/Boston/London The International Journal on Limnology and Marine Sciences Subscription prices year 2000 (volumes 417–441) including postage and handling: NLG 14425.00/USD 6869.00/EURO 6545.78 (print or electronic access); NLG 17310.00/USD 8243.00/EURO 7854.94 (print and electronic access). Subscriptions should be sent to Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands,oratP.O. Box 358, Accord Station, Hingham, MA 02018-0358, U.S.A., or to any subscription agent. Changes of mailing address should be notified together with our latest label. For advertisement rates, prices of back volumes, and other information, please apply to Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands. ISSN 0018-8158 All Rights Reserved © 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner Printed in the Netherlands hydrobiologia Volume 425, Nos. 1–3, 1 May 2000 Index to Hydrobiologia Volumes 251–384 (1993–1999) Compiled by K. Van Damme Department of Ecology University of Ghent Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Ghent Belgium E-mail: [email protected] Contents Using the index v–vi List of references 1–151 Author Index 152–204 Subject Index 205–406 List of Thematic Volumes 407–408 Also available Online electronically via .kluwer .nl http://www Hydrobiologia publishes original articles in the fields of fundamental limnology and marine biology. The scope of the journal is wide and includes ecology, physiology, biogeography, methodology and taxonomy. Applied (technological) papers should be of general, not solely technical interest. Very long papers and review papers will be printed on invitation only. Proceedings of specialized symposia may also be accepted for publication, if the scientific standard set by the journal is met. Editorial policy. All papers submitted will be considered for publication. They will be evaluated by the editors and referees on the basis of their data and ideas, which should be of more than regional significance. For example, local faunal lists, or chemical ‘inventories’ of waters not supplemented by interpretations of a more general nature are not acceptable. Papers should be submitted with the understanding that they are unpublished, and not printed, submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. Photocopying. 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Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Hydrobiologia is published bimonthly, and trimonthly during June. Subscription prices year 2000 (volumes 417–441) including postage and handling: NLG 14425.00/USD 6869.00/EURO 6545.78 (print or electronic access); NLG 17310.00/USD 8243.00/EURO 7854.94 (print and electronic access). Periodicals postage paid at Rahway, N.J. USPS No. 568–290. U.S. Mailing Agent: Mercury Airfreight International Ltd., 365 Blair Road, Avenel, NJ 07001. Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, Spuiboulevard 50, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands, and 101 Philip Drive, Norwell, MA 02061, U.S.A. Postmaster: Please send all address corrections to: Hydrobiologia, c/o Mercury Airfreight International Ltd., 365 Blair Road, Avenel, NJ 07001, U.S.A. Printed on acid-free paper Hydrobiologia 425, 2000. v Using the index This index covers all articles published between Feb- (2) Compound names such as ‘Lund-Hansen’, ruary 12, 1993 and February 15, 1999. Its format is ‘Howard-Williams’ and ‘Martínez-Ansemil’ are re- more or less the same as that of the previous indices ferred to as such. This applies also to names like ‘do (Hydrobiologia Volumes 90, 130, 181 and 296). It Socorro Ibañez’. consists of a List of References,anAuthor Index, a Subject Index and a List of Thematic Volumes. (3) In most Arabic and Asian cultures, family names are rarely used. If a prefix or its variant precedes Because this index lists over 3000 articles, some the name, it is not transposed (as with de, van,etc.). changes have been made to keep it from becoming too Names like ‘Su Rong’ can be cited as ‘Rong, S.’ or voluminous. These and other changes will hopefully ‘Su, R.’; in cases like these, the second name of the be considered as improvements regarding previous author is listed in the Author Index. indices. The name of an author of more than one article In the master List of References all articles are is repeated in the Author Index if the initials are listed and arranged in alphabetical order according to not spelled consistently. I apologize to those authors the name of the first author. Each article and thematic whose names should contain typing errors (very few, volume is given a number, a code, by which it can hopefully). be identified in the Author and Subject Indexes.The reference formula is the same as that in routine use in The Subject Index contains alphabetically ar- Hydrobiologia: author’s name(s), date, title, volume ranged keywords. Under each keyword come number, first and last page of the article. subentries, also arranged alphabetically. As previ- ously, inverted entry is used when necessary, to ensure The Author Index is arranged alphabetically by that similar topics are adjacent to each other, e.g. the surname of every individual author. After the au- ‘America, North’ and ‘America, South’ instead of thor’s name comes the identification number(s) of the ‘North America’ and ‘South America’. article(s). For the compound surnames, some rules, different from those in the previous indexes are ap- In using the index, it is also advisable to note that: plied. (1) The particle, definite article, or preposition (1) Cross-references are indicated by the terms always precedes the family name. Therefore, particles ‘See’ and ‘See also’, to avoid repetition of reference as de, den, di, ter, von, van, van de and van der are not numbers. transposed: (2) New genera and new species are to be found H. De Wolf De Wolf, H. under the keyword ‘New taxa’. L. de Wolf de Wolf, L. D. Van Damme Van Damme, D. (3) When searching for certain species, one should M. van Zanten van Zanten, M. start at higher taxonomic levels. If exceptions are made (e.g. fish species), cross-references are used to D.J. von Willert von Willert, D.J. avoid confusion. H. Le Guyader Le Guyader, H. The Irish preposition O’ is not transposed: (4) When searching for any particular coast, coastal lagoon, bay, estuary, lake, man-made water- P.E. O’Sullivan O’Sullivan, P.E. body (artificial lake, canal, dam, reservoir), mountain, In compound names as ‘MacDonald’ and ‘McQueen’, national park, reserve, river (basin, creek, delta, river the position of the prefixes is left unchanged. system, stream), wetland (bog, swamp), man-grove, vi etc., one should start looking under these keywords. In the List of Thematic Volumes, all special issues These are not listed under the different continents (proceedings of symposia, theme volumes, etc.) are (Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania). arranged by volume number. They have been given a code (t#), under which they are referred to in the (5) Subentries such as ecology, morphology and Subject Index. taxonomy are used quite generally and each can refer to one or many different aspects of that particular Index to Hydrobiologia topic. Volumes 251–384 (1993–1999) Compiled by K. Van Damme 1 LIST OF REFERENCES 11. Abebe, E. & A. Coomans, 1996. Aquatic nematodes from Ethiopia: III. The genus 1. Aagaard, K., J. O. Solem, T. Nøst & O. Eumonhystera Andrassy, 1981 (Monhysteridae: Hanssen, 1997. The macrobenthos of the pristine Nematoda) with the description of E. geraerti n. sp. stream, Skiftesåa, Høylandet, Norway. 348(0): 81- 324(1): 79-97. 94. 12. Abebe, E. & A. Coomans, 1996. Aquatic 2. Aarestrup, K. & N. Jepsen, 1998. Spawning nematodes from Ethiopia V. Descriptions of migration of sea trout (Salmo trutta (L.)) in a Achromadora inflata n. sp., Ethmolaimus zullinii n. Danish river. 371/372: 275-281.
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