Photo: Consortium CADERSA-ESF-AFPAP, a grantee under USAID’s Solutions for Peace and Recovery, holds a workshop in North Mbinga to identify and prioritize the various needs of their 5 target villages. USAID’S SOLUTIONS FOR PEACE AND RECOVERY Progress Report: Year 2, Quarter 3 JULY 30, 2018 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Management Systems International, A Tetra Tech Company. (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.) JULY 30, 2018 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Management Systems International, A Tetra Tech Company. CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................... II EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................. 1 SECTION 1: PROJECT PROGRESS AND QUARTERLY ACTIVITIES ................................................... 3 PROJECT SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 3 KEY PROJECT ACCOMPLISHMENTS .............................................................................................. 4 GRANTS ...........................................................................................................................................................35 INTEGRATION OF CROSS-CUTTING THEMES ...................................................................................36 INCLUSION AND PARTICIPATION .............................................................................................36 CONFLICT SENSITIVITY ..................................................................................................................38 COORDINATION ..............................................................................................................................40 SECTION 2: OVERALL CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES AND ACTIONS TAKEN.....................43 CHALLENGES......................................................................................................................................43 OPPORTUNITIES................................................................................................................................45 SECTION 3: SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES FOR Q4 2018 (JULY-SEPTEMBER 2018) ........................46 SECTION 4: FLEXIBLE FUND POSSIBILITIES ..........................................................................................51 SECTION 5: SECURITY BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT: STATE OF PEACE IN THE EAST ..52 ANNEX 1: SUCCESS STORIES ....................................................................................................................53 TWO ROUTES TO PEACE ..............................................................................................................53 A STORY OF EQUAL LAND INHERITANCE ..............................................................................53 INCLUSIVITY OF ALL SOCIAL GROUPS IN PEACE STRUCTURES ......................................54 PYGMY POPULATIONS FEEL INVOLVED ...................................................................................55 INCLUSIVITY AND PARTICIPATION FOR SOCIAL COHESION ..........................................55 WOMEN AND OMGS ENGAGE WITH AUTHORITIES ...........................................................56 A PROBLEM RESOLVED BY LOCAL COMMUNITY MEDIATION .........................................57 PEACEFUL MARCH OF THE LUGENDO AND ISHUNGU POPULATIONS .......................57 CONTRIBUTION TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SOCIAL COHESION AND DEVELOPMENT ..................................................................................................................................58 REGAINING SOCIAL CONSIDERATION IN A COMMUNITY...............................................59 ANNEX 2: ACTIVITY REPORTS .................................................................................................................60 ANNEX 3: GRANT PIPELINE AND APPROVAL STATUS ....................................................................94 ANNEX 4: FINANCIAL REPORT ...............................................................................................................98 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AAP Action Pour La Paix Action for Peace ACODEPA Action Communautaire pour la Défense et le progrès des Agriculteurs Community Action for the Defense and Progress of Farmers ACUDI Actions des Chrétiens Unis pour le Développement Intégral United Christian Actions for Integral Development ADEPAE Action pour le Développement et la Paix Endogène Action for Development and Endogenous Peace ADPD Action pour le Développement des Populations Défavorisées Action for the Development of Disadvantaged Populations AFEM Association de Femmes de Médias Association of Women in Media AFPAP Association féminine pour la promotion des activités paysannes Women's Association for the Promotion of Peasant Activities AHUSADEC Action humanitaire pour la santé et le développement Communautaire Humanitarian Action for Community Health and Development AIBEF Appui aux initiatives de bien-être familial Support for Family Wellness Initiatives AKM Amani Kwa Maendeleo ALPHAGEDE Association des Alphabétiseurs pour le Genre et le Développement Association of Alphabetizers for Gender and Development APCLS Alliance des Patriotes pour un Congo Libre et Souverain APS Annual Program Statement AVEC Association Villageoise d’Epargne et de Crédit Village Loans Savings Association BOAD Bureau Œcuménique d’Appui pour le Développement Ecumenical Office of Support for Development BSIP Basic Service Improvement Plan CADERSA Le Centre d’Appui au Développement Rural et à la Sécurité Alimentaire The Support Center for Rural Development and Food Security CBO Community-Based Organization CAUCUS Caucus des Femmes Women's Caucus CDJP Commission Diocésaine Justice et Paix Diocesan Commission Justice and Peace CDP Community Development Plan CEDECO Centre d’Appui à l’Education et au Développement Communautaire Support Center for Education and Community Development CFAD Centre de Formation et d’Action pour le Développement Training and Action Center for Development CJP Centre des jeunes pour la paix Youth Center for Peace CLOC Comites Locaux d'Organisation Communautaire Local Committees of Community Organization CLPD Comité Local de Paix et Dévelopment Local Peace and Development Committee COUD Collectif des ONG Unies pour le Développement durable des Associations pour l’encadrement des personnes désœuvrées et vulnérables United NGOs’ Coalition for the Sustainable Development of Associations for the Management of the Unemployed and Vulnerable CPDG Group of Peace and Development of the Groupement CPGRBC Centre de Paix pour la Guérison et Reconstruction des Bases Communautaires Peace Center for Healing and Reconstruction of Community Foundations CSO Civil Society Organization DRC Democratic Republic of the Congo EIG Economic Interest Groups ESF Environnement Sans Frontières Environment Without Borders FARDC Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo FEC Fédération des Entreprises du Congo Congo chambre of Commerce FH Food for the Hungry FODI Consortium Foret pour le Développement Intégral Forest Consortium for Integral Development FOSI Forum SIDA (syndrome immuno-déficitaire acquis) AIDS Forum (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) GBV Gender Based Violence GEC-SH Groupe d’Etudes sur les Conflits et la Sécurité Humaine Study Group on Conflict and Human Security HHI Harvard Humanitarian Initiative ICJP Initiative Congolaise pour la Justice et la Paix Congolese Initiative for Justice and Peace IFDP Innovation et Formation pour le Développement et la Paix Innovation and Training for Development and Peace IGA Integrated Governance Activity IP Implementing Partner IRC International Rescue Committee ISDR Institut Supérieur de Développement Rural de Bukavu Higher Institute of Rural Development of Bukavu ISPDE Institut Supérieur pour la Promotion de la Paix, du Développement et de l’Environnement Higher Institute for the Promotion of Peace, Development and the Environment LDP Local Development Plan LPDC Local Peace and Development Committees LUCODER Lutte Contre la délinquance et l’Exode Rurale Fight Against Delinquency and the Rural Exodus MFI Microfinance Institution MOU Memorandum/a of Understanding MUSO Mutuelle de Solidarité Solidarity Mutuality M&E Monitoring and Evaluation NK North Kivu OMG Other Marginalized Groups PAR Participatory Action Research PIT Performance Indicator Table Q1 Quarter 1 Q2 Quarter 2 Q3 Quarter 3 Q4 Quarter 4 RFA Request for Applications RFEDI Réveil des Femmes Pour le Développement Intégré Women's Awakening for Integrated Development RM Radio Maendeleo SFD Synergie des Femmes pour le Développement Women's Synergy for Development SK South Kivu SLIFE World Supporting Livelihood Initiatives Forever in the World SPR Solutions for Peace and Recovery STTA Short-Term Technical Assistance SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats SYNIGL Synergie d’Initiatives pour les Grands Lacs Synergy Initiatives for the Great Lakes TGD Tous pour le genre dans le développement All for gender in Development TPO Transcultural Psychosocial Organization USAID United States Agency for International Development USG United States Government VIVAG Vivre Loin de Vague Live far
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