th EIIRJ ISSN-2277'8721 VClqA9lE, Sryial Issue-XII' March' 2018 -]7 RATNAGIRI AVIAN FAUNA ALONG THE ANJARLE CREEK TEHSIL DAPOLI DISTRICT MAHARASIITRA. Nanda JagtaP, Sandesh Jagdale Ratnagiri- 415712 Department of Zoology, Dapoli Urban Bank Senior Science College, Dapoli Corresponding author-Nanda Jagtap Abstract- organisms including Estuaries and creelcs acts as a nursing and breeding ground for many fisl*s' The either side of the creek is crustaceans and birds. Aniarle creeks one of the bio(iversity rich area' which grows in tidal chiefly covered by mangrove forest. This mangrove is full of evergreen trees shrubs Aniarle creek tropical coastal swsmps. Mangrove ecosystem provide an excellent habitat for birds' of migratory and maintaining a good poputation af sediment-dwelling organisms that support an exorbitant recorded during the non-migratory bird populattons. Total 72 bird species belonging to 36 families were of the creek' study. A healthy diversity of bird species observed indicates the high productivity Keywords: Avi an fauna, Ani arl e cr e ek, Mangrove, Pr oductivity Introduction- Western ghat and the Konkan constitute a narrow coastal belt between the western mountain range the and longitude between 720 Arabian sea. The coasial zone of Maharashtra extends from 15043 N and 200 l0' creeks, small bay, muddy, sandy and 39,E and 730 30,E. This coastline is betokened with number of rivers, rocky beaches. is blessed with Konkan in Maharashtra having a large network of rivers and a long stretched coastal area number of beaches,l5 both marine as well as inland fishery resources. The Konkan coast is indented with coastal aquatic ecosystems rivers, 5 major estuaries and over 30 backwater regions. Estuaries and creeks are by the oceanic high and which have connection with the open sea. Due to this reason, they are influenced ghat area of Sahyadri, low tides. Ratnagiri is a coastal district of Maharashtra state situated in the Western diversified habitats' western ooast of India. It has 1267 km long sea coast of Arabian Cea which contains situated approximately Anjarle is one of the beautiful village onthe western coast of Ratnagiri district' It is Anjarle beach is idyllic 24 kmaway from Dapoli. Anjarle beach is 2 km long and situated near river Jog' the end of River Jog' This t- place for its fauna biodiversity. Anjarle creek is an estuarine creek situated at extending up to a distance creek is an open type of estuary which has semidiurnal tides with the tidal effects of about i m. The Anjarle estuary forms a potential fishing ground. water from sea and fresh According to Bijoy Nandan and,Abdul Aziz (L990) it is an environment where salt unique system with water from river meet to form an intermediate environment called brackish water. It is a several factors differing from fresh water and marine habitats. the open sea' Due to this Estuaries and creeks are coastal aquatic ecosystems which have connection with reason, they are influenced by oceanic high and low tides (R.P. Athaley). human populations reside in The Anjarle estuary forms a potential fishing ground. Therefore, considerable the vicinity of mangroves and concerned shores. (Jambale et.al) creek because this creek sustain The present studies aim to document Avian diversity in and around Anjarle different habitat and niches' In rich diversity of mangrove. This mangrove diversity attracts many birds of gull, Kingfisher, Black lbis, Gull billed this area, the most commonly observed birds were Brown headed this region birds from tern and Cormorants, Herons, Lapwing, Brahminy kite, common sandpiper' In Page tBL Electronic Interdisciplinary International Research I ournal IEIIRI] ru IssNJZZT-B7zt Yolume-VII,SpecialIssue-XII, __27thMarch.2018 ffmr hbitat such as grissland, marshy area, human habitation, agliculture, grooves, forest, semiarid tFr were commonly observed. bird 116g1, 72bird species belonging to 36 families were recorded duringthe study. A healthy diversity of species observed indicates the high productivity ofthe creek. This study was carried to identify, to record different types of species of birds, and to enlist the birds according to their habit and habitat. Dwing the study a due care was taken to avoid an interference in their natural habitat. Table.No.l: Scientifrc check tist of birds along two stations of Anjarle creelc Sr. Common name Family Scientifi"q name Habit Habitat Categor no. v I Black Kite ACCIPITRIDAE Milvus migrans CV Hh, MC R 2. Brahminy Kite ACCIPITRIDAE Haliastur indus CV Hh, MC R J.- Shikra ACCIPITRIDAE Accipiter badius CV Ag, Mg R PI RM st 4. white Bellied ACCIPITRIDAE Haliae etus I euco gas ter CV Sea Eagle 5. Crested Serpent ACCIPITRIDAE Spilornis cheels CV Ag, Tc RM Eagle 6. Common Iora AEGITHINIDAE Aegithinatiphia(L) IV Ag, Tc R 7 Common Crested ALAUDIDAE Turewala chandol IV Sf, Gr R Lark 8 Common ALCE}.IIDIDAE Alcedo atthis(L) CV Mg, Fw R Kingfisher 9 White Breasted ALCENIDIDAE Halcyon smyrnensis CV Ag, Fw R Kingfisher l0 Black Caped ALCENIDIDAE Halcyon pileata CV Mg LM Kingfisher ll Purple Heron ARDEIDAE CV Mg, Fw RM CV Mg, Fw RM JOI t2 Grey Heron AITDEIDAE Ardea cinerea U t3 Indian Pond ARDEIDAE Ardeola grayii CV Fw RM Heron t4 Cattle Egret ARDEIDAE Bubulcus ibis CV Fw, Ag RM 15 Greater Egret ARDEIDAE Casmerodius albus CV Fw, Mg RM l6 Little Egret ARDEIDAE Egretta garuetta CV Mg, Fw R t7 Western Reef ARDEIDAE Egretta gularis CV PI, Mg R Egret R 18 Malabar Pied BUCEROTIDAE Anthraco ceroscoro OV Sf, Ae Hornbill 19 Indian Grey BUCEROTIDAE Tockusbirostris (Sc) OV sl Ae R Electronic Interdisciplinary International Research |ournal (EIIRI] Page LBz th Vol um e-VfI, Special Issue*XII, 27 March. 2018 Hortrin 20 htffi fmgy BUCEROTIDAE Ocycus eros gris e (Sc) OV S[ Ag R TMfrM zl tulililffifivet CAMPEPHAGI Pericrocotuscinna w Ag, S'w"'' R DAE m0meus WT Yrfllon' Wattled CHARADRIDA Vanellus malabaric OV Ag, sw R Lapwing E w Red-Wattled CHARADRIDA Vanellus indicus OV Ag, sw R Lapwing E J.- 24 Ashy Wren CISTICOLIDAE Prinia socialis OV Mg, sf R Warbler 25 Tailor Bird CISTICOLIDAE Orthotomus sutorius OV sf Me R 26 Blue Rock COLUMBIDAE Calumba livia SE Mc, Tc R 3 Pigeon 27 Spotted COLUMBIDAE Sti gmat opel i a chinens is IV Ag, Gr R Dove 28 Eurasian COLUMBIDAE Str ept ope I i a or i ent ali s FV Ag, Gl R Collared Dove or Indian Ring Dove 29 Common or COLUMBIDAE Treronphoeni coptera SE se cl R Yellow Legged Green Pigeon 30 Indian Roller or CORACIDAE Coracias benghalen CV Ag, sf R Blue Jay 31 Indian Tree Pie CORVIDAE Dendrocitta vagabunda OV Tc, Se R 32 Jungle Crow CORVIDAE Corvus culminatus OV Gr, Hh R Y nr| JJ House Crow CORVIDAE Carttus splendens OV Gr, Hh R 34 Greater Coucal CUCULIDAE Centropus sinensis ry Tc, Se R 35 Pied Crested CUCULIDAE Clamator jacobinus OV Tc, Se R Cuckoo 36 Common Hawk ClJCULIDAE Cuculus varius OV Gr, Se R Cuckoo Asian Koel Eudynamys OV Gr, Th R 37 CUCULIDAE scolopaceus 38 Black Drongo DICRURIDAE Dicrurus adsimillis OV Se, Sd R 39 Common Kestrel FALCONIDAE Falco tinnunculus CV Mc, Gl LM 4A Common HIRLINDINIDA Hirundo rustica w Md, FW RM Swallow E 4t Wire Tailed HIRUNDINIDA Hirundo smithii IV Md, FW R El ectroni c Interdisciplinary Intern atio nal Research t ournal (E I I RJ) Page 183 th EIIRJ ISSN-z277-9721 Volume-Vfl, Special Issue-XII, 2l March. 20I"8 Swallow E 42 Long Tailed LANIDAE Lanius schach OV Ag, Tc R Shrike or Rufous Back Shrike 43 Brown Headed LARIDAE Larrus brunnicephalus CV PI, Sw WM Gull 44 Coppersmith or MEGALAIMID Megalaima OV Sf, Se R Crimson Breasted AE haemacephala Barbet ''\'- 45 Large Green MEGALAIMID Megalaima zeylanica OV Sf, Se R Barbet AE 46 Small Green Bee MEROPIDAE Merops orientalis w Sd, Se R Eater 47 Grey V/agtail MOTACILLIDA Motacilla IV Fw, Sw R E cinerea 48 White Browed MOTACILLIDA Motacilla ry Md, SW R Wagtail E maderaspatensis 49 White Wagtail MOTACILLIDA Motacilla alba IV Md, SW RM E 50 Magpie Robin MUSCICAPIDA Copsychus saularis ry Gr, Ag R E 5l Indian Robrn Saxi c ol oi de s ful i c atus w Ag, sd R 52 Purple Rumped NIECTARINIDA Nectarinia zeylonica OV Ag, Gr R Sunbird tr 53 Purple Sunbird Itlectarinia asiatica OV Se, Sd R 54 Black Headed ORIOLIDAE Oriolus xqntharnus OV Mg, sf LM Oriole 55 House Sparrow PASSERIDAE Passer domesticus OV Hh, Gr R 56 Little Cormorant PHALACROCO Phalacrocora niger CV Ag, Fw R RACIDAE 57 Lesser Golden PICIDAE Dinopium benghalen OV Sf, Ag R Backed Woodpecker s8 Baya Weaver PLOCIEDAE Ploceus philippinus OV Ag, Tc R Bird 59 Rose Ringed PSITTACIDAE Psittacula lcrameri FV Gr, Se R Parakeet 60 Red Vented PYCNONOTID Pycnonotus cafer OV Gr, Hh R Bulbul AE 61 Red Whiskered PYCNONOTID Pycnonotus jacosus OV Sd, Ag R Bulbul AE Electronic Interdisciplinary International Research f ournal IEIIRI) Page 1B4 EIIRJ ISSN-2277-972I Volume*Wl, th Special Issue_XIIo 27 March. 20lg 62 lwhiteffi PYCNONOTID I Amar orn.i s pho eni curus OV Mg, sw R I waterhen AE 63 Uomm0n % I scoL@ t rmga I hypoleucos CV Fw, Mg, -- I Sandpiper EI 64 Spotted Owler FI I D I IilLITL}AH Athene brama CV Mc, Fw R 65 ; uommon r.lt-r!t Indian D r UT(1\IIJAf, Acridotheres tristis OV Gr, Hh Myna R % 66 firr.t runglW D I UT(NIIJAH Acridotheres fuscti OV S4 67 Ag R THRESKORNIf- rseu6ttbt&papillosa OV Sw, Ag R Ibis I HIDAE 68 Jungle Babbler %-E__- I TIMALffi r uraotcles striatus OV GI, 69 Sf R Lnrysommo sinense OV GI, Sf R Babbler I I I 70 Bronze Winged I JACANIDAE I twetoptdius indicus I OV PI, SW R Iacana I I I 7t Common Coot I r< ultca atra OV Swu 72 Ag RM RALLIDAE I rorphyrio porphyrio OV sq Ag R Niche: rv-rnsectivorous, cv-carnivorous- Grain Eater, sE-seed Eater, ov-omnivorous, FV- Flugivorous, CF-Carrion Feeder.
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