ANTI APARTHEID NEWS ANTI APARTHEID NEWS The hewspaper of the Anti-Apartheid Movement Vorster shops for arms in Israel 5 - at Sharm El Sheikh on April 10. In spite of official denials that war-plane plant and inspected its electronic security fence. -p1 n irua an israei are to esiaOisn a Joint milsterial committee to improve their economic relations, following Prime Minister Vorster's visit to Israel, April 9-12. The committee was set up in a ration - are covered by the formal pact s ied byVorster and Israeli pact. PnMinlstr Rabiawhich deals Israeli nuclear scientists wiU be with economcmi scientific and indus- includedinthefirstscientifictrialm ' missionwhich Israel will send to Details of Cooperation have South Africa asa result of the pact still to be worked out - but reports Other signs suggest that the suggest that South Africa could South African visit was a shopping export uranium to Israel, as well as trip for Israeli weapons. coal, iron ore; cement and semi- Vorater made a 'private visit' processedteel. fromwhichjournalistswere The trip was only the third time excluded - to the aircraft plant at that Vorster has travelied outside Lydda where Israei's Kfir (lion cub) Africa since he became Prime delta-wing warplane is manufactured. Minister - his other visits were to He visited the Golan Heights and Portugal and Spain in 1970 and to israel'stborder with Lebanot , Where Paraguay itn 195. hesawthecountry'selectronicAlthough officialson both sides security fence and defence network denied that defence issues were dis- in action. Used matters clearlyrelated to And he went ona trip on a naval lefence- including nuclear ollabo- patrol boat with Israeli-manufactured Crisis in Rhodesia A public meeting in support of the struggle of the Zimbabwa people FriendsMeetingHouse.EustonRoad,LondonNW1WEDNESDAYMAY12 7.30pm Speakers include: JUDITH HART MP ELLIOTT KENDALL (Director, C & RR Unit, "British Council of Churches)ABDUL S MINTY (AAM Hon Secretary) Chairman: BOB HUGHES MP Admission lop - tickets available from AAM 89 Charlotte .Street London W1P:2D (Tel 01-580 5311) 'End SA police killings' SATIS (Southern Africa-The Impri- South AfricalnEmbassy calling for soned Society) supporters demon- an independent enquiry into Joseph strated outside South Africa House Mdiluli's death. ip London on April 9 to show their The letter demanded that the outrage at the murder of Joseph South African Government release Mdluli, the latest victim of Vorster's all political prisoners and dletainees Security Police. Signatories included Lord The mass picket was the climax Caradoi, Lord Brockway, Lord of a three-day protest mounted by Gardiner, Revd Dr Colin Morris, the African National Congress. General Secretary of the Methodist Throughout the three days Missionary Society, AUEW President demonstrators held placards bearing Hugh Scanlon, Cyril Plant, Chairthe names of the 23 detainees known man of the TUC, George Doughty, to have died at the hands of the former General Secretary of police in South Africa. AUEWITASS), NUS President Bishop Colin Winter of Damara. Charles Clark, the Anti-Apartheid land (Namibia), Communist Party Movement's President Bishop General Secretary Gordon Ambrose Reeves, and MPs David McLennan, Abdul Minty, Hon Steel, Sydney Bidwell, Joarn Lestor Secretary of the Anti-Apartheid and Andrew Faulds. Movement, and former South Picture and South African protests African political prisoner Fred against Joseph Mdluli's murder,, Saneson, handed in a letter to the pqge 3. In this issue: Implement arms ban -call from AAM RECENT disclosures have shown that breakIng the South African arms embargo has become big business in Britain. ABDUL MINTY exposes the loopholes in the ban and argues that new legislation is needed, page 5. Thousands protest at police murder ,IN South Africa thousands protested against the death in detention of former ANC member Joseph Mdluli and a call was made for his murderers to be treated like the Nazi war criminals. How Joseph MdIuIi died, page 3. 'Sick'blacks get sentence for life SWEDEN'sleeding daily newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, recently exposed the horrifying treatment given to Africans who are diagnosed as 'mentally sick' in South Africa. The paper's Editor-in-Chief,PER WASTBERG, describes the campa in which they are forced to live, page 10. , Rhodesian Bishop speaks out A DUTCH journalist, FRITS EISENLOEFFEL, recently talked to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Umtali, BISHOP DONAL LAMONT, about his assessment of the situation in Zimbebwe. Bishop Lamont speaks out, page 8. How I was tortured - SWAPO detainee SWAPO's Branch Secretary for northern Namibia, REUBEN HAUWANGA, has given a first-hand report of the atrocities committed by South African troops in northern Namibia and of the torture of SWAPO leaders detained under the TerrOrism Act. AA News publishes extracts from his statement at the UU, page 4. How SA is wooing the Arab States AT the same time as it has been strengthening its relations with Israel, South Africa has been putting out feelers to the Arab states. AA News reports on South Africa's overtures to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Lebanon, page 5. ACTION- ATIONAL AND INERNTONAL- Britain Birmingham IN Birmingham, the Anti-Apartheid Movement and Birmingham's Campaign for Justice in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) held a joint meeting on the British Government's role in Zimbabwe on March 13. Those present included representatives of the local Labour Party, local clergy and several Zimbabweans. The meeting urged the Labour Government to stand by its October 1974 Manifesto declaration, which stated: We will continue to support the liberation movements of Southern Africa.' The meeting also called on the Government to give unconditional aid to Mozambique in the application of sanctions against Rhodesia. Birmingham Trades Council heard former Zimbabwean detainee Didymus Mutasa speak on the current situation in Zimbabwe on April 1, at a meeting attended by 150delegates from local trade union branches. Birmingham AAM is planning to holds its annual general meeting early in May. Birmingham AAM has responded to the national Anti-Apartheid Movement's urgant appeal for funds with a £30 donation. Contact: Margaret Stanton 100 Oakfield Road, Sally Oak, Birmingham B29 7EG. East London 140 PEOPLE attended a successful one-day conference on Southern Africa on March 20, organied jointly by East London AntiApartheid Group and Walthamstow CLP. Ethel de Keyser, Stan Newens MP, Baruch Hirson (former pOlitical prisoner) and Edward Ramsdale of SACTU %iere the main speakers. , On ApT6, a joint meeting with Newham LPYS was addressed by Paul Joseph. On May 17 at 8.00 pm a meeting is being held on 'The Changing Face of Southern Africa', at 41 Rushmore Road, London E5. Ail are welcome. Contact: Jean Middleton, 205 Lower Clapton Road, London E5, tel 986 2707. Haringey HARINGEY Anti-Apartheid Group is planning a major fund-raising event on Saturday June 12, combining an evening of South African music, poetry and song, with the first showing in Haringey of the SATIS/IDAF Photographic Exhibition on 'Southern AfricaThe Imprisoned Society'. Tickets at E1.50 include wine ad refreshments. Further details from Margaret Ling, 348 6657 (home) or 349 1931 (day), or Sarah Carneson (883 5531). The Group held a successful jumble sale on March 20 and has been able to donate £25 to AAM. Bristol BRISTOL Anti Apartheid Movement is planning to hold a public meeting on June 8 at 7.30 pm at the Central Hall, Old Market, Bristol. There will be a showing- Actors and cine technicians extend SA ban THE two major trade unions in the British entertainment industry the actors' union Equity and the cine- technicians union ACTT - have both voted in favour of more stringent action to isolate South Africa. Equity, at its annual general meeting held April 11-12, reaffirmed its policy of refusing permission for television programmes featuring its members to be sold to South African television. In a new move, it asked Equity's Council to issue a standig instruction to members not to work in South Africa or Rhodesia. Previousli Equity's policy was to leave it to individual members to decide whether or not they-should per. form there. At the annual cOnference of ACTT, members voted to black all material emanating from South of a film on Namibia and the speakers will include a representative of the African National Congress of South Africa and a lcal churchman. Further details and offers of help: Ron Press, tel Bristol 426608. Cornwall ANTI-Aparttieid Movement members in St Austell, Cornwall, have arranged a weekend school on South Africa, May 8-9, at St Blazey Church Hall, St Austell,. A public meeting is also planned at 8pm on May a. * Contact: Debbie Parkin, 3 Brays Place, Sandy, St Austell, Cornwall. West London WEST London Anti-Apartheid Group held a successful fund-raising Curry Lunch Party on Sunday February 29. As a result it has donated £30 to AAM Head Office and £10 to the African National Congress. The Group held a public meeting on 'Women Under Apartheid'.to mark.Sharpeville Day on March 21. Speakers ware Shanti Naidoo and Hilda Bernstein. The Group is also planning to organise another fund-raising stall in Portobello Road Market, Contact: Betty Northedge, tel 5805311/5898243 . Barnet BARNET Anti-Apartheid Committee held a public meeting on Angola on February 24, at which the speaker was AAM Vice-Chairman Bob Hughes MP, It showed the film 'Angola in Struggle'. The Committee has been organising regular sales of AA News in Finchley's main shopping area It is planning a fund-raising folk eveningon May 1. It has also arranged a sponsored walk povisional date May 16), Anyone who would like to take part -as a walker or sponsor - please contact Joan Darling, 51 Dollis Park, London N3, tel. 346 7740. On Zimbabwe, the Committee distributed the AAM leaflet 'Crisis in Rhodesia' to Saturday morning shoppers on April 3.
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