Average DaUy Circulation For the Meath of Aagast, 1841 The Weather Ebeeeeet ef U. S. Weather 6,762 Fair tonight, 'little temperature; T h u r e dla a y high Member o f the Aadit .cloadlneaa With' aoatteilied Hght Bnreaa ef Clrenlatloae ekowers. r - Manchester’—’ A City o f Village Charm VOL. LX„ NO. 285 (ClaeaMed Advertising On Page 14): MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1941 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Five Drowned in New York Flood Waters Using Tank Cars Red Counter-Attacks Will Solve East’s Drive Germans Back;^ Shortage of Gas Named Resistance Fierce tion Would Offset Cutj A s Mission Russian Forces Heavy Losses Inflicted In Supply Within Two; Tanks in Great W on’t In,Northern imd Cen­ Weeks; Conference To Moscow bers; One Nazi Corps tral Areas o f Eastern ' Set for Tomorrow. Feed People Claims to Have Demol­ Front; Soviet Troopg Harriman Appointed by Washington, Sept, 3.—</P) ished 178 Since Satur­ Under Heels Retake 22 Villages in — A railroad executive told a Roosevelt to Head Deb day; Spearhead of Ger­ 10 bays o f Battle.^ special Senate investigating egation to Discuss Ma^ committee today that the man Drive Now Within j Say It Is I p to Britain Nazis Thrown Bacl^30 terial Aid for Russia. gasoline and petroleum situa­ 20 Miles o f Leningrad, ] To Permit Grain Ves- Miles After Attadg. tion in the east could be Washington, Sept. 3. — (/P) — Bulletin! sels for Occupied Rus­ solved within two weeks by President Roosevelt today appoint­ Bulletin! the use of 20,000 . railroad Berlin, Sept. 3.— {IP)— So­ sia to Reach Black Sea. ed a five-man mission beaded by Moscow, ^ p t. 3,— ( g * h - tank cars. J. J. Pelley, presi­ W. Averell Harriman, lend-leaae viet warships and shore bat­ The Germans have been hurl­ Berlin, Sept. 3;—<>P)—“Under no dent of the Association of expediter In London, to go to Mos­ teries joined Russian troops ed back with heavy kisses by American Railroads, told sen­ cow to discuss material aid to in “trying to hold up a fur­ circumstances hM Germany under Russian counter-offensives on ators that such a solution Russia In her fight with Nazi Ger­ ther German advance” in the international law any obligations many. Five Persona In this motorcar were drowned when the auto plunged through a washed-out bridge to feed the population" of occupied the fronts before Moscow an4 might be accomplished at a Intq swollen Mill Creek, near Lowvllle, N. Y, The stream ts shown here after It receded to its normal Estonian coastal area yester­ Leningrad and stopped at the The other members are: level. Russian areM, authorized German conference here tomorrow MaJ. Oen. James H. Bums, exec­ day, but Soviei'^ resistance Gates of Odessa, Russian nrar sources declared today in response called by Ralph K. Davies, utive officer of dbe lend-leaae ad­ was broken, DNB reported dispatches reported today- acting petroleum coordinator. ministration. J today. to a question on how such areas Pellcy Mid Davie* bad aaked MaJ. Gen. G ^ rge H. Brett, chief ■re belng‘ provisioned. The Nazis’ war-long looses were put at dose to 3,000,000 repreaentativea at oi: eompaniea, at the Army Air Corps, recently Labor Leader Berlin, Sept. 3.—<iP)—Rus- These aourcea aald it was up to ordered on a special mission ts Britain and "a power having a men. Yemelyan Yaroslavsky; rallroada, and tank car owners to British Bombers Make .sian forces putting up a fierce niMt with him. Great Britain and the Middle East certain influence upon England" to a member of the Central par-- resistance to the Germans on Rate Agreement Needed First In connection with;^ deliveries of Hits New Milk permit grain ships for occupM ty and a leading Communisi' In reply to queatlons by diah:- American aircraft. the middle sector of the east­ Russian areas to ereach a Black Offensive Continuous publidst, declar^ in Pravdo, man Maloney (D., Conn.) of Ui4 Admiral William H. Standley, ern front are using tanks in Sea port: investigating group, Pelley said an retired, former chief of Naval op- ■ ■ /% ' Must Merely Keep Order that the (Armans had lost 2,- eratlona. Control Board great numbers, authorized agreement on reduced railroad The German occupying force 930,000 men—dead, wounded tank car rates was the flrat thing Wjlliani L Batt, deputy director Wave After Wave Shut-i C i V A l i sources reported tpday as the . needed. He conceded that the oil of tha Office of Production Man­ must merely keep -Order and has and prisoncrs->since the war high command told of fight­ Induatry alao lacked some facilities agement's production division Sees Great Injustice in ties Across Channel no duty to release supplies of Its began, including more than In addition, the White H ing along the entire battle- own to an enemy population, they for loading and unloading petrol­ House I During Night, Early j declared. In fact, It even has the 2,000,000 on the eastern front eum products from rail cars be­ -------- I Failure tn Name Mem- Right of Way front. One German Army (OonMnued 'O s Page Fourteen) | Slone. cause tanker ships normally were her of Union as Repre-; Today; Berlin Target.^ corps holding a middle front (Contlaaed Oa Page Ten) used. ^ sector claimed to have de­ Maloney, recalling teatimony by sentetive in Set-Up. | B ^ \ n l On Resources Moscow, SeptV . 3.— (/Ph -“ Davies that the eastern shortage molished 178 tanks since Sat­ Two Red Army counter-offen­ was 174,000 barrels a day, aaked Senate tJ^ged _ Bridgeport, Sept. 3— Thomas | London, Sept.. 3,— . j urday. sives, one commanded person­ whether 20,000 tank cars could o ff- Fierce Russian reaiatsnce, cou­ Konoye Says F. Murphy of Bridgeport charged British bombers which blast- Board Says Every Avail­ ally by Marshal Klementi bet-this. pled with adverse weather, hM ” Witbln a week we could have today at the Connecticut Federa­ ed Berlin last night caused i ___ i ms__us_ failed to blunt the epesrhead of 'Voroshilov before the gates To Beat New “ enormous 'explosions” in the ®hle M an and M ach in e solid trains of oil moving from tion of Labor convention that or­ the Nazi drive on Leningrad, Jiipan Facing of Leningrsd, were reported Louisiana and Texas to the At­ ganized labor was given ho repre­ capital and started "a very Must Be Employed on which now is withia 20 miles of I lantic seaboard,” Pelley said, add­ the city and moving steadily for- ' today to have hurled the Ger­ Revenue Bill sentation In the new state milk large fire” near one of the ing that these can could bring control set-up and asserted "this la Essential Industries. ward, tha Germans declared to- : Grave Ci'isis mans back with heavy losses 200.000 barrels dally. a great Injustice and a slap in the main Berlin railway stations, /U y. I in the northern and central Pelley appeared at the commit­ the Air Ministry News Serv­ BuUetlB Barren Of Detail' LaFollette Calls Meas* face to labor which we must aU re­ Washington, Bept. 3—OP)—■Hia areas of ths eeeteenjfcront. On tee’s requsst to discuss the possi­ sent." The war bulletin from Adolf ' Total MobiliERtion Seen bility or using tank can to halp ice said tonight. The ServiM 'aldinlnistratibn gave defenM ab­ the center of the front, in the nre *Vicions Assault on '^eoresentlng Teamsters;' Local said that the attacking solutely flrat call on all the na- Hitler’s headquarters was barren laereaae the flow of oil to the eaat, 191 of Bridgeport, Murphy told the o ' detail on the land front, report- I Necessary to Overcome sector entrusted to M arsl^ which baa been receiving reduced Rank-and'File Taxpay­ deleghfes that hia organization was planes bombarded the capital tion’a industrial resources today, ing only that "Succeaenk flgbting Semeon Timoshenko, P r a v ^ suppUea aince water-route ‘ deliv­ j Emergency; Sea Safety "determined to even the score with with “some of the heaviest and consumera were told they actions aro 1» progrsM" along its i the (Communist party orggn, eries were curtailed aftri- the er' o f United States. the pollticlana reaponslble for this bombs.” could expect to feel the pinch eoon. whole length. Zone 'Plan. Is Backed. traaafer of a number of aea-going ■light to Ikbor." • * said advancing Red Army Keynoting a freM) drive for a Military commentators attached j tankera to Britain. "WeM Out oa U m b" manifold increase in arma produc­ troops have retaken 22 vjB- ‘ Burptaa O f C an Available Bulletin! London, Sept. 3.— (JP)— great aig^flcance to reports of a Tokyo, Sept. 8.—(O—Premier Hie organiiatlon, Murphy assert­ tion, the new Supply Prioritiee and ■mashing victory at Luga, 70 { lages in 10 days of battle. The railroad man said that de­ Washington, Sept. S.—(4V— ed “went away out on the limb in Wave after wave of British Allocation Boai^ stated: Prince Fumlmaro Konoye told spite the general Increase la the Senator Oaerge (D., Oa.), miles south of Leningrad, declar­ Units commanded by Coloneh endorsing the Democratic Ucket bombers shuttled across the "Every available man and ma­ government and . war Induatriee Boyeikov, It w m stated, threw, Um trenSportatlon of oil productions, opened Seuto debate on the ing this aucceaa had eliminated one and in helping to Meet its candi­ English Channel last night chine must be employed either on or the major obstaclea In tbe path representatives today that Japan Germans back more t h u SO thilen the use of rail tank can for that SS.S7»,800Jwe tax MU today dates in the hope of getting fav­ direct defense requirements or at after a flank attack by Ruariaa purpose had declined In recent with aa aaeerttoa that all of German troops trying to cloae a was facing the gravest criaia in orable legislation in our Industry.
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