BULLETIN OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE The Quarterly Review Journal of the • International Society of Magnetic Resonance August 1983 Numbers 3/4 The Proceedings of The Eighth Meeting of SMA • INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF • MAGNETIC RESONANCE NMR • NQR • EPR applications in Physics • Chemistry • Biology • Medicine August 22-26, 1983 Chicago, U.S.A. IJniveibsity of Illiiiois at CKicago BULLETIN OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE The Quarterly Review Journal of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance Editor: DAVID G. GORENSTEIN Department of Chemistry University of Illinois at Chicago Post Office Box 4348 Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. Editorial Board: E.R. ANDREW DAVID GRANT University of Florida University of Utah Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A. Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. ROBERT BLINC JOHN MARKLEY E. Kardelj University of Ljubljana Purdue University Ljubljana, Yugoslavia West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A. H. CHIHARA MICHAEL PINTAR Osaka University University of Waterloo Toyonaka, Japan Waterloo, Ontario, Canada GARETH R. EATON JAKOB SMIDT University of Denver Technische Hogeschool Delft Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. Delft, The Netherlands DANIEL FIAT BRIAN SYKES University of Illinois at Chicago University of Alberta Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada SHIZUO FUJIWARA University of Tokyo Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan The Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance is a quarterly review journal sponsored by the International Society of Magnetic Resonance. Reviews cover all parts of the broad field of magnetic resonance, viz., the theory and practice of nuclear magnetic resonance, electron paramagnetic resonance, and nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy including applications in physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine. The BULLETIN also acts as a house journal for the International Society of Magnetic Resonance. CODEN:BUMRDT ISSN:0163-559X Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance, The Quarterly Journal of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance. Copyright C 1983 by the International Society of Magnetic Resonance. Rates: Libraries and non-members of ISMAR, $50.00, members of ISMAR, $18.00. All subscriptions are for a volume year. All rights reserved. No part of this journal may be reproduced in any form, for any purpose or by any means, abstracted, or entered into any data base, electronic or otherwise, without specific permission in writing from the publisher. Council of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance DANIEL FIAT. Chairman, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. MICHAEL M. P1NTAR, Secretary General and Chairman Advisory Committee on Summer Schools, Waterloo. Canada GJ. BENE R. KOSFELD Geneva. Switzerland Dtiisburg. West Germany R. BLINC V. J. KOWALEWSKI Ljubljana, Yugoslavia Buenos Aires. Argentina M.BLOOM D. A. LOSCHE Vancouver, Canada Leipzig. East Germany W. S. BREY P. T. NARASIMHAN Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A. Kanpur, India F. CONTI D. NORBERG Rome, Italy St. Louis, Missouri. U.S.A. J. DEPIREUX H. PFEIFER Liege. Belgium Leipzig, East Germany R. R. ERNST J. SMIDT Zurich, Switzerland Delft. The Netherlands S. FORSEN I. SOLOMON Lund, Sweden Palaiseau, France J. HENNEL 1. URSU Krakov, Poland Bucharest, Rumania 0. JARDETZKY W. von PHILIPSBORN Stanford, California, U.S.A. Ziirich. Switzerland 1. JEENER H. C. WOLF Brussels, Belgium Pfajfeinvaldring. West Germany Honorary Council Members E. R. ANDREW K. HAUSSER Gainesville, Florida. U.S.A. Heidelberg. West Germany F. BLOCH A. KASTLER Stanford, California, U.S.A. Paris, France S. FUJI WAR A L. REEVES Tokyo, Japan Waterloo, Ontario, Canada H. S. GUTOWSKY Urhana, Illinois, U.S.A. The aims of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance are to advance and diffuse knowledge of magnetic resonance and its applications in physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine, and to encourage and develop international contacts between scientists The Society sponsors international meetings and schools in magnetic resonance and its appl'cat'ons and Puo|ishes the quarterly review journal, The Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance, the house journal of ISMAR. The annual fee for ISMAR membership is $20 plus $18 for a member subscription to the Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance. Send subscription to: International Society of Magnetic Resonance E207MSA University of Illinois at Chicago P.O. Box 6998, Chicago. Illinois 60680 USA ' Proceedings of the Eighth Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance August 22 • 26,1983 Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. GENERAL CONTENTS Preface 92 Landmarks and Highlights of The International Society of Magnetic Resonance 93 Acknowledgments 95 National Advisory Committee, Local Organizing Committee 96 Detailed Table of Contents of Invited Talks, Short Communications, and Posters 97 Invited Talks 103 Short Communications and Posters 183 Author Index 275 Vol. 5, No. yk 91 J PREFACE This issue of the Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance A special ISMAR Prize has been forwarded by contains manuscripts of papers to be presented at the French Embassy to Professor Anatole Abragam the Eighth Meeting of the International Society of in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the Magnetic Resonance, August 22-26,1983, Chicago, development and fundamental understanding of Illinois, U.S.A. Additional manuscripts which will be nuclear magnetism, nuclear polarization and nuclear submitted by November 1,1983 will appear in Volume ordering. 6, Issue 1, January, 1984. The program of this meeting includes the most We anticipate that about 500 scientists will par- recent advances in magnetic resonance, such as ticipate in the meeting from 27 countries including Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, multiple quantum spectroscopy, zero field nuclear Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, Finland, magnetic resonance, magnetization and coherence France, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, transfer, microwave induced optical nuclear polar- Norway, Poland, Romania, Scotland, South Africa, ization, magnetic resonance in incomensurate and Sweden, Switzerland, U.S.S.R., U.K., U.S.A., West chaotic systems, spin physics in disordered semi- Germany, and Yugoslavia. About 250 papers will be conductors, rotating helical magnetic ordering, presented at the meeting including 17 plenary and highly advanced studies of three dimensional struc- 48 keynote talks. Morning and afternoon sessions tures of polypeptides, studies of protein and nucleic will open with a plenary talk followed by breakouts to acids, membranes, antibodies, liquid crystals and four sessions in physics, chemistry, biology, and advances in closely related fields as laser induced medicine, each session opening with a keynote talk spin coupling phenomena, neutron magnetic followed by contributed papers. In addition, poster resonance, Geonium spectra of the finer structure sessions also divided into four sections will be held of the electron, and infrared spectra of molecular ion on Monday and Tuesday evenings, August 22 and beams at dissociation. The large number of talks in 23,1983. Following the poster sessions, space and the medical application of nuclear magnetic time will be allocated for symposia on special topics resonance is an indication of the growing impor- initiated by the participants. The opening ceremony of the meeting will take place on Monday morning, tance of this field. During the banquet dinner on August 22,1983 and will include an address by Dr. August 25,1983, Dr. Norman F. Ramsey will review Donald Langenberg, Chancellor of the University of the early history of magnetic resonance. Illinois at Chicago. Following the opening, the ISMAR Prize will be presented to Professor Brebis This meeting is the first meeting of the Inter- Bleaney in recognition of his pioneering work in national Society of Magnetic Resonance to be held developing electron spin resonance and his many in the United States of America. Previous meetings important contributions to its applications in solid in this series were held in Japan, Brazil, Australia, state physics. The Award Address will be published Israel, India, Canada, and The Netherlands. Several in Volume 6, Issue 1 of the Bulletin of Magnetic major manufacturers of magnetic resonance equip- Resonance, January, 1984. ment will have exhibits at the meeting. Daniel Fiat August 8,1983 92 Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance Landmarks and Highlights of The International Society of Magnetic Resonance The aims of the International Society of Magnetic Society of Magnetic Resonance was formally foun- Resonance are: to advance and diffuse knowledge ded following this meeting and its constitution adop- of Magnetic Resonance and its applications in physics, ted by its founders: Drs. E. Raymond Andrew, Robert chemistry, biology, and medicine among scientists Blinc, A. David Buckingham, Clive K. Coogan, Daniel and research institutions throughout the world, to Fiat, Shizuo Fujiwara, Karl H. Hausser, Leonard W. foster interaction among scientists in different fields Reeves and John S. Waugh. These founders formed of Magnetic Resonance, to encourage interdis- the Executive Committee. The Council consisted of ciplinary explorations, to organize schools, local the Executive Committee and the following mem- and international symposia on magnetic resonance, bers: Drs. George J. Bene, Felix Bloch, Jacques and to publish papers and periodicals on this subject. Danon, Sture Forsen, Herbert Gutowsky, Jacek Hennel, Valdemar Kowalewski, D. Artur Losche, Previous meetings were held in Tokyo, Japan, A.K. Saha, Jakob Smidt, lonel Solomon, and loan September, 1965, under the direction of Dr. Shizuo Ursu. The council recommended
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