HGo.,e info all the world and preach the Gospel to every Creature." llaptist _issinttarll ~l1!i£tU. ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1917 JA:\IAICA: THE (J u;.~~am Co., LTD., PRIS'n~w5 HS, 150 & 152 HARBOUR :-)'1'. KI!\GSTON. _j". j'" "And 10 I om with you always, even unto the end of the worIJ." THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE JAMAICA BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY, FOR THE YI~AR 1917 OBdECTS. '.Ibe objects of the Society are to' prov.ide for the Spiritual Destitution of variou~ parts of this Island,-to support the Calabar Institution for the training of Ministers -to assist Sunday Schools,-to send the Gospel to Africa, Central America, and to the Islands by which we are surrounded, To aid Churches in the Jamaica Baptist Union in their Building Operations and to contribute t<? the Reserve Fund of the J arr:aica Baptist Union. ---:0:--- A. G. KIRKHAM, Petel'sfield P.O., SECRETARY. Officers and Mana~ing:C()mmittee for 1918~ TREASURER: REv. A. MILLER, BETHEL TOWN P.O. SECRETARY: REV. A. G. KIRKHAll, PE(ERSFIELD P. O. HONORARY MEMBER I REV. W.· A. TUCKER. EX-OFFICIO: REV. J. A. JO~ES CHtIRl\IAN J .UIAICA BAPTIST UNION. REV. T. G. SOMERS SECRETARY JAMAICA BAP'l'IST UNIOt-:. REV. E. PRICJ~, B.A., B.D. PRESlD~:~"T CALAHAR boLLEGE. REv. w. HEAl) SJ<;CRETARY SUNDAY SCHOOL SOClFlTY. ELECTED: REV. W. D. HENDERSON, REV. A. G. ECCLI~STON, HEV. J. T. DILLON, REV. C. CHAPMAN, REV.~ W. J. THOMPSON, REV. G. E.HENDgL{'SON, REV. W. D. Bl{'OWN, REV, W. P. SIBLEY, A. B. LOWE ESQ. AUDITORS I ~J. L. KING ESQ., B.A., LL.B. RULES. I.-That the Society be designated" THE JAMAICA BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY'~ in connection with" THE JAMAICA BAPTIST UNION." 1I.-That the objects of the Soc'iety be (1) to provide for the spiritual des.titution of various parts of the Island-(2) to support the Calabar Institution-(3) to assist Sunday Schools-(4) to send the gospel to Africa, Central America and-the Islands by which we are surrounded-(5) to aid Churches in the Jamaica Baptist Union in their building operations-(6) and to contribute to the Reserve Fund of The Jamaica Baptist Union. III.-That the General Committee of the Society shall consist of the Ministers and Delegates of those Churches which contribute regularly to the Society's funds, by whom the ',freasurer, Secretary, and nine others as . a Managing Committee,' for the ensuing year, shall be elected. Five shall forIll a quorum, and the Managing Committee shall have power to fill up vacancies that may occur du~ing th~ year. IV.-That the Ohairman of the Jamaica Baptist Union, the 'Presid~nt of Cala-bar College, the Secretary of the Jamaica Baptist Union and the Secretary of the SU'lday School Society shall be ex-officio Members of the Managing Committee. V.-That each Association in connection with the Jamaica Baptist Union not having a member elected on the Missionary Committee, s'hall have power each year to nominate one of their members as an Associate member of the Committee for the year. The nomination to be sent to the Secretary before the beginning of the Annual Meeting of the General Board. VI.-That a public meeting shall be held annually, at the time of the meeting of the Jamaica Baptist Union when a list of the Committee shall be read, the accounts' presented, and the proceed~ngs of ~the preyjo~~ y~~! ad9pteq. VIl.-That no alteration of the Constitution of the Society shall be made without twelve months notice baving been given at the previous Annual General Meeting. Reg~lations for Building Grants. ----0--- Grants are voted to aid;in~p.urchasing, erecting, or repaIrmg buildings connected with Churches belonging to the Jamaica Baptist Union, and which regularly contribute to the .funds of the Jamaica Baptist Missionary Society. 1. It must be clearly shown .that the land 'On which the building fitands, or is to be erected, is in Trust for denominational purposes, and the Title is Valid. II. A complete statement of work cuntemplated on the mission property, and a detailed estimate of the proposed expenditure must be presented with the application for a grant. III. The Church seeking aid must· have -raised one-fourth of the es-timated amount required for the work· contemplated, and the application must state how much money the Church bas raised,· the value of materials and of free laboU1' given, and amount received from <>ther sources. IV. That a Building Committee be appointed by· the Managing Committee at the meeting usually held in the month of October, and that all applications received by the Secretary up to September 30th. be placed in the hands of this Building Committee. V_ That the Ruilding Comi:nittee shall consider all such appli. cations, arrange for an illspection of the proposed work, and prepare a l"eport,wi til recommendations, in time to be submi.tted to the Managing Committee at the meeting immediately preceding the Annual Meeting. VI. That the Managing Commi ttee shall consider the report, as above, and make such recommendations to the General Oommittee as they may deem right VII. That no person shall be appointed on. the Building Oom­ mittee who is making an application for a gl'aat, nor shall anymem~ ber of the Managing. Committee, who has made an application, take part in the discussion upon it. - VIII. No Grant approved of by the General Committee shall be paid before the April meeting of the Managing Committee. Eyery grant shall be spent. and an account of its expenditure be rendered within twelve months after it bas been received, .but it shall \.e com­ petent for the Managing Committee to allow an extension of time in exceptional circum., tances. IX. All applications for grants shall be made on the authorized Form, obtainable of t.he Secretary, and shall be returned to him pro­ perly filled in not later than September 30th. X. Not more than £300 shall be applied annually for Building_ purposes. XI. All applications shall be rejected as informal which do not­ Comply with the above regulations. ·EXTRACTS OF MINUTES OF THE- GENERAL MEETING Held at Balaclava, On Monday, 25th. February, 1918. 1. The Rev. J. A. Jones, Chair~an of the Jamaica Baptist Unionr presided. 2; The Minutes of the last Annual Meeting were read and confir;D1ed ... 3. Extracts of the meetings of the Mllnaging Committee were read .. 4. The 62nd. Annual Report was presented, anrl it was resolved :­ "" That the Report be adopted, read at the Public Meeting to-night, and printed and cir.culated in the 'usual way." 5. The Treasurer presented the Cash Statement for 1917, shewing Receipts £1,644 Os. 6ld., Expenditm'e £1,371 4s. 10td., and Bal­ ance in hand £272 15s. 8d. It was resolved :-" 'l'hat the Cash State­ ment be adopted, read at the Public Meeting to-night, and printed and circulate~ in.the usual manner." 6. The Officers and Managing Committee were thanked for their services during the past year, and those for the present year were elected. 7. Oollectors and Subscribers:- RESOLVED :-" That the pest thanks of the Jamaica Baptist Mission­ ary Society are due and are hereby tendered to Collectors and Subscribers for .their interest· in the Society'-s work as set forth by the amounts. col­ lected and subscribed' during the past year. The society highly appre­ ciates the persevering efforts of all its supporters amidst 'adverse and try­ ing circumstances, and in soliciting a continuance of their practical help, earnestly prays that they may experience mnch joy in all their endeavours. 8. Home Missions:- The Grants to the St. Margaret's BaYt Rosewell and Worsup spheres were determined. Authority was given to the Managing Committee to deaf with applications from Mamby Park and Mount Charles to be received as Howe Mission Churches under the auspices of the Society. 9. Estimates:- Estimates were adopted which showed that £1,.750 would be requiredl for the Society'iiI work in 1918. These estimates included £100 for exten­ sion work in Jamaica. BUILDING GRANTS. 10. The following grants were made :- Tweedside, £10; Grateful Hill, £12; Buckingham, £40; Moneague .. £5; Lottery (Providence), £20; Bass Grove, £13; Mount Moriah (Han­ over), £14; Mount Hermon, £48; Bethel (St, Catherine), £18; St. Mar-· garet's Bay, £55.; Mount Carmel (Portlapd). £55; Spanish Town (Ebe- nezer). £lO-Total £300. A. G. KIRKHAM, Secretary.. THE ANNUAL PUBLIC MEETING OF THE Jam.aica Baptist Missionary Soci,ety WAS HELD AT BALACLAVA, ON MONDAY EVENING, 25th. FEBRUARY, 1918. Rev. C. CHAPMAN, occupied the Chair. rfhe Secretary presented the 62nd. Annual Report and the Treasurer the Annual Uash Statement, and addresses were delivered by the Rev. M. B. BURGESS, of Bethtephil, and Rev.' S. C. GORDON, of Congo, Africa. Tbe Sixty-Second Annual Report OF THE JAMAICA BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY. N a recent number of the English :Missionary Herald, is the.following: "Our interest in l\1i~­ sions is a nlark of our Christian character. Our knowledge of Missions is the measure of our Christian attainment. Our participation in Missions is the measure of our Christian efficiency." This is the standard vvhereby every servant of God may dis­ cover his real attitude in relation to Christ's glorious prograITInle of redemption. Within the limits of its fields of operation the Jamaica Baptist l\1issionary Society has carried out the programme with which it commenced the year, as far as possible. In some respects 1917 will long be remeInbered as one of the darkest in the history of the Society.
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