Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) Preserved in Staatliches Museum Fur Tierkunde, Dresden

Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) Preserved in Staatliches Museum Fur Tierkunde, Dresden

The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan ueLlk Ty(S to Ga 43(1): ・17-52, March I99Z On some type specimens of IVacaduba and Prosotas (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) preserved in Staatliches Museum fUr Tierkunde, Dresden Yusuke TAKANAMI 25-11, Kyonan-cho 2 chome, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180 Abstract Lectotypes of lycaenid taxa (azz{rezas, cabvartts, dobbensis, gmcigis) described by RUber (1886) are designated and figured. Key words Lycaeniclae, lectotype, taxonomy, IVticaduba, Fbu)solas. I have examined some type specimens of Indo-Australian Lycaenidae preserved in Staat- liches Museum fUr Tierkunde, Dresden (SMT) in 1986. A catalogue enumerating them appeared in this journal <Takanami, 1989), including 26 taxa by ROber (1886, 1887) out of his 64 taxa clescribed from this region. I had an opportunity to examine some types left unexamined at that time on loan, This paper deals with the types of four nominal taxa belonging to the genera IVdcaduba Moore, [18Sl] and Prosotczs H.H.Druce, 1891, with designation of lectotypes, Ardcaduba pavana azureus (ROber, 1886), stat. n. (Figs. 1-2, dn genitalia fig, 9) Plebeius aeurezts RUber, 1886: 63, pl.4, fig. 19 ([fi). Lectotype di, here designated, East Sulawesi (SMT> [examined]. Forewing length 15mm, Abecatluba Pavana, fm, visuna Fruhstorfer, 1916:110, pl.4, fig.2{di genitalia), Syntype cY, Sulawesi (BMNH) .examined by Tite, 1963], Syn. n. Alacaduba Pai,ana visttna Seitz, 1923: 913; Corbct, 1938: 135; Tite, 1963: 72; D'Abrera, 1986: 638; Cas- sidy, [l991]: 229. Syn. n. Since Fruhstorfer (1916), a`-ureus has been known as a subspecies of IVZzcadztba angusta (H. Druce, 1873) from Sulawesi. However, two male syntypes of this taxon preserved in SMT were revealed te be Aidcadztba Pavana (Horsfield, [1828]). I designate as lectotype of "Original a2ureus a male figured in R6ber's original description, labelled [pink]/Plebeius Azureus m.10st-Celebes Tombugu H. KUhn 1885,fColl. C. Ribbe Gesch. : Leo Lewin 1913- N.1 [yellow]/abgebildet [green]/Staatl, Museum fUr Tierkunde Dresden/Le ¢ totype Plebeius azureus ROber, 1886 Takanami, 1991 [pink]". As a result of this correction, a nominal taxon visttna Seitz, 1923 is sunk into a synonym of agurezts. IVhrcaduba angusta pamela Grose-Smith, 1895, nom. rev. Nacaduba pamela Grose-Smith, 1895 / 508. S},ntypes di 4, S. Su!awesi {BMNH) [examined by Tite, 19631. Alacaduba angtrsld Pamelai Tite, 1963: 71; D'Abrera, 1986i 638. Nkcaduba atroma7ginata H. H. Druce, 1902: 113, pl. 11, figs,1(cr>, 2(?), Syntypes cl 9,S, & E. Sulawesi {BMNH) [Synonyrnised by Tite, 1963]. Nitcaduba angusta aittreus:Fruhstorfer, l916/113;Seitz, I923:914;ROber, 1940:111;Nieuwenhuis, 1946: 57; Tite, 1963: 71; D'Abrera, 1986: 638; Cassidy, r1991] / 228 <nec ROber, 1886). The subspecific name of IVZicaduba angusta (H. Druce, 1873) from Sulawesi was misused for a long time as mentioned in the preceding paragraph. NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan 4S Yusuke TAKAMMI ge ' ::i ,: - "- s :lwta tux nv pt ivSewma-s } ww{ ilil :rmsu Il- ual: \ tsi Sl l vn {fim- ' #it n } ' lm f 1m mu um t- w: s Xk 'l\, }- vv ::um:: t ..umXa w"I:ll I } ew c .me 'Sl tt zzwwntz ve lelmaw,: be stues I ..,l:eeinvtv mh"wva F ms w : e:Ft a ve ' w. tunu nvttlkek"i'al I: x kii6 hm v es lh 5 , "I } mu:w zax umrm tsellha-mmwu'lwma",l{- m: ffIlla { -:-umsc:l"t X.:l dwnvva,la1Ips-vl, I$ {Il. tt nvbeg.IS#l ctm- -e:anli rt va/ maI= rm ha Figs 1-8 Lectotypes of Lycaenidae 1 Plebeibls a2zareus cil uppergide 2 DzUo undersrde 3 Plebeius cabroncs \,upperside, 4 Dttto underside 5 Plebetus dobbensiscJ-, upperside 6 Dttto, underside 7 Plebeizas gfuciks r upperside, 8 Dzttv, underside NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan Type Specimens of NZicaduba and Prosolas 49 IVttcaduba pactotus cabrorus (R6ber, 1886), comb. & stat. n. (Figs. 3-4) Pgebeiets cab,vnts RUber, 1886:61, pl.4, fig.25 (\). Lectotype 4, here designated, Aru Is. <SMT) [examined]. Forewing length 18mm. There is no review of the status of cabrortts since ROber's description, I examined a "Original female syntype of cabrorus and designate it as lectotype. The lectotype labelled [pink]/Plebejus Cabrorus m./Aru-Junseln Ureiuning C: Ribbe l884/Coll. C. Ribbe Gesch. : Leo Lewin 1913-N. 1 [blue]/abgebildet [green]IStaatl, Museurn fUr Tierkunde Dresden/ Lectotype Plebeius cabrorus R6ber, 1886 Takanami, 1991 [pink]". The lectotype 9 with hairly eyes. The second segment of labial palpus clothed with protrude black and white scales, The forewing with eleven veins ; veins 11 and 12 partly anastomosed ; the origin of vein 10 much closer to vein 11 than to vein 7. Upperside of both wings with pale purplish blue sheen in the whitish areas in a side light ; the blue markings much brighter at the basal area. Underside of both wings pale yellow, with prominent black submarginal markings and faint inner markings. The upperside resem- bles that of IVhacaduba Pactoins (C. Felder, 1860), while the underside recalls Aitzcadztba angztstn <H. Druce, 1873), The females of those species are similar to each other, but I believe that cabronts belongs to the former species by reason of the habitat. Ihave never seen any other specimen of this taxon from Aru Is., but I think it is a good subspecies if it is not an abberant form, Nacaduba berenice dobben$is (R6ber, 1886) (Figs. 5-6, di genitalia fig. 10) Plebeius dobbensis R6ber, 1886:65, pl.5, fig,19 ([7), nec pl.4, fig. 34(-tt). Lectetype dP,here designated, Aru Is, (SMT) [examined]. Forewing length 13mm. IVIicad"ba beninice dobbensis: Fruhstorfer, 1916: 129; Seitz, 1923: 918, pl. 154, fig. d2 {diT);Tite, 1963: 78; D'Abrera, 1971:348 -,nec 4 (?=beroe). Both sexes of dobbensis are figured in ROber's original description, but I think they are not the same species. The male is AJkecaduba bexenice (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1869), while the female must be fonolyce helicon (C. Felder, 186e). I here designate as lectotype of dobben- "Original sis the male labelled [pink]IP]ebejus Dobbensis m.fAru-Junsel Wamma Dobbo C,Ribbe 1883fColl. C.Ribbe Gesch.:Leo Lewin 1913-N.1 [blue]labgebildet [green]/ Staatl, Museum fUr Tierkunde Dresden/Lectotype Plebeius dobbensis ROber, 1886 Ta- kanami, 1991 [pink]". Ialso examined a pair of paralectotypes of dobbensis, though the female is not a figured specimen but the same species as lectotype. This taxon resembles IVizcacinfba cop'etani Tite, 1963, but the submarginal yellow lunules on underside hindwing are only present in spaces lb and 2, and the valvae have smaller teeth on the distal margin as in berenice. Prosotas gracitis gracilis (R6ber, 1886) (Figs. 7-8, dn genitalia fig, 11) Ptilbeiz{s gnicilis Rljber, 1886: 67, pl.5, fig.1 {di). Lectotype cl, here designated, Ceram (SMT) [examined]. Forewing length ]3mm. P,osotas g7ucitis gmcr'lis: Tite, 1963: 96; D'Abrera, 1971: 344, 6n ?. IVZicaduba gracilis grnct'lis : Corbet, 1938 : 139, Nlzcaduba aluta gvacilis[ Fruhstorfer, 1916: 120; Seitz, 1923: 916. Tite, ?Vbcaduba geaydomaculald Rothschild, 1915: 139. Holotype cp, Ceram (BMNH) [Synonymised by 1963]. NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan 50 Yusuke TAKANAMI D ::,ast" mr-FF'Jtt 't-'r..L-.tx' - B O.5mm Fig.9. Plebeius affuTeus lectotype d" genitalia. A: Lateral aspect asa wholeexceptphallus. B: Lateral aspect of phallus. C: Internal aspeet of left valva. D: Caudal aspect of juxta. D "M'-itil- i..-.i.illi-" I[l,..1.:--l-)i}1'ii-ilY - B O.5mm Fig. 10. Plebeibls dobbensis leetotype [ln genitalia, A: Lateral aspect as a whole except phallus. BI Lateral aspect of phallus C: Internal aspect of left valva. D: Caudal aspect ofjuxta. "Original I designate as lectotype of g7ucilis a male labelled [pink]ILycaenesthes gracilis m.ICeram Jllo C. Ribbe 1884/Coll, C, Ribbe Gesch. : Leo Lewin 1913-N. 1 [blue]!abgebildet [green]/Staatl. Museum fUr Tierkunde DresdenfLectotype Plebeius gracilis ROber, 1886 Takanami, 1991 [pink]". NII-Electronic Library Service TheTheLepidopterologicalSociety Lepidopterological Society ofofJapan Japan Type Specimens of Nkecadubaand Prosolas 51 A Fig.ll, Plebeius g}ucitisaspeetlectotype d" genitalia, Lateral aspcct asD:a whule except phallus. B: Latera] of phallus. C VentralAiaspect of valvae. Caudal aspect of juxta, Acknowledgement I grately appreciate the k of Dr, Krauseof Staatliches Museum ftir Tierkunde in Dresden, for loan of typeindenssspeclmens.R. References Cassidy, A. C., [1991] 199e. On Alacaduba and allied genera {Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) from the Sulawesi region. TyoA Ga 41:227-241, Corbet, A,S,, 1938. A revision of the Malayan $pecies of the Nhcaduba greup of genera. 1i7uns. R. ent. Soc, Lvnd. 87: 125-146, 164, p],1. D'Abrera, B,, 1971, Butteztlies of the Austtzrlian Ragion. 415pp. Melbourne. ---, 1986, Buttenties of the Oriental Ragio" <3). Lycaenidae & Riodinidae. i-xv, 535-672. Melbourne. Druce, H, H., 1902. 0n some new and little-known butterflies of the family Lycaenidae from the African, Australian, and Oriental Regions. Pfvc. 2ool. Soc. Lond. 1902: 112-121, pls. 11-12. Fruhstorfer, H., 1916, Revision der Gattung IVIxcadi.tba auf Grund der Morphologie der Generationsorgane. ZboL Meded, 2: 103-140, pls. 4-5. Grose-Smith, H,, 1895, Descriptions of new species of butterfiies, captured by Mr, Doherty in the islands of the Eastern Archipelagu, and now in the Museum of the Hon. Walter Rothschild at Tring. Part II. iVbvit, zooL 2: 505-514, Nieuwenhuis, E.J., 1946. Lepidopteravan den Banggaai-archpel. Tijdschr. Ent. 87] 37-61, pl.2. R6ber, J., 1886. Neue Tagschmetterlinge der Indo-Australischen Fauna. Dt. ent. Z, In's 1 : 45-72, pls. 2-5. -- ---, [19401 1939. Die Tagfalter der Insel Celebes. Ibid. 53:89-117. Rothschild, L. W., 1915. 0n Lepidoptera from the islands of Ceram (Seram), Buru, Bali ancl Misol.

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