
An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner TUESDAY November 18, 1997 • • Volume 124 THE Number 21 . on-Profit Org . .S. Postage Paid Newark. DE 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Permit o. 26 FBI may have Capano's cooler Attorney says defense will plead not guilty at Thursdays hearing BY RYA;-.; COR\ liE R i'l the sinking of the coole r. sources Thomas R . Carper's former he was in love with Fahey and said . sc heduli ng secretary. dtdn't understand why she would Whi le Thomas Capano slls 111 When i t still wouldn't sink, Besides the testimony from date Michael Scanlan. an M BNA solitary confinement in hi'> 7-h} -I 0- sources said Tom Capano removed Capano's brothers. which states executive, who Capano accused of foot cell m Gander Hill Prison, the th e l id of t h e cooler. dumped Ge rard Capano was on th e boat being gay. state IS constructmg a case against Fahey's body on t he deck of his with T h omas Capan o when the • Jill Morrison. a friend of the prominent Wilmington anorncy. b r oth er' boat, w r a p ped i t i n a body was d isposed of. the 29-page Fahey, said Fahey was upset on On S u nday, F BI in vest igato rs chai n a nd co urt d oc ume nt lists nu merous Jan. 27, 1996 whi le s he was announced they arc testing a five­ anc h or a nd other pi eces o f information used to getting prepared for a social foot ice cooler w ht c h was fo und by threw i t arrest Capano. event. fishe rmen off the Jersey shore to overboard. A m o n g t he items of evidence Morrison said Fahey was upset venfy what they suspect to be true Cap a n o's stated i n t he probable cau~e because Capano had told her he - it is the same cooler Capano prelim i nary affidavit and possible items of could get a date and attend the used to help dispose of Ann~ Marie hearing, evidence in the case: event himself. He said he wou ld F ahey's body. scheduled • Fahey's hair styii'>l. Ltsa \\atch her and make the gala The four fishermen found the f o r D'Amico. said Fahey told her she mi;erable fro her - she \\as cooler. misstng its lid and handk. Thu r sday, tried to end her three-year affatr attending wnh Scanlan. around the same time Fahey wa \\ i ll give F AHEY w t th Capano while sitting 111 • Morrison also satd Fahey told reported mtssing in June 19Q6, Joseph Capano's car. her sometime in 1996 of an THE RE\' IE\\' I John Chabalko source said H u rlcy·s client an opportunity to D'Amico also said Fahey told altercal!on she had \\ith Capano. District Attorney Gregory Sleet speaks to the media last week Capano. the sources said. maintain his innocence. her Capano started screamm_g when According to Mornson, Fahey about the on-going case of Anne Marie Fahey 's disappearance. on)!tnall~ planned to usc the LOlJio.:r "You can bet C\ cry dollar 111 ~he told htm she \\anted to end the '>auJ Capano pi~k~J hct up in her to di'>pose or Fahey ·s hody. hut the your pod,ct and ever) hair on yolll relationship and he called Fahey a car. locked the doors. refused to let about her att~mpts to dtssoh c their made .1 t<'ILCJ entry i n to h e r cooler "l'uld not •.in" head thai he's going to plead not slut and a hitch and grabhcJ her h) Fahe~ out, hwuglll hct to his house rclatwnsh1p. '\lorn-.on >,atd. apattment Then Gcratd Capano. \\hose 25- guilty." Hurley said. the neck. \\ nhout her C\Hhent and parked the • AI Fr .nke. at1llther friend of He \\ cnt tnto a rage. yelling and foot hoatthe t\\O \\Creon. allcgediy But '' hilc Capano ts preparing to • Kim HLlrstman. a good fnend car in the garag~. fahey. -;~ud ,be told h11n ,i, to eight '>Lieamtng .1nd started tahing back shot the cooler contatning Fahey enter his plea. prosecutor<> arc hu'~ of Fahc) · s. said she had di nncr with He then lod,cd ihe garage doors \\ ccb hef <'rc her disappearance <HI \ ari,,us gtt h he· l1:.1d gtven her. wtth a shotgun. allo\\ing hlood to putting together a case 111 an Capano on two occa>ions and and refused to let her lea\C until June 27. 1996. th.ll Capano had run out of 1t wtth hopes it would aid attempt to prove he murdered Go\ Capano had told her on both times she li'>lcncd to ''hat he h<.td to sa) climhcJ up the ftre escape .1nd sec CAP A 0 page A I 0 Tracks gets safety' upgrade BY KARE:\ FAn H Df.:\IPSE\ \\ arning hclls and It )lim timed h~ th~ -\ndrc'w'. '' lw then pa\scd thc le tter to ta Rtf 11tn tratns· speed. The old 'ystcm \'<\S the STB To pre\ ent pcdcstn.ms from uo\sing regulated hy a tr~un ·' 1flqancc from th~ Cll) C nunl·il\\oman Nanq T urne r Ne,\ark railroad trachs. C<..X \\ill t:nY-.."'ilng . alsn ,ent a kttcr to the STB. Tumcr, who upgrade thrc'e designated cros,.,mgs h~ Annnage \atd trains travel thn,ugh II\ c' neat the tad !me. satd freight trains placing hamc·rs and n<'·lrcspasstng stgns NL'wart.. .H rates ot ;u 1< 40 m p. h cuncntl~ pass at the rate o f where' cros,in;; 1'- prohtbltcd. as well a-. BL~clu~c the cu rrcnt w arni n t! gate'\. .tpprn.,unatc·lv nne per hour. funding a puhhc: -;en tcc Lampatgn li~hh anJ hl'ils arc attt\,\lclb-y the The cnmmunity is concerned The plans. "hic:l1 ''ere prompted b~ train's dtstancc 1t could he n1<1re than 45 pede,lt ian aL tdcnts may in c rease , community c:oncem oYer inaca.,ed tram scc1'11ds hdore a slo\\ ly 1110\ tng train Annnctge s~ud. traffic. may .~uthortLe l ' nl\er-.itv ;:mJ ,\ctually real·he' the cro stng Long D1ning Ins ::-;year' at the umvcrsit), • ·cv.ark P"lic:L to arrest trc,jhl'>'cr. on walls he .tid. may Ill\ ik people tl' Arn,tt.lg< satd there has been about one t11c track\. satd CSX Regional Ytcc di,rcgard the warntngs r:ulrnad Jc.uh per year. the last occurring President ·tevc Themd. n~c new '>)''>tern \~·dlmitiatc \"mung> Sept. 2.~. l<l%. "\\'e hope to get 11 thme \\llhlll the .lt the national standard of 25 seconds l111 To climtnatc "the attractive a ltcmativc nLxt nine momh<. satd Rtck Annttage, all train'>. regardless l'f the r .speed. of walkmg aero" the tracks," T he ine! Jucctor or g<l\ crnment n:latHlllS for the Theine! '"ud. s~11J. shruhhcr~ or a fence wi ll be universit}. Hm\C\Cr. he satd. no sd date Armitage said Nc\\ ark rcstdcnts and tnstalkd on the Elkton Road side. The h<ls heen established. cay. -,tate and uni\er-.tty officials sent hamer wtll extend tram the W est Ma in Theme! said the upgrades will 11\cludc letters because they were conccmed the Street and Elhton Road intersection to changing the manual and electronic pro posed me rgcr bet ween C S X. the Rodney Underpass. warning sy,tcms. Southern ~md Conrail railroads would In addtuon. two no-trespassing signs The installatiOn of four gates at incrcasc train traffic through cwart.. hy wi II he posted at sites freque nted by crossings. rather than the cun·cnt two. i~ two Ill I 0 tram-, per day. u espassers bet ween North College intended to prevent pcdc\lnans and Dean of Students Timothy F Brooks A\cnuc and West !\ lain Street. he said. motorists from pa<,smg over tracks ''hen satd he \\as the first letter writer to The N'orth College A venue s ite, trains arc approachmg. receive a response from the Surface Theme! >atd. is o ne nf three street-level Currently. the gates only extend Transportation Board. \~hich regulate the crossing> to be upgraded - the other partially across the street on each side, railroads. two arc at West ,\!lai n Street and Elkton Annitage satd. The new gates will extend Brooks satd he wrote after reading Road. across the Sidewalk and block the Mrcet ahout the train increase in The For the final clement of the program , more cffecti\cly. Wilmington cw~ Joumal. He said his CSX \VIII fund a public ervicc campaign THE REVIEW I John Chaha lko The second part of the i mprovcmcnh. letter was scm to Delaware Department directed at students and the community Due to the recent CSX merger, the amount of rail traffic througl• Newark will increase by he explained. will in\ohe installing of Transportation Rail Specialist Doug about three trains a day, prompting company officials to upgrade the safety of local crossings. see TRAI page A4 Wilm. Trust Aetna burns the midnight oil pres. to speak While students sleep, the volunteer co1npanies are still on call BY ROBERT KALESSE The >lattnn' reccl\ c calls from the l) I I firehouse pre,idcnt. \ tl and read t he N ews Cr" .\t·w, Edum dt>patchcr 111 \\'tlmtngton and from there.
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