Coast Guard, DHS Pt. 7 master of the vessel involved before furnishing individual certificates of such vessel sails. In any case where the discharge. waiver order is not delivered to the (b) It is hereby found that the master, it shall be delivered to the waiving of the provisions of 46 U.S.C. owner, operator, or agent of the vessel 10311(c), is necessary in the interest of without delay. One copy of the waiver national defense. order shall be delivered to the Com- [CGFR 51–9, 16 FR 1830, Feb. 27, 1951, as mander, Military Sealift Command, or amended by CGFR 59–4a, 24 FR 3055, Apr. 21, his duly designated representative, who 1959. Redesignated by CGFR 69–123, 34 FR submitted the application. One copy of 19076, Dec. 2, 1969, as amended by CGD 95–028, the waiver order shall be transmitted 62 FR 51195, Sept. 30, 1997] to the Commandant (G-MOC) and the remaining copy kept on file. PART 7—BOUNDARY LINES (e) In any case of extreme urgency, the application for a waiver order may GENERAL be made orally and if the Coast Guard Sec. District Commander (or his designated 7.1 General purpose of boundary lines. representative, or the designated rep- 7.5 Rules for establishing boundary lines. resentative of the Commandant, or the Commandant, as the case may be), de- ATLANTIC COAST termines that the conditions in this 7.10 Eastport, ME to Cape Ann, MA. section have been met, the waiver 7.15 Massachusetts Bay, MA. order shall be made effective without 7.20 Nantucket Sound, Vineyard Sound, further delay, subject to the condition Buzzards Bay, Narragansett Bay, MA, that the application be reduced to writ- Block Island Sound and easterly en- trance to Long Island Sound, NY. ing and delivered within such period 7.25 Montauk Point, NY to Atlantic Beach, after the date of the oral request as the NY. Coast Guard officer making the waiver 7.30 New York Harbor, NY. effective shall specify in the con- 7.35 Sandy Hook, NJ to Cape May, NJ. firming written waiver order. 7.40 Delaware Bay and tributaries. (f) No penalty shall be imposed be- 7.45 Cape Henlopen, DE to Cape Charles, VA. cause of failure to comply with any 7.50 Chesapeake Bay and tributaries. provision of law and/or regulation, the 7.55 Cape Henry, VA to Cape Fear, NC. waiver of which has been made effec- 7.60 Cape Fear, NC to Sullivans Island, SC. tive pursuant to the requirements of 7.65 Charleston Harbor, SC. this section. 7.70 Folly Island, SC to Hilton Head Island, (g) This waiver order shall remain in SC. effect until terminated by proper au- 7.75 Savannah River/Tybee Roads. 7.80 Tybee Island, GA to St. Simons Island, thority and notice of cancellation is GA. published in the FEDERAL REGISTER. 7.85 St. Simons Island, GA to Little Talbot Island, FL. [CGFR 64–86, 30 FR 89, Jan. 6, 1965] 7.90 St. Johns River, FL. EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- 7.95 St. Johns Point, FL to Miami Beach, tations affecting § 6.06, see the List of CFR FL. Sections Affected, which appears in the 7.100 Florida Reefs and Keys from Miami, Finding Aids section of the printed volume FL to Marquesas Keys, FL. and at www.govinfo.gov. GULF COAST § 6.07 Chronological record of sea- 7.105 Marquesas Keys, FL to Rio Grande, man’s previous employment. TX. (a) Compliance is hereby waived with HAWAII regard to the provisions of 46 U.S.C. 10311(c), to the extent necessary to per- 7.110 Mamala Bay, HI. mit the Commandant of the United PACIFIC COAST States Coast Guard to issue a chrono- 7.115 Santa Catalina Island, CA. logical record of a seaman’s previous 7.120 Mexican/United States border to Point employment on a single document, in Fermin, CA. lieu of making individual entry in a du- 7.125 Point Vincente, CA to Point Concep- plicate continuous discharge book or tion, CA. 77 VerDate Sep<11>2014 11:07 Dec 10, 2020 Jkt 250205 PO 00000 Frm 00087 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\46\46V1.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB § 7.1 46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–20 Edition) 7.130 Point Conception, CA to Point Sur, 33 U.S.C. 1201 et seq., the line is 12 nau- CA. tical miles seaward of the baseline 7.135 Point Sur, CA to Cape Blanco, OR. from which the territorial sea is meas- 7.140 Cape Blanco, OR to Cape Flattery, WA. ured. 7.145 Strait of Juan de Fuca, Haro Strait (b) Barges of 100 gross tons and over and Strait of Georgia, WA. operating on the sheltered waters of British Columbia as defined in the ALASKA United States-Canada treaty of 1933 (49 7.150 Canadian (BC) and United States (AK) Stat. 2685, TS 869) are not required to Borders to Cape Spencer, AK. be inspected as seagoing barges under 7.155 Cape Spencer, AK to Cape St. Elias, 46 U.S.C. 3301. AK. 7.160 Point Whitshed, AK to Aialik Cape, (c) Except as otherwise described in AK. this part, Boundary Lines are lines 7.165 Kenai Peninsula, AK to Kodiak Island, drawn following the general trend of AK. the seaward, highwater shorelines and 7.170 Alaska Peninsula, AK to Aleutian Is- lines continuing the general trend of lands, AK. 7.175 Alaska Peninsula, AK to Nunivak, AK. the seaward, highwater shorelines 7.180 Kotzebue Sound, AK. across entrances to small bays, inlets and rivers. AUTHORITY: 14 U.S.C. 503; 33 U.S.C. 151; De- partment of Homeland Security Delegation [CGD 81–058, 50 FR 25230, June 18, 1985, as No. 0170.1. amended by USCG–2001–9044, 68 FR 42602, July 18, 2003] SOURCE: CGD 81–058, 50 FR 25230, June 18, 1985, unless otherwise noted. ATLANTIC COAST GENERAL § 7.10 Eastport, ME to Cape Ann, MA. § 7.1 General purpose of boundary (a) A line drawn from the eastern- lines. most extremity of Kendall Head to The lines in this part delineate the latitude 44°54′45″ N. longitude 66°58′30″ application of the following U.S. stat- W.; thence to the range marker located utes: 33 U.S.C. 152 relating to the in approximate position latitude length of towing hawsers; 33 U.S.C. 1201 44°51′45″ N. longitude 66°59″ W. et seq., the Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Ra- (b) A line drawn from West Quoddy diotelephone Act; 46 U.S.C. 5102(b)(6), Head Light to latitude 44°48.5′ N. lon- which exempt from load line require- gitude 66°56.4′ W. (Sail Rock Lighted ments certain vessels on domestic voy- Whistle Buoy ‘‘1’’); thence to latitude ages; 46 U.S.C. 3301(6) requiring the in- 44°37.5′ N. longitude 67°09.8′ W. (Little spection of seagoing barges which are River Lighted Whistle Buoy ‘‘2LR’’); defined in 46 U.S.C. 2101(32); 46 U.S.C. thence to latitude 44°14.5′ N. longitude 3301(7) requiring the inspection of sea- 67°57.2′ W. (Frenchman Bay Approach going motor vessels which are defined Lighted Whistle Buoy ‘‘FB’’); thence to in 46 U.S.C. 2101(33); 46 U.S.C. 3302(d) Mount Desert Light; thence to which exempts from inspection re- quirements certain vessels under 150 Matinicus Rock Light; thence to gross tons that operate within the wa- Monhegan Island Light; thence to lati- ° ′ ° ′ ters of southeastern Alaska and the tude 43 31.6 N. longitude 70 05.5 W. State of Washington; and 46 U.S.C. 8304, (Portland Lighted Horn Buoy ‘‘P’’); ‘‘Implementing the Officers’ Com- thence to Boon Island Light; thence to ° ′ ° ′ petency Certificates Convention, 1936.’’ latitude 42 37.9 N. longitude 70 31.2 W. (Cape Ann Lighted Whistle Buoy ‘‘2’’). [CGD 81–058, 50 FR 25230, June 18, 1985, as amended by CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51195, Sept. 30, § 7.15 Massachusetts Bay, MA. 1997; USCG–1998–4442, 63 FR 52188, Sept. 30, 1998] A line drawn from latitude 42°37.9′ N. longitude 70°31.2′ W. (Cape Ann Lighted § 7.5 Rules for establishing boundary Whistle Buoy ‘‘2’’) to latitude 42°22.7′ N. lines. longitude 70°47.0′ W. (Boston Lighted (a) For application of the Vessel Horn Buoy ‘‘B’’); thence to Race Point Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act, Light. 78 VerDate Sep<11>2014 11:07 Dec 10, 2020 Jkt 250205 PO 00000 Frm 00088 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\46\46V1.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Coast Guard, DHS § 7.45 § 7.20 Nantucket Sound, Vineyard Barnegat Inlet South Breakwater to Sound, Buzzards Bay, Narragansett shore. Bay, MA, Block Island Sound and (d) A line drawn from the seaward easterly entrance to Long Island tangent of Long Beach Island to the Sound, NY. seaward tangent of Pullen Island (a) A line drawn from Chatham Light across Beach Haven and Little Egg In- to latitude 41°36.1′ N. longitude 69°51.1′ lets. W. (Pollack Rip Entrance Lighted Horn (e) A line drawn from the seaward Buoy ‘‘PR’’); thence to latitude 41°26.0′ tangent of Pullen Island to the seaward N. longitude 69°46.2′ W. (Great Round tangent of Brigantine Island across Shoal Channel Lighted Buoy ‘‘2’’); Brigantine Inlet. thence to Sankaty Head Light. (f) A line drawn from the seaward ex- (b) A line drawn from the western- tremity of Absecon Inlet North Jetty most extremity of Nantucket Island to to Atlantic City Light.
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