Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology, 23 (1): 103–112. June 15, 2017. A Revision of the Genus Lycoperdina (Coleoptera: Endomychidae) from Japan Koichi SOGOH and Hiroyuki YOSHITOMI Entomological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University, Tarumi 3-5-7, Matsuyama, 790-8566 Japan Abstract The Japanese species of the genus Lycoperdina is revised. Three previously known species are redescribed: Lycoperdina castaneipennis Gorham, 1874, Lycoperdina dux Gorham, 1873 and Lycoperdina mandarinea Gerstaecker, 1858, and one new spe- cies is described: Lycoperdina hiranoi sp. nov. from Honshu and Hokkaido. The distributional pattern of Japanese species is briefly discussed. Introduction Systematics The genus Lycoperdina Latreille, 1807 belongs to the Genus Lycoperdina Latreille, 1807 subfamily Lycoperdininae Redtenbacher, 1844 (Tomaszewska, 2005), and contains 28 species: 18 from the Palearctic, 9 from Lycoperdina Latreille, 1807: 73 (Type species: Galleruca the Ethiopian, and 1 from the Nearctic Regions (Shockley et bovistae Fabricius, 1792); Tomaszewska, 2005: 47. Golgia Mulsant, 1846: 20 (Type species: Silpha succincta al., 2009). Linnaeus, 1767). From Japan, three species have been recorded. First report Lycoperdinodes Arrow, 1923: 485 [replacement name for of the genus from Japan was Gorham (1873), he described Lycoperdinella Arrow, 1920]. Lycoperdina dux from Hyogo, and recorded L. mandarinea Lycoperdinella Arrow, 1920: 23 [homonym Lycoperdinella from Nagasaki. Subsequently Gorham (1874) described L. Champion, 1913] (Type species: Lycoperdinella morosa castaneipennis from Hyogo. In addition Gorham (1887) and Arrow, 1920). Hirano (2011) recognized the presence of an undescribed Falsoylaia Pic, 1945: 10 (Type species: Falsoylaia species from Hokkaido and Honshu. obscuresuturalis Pic, 1945). In this paper, we review the Japanese species of the genus Lycoperdina. Diagnosis (modified Tomaszewska, 2005). Body (Fig. 1) This paper is based on the Sogoh’s undergraduate elongate to ovate, convex dorsally, glossy. Coloration of body dissertation for Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University light to dark reddish-brown, having vague black marking on (February 2017). middle of pronotum and elytra in some species; legs black to reddish brown. Antennae (Fig. 3) shorter than a half of body Materials and Methods length; antennal club 2-segmented, loose. Pronotum (Fig. 4A–D) with stridulatory membrane in anterior margin; basal Materials. The specimens used in this paper were preserved sulcus distinct; lateral sulci deep and subparallel; anterior in Ehime University Museum, Matsuyama (EUMJ); Kyushu angles acute or narrowly rounded; posterior angles right University Museum, Fukuoka (KUMJ); Tochigi Prefectual angle or acute. Mesoventrite (Fig. 4E–H) with intercoxal Museum, Utsunomiya (TPMJ) and private collection of Mr. Y. process short, narrowly separated mesocoxae. Elytra elongate, Hirano (HI). convex, widest at basal 1/3 or 1/2, gently tapering apically, Methods. Dissected parts are cleared in 10% solution blunt at apex, densely and irregularly covered with fine of KOH, and placed in glycerine on slides. Measurements, punctures. Femur (Fig. 2A, C, E, G) widest at 1/3 from edge. general observations, and dissections were made under a Abdomen (Fig. 6A–H) with five freely articulated ventrites; microscope (Leica MZ95). Photographs were taken under a anterior margin of intercoxal process straight; ventrite 1 as Leica MZ95 using a microscopy camera system (Nikon DS- long as ventrites 2–4 combined; ventrites 2–4 subequal in Fi1-L2), and combined with automontage software Combine length. Male genital segment (= tergite and sternite 9; Fig. ZM (Alan Hadley, UK). The figures were prepared using 6I–L) with paired apophyses fused near base or mid length. Adobe Photoshop CS. After examination, dissected parts and Aedeagus (Fig. 5) moderately long, strongly sclerotized genitalia were placed in genitalia tube with glycerine. and stout; median lobe with short thumb-like apical branch; Technical terms refer to Tomaszewska (2005). tegmen placed at base of median lobe, ring-like shaped, fused Morphological abbreviations used in this study are as parameres. follows: AI: aedeagal index (length/basal width); EL: elytral length from anterior margin to elytral apex; EW: maximum elytral width; IOI: interocular index (interocular distance/ Key to the species of Lycoperdina from Japan compound eye width); PML: pronotum length in median line; 1. Elytra (Fig. 1C, F) with large black marking at center; legs PSL: pronotum length in lateral from right anterior angle to fully reddish brown. …......................……...L. mandarinea posterior margin; PW: maximum width of pronotum; TL: total -. Elytra (Fig. 1A, B, D, E, G, H) uniformly reddish-brown or length (PML + EL). The average is given in parenthesis after infuscate at center; legs black or partially red….......…..2 the range. 2. Elytra oval, strongly convex, widest at middle (Fig. 1A, Ⓒ Japanese Society of Systematic Entomology 104 Sogoh, K. and H. Yoshitomi Fig. 1. Habitus of Lycoperdina spp. from Japan. —Male (A, B, C, G, I) and female (D, E, F, H) and ventral habitus in male (I). — A, D, Lycoperdina castaneipennis Gorham, 1874; B, E, L. dux Gorham, 1873; C, F, L. mandarinea Gerstaecker, 1858; G–I, L. hiranoi sp. nov. (G, I, holotype; H, paratype). Scale bars = 3.0 mm. D); EL/EW 1.29–1.42 (1.34). Distributed in Honshu to margin subparallel-sided; male fore tibia (Fig. 2D) Kyushu…................................................L. castaneipennis slightly projecting in inner margin; ventrite 5 rounded -. Elytra oblong, rather flattened, widest at basal 1/3 (Fig. 1B, at apex in male, triangle and slightly pointed at apex in E, G, H); EL/EW 1.38–1.56 (1.46)…….............................3 female. Median lobe (Fig. 5D) slightly curved ventrally, 3. Pronotum (Fig. 4B) transverse, widest at base; lateral convex in ventral 1/3; apex expanded and emarginated at June 15, 2017, JJSE 23 (1) Revision of the genus Lycoperdina from Japan 105 Fig. 2. Male fore legs of Lycoperdina spp. — Femur, trochanter and coxa (A, C, E, G) and tibia (B, D, F, H). — A, B, Lycoperdina castaneipennis Gorham, 1874; C, D, L. dux Gorham, 1873; E, F, L. mandarinea Gerstaecker, 1858; G, H, L. hiranoi sp. nov. Scale bar = 1.0 mm. Fig. 3. Male left antennae of Lycoperdina spp. —A, Lycoperdina castaneipennis Gorham, 1874; B, L. dux Gorham, 1873; C, L. mandarinea Gerstaecker, 1858; D, L. hiranoi sp. nov. Scale bar = 1.0 mm. middle; apical branch moderately long, curved ventrally. Lycoperdina castaneipennis Gorham, 1874, 151. Gorham, TL 4.75–6.48 (5.72) mm. Distributed in Hokkaido to 1887, 642 [note]; Strohecker, 1953, 72 [listed]; Kyushu…….........................................................…L. dux Tomaszewska, 2007, 564 [catalogued]; Shockley et al., -. Pronotum (Fig. 4D) weakly transverse, widest at apical 2009, 54 [listed]; Hirano, 2011, 19 [noted]; Jung, 2014, 1/3; lateral margins slightly tapered in basal 1/3; male fore 39 [note]. tibia (Fig. 2H) with distinct tooth-like projection in inner Lycoperdina (Golgia) castaneipennis: Csiki, 1910, 35, margin; ventrite 5 moderately flattened at apex in male, [catalogued]; Ohta, 1931, 225 [note]; Strohecker, 1970, 245 [lectotype designation, male genitalia]; Sasaji, 1985, triangle and slightly pointed at apex in female. Median 241 [note, photo]. lobe (Fig. 5J) straight; apex uneven, expanded and slanted; apical branch very short, strongly curved ventrally. Specimens examined. [HONSHU] <Tochigi Pref.> 2♂1♀ TL 4.35–5.69 (5.16) mm. Distributed in Hokkaido and (EUMJ), Yumoto, Nasu-onsen (alt. 850 m), 16. x. 1967, S. Honshu……..............................................……...L. hiranoi Hisamatsu leg.; 6♂6♀ (EUMJ), Nasu (alt. 850 m), 7. x. 1948, S. Hisamatsu leg.; 2♂4♀ (TPMJ), Kuriyama-mura, Tashiro- Lycoperdina castaneipennis Gorham, 1874 rindô (alt. 1,000 m), 4. x. 1981, T. Miyamoto leg.; 2♂1♀ (Figs. 1A, D, 2A, B, 3A, 4A, E, 5A–C, 6A, B, I, 7B, E, F) (TPMJ), Himuro-yama, Kuzuu-machi (alt. 1,100 m), 1. iii. [Japanese name: Kuribane-tsuya-tentoudamashi] 1986, K. Kusano leg.; 1♂ (TPMJ), Kuroiso-shi (alt. 330 m), 25. x. 1983, M. Takaoka leg. <Yamanashi Pref.> 1♀ (KUMJ), June 15, 2017, JJSE 23 (1) 106 Sogoh, K. and H. Yoshitomi Fig. 4. Pronota (A–D) and meso- and metasterna (E–H) of Lycoperdina spp. — A, E, Lycoperdina castaneipennis Gorham, 1874; B, F, L . dux Gorham, 1873; C, G, L. mandarinea Gerstaecker, 1858; D, H, L. hiranoi sp. nov. Scale bar = 1.0 mm. Kuromori, Sudama (alt. 1,175 m), 23. vii. 1987, R. Inagawa A. Amagasu leg. <Hyogo Pref.> 1♀ (EUMJ), Maya-san (alt. leg. 1♀ (KUMJ), near Matsutomi, Sudama (alt. 1,030 m), 700 m), 20. x. 1974, S. Kinoshita leg.; 2♂5♀ (EUMJ), Awaji- 21–23. vii. 1987, R. Inagawa leg.; 1♀ (KUMJ), Mikuni- shima, Yuzuruha-san (alt. 600 m), 5. x. 1972, M. Sakai leg. yama (alt. 1,300 m), 15. ix. 1968, Y. Hirano leg. <Kanagawa <Okayama Pref.> 1♀ (EUMJ), Gagyusan, Takahashi-shi (alt. Pref.> 1♂ (EUMJ), Mikuni-tôge, Yamakita-chô (alt. 1,100 450 m), 14. x. 1978, S. Hisamatsu leg. [SHIKOKU] <Ehime m), 2. vi. 1993, Y. Notsu leg. 1♂ (KUMJ), Ohborasawa, Pref.> 3♂5♀ (EUMJ), Shiratsue-san, Matsuyama-shi (alt. Tanzawa (500 m), 3. xi. 1981, Y. Hirano leg. <Nagano Pref.> 1,150 m), 23. x. 1970, S. Hisamatsu leg.; 8♂15♀ (EUMJ), 1♂ (EUMJ), Komanoyu, Kisofukushima (alt. 1,100 m), 18. ditto, 20. x. 1968, M. Sakai leg.; 2♂1♀ (EUMJ), ditto, 9. xi. x. 1966, S. Hisamatsu leg. <Shizuoka Pref.> 1♀ (EUMJ), 1975, A. Oda leg.; 1♀ (EUMJ), ditto, 23. x. 1970, M. Sakai Kadoketa-yama, Misakubo-chô (alt. 1,350 m), 23. xi. 1994, H. leg.; 8♂16♀ (EUMJ), Mado-tôge (alt. 600 m), 27. xi. 1968, Yoshitomi leg. <Aichi Pref.> 2♂8♀ (EUMJ), Mennoki-tôge, M. Takagi & M. Sakai leg.; 8♂14♀ (EUMJ), Narabara-san Inabu-chô (alt. 1,100 m), 17. iv. 1994, H. Yoshitomi leg. <Mie (alt. 1,050 m), 3. xi. 1968, M. Takagi leg.; 1♀ (EUMJ), ditto, Pref.> 5♂7♀ (EUMJ), Kamihinachi, Nabari-shi (alt. 400 m), 22. x. 1978, M. Kotani leg.; 7♂5♀ (EUMJ), ditto, 3. xi. 1968, 9. x. 1996, K.
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