■air'yp * •»' -T-'-t-jr-Z-Qt-r i^- »^’K> *«> 4* '-' ^ 4’ s*1** - -*v ~. *W ■ *• - -'^ **'■■** a ® ss, r-V -A,% s e • is y -HR1'B ais® E*.*! DBVOTS3D TO TUB) IN TER E STS OB’ O H ATSW O RTH A. 1ST ID VIC IW ITT; VOLUME XXXII. OHATSWORTH, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, JUNE 9. 1905. »*! Mr*. Nicholas Froebe Dead. Fifteen Years Age Yesterday 7 The many friends in this communi­ A friend of the P l a i n d e a l e u ty will be grieved to learn of the death reminds us that yesterday, June 8, of Mrs. Nicholas Froebe, which oc­ was the fifteenth anniversary curred at Napa, Gal., on Friday, June of the disastrous fire which de­ 2, after years of illness and suffering. stroyed every business house in Caroline Amelia Goembel was born the center business block in Chats­ at Darmstadt, llessia Castle, Ger­ worth, with the exception of the W al­ m any, M a rc h 30, 1885. She came to ter building on the east end and the SPECIAL— America at the age of 17 years and lo­ P l a i n d e a l b r building on the east cated in Woodford county, near half of the lot at the west end of the Peoria, Illinois. The following year block. The fire occurred at an early she was united in marriage with hour in the morning. Nicholas Froebe, and over thirty The following day, Sunday, the years of their married life was spent dedication of the new SS. Peter and in Chatsworth and Gcrmanville town­ Paul’s church took place, and the $ 1 .0 0 a Pair. ships. Eight years ago they removed town w as thronged w ith people, at­ to California in the hope that the tracted by the new s of the fire and the We will place on sale Saturday morning, June 10, at eight o’clock* a climate would be beneficial to Mrs. ceremonies at the church. After the Froebe’s health, but for the past six dedication of the church, Bishop very special SPECIAL in the shape of SIXTY-ONE PAIRS OF LADIES’ years she had been in an almost help­ Spalding confirmed and administered less condition from nervous prostra­ first communion to a class of about AND CHILDREN’S FINE V1CI KID AND PATENT-LEATHER tion and paralysis. seventy, who were taken Into full She was the mother of aeven chil­ membership of the church. v dren, two sons and one daughter h a v­ ing passed before. Four survive, N r M s! namely: Caroline Hendricks. Eliza­ 160-acre farm, 21 m iles east of Ch a ts­ beth Hummel and Charles J., of worth: price, 1135.00 per acre. Shoes, O xfords Chatsworth. and Emma S., of Napa, 120-acre farm, H miles east of Chats­ Cal. The bereaved husband and one worth; price, $125.00 per acre. brother, W. P. Goembel, of Strawn, 240-acre farm, 4 miles south of Chats­ also survive. Mr. Froebe, her daugh­ worth; price, $125.00 per acre. ter, Miss Emma, and her granddaugh­ 100-acre farm, 6 miles east of Cul- ter, Miss Ida Hummel,, were witli her lom: price, $115 00 per acre. A nd Sandals, when death came. On any of above farms a commission The funeral services were held at of $1.00 per acre will be paid if sold Napa on Saturday and the interment through an agency. took place at the cemetery near that Brick business block, on lot 0, of which we have sizes as follows: Children’s—5 pairs No. 8 1-2, 1 pair city. Chatsworth; price, $18,000.00. Mrs. Froebe was well known and One-story brick business building No. 9, 5 pairs No. 9 1-2, 4 pairs No. 11, 2 pairs No. 12 1-2, 1 pair No. 13, most highly esteemed by a largo circle on lot 10, Chatsworth; price, $5,000.00. 2 pairs No. 13 1-2, 1 pair No. 1 1-2. Ladies’—2 pairs No. 3, 4 pairs No. of friends In this community,who unite Family residence, in Chatsworth; w ith the P l a in -d e a l e r in extending price. $8,000.00 3 1-2, 2 pairs No. 4, 7 pairs No. 4 1-2, 5 pairs No. 5, 4 pairs No. 5 1-2, 6 sympathy to the bereaved husband, On any of above town properties a children and oilier relatives. commission of in'1 per cent, will be pairs No. 6, 7 pairs No. 6 1-2, 2 pairs No. 7. This 61 pairs of Shoes rep- paid if sold through an agency. Real Estate Deals. J a b . A . S m it h . • resents the broken lines and “Shoe Remnants” caused by the heavy Blakely & Weinand have closed a deal w ith Elm er Pearson whereby lie Saccaulanreate Services. spring selling in our Shoe Department, and this special price is a deep purchases the John Baack property on On Sunday evening next, June 11, cut to make a Quick clearance, If your size is here, you get $1.50. $2.00 Maple and Third streets for *800. pro­ Rev. J. J. Quinn will deliver the bac- m vided the title can be perfected. c&ulaureate address to the class of and $2.50 Shoes, Sandals and Oxfords, Saturday, for $1.00 A F2LIH.. Mrs. Mayme Bell Phillips, of Chica­ 1905 of the Chatsworth high school at go. has purchased the Locknercottage The Grand, The following is the immediately west of SS. Peter and program: Paul’s church, for a consideration of March. < Hymn—‘‘America.'’ •1,300. Scripture Lesson and Prayer—Rev. W. II. BUSHWAY CO. Morgan Ryan bought of James Sny­ Heinmiller. der the cottage property at the south­ Solo—Mrs. F. J. Rocke. CELEBRATE JULY 4TH IN CHATSWORTH. east corner of Cherry and Fifth Sermon—Rev. J. J. Quinn. Quartette — Mesdames Rocke and Carson, streets. Purchase price, $1,500.00. Messrs. Curtis and Stanford. Ben-diction—Res 'V, V Kettelke'oj' Craiag Nuptials. - v The marriage of Miss Carrie II. Supervisors Meet MeoiUy. Bushway, sister of F. M. Bushway, of The Livingston county board of this city, and formerly a teacher in supervisors will meet at Pontiac on NINETEENTH ANNUAL BANQUET7 PROGRAMME the Chatsworth schools, and Mr. Monday next for the regular June Chatsworth High School Alumni’s Annual St. Patrick's Academy Commencement, George M. Scheel, will take place at session. There is considerablc'specu- Event Next Wednesday Evening. Tomorrow Afternoon, at The Grand. St. Louis on Tuesday, June 20. For a iation as to whom the board will elect Invitations have been issued for the Polonaise MHilaire—Op. 4 0 ......... iChopin) number of years the prospective bride as chairman, as the chairman of the nineteenth annual banquet and recep­ i,- j Misses M. llttrlx-ke, IL Dorati. lias made her home at Algoa, Texas. board is also a member of the county 1 lano'‘ /A. Haberkorn, L. Kratr. tion of tlie Chatsworih High School Chorus—“Merry June” ...................... Vocal ( ’lass She has hosts of friends inChatsworth board of review. t T h e P l a I n d e a l e r A lu m n i Association, to be held at T he i’iatio..................................... Mi"»s ,\. Hnlierkorn G o o d F o o d and vicinity who congratulate Mr. feels that the board can not make a Grand on Wednesday evening. June Violin- Ma-ter J. Mouritzen. Mi-sS. Mfi-ter Scheel and Whose best wishes attend better selection than to re-elect A. II. Essay- “Silent Forces” ........... Miss M. Lawless 14, at eight o'clock. Tickets for the her. Mr. Scheel and liis bride expect Haag, of Cullom, to the position, and Echoes From China* Laud. event are on sale with Miss Wrilla Motion Song—“Little John Chinaman" to make their home in St. Louis. it is more than likely that he will be Walker, at A. F. W alter's store, at 75 ......................................... ........ Minim Hoys re-elected. cents each. The following is the Chinese Dance anil Song.............. Minim Girls Charlie Selliag Monuments. «yi »sy Fantasy. .Senior ami Preparatory Girls W o rk O n . p r o g r a m : Charles E. Haase, of Fontiac, for 6et Your Hunters’ Liccnsss. <a)—Tambourine Dance. j r * Piano Duet—"In Blooming Meadow.......(King* (hi—Gypsy Chorus—“Bohemian Girl.” years a resident of this community, The new game law necessitates that Misses Clara and Mary Harbecke. (c) — Dramatic Attitudes in Counterpart. There is nothing so helpful and who has been traveling for a firm every person who wishes to hunt game Vocal Solo—“Sleepy Time Song".........(W eidig) (d) —Chorus—“In Camp.” of any kind in the state of Illinois Miss Zoe Trott. U*)—Scarf Fantastic**. pf horse dealers at Lafayette, Ind., R oll-call.......................Response with Quotations states that he has accepted a position must be provided with a state license, Piano........... Misses J. Ellingwood. J. Cooney in getting work done1 as good Violin Duet—“Valse Bleue".....................(Margis) Mother Goose Renaissance—Song ami Dance of which can be secured from the county Res. W. Heinmiller and Mr. A. F. Walter. t 4 with the well-known monument firm the Rose. of John Merkle & Sons, of Peoria, as clerk or from the village clerk. Vil­ President's Address......................................... Piano..v...............................................Miss I. Ryan food for the worker. Miss Marie Stevens, 86. traveling salesman. His territory Is lage Clerk John Taggert states that Misses H. Martin, E.
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