STRANGE BREW Thursday November 21 8:00 pm and 10:30 pm ROBIN HOOD Friday and Saturday November 22 & 23 7:30 pm and 10:30 pm Shown In Cushing Auditorium-$2 'II MATERIAL ISSUE In Concert at Theodores December 10 at 8:30 pm Tix $5 for ND/SMC students On sale Dec. 3 IntervieV¥With Lafortune Information Desk , ·f . "':. Special Guest: GUTTERB OY i " ~~ ~ ., . , STUDENT UNION BOARD * <~: .. ' .. - ,:. ~ . 1867 - 1992 A century ahead of the competition. NOTRE DAME1S STUDENT MAGAZINE Parents - Alumni - Fans ENTERTAINMENT 5 Swans Subscribe to 6 Cape Fear NEWS 7 Selling the Shirts cholastic Off of Their Backs· Notre Dame's Weekly Student Magazine CAMPUS LIFE 10 A Man of the People Follow the Fighting Irish and keep up with calnpus events as' SPORTS Scholastic celebrates our 125th anniversary! 14 A frust~ating Ending 16 National Champions : 1953 Your subscription includes our annual football review issue, published in February 1992. ~--------------------------------------- DEPARTMENTS Please send __ years of Scholastic to: 2 Editor's Notes Name: ___-,-- ___________ 3 Editorial 4. CampusWatch Address: ______________ 12 Coming Distractions· City: ______ State: __ ZIP code: ___ 18 On Other Campuses Enclosed is a check payable to Scholastic Magazine for $2S.nn x __ years = $ __ 19 Behavior Modification Please send this form with payment to: Business Manager 20 Week In Distortion Scholastic Magazine 22 Glancing Back 303 LaFortune Student Center Notre Dame, IN 46556 . 24 Final Word NOVEMBER 21, 1991 ;1 - ,:. ~ . 1867 - 1992 A century ahead of the competition. NOTRE DAME1S STUDENT MAGAZINE Parents - Alumni - Fans ENTERTAINMENT 5 Swans Subscribe to 6 Cape Fear NEWS 7 Selling the Shirts cholastic Off of Their Backs· Notre Dame's Weekly Student Magazine CAMPUS LIFE 10 A Man of the People Follow the Fighting Irish and keep up with calnpus events as' SPORTS Scholastic celebrates our 125th anniversary! 14 A frust~ating Ending 16 National Champions : 1953 Your subscription includes our annual football review issue, published in February 1992. ~--------------------------------------- DEPARTMENTS Please send __ years of Scholastic to: 2 Editor's Notes Name: ___-,-- ___________ 3 Editorial 4. CampusWatch Address: ______________ 12 Coming Distractions· City: ______ State: __ ZIP code: ___ 18 On Other Campuses Enclosed is a check payable to Scholastic Magazine for $2S.nn x __ years = $ __ 19 Behavior Modification Please send this form with payment to: Business Manager 20 Week In Distortion Scholastic Magazine 22 Glancing Back 303 LaFortune Student Center Notre Dame, IN 46556 . 24 Final Word NOVEMBER 21, 1991 ;1 NOTE EDITORIAL Staff Writers Recognized Can't Find the Comics? This week a few more names have been Don't panic, the cartoons are still with us. added to the masthead at left; they're Brian Muller's resignation has left us with Scholastic's senior staff writers. These re­ two weekly panels by Scott Liebertz and porters and reviewers were selected by Steve Duenes, which this week have been section editors for their writing skills and displaced to the bottom half of page 21. The Honor Code dedication. While they don't get paid, being Brian's departure also means we've got selected as a senior staff writer is our way of space to fIll with another student cartoonist showing that their contributions to the If you're interested, why not apply? Even if magazine don't go unnoticed. More names you've applied before, I'd encourage you to Deserves may be added to the list as the year try again. To apply, please drop off three progresses and more writers reach that "all­ sample cartoons (panels or strips with an ND star" status. angle, please) at the offIce on the third floor All-star or fIrst-timer, Scholastic is always ofLaFortune. By the end of the semester, we looking for more writers, and we're also hope to have one or two new cartoons to run Respect interested in expanding our advertising sales alongside Scott and Steve's work. staff. If you're interested in joining, please give us a call at 239-7569. We're Weekly,But ... Due to Thanksgiving break, next week there t all looked so easy in the movie: a pencil tap, a speech till you're blue in the face, but the "cheat sheets" In This Issue will be no issue of Scholastic. You'll miss I shout of "honor," and cheating would come and surreptitious glances won't be stopping anytime This week's cover story by Mollie Mudd us, butdon't worry-Notre Dame's student screeching to a halt Right And at about the same soon. takes a look at a common (and often illegal) magazine will return on Dec. 5. Happy time, the fIery netherworld of the damned would also Cheating, however distasteful, is a part of life. No form of campus commerce - t-shirt sales. Turkey Day! experience a distinct cold snap. one lives above reproach: Ever lie on your taxes? Ever (Note to student affairs: The guy on the Real life isn't like the honor code instructional drive above the posted speed limit? Ever get too much cover is just a model.) Ian Mitchell video. The code looks great on the screen, but a little change back at the store and not return it? Ever Over in Campus Life, writer Nicole Pelle Editor in Chief less attractive in the classroom. jaywalk? Ever fail to use your turn signal when inteviews Fr. Richard McBrien, an outspo­ Students usually complain about the provision changing lanes on an interstate highway? You've ken professor in ND's theo department In which requires nontolerance of dishonesty (we used broken the law. Sports, Jessica Ziembroski takes a look ,at a to call it "snitching" in grade school): "If a student Asking students to report dishonesty doesn't seem sport that's 'off the beaten track (sorry)­ tolerates dishonesty, he or she is in violation of the like such a bad idea. People who say it smacks of Nazi Cross Country running. Code of Honor. If aware of a likely Code of Honor Germany are overreacting by amile; it's basically the In Entertainment, Scholastic's "editor-in­ violation, a student must take responsible action." same principle as dialing 288-STOP on a smaller scale. exile," Dave Holsinger, sends in a music English translation: "narc" on the cheaters. Some The problem with the honor code is that it doesn't ask .review from Austria, while Noah Cooper students say this spying smacks of Orwellianism. students to turn offender in, it requires them to. Asking reviews Cape Fear. And last but certainly The complaint has some merit, but it's not grounds for is one thing, ordering is another. You can't curb rule­ not least, check out our weekly columns: scrapping the code entirely. breaking by ordering students to snitch on offenders. Week In Distortion, CampusWatch, On The honor code has always been a pet project of Fr. Notre Dame is a Catholic university and it should Other Campuses, Glancing Back and the Hesburgh, and was passed as a big going-away teach ethics and morality. But most freshmen come to Final Word. present when he stepped down from the university'S school with value systems already in place, and it'll presidency. There has been an honor code in the past take some work to get them to honor the honor code. at Notre Dame, and there are honor codes at other The code needs more support than just a video universities that work. The code we have here and showing, it needs a tradition of respect from students now just needs a little support and time to work. and faculty. But respect won't come until the code is No one's arguing they should be allowed to cheat a little more established under the Dome. It should be (although whether signing a pledge saying "I'm not refIned and examined before it's renewed this year, cheating" really proves anything is a good question.) then it should be explained to university applicants and SchDlAst~ ispublisMd ruukly 111I'I1llgno1li1MsthDol yurez<epl dllring . 1.eI1ers1D So/IDlJzslic mllSI be Iyptd lI1Idinclude IMwriler's7lll7flt;IIIId,tsS UIItfIiruditm II1Id vllUlitm periDtis III 1M Ibtiwrsily of Nollll DII1rU, II1Id phoPl4 .number. Uniwrsily sllllllllis should include IMi, ytll, in And most ND students are basically honest Most discussed in detail with freshmen in class, in dorms and NoI,e D_, IN, 465561111d prinled /1/ 'TIul PIIpnS, Inc., Milford, IN sthDolll1ldcollelll. I'lICUllymemherssMuldincludeIMi,deparlmenl. All Notre, Dame students are above complex code­ at special presentations. 46542. 'TIulSllbscriplitm,lIIeis$2.5.ooIY_II1IdWissIasll7elllJltilAble Idlers mllSI he sigrrd. NII1rU5 'Will he wilhMld IlJ'01I ,equcsi in willin III $l.25 ICI1f!Y. The opi1dtms ezpressd in SchDlllSlic .", IIto5e of 1M inslllnca. ., .. coughing systems (one for true, two for· false) or Pencil-tapping and shouting aside, honor does have /adhars II1Id tdilDrs III!d do "'" PI4_rlly reprtsmJ 1M ophtitms of1M SchDlllSllc,tsmJeS IMrlg1rl1D ,ejt<llellers 1IIIIIII7e /ihe/ousorobscendy enlilll edilarlizl !IoIl7tl of SchDlIIsIic or oflM Unil1mily 01 Nol;e DII1rU, 1M _ of 1M Unilfid S/Illes •. Sc1tolllSllc II1so fllllI edll for copyfitlinl, elaborate note-smuggling schemes. a place at Notre Dame. /Is lIdminislrlllitm, fllCIIl1y or stlllllllls. EdilorWs s/grrd Sc1tolllslic grII1IIffIIIllCill or S1¥lIing mttrsll1ld Sc1tolilsllc slyk. BleaU5/! of spau, But we're not beyond reproach. There is some reprtsenllire ophritm of lire ffllljorlly of 1M al!CIIliw edilarlizl bottrd. SchDIIIstlc CIImIOI ~nl .u Idlers ,ecciwd. MII1IKSCripIs l17e eCOlllll. AlIll1ISOlicilietl mIIIeriJds heCOlllllIM""",. cheating at Notre Dame. And you can deliver the myofSdrolllSl~. 'TIul Editor "When you cheat, you're only cheating yourself" Copyrlg1rl1991 SchDlIISI~ MJlgllZiPl4. All rlglrls rtsmJed.
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